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Let's have a chili thread.
Beans or no beans can fuck off, no one cares, don't be gay.
Also if you don't use dark red kidneys and maybe black beans you are doing it wrong.

Garlic in chili, yes or no? I see some recipes that call for five fucking cloves and that seems insane to me.
>Beans or no beans can fuck off, no one cares.
>Also if you don't use dark red kidneys and maybe black beans you are doing it wrong.
Shit take. Pinto beans make for the best chili. >>20834139
Without beans it's just a sloppy Joe.
>Garlic in chili, yes or no? I see some recipes that call for five fucking cloves and that seems insane to me.
No. Onions work much better.
>Beans or no beans can fuck off, no one cares, don't be gay.
Speaks out against gate keeping
>Also if you don't use dark red kidneys and maybe black beans you are doing it wrong.
Immediately gate keeps
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I hate the texture of pinto beans.
Definitely garlic overdose in my chilis, 5-6 cloves is about right for my taste. Added bonus, roast them first.
I like to use Carolina Reaper flakes, just a tiny amount. Cumin, turmeric, cajun seasoning, 1 beef stock cube, 1 square of dark chocolate.
Kidney beans for me, with the kidney bean juice from the can included.
Use rump steak and slow-cook it for 4-5 hours.
Turmeric??? FFS, no way...I meant paprika.
>Pinto beans
The ideal chili has a mix of beans: 1 part red, 1 part black, 2 parts pinto.
>1 square of dark chocolate
I need to incorporate this more, my grandmother makes chili with dark chocolate and it's amazing.
love bean chili
i will buy a can tomorrow and i will have it with mozarella and i think hummus (do you think that will work?). and get ready to blast my ass
Whats the chili blend of choice?
I stick with a basic ancho/guajillo/arbol blend as my base with sautéed jalapeño or chipotles
fpbp /thread
when will this board admit that chili without beans is not just chili with beans without beans?
>1 sq dark chocolate

Why does food work like this? Why is every secret ingredient for maximum deliriousness something your brain INSISTS will ruin the texture and/or flavor instead?
I was going to make some chili and cornbread soon, I was almost tripped up by the fact that what American's call "chili powder" isn't just literally chili powder. Also is polenta the same thing as cornmeal, and will it affect my cornbread if I use polenta?
I'm doing a batch tomorrow or monday with the leftover chuck roast from tonights dinner, which was braised beef in the dutch oven with a red wine gravy.

Got about 2-2.5lbs of chuck, couple jalapenos, pasilla, 2 bell peppers and a huge onion, crushed and fire roasted diced tomatoes, tomato paste, dark chili powder, 4-6 cloves of garlic, salt/pepper to taste, celery salt, coriander, bay leaf, tiny bit of brown sugar, smoked paprika, and a big fuckin' can of 12% russian imperial stout and some beef broth, some dashes of worchestershire as well. Cook that till meats tender, toss in a few cans of kidney beans and some black and pinto beans, heat, serve.
This guy knows what's up

Who asked fag
If 5 cloves of garlic in a batch of chili sounds insane to you then there's something seriously wrong with the way you're flavoring it. A good chili is going to have tons of very strong flavors competing with each other, you'd need a healthy amount of fresh garlic for the flavor to even come through at all if you wanted it to.
>the fact that what American's call "chili powder" isn't just literally chili powder.
I don't understand what this is supposed to mean. The only thing I've ever seen labeled as chili powder is ground dried chili peppers. Different brands might be made with different types, but it's all powdered chilis.
Friendly reminder that your main braising liquid for chili really should not be just fucking tomatoes. Do yourself a favor and try making a batch where the only tomato product is some tomato paste that you caramelize after you saute your veggies. If you really like yourself, use a can/bottle of whatever your favorite moderately dark beer is that would complement beef flavors. Anything from like an amber ale up to a nice porter is ideal in my opinion but if you want to go full triple fuck-your-ass imperial tankie extra stout with it feel free.
I made chili with a rauchbier once
Apparently in America "chili powder" is a mixture of cayenne pepper, paprika. oregano, garlic and onion powders, and cumin.
Depends on what you buy and where, but "chili powder" mixes are available at most stores, often right alongside chili powder, so you just have to look at the ingredients list to see what you're getting.
Tomatoes are fine, but broth and dark beer, shit, even red wine change it a ton. I'm tossing in most of a 16oz can of Even More Jesus with my next batch, minus a few good sips for the cook. I've done my fair share of batches by deglazing with bourbon as well. Chili should be what you like, not a pissing contest of beans/no beans bullshit.

>15 bean stew with smoked ham hock weather is officially here
Yeah no it's not. I'm American, I live in America, and as I mentioned "chili powder" is powdered chilis. I have no doubt that the product you're talking about exists, but it is not what people are generally referring to when they say chili powder.
>Chili should be what you like, not a pissing contest of beans/no beans bullshit.
I agree, I just think that any chili that's basically just a tomato sauce with beans and some red pepper flakes is a missed opportunity, and I encourage people to try the opposite extreme of minimal tomato presence to see what they might be missing, even if they ultimately decide they prefer something closer to the former overall. I feel like not enough people understand that tomatoes are not a core part of what makes chili, but rather a thing you can add in varying amounts to modify it. Like there are people who straight up believe that a can of crushed tomatoes, some ground beef, and a can of beans is chili, and anything else is just dressing it up, which I find incredibly depressing.
That sounds fucking dope
tomato is the crutch ingredient for people who refuse to use actual chili peppers. it's like cream in carbonara. they realize that chili is supposed to be red, but a sprinkle of chili powder and a chopped up bell pepper isn't getting them there. they think tomato is what they're missing because making chili paste out of red peppers is beyond their comprehension.
No need to get so salty, sport. Come on, let me ruffle your hair
This fall/winter I'm determined to make a chili that's actually above average.
That's because you're 12
You sound like an idiot
Link some recipes because that's the chilli i make
Show some recipes then like wtf
>put corn in chili
>put beans in chili
>put everything egregious in chili
Fuck you, America is a big country.
Ground beef chili? Definitely using kidney beans.
But if I'm making a chunky chili, I like using gigante beans. They have a bit more heft to counteract the rich meaty-ness of the meat chunks. Who gives a shit about it not being traditional?
>Ground beef chili
Chili doesn't have beef
(You)rs doesn't, you mean.
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4lbs beef like chuck or round or "stew meat"
1 medium onion
4-6 cloves garlic
4 ancho peppers
3 pasilla peppers
3 guajillo peppers
3 new mexico peppers
8-12 arbol peppers
2-3 chipotle peppers in adobo (out of a can)
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon mexican oregano
2 cups chicken broth
lard or cooking oil
masa harina

start by cutting the stems from all of the peppers and removing the seeds. toast the peppers in a dry pan until you can smell them but don't let them turn black. start soaking them in hot chicken broth. dice your onion, mince the garlic, and cut the beef into cubes. brown the beef using your lard or oil in a big pot. don't do it all at once so it actually browns and doesn't boil. once the beef is browned throw in the onion and garlic and then deglaze with some beer. dump the soaking peppers and chicken broth into a blender along with the chipotle peppers, cumin, and oregano and blend into a smooth paste, then add the paste to the pot with everything else. add salt to taste. simmer for at least 3 hours. if it starts to dry out add more beer. you can also add fresh peppers like jalapenos or serranos if you want, but the end result shouldn't have recognizable bits of anything but meat. when it's done cooking if it isn't thick enough mix together some masa flour with cold water in a cup to make a thin slurry and stir it into the pot with the chili.
they probably won't have any of these peppers in the regular grocery store. you have to find the place that all of the mexicans shop at. you can also buy them online. if for some reason you can't even get them online you can use a good chili powder like gebhardt or bueno. you have to use a lot though. way more than you probably think you need. the idea is to take the same 2 cups of chicken broth and mix in enough powder to make the same consistency paste that blended peppers would have.
I was tempted to buy that jacklinks hickory chili. But 5 bucks a can, anyone try it?
in fairness tomato sauce/paste does taste good in chili

You can still use tomato sauce/paste but I recommend getting El Pato sauce. Any of the El Pato sauces are fine, you can use just that for the sauce portion or add it along with the tomato to the broth. And/or get chipotle peppers in adobo sauce and add some adobo sauce (you can also blend the chili peppers and add them to the broth).
I'm so sick of my chili being mediocre. I love chili but mine just sucks.
no one answered me if hummus is a good idea or not...
You should try making hummus and also try making chili but not mix them
Use tastier beef, use more peppers

The secret to my chili is cheese and franks red hot, I dont tell anybody
I think I'd like your chili but I think my expectations are just way too high for chili. Personally I think trying other people's take on chili is what I really want.
>but not mix them
why not?
do you think it will become too mushy?
Thanks but i live in Ireland and have never heard of any of this stuff
Who cares actually. Let's get a full on chili/hummus war going
i am thinking they could either work together very well or be a total flop
i have had hummus with spicy saucy meat dishes before and it is great. it complements food similar to how sour cream does. what concerns me is that it will be too mushy with the beans! certainly having rice too will be over the top in this case, hummus will substitute it

i will try and report back!
Hummus and chili go great on basically anything so I'm sure it will be a success
Worcestershire sauce can save a lot of mediocre meat dishes. It's pure bottled umami.
Be careful with the Celery Salt. You should salt at the end so it doesn't kill your Chilli when the moisture is reduced out of it.
>mexican oregano
For the euros, this is a cultivar of Greek oregano. It's more bitter and less sweet-tasting than the Italian oregano, which is why you need this one for Mexican food, and that one for Italian. One reason it's hard to get a good pizza on the west coast of the USA is all the oregano that grows out here is the Mexican variety, which changes the flavor.
No it's not, it's a completely different species
They just called it "oregano" because it looks similar
black beans take chili to the next level, highly recommend if you haven't done a chili with black beans before.
how do you make chili without tomato? seems like hard mode
I posed my recipe without tomato
Just waiting for a cold day so I can make a chili with ground beef and 3 different types of beans and invite some texans over that recently moved here.
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>Garlic in chili?
HELL YEAH 4 cloves at least
>Beans or no beans?
Don't care. Make it both ways depending on my mood. I'm partial to black beans. Pintos taste of nothing.

Do make your own chili powder.
Get bags of dried anchos, chipotles, cascabels, guajillos and whatever else they have at your local Mexican grocery.
Grind up one of each with salt, cumin, onion & garlic powder and oregano. It makes a HUGE difference.
Or, soak the peppers in hot water and blend them up to throw in the chili. Both ways work.
It's just rich people mode
By knowing how to make chili
Kidney beans
Canelini beans
Ground turkey
Green bell peppers
dice tomatoes
tomato paste
Douse with tabasco sauce and a bit of cayene pepper until spicy
dash of cocoa powder
topped with cheddar
Served over pasta
Oh and I should specify this is adapted to shitty rural grocery stores if you can get the good peppers add those too
Peppers are common in mexican and indian cuisine. In the US you can find these in normal "big" stores like Kroger, Walmart, Amazon Fresh, and similar. Chili is from the south and the south is where Mexicans are, so of course you'll find em there.

Could imagine a place like new england not having em, lol
Also you can't really grow chili peppers in the north, they need hot and arid conditions to develop capsaicin which is just a defense machanism from lack of water and high temps.
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they grow just fine in the summer
Every time I cook up some chilli I get over it really quick, even when I find it delicious, and I know you can serve it with pretty much anything, but I eat it two or three times then mentally move on. Is it autism? Any advice?
Aren't you confusing chilli powder (in the first part of your statement) with curry powder? Chilli powder is powdered chillies.
Most people don't want to eat the same thing for many meals in a row or it could just be that your chili sucks.
I'll only eat something two maybe three times, then freeze the rest for easy lazy meal later.
I like new stagg fire jalrapeno with some shredded monterrey jack and pita bread smothered with hommus.

It does the opposite for me keeps me regular(I'm trying the new fire habanero this week with some pop corner chips).
I'm so bored of my chili recipe
marjoram is basically mexican oregano, and marjoram is widely available in europe
So change it retard, chili is one of the easiest things in the world to just riff on and do whatever you feel like on any given day.
Nope, chili powder mixes are often sold labeled just "chili powder," it's mildly annoying.
Literally never seen/noticed one of those and have no issue finding actual chili powder so maybe stop looking in the section where they put taco bell branded taco kits or something I dunno what to tell you.
I heard the phrase "chili con carne" before but doesn't that mean chili doesn't have carne by default? Why is the debate about beans
it means peppers with meat
the only place kidney beans belong is the trash. I won't say no to black beans, though.
>No. Onions work much better
Por que no los dos?
you're conflating "chili seasoning packets" and "chili powder"

picrel is not "chili powder"
Nope. If I was a zoomer and had one of them NWO smart phones I'd post a pic of the little plastic bottle of "chili powder" and its ingredients. Anon up here >>20835065 may be euro-tarded, but he's not wrong that this shit can appear on shelves in the US
"chili" is a contraction of "chili con carne", retard. The chili in the name refers to the peppers not the dish.
thats not what a contraction is
>red kidney and black beans only
white beans in chili is delicious, gtfo
what does the dark chocolate do?
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true chili has no ingredients whatsoever.
how do you make chilli in europe? I'm in France right now and cant find any store that sells those peppers, do I have to resort to Amazon?
>how do you make chilli in europe?
Do you have a license to handle spicy ingredients? It's pretty hard to do without one.
>Garlic in chili, yes or no?
I like granulated garlic. It has a milder, sweeter flavor that works with chili
Yeah pretty much, or find some Mexican online store
That's probably cheaper
>It has a milder, sweeter flavor
No it doesn't
It does because it's baked
You can bake garlic yourself it's much milder
These packets are what my mom used growing up. At least they got me interested in making better "real" chilli.
>marjoram is basically mexican oregano
No, they are pretty fucking different
An ancho is just a dried poblano, which I'm pretty sure is grown in Europe, and would probably grow fine in much of France. (They like a warm climate, lots of rain and sun. Mediterranean climates suit it pretty well.)
yea they're fine because you'll inevitably wind up using the same ingredients anyways
For me it’s Chili on spaghetti and
there beers for drinking
it's not hard considering how lame average people's chili is
extra lean ground beef
taco seasoning
add a can of roasted tomatoes with herbs
add a can of beans
some frozen corn
a bit of smoked paprika for heat
top with shredded tex mex cheese

simple as
chili can have beans. chili con Carne does not have beans
I have some habaneros and what's the best time to add them to my chili? Should I chop them and saute them with the onion and meat or should I add a whole one to the chili once it's simmering?
I like to hit them with the immersion blender along with some fresh garlic and add them quite late in the process.
i normally saute then with the other onions/peppers but it does create tear gas and i'm starting to think it might be killing off a lot of flavor and heat.
although hamaneros are kinda firm and need to be cooked to soften
>read OP saying don't be gay
>proceed to gobble massive cock
It's all so damn tiresome
I got a chili simmering right now, I chopped up a bell pepper that was about to go bad in it.
1 lbs 80/20 ground beef
1 can pinto beans
1 can black beans
1 can red kidney beans
1 can diced tomatos
1 can rotel
1/2 can smoked chipotle peppers
3 cubes beef bullion
3 cudes chicken bullion
1 packet McCormick chili seasoning

Yep it's chili time.
>three different kinds of beans
dad-core chili recipe.
>three bean chili upsets and confuses the Texan
yeah, and you would eat it without complaints.
>5lbs ground beef
>8 cans of pintos, chef's choice
>2 can's of kidneys
>1 short fat yellow onions
>2 cans of tomato paste
>1 bottle o heinz chili sauce
>1 can of rotel, hot
>1 can of mexicorn
Its a big batch so if youre gunna share put your ass blasting hot sauce of preference in your own bowl. For me? Dave's Insanity sauce is my choice.
how to make it veryyyy spicy?
Kidney and Pinto are filler/extenders, but the black beans are what elevates the dish. The texture and flavor profile of the black beans really melds with the concoction of spices.
Add capsaicin oil to taste
Add a diced up hot pepperdgwmpm
>chili con Carne
That's a eurotrash name for a dish that doesn't exist in North America
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he knows.
The vast majority of retards literally don't even put chilis in their chili
I don't like my chili spicy
Have you considered suicide?
Yeah. Decided against it.
I am going to the dollar store to try this right now, will report results in a few hours.
Oh yeah, remember to cover while it simmers, when you are getting to the end of cooking uncover and mash up some of those beans to thicken, otherwise you'll end up with a soup.
based old anon helping out college freshmen
Wrong. The beef stew kind is Anglo, and the ground beef with beans kind is Mexican.
>want to make chili because it's almost fall
>still temps in the mid 90's all day
had termination dust on the mountains this morning, it's gonna flip to mild weather and frosty mornings fast.
smoked paprika is more flavor than heat
needs a chopped up onion and bell pepper
picky eater detected
what is the reason here for refusing to even attempt making proper chili with actual peppers? difficulty in obtaining them? not wanting to try something new? stubbornness of not wanting to feel like you lost an internet argument?

>Letting the weather decide what you eat
i just use jalapenos and chili powder and call it a day
These threads are gay
But thats goulash.
chili powder is just crushed up dried peppers =the same thing
all threads are gay and there has only 10 actual people on /ck/ in the last 10 years and 3 of them haven't been seen for a while
Goulash has noodles
>thickening with masa harina
my nigga
I make it with dried chilis, it's fine. most chili is fine. you can use a variety of peppers, just whatever the dried ones you have locally. toast them in a dry hot pan, remove seeds and any burnt skin, then add water and simmer them until soft. blend and add to meat. árbol, guajillo, japones, poblano, jalapeño, these are all appropriate but you'll eventually learn which chilis you like.
it's not the same thing if you're only using a tiny sprinkle for a huge pot of other ingredients

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