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Can anyone explain this recent hate towards bread to me?
fads come and go anon. the power of suggestion is strong, and people want to avoid bread because it's considered just empty calories. I'm sure there are almost no actually diagnosed cases of gluten intolerance compared to people who use that as an excuse
Gluten was the boogieman after it was MSG and before it became seed oils.
it is not the bread's fault, it is all the shit that they dump in it to preserve it + you also have herbicides embeded in it as well, it is even giving farmers who grow the grain cancer. bread way back in the day was harmless because it did not contain all this crap we use now .
Fat people are constantly finding new excuses as to why they're fat and the media and news sources help them, when the reality is just that they need to eat less and move more
People have been drinking milk for 10,000 years, and now, in less than a decade, it seems like everyone is suddenly lactose intolerant.
That's just brown people, and it was always like that.
yeah certain people don't deal with milk well, but it's funny that now plenty of americans have adopted the "milk is gross" mentality just because they see more other people now who can't drink it on the internet, people are really like lemmings, monkey see monkey do
Australian Aboriginals have been pounding wild sorghum seeds into paste and cooking them on hot rocks for 50,000+ years. They collected the seeds when no meat was available, to help fuel them on hunting missions. They would eat grains while in pursuit of meat. The carbs would help them run down prey over distance.
While the men were away hunting meat, the women and children would collect sorghum grains, fruits and nuts to make simple camp breads to sustain them until the men returned with meat.
When the men returned with meat, everyone would eat nothing but meat until it was all gone.
My son was diagnosed with a supposed gluten allergy/sensitivity (don't recall the exact word) when he had to get tested for allergies before starting kindergarten.
He eats gluten like a fucking champ. Bread. Pasta. Cake. Pastry. Dumplings. Etc etc etc. All fine. I mentioned this shit to someone from our meeting/church about two months ago when someone brought up why they couldn't eat some marshmallow cereal treats at the after service coffee and she said that her daughter got the same diagnosis ten years ago and still eats her normal-ass gluten-covered chicken nuggets.
One of my neighbours claims an allergy to all stone fruits but she ate a peach muffin the missus gave her back in the spring, no problems.
I've started to think that all these tests might have really rather high false positive rates and no one wants to talk about it.
People would have had allergies to gluten in the past but died at 40 and were whiny little bitches.
Can confirm. Wife is brown. She's lactose intolerant. She still drinks milk, though, just that disgustingly sweet lactose free shit.
My spellcheck keeps wanting to autocorrect lactose to lacrosse and I find the idea of someone being lacrosse intolerant mildly chuckleworthy.
Next famine i'm drinking milk
Well, carbs are essentially sugar. Your body has to break them down first though. They don't provide much nutrient wise, but are good for a burst of energy. Unless you are running a marathon though you don't exactly need a lot of them. People are wary of Gluten these days, I dunno. I personally don't consume much bread but I can appreciate a fresh baked loaf or some french bread with spinach dip. I'll eat a thick crust pizza as eagerly as a thin crust.
It's just one of those things you have the option of eating or not.
Haha, that's just so lactose intolerant black folk feel normal and validated. Every other race can consume milk with no problem but because they never developed agriculture they can't handle lactose. My favorite micro aggression is to ask melanated individuals I work with what their favorite kind of cheese is knowing they only tried it once and almost died from it.
We have to treat our brillo heads with kid gloves though at all times. It's not them that's weird for not being able to consume dairy. Everyone else is the problem. Just like a certain chosen people that have been expelled 109+ times.
Pwople breathe that bread is empty carbs and too muvh gluten in the same sentence and it's like my man, what the fuck do you think gluten is
I always get terrible reflux from it
Gluten is the product that is formed when the dough is kneaded. That's why you shouldn't knead your pizza dough more than necessary, the gluten makes it elastic and a nightmare to form because it keeps wanting to retract.
Literally my only complaint about gluten.
Gluten is yummy
I know a guy who went gluten free and now he's gay. Coincidence?
The amount of gluten is always the same, but kneading the dough lets it form into a more solid mass instead of being in a bunch of tiny pieces. If you let the dough rest for a while it becomes easier to shape though.
I just looked up mochi and surprisingly it is gluten free :/
I guess Gluten averse people can enjoy mochi.
Thank you for imparting your wisdom unto me. I know better now.
But Africans drink raw milk in Africa all the time and they're healthy. It's because the milk everywhere else is pasteurized and homogenized and coming from sick cows fed shit and raised and treated like prisoners.
This. Meat and fat, basically, really anything from an animal, is what humans should be eating. And only plant foods should be used in times when there's no meat or fat; as a survival food, not a daily staple.
There is evidence of people being allergic to gluten from the early 1900s at least and before then too. It's just been recently identified that gluten is the issue. Before people would just think you were sickly and not understand why.

I get that something as seemingly as harmless as bread being vilified can seem strange and comical but there are reports of people being severely sick and dying from gluten allergies long ago.
FR FR (unironically)
It's all the processed foods and seed oils that destroy the gut lining, making people more susceptible to gluten.
Did you know the apex predator closest to a human, bears, often eat things like berries, vegetation and honey?
>gets scurvy and dies
You can get vitamin C from animal products if they're raw/lightly cooked.
You clicked on something, and your feed is now filled with whatever the algorithm thinks will generate more engagement, same with all zoomer "explain the recent ______ fad" garbage questions. Tiktok has convinced /fa/ that linen pants were invented last month.
I too think it is time that Tuberculosis makes a comeback.
Ever since I found carnivore I've started to agree more with the fear mongers I used to think little of. Bread is bad OP. Stop eating bread it makes you sick.
Ketofags are the same level of mental illness as trannies. Go dilate.
Too much meat is bad for the colon
>But Africans drink raw milk in Africa all the time
Africa is big. What you say only happens in the horn of Africa.
Huh? You're fucking retarded. More people are drinking raw milk in the West and are realizing how good it is. Go fuck yourself. Tuberculosis from milk??? Lmao. Try harder.
Lmao. Keep trying, maybe it'll work someday. Or not. HAHAHAHA. Fucking retard.
>Things that didn't happen or intentionally leaving out other important information
>doesn't believe any narrative other than what xis cultist grifters tell xim
Shouldn't you be cleaning your axe wound?
pasteurization and animal cruelty have no noteworthy influence on the lactose content of milk, which is what some people have an intolerance for.
if you have the lactase persistence gene, your body will produce the lactase enzyme even if you're an adult.
this will let your body digest the lactose.
if you don't have any lactase inside you, your gut bacteria will instead attempt to digest all of that sugar, producing all kinds of unsavory byproducts that give you the shits.
Also most breads just fucking suck and it's good that people are realizing it.
Nurgle cultist detected
10k is a pretty big stretch. Find me proof of this 10k year old bread. Egypt and Mesopotamia had bread at the begging of their civilizations about 6k years ago we know that for sure.
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Gluten allergies have always existed.
>Ye olde times
>"When I eat bread my tummy hurty so I won't do that."
>"When I eat bread my tummy hurty, why is that mister science man."
>"Gluten allergy."
Same thing for everything else retards like to go "hur dur this didnt exist in the past!!!" Yes it did they just didn't have the word for it or didn't understand it.
big bread switched to fast acting yeast and your grandmother quickly followed
>die of starvation
>make a scene because a restaurant doesnt have gluten free options
whoever built gobleki had some sort of bread
>lacrosse intolerant
Aren't most people lacrosse intolerant? Maybe that's the medical tests are actually checking for, and the literature got accidentally spellchecked to lactose? That would explain all the supposed false positives, they're true positives for lacrosse intolerance.
Gluten is protein not carbs.
Gluten is in the flour already, jneading it just links the gluten proteins together into strings and sheets, it doesn't create them. Thst said, different types of wheat has different am9unts of Gluten in it, bread flour Gluten. From wheat thst is high in gluten, pastry and biscuit flour is made from wheat that is low in gluten. And some very old wheat strains like einkorn have a type of gluten that our bodies don't seem to recognize as gluten, genuinely gluten intolerant people can eat it just fine even though it's very high in gluten, it's just a very strange form of it.
I love bread but it hates me. Diagnosed, through elimination diet, almost 30 years ago so it's not a recent thing. Eventually got a blood test diagnosis too to make sure. Very sad.
I don't give two fucks about gluten.
It's just that I do not work 10-12 hours in the field like my ancestors, so I don't really need these carbs. I'm perfectly fine with just two meals of protein twice per day.
So, millennials and third world immigrants? I knew it.
Is that four meals per day?
haha i love when you send me fb memes grandma
Planet eaters are the real troons. Enjoy your estrogenic wheat, homo
Dysfunctional gut bacteria from poor diet/lifestyle and pesticides means that our antibodies react more strongly to harmful proteins like gluten.
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>Planet eaters are the real troons
I always wondered why he wore a little skirt.
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When was it ever a good idea to put bleach into bread? The human body and bleach don't go well together.
It cures covid.
Zoomers are becoming allergic to everything. Now they're even banning peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at schools because so many kids are allergic to peanut butter.

My guess is it's just another symptom of all the chemical bullshit in the water also giving young boys low T and turning them into troons.
So do they just sever jelly sandwiches now?
allergies have skyrocketed in the 20th and 21st centuries in general. probably plastic or something
Why does eating meat = keto? Why are you obsessed with some hyper specific diet?
Seed oils are actually horrible for you tho. Gluten hating is dumb, I agree.
It's probably the baking additives. Many gluten intolerant people have no problems with high quality bread that has been raised naturally for a long time
Exactly, people really buy into these "X is bad for you" fads hard, and it's always a new one. See this in action here: >>20835563
It's not "allergy to gluten," they're allergic to fucking glyphosate/roundup which is in pretty much all bread. But the dumbasses either can't or don't want to put 2 and 2 together about how pesticides and weed killers are cancer
Let's all be honest. Circumcision is the real problem.
same reason gay autists are now "women"
We figured out something that was killing a bunch of people without an obvious cause. Those people are living longer now. Celiac disease is real. No different than children dealing with asthma or anaphylaxis. I also thought it was ridiculous that we had to start treating peanut butter like a controlled substance, but these kids literally could die and you don't want to gamble on a epipen breaking.
Glutenschizos, ketoschizos, low carbschizos, basically it's just schizos yelling really loudly online.
When humans began eating grains in large quantities, it was so damaging to our health that the effects are visible in the fossil record. That people are recognizing this and avoiding grains seems "recent" to you because you're retarded.

>Skeletal analyses of human remains from early agricultural centers throughout the world indicate that this revolution significantly affected overall human health. This paper will address some of the drastic effects of this transition as evidenced by craniofacial changes related to masticatory function, declines in oral health, increased spread of pathogens, infectious disease, and zoonoses, as well as a variety of ailments which have been linked to nutritional deficiencies and increased physical stress on the human body.
>People have been drinking milk for 10,000 years
Grains: 30,000 years ago
Dairy: 6,000 years ago and only on some parts of the planet
Grains are fine, perfectly digestible, literally just cooked seeds. Animal husbandry and having to keep animals around to parasite their milk and steal from their young and drinking milk past the age of 4 is a way newer concept. It would make sense no species would "adapt" to drink milk past a certain age. Breastfeeding all our lives is not feasible. It's true that milk provides a caloric surplus, but that's just because it's both carby and fatty to fatten up young. Which was probably needed back then in the desperate cold winter months, but not so much now as there's a wider variety of available foods. So dairy's inferiority to other foods shows when compared.
>Grains: 30,000 years ago
Not even close. The earliest evidence of agriculture is around 10,000 years old and that was highly localized; it took many more thousands of years for it to spread throughout the world.
I love the poofy haired black queen making the smugly confused expression
No shitting
We need to retvrn
I'm not sure that eating grains = agriculture. First Nations people in North America harvested wild rice by thwacking it with reeds to knock the grains into their canoes. They didn't maintain paddies or anything and still managed to eat grains. I'd be surprised if similar things weren't true elsewhere.
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Health science is the fakest and gayest of all the sciences. There is no meaningful consensus on what constitutes the base human diet. Almost all dietary studies are poorly done and all contradict each other. There is so much money changing hands that you have no reason to trust literally anything you read, no matter how seemingly reasonable it seems. Even anons will just make up anecdotes as ammo for internet arguments with strangers, because that's a harmless thing to do when you're working under the assumption you're always right about everything and your computer enemies are always wrong. Experiment with your diet and just do whatever seems to keep your body in good condition. If you do it poorly, you will die. If you pay attention and do it well, you will die later. Enjoy your meal.
>I'm not sure that eating grains = agriculture.
And I'm not sure that you have a functioning brain, but I'll play along. Occasionally gathering wild grains is not even remotely comparable to agriculture. Eating grains intermittently isn't going to do much damage. Eating them every meal will. This is why, regardless of where in the world you're looking, you can tell when people started farming because skeletal remains abruptly shift from strong and healthy to sickly and riddled with disease.

>There is no meaningful consensus on what constitutes the base human diet.
Apply some common sense, child. You can figure this out by asking some basic questions:
>What foods did humans have access to for the majority of the roughly 300,000 years that anatomically modern humans have existed?
>What do the primates who are our closest evolutionary relatives eat?
>If we dropped you into Africa completely nude with no knowledge of how to make tools, what foods could you reliably gather and eat?
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>What foods did humans have access to for the majority of the roughly 300,000 years that anatomically modern humans have existed?
>What do the primates who are our closest evolutionary relatives eat?
Not useful.
>If we dropped you into Africa completely nude with no knowledge of how to make tools, what foods could you reliably gather and eat?
Irrelevant. Throwing "child" into a post doesn't help make your point, it just makes you look desperate to spread whatever sperg rage reading a post you don't agree with apparently ignites in you.
10000 years ago only people in Europe or European people ruling other kingdoms were considered human
Sadly that's only a tiny bit of the story. Look up the ingredients of industrial aka supermarket bread.
They tried to gaslight me into believing I was lactose intolerant in a 6 million out of ten people are actually lactose intolerant but most people don't know it yet.
I have been consuming dairy all my life and never got sick from it fuck off
i know i'm lactose intolerant because i only get acid reflux and stomach/joint pain the day after i eat dairy. i also get diarrhea whenever i consume uncooked milk
Debated? In what way is it debated? Is there some raging controversy that I'm not aware of over whether or not ancient humans were able to pick fruit out of trees? There's a debate over whether or not we were gathering honey 50,000 years ago? People haven't been able to decide if we hunted for meat?

>Not useful.
Not an argument. Do you have anything useful to say or are you just going to cope with variations on "y-you're wrong because i say so!!"?

Ah, I guess that answers that question. If you don't actually have any responses or rebuttals then just don't reply. I don't know why midwits always feel this desperate need to reply to posts they don't like even though they have nothing to say.

I get it, you probably have some retarded meme diet that's completely contrary to common sense and you don't like being reminded of that fact but you don't actually have any rational way to defend it because, big shock, it's a retarded meme diet.
I get acid reflux when I eat mango but only when I eat mango how about that?
idk. avoid mango. dairy is the only thing that gives me acid reflux and feels like a hangover the day after i've eaten it so i avoid it
It's just a gene test. Having the gene doesn't mean you'll necessarily have a reaction but nor does it mean your son will never have a reaction. If he does start having stomach or skin problems then they'll do an antibody test and endoscopy to confirm.
I got diagnosed at 30 after suddenly shitting my brains out for two months, up until then i ate normally.
Aww, I love your son so much.
How many of you fags think bread is the same shit thousands of years ago compared to today?

Not to mention almost everyone needs to cut calories due to sedentary lifestyle nowadays. The calorie saturated super fine ground and bleached white wheat bread with extremely limited nutrition and it's blood sugar spike inducing content isn't doing anyone modern any favors.
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I'm not debating anything. I type a whole paragraph and you retain none of it, then type very little and you project whatever onto it with a big response. You're very impassioned about this for somebody who can't even specify what the opinion of the other anon is. This is argument masturbation. Go outside.
>somebody who can't even specify what the opinion of the other anon is.
You didn't express an opinion.
So basically, women are fragile. Knew it.
>eat bread for thousands of years as an occasional food staple, but have balanced diets
>now gluten in every food item
>people eat it all day, every day
oh no, why is everyone gluten intolerant now? this can't be happening. I'm in charge here!
>>eat bread for thousands of years as an occasional food staple, but have balanced diets

Vast majority of poor farmers from Europe didn't have a balanced diet for thousands of years, are you fucking kidding me? Having a feast once or twice a year with different food from gruel isn't a balanced diet.
Could be GMO wheat. Could be overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis. Doctors are actually quite stupid, only 115 IQ on average.
Being lactose intolerant was a huge trend in the 90s. Every angsty kid who wanted to act out declared themselves lactose intolerant and doctors played along with it. None of the kids I knew are lactose intolerant now. Overall it was a much better fad than chopping your dick off.
What anatomically modern humans have eaten is, whatever the fuck they could get their hands on. Sometimes that was meat, sometimes that was roots, sometimes fruits and grains. Depended a lot on location and season, unlike the modern diet. There's also no serious way of knowing which of these diets resulted in the most healthy population, being that the most pressing issue most of the time was simply trying not to starve to death. Comparatively close genetic relations aren't especially useful either. A modern domesticated dog and a hyena eat wildly different diets. Dropping a modern man in modern Africa has fuck all to do with any kind of conditions tens of thousands of years ago, both in terms of plant and animal species and in terms of survival skills and knowledge.
I suddenly had really bad colon problems for over year. I cut gluten out and felt fine just a couple weeks later. I was getting so swollen down there my pee burned and I was constipated all the time squeezing boogers from my ass.
I grew up eating bread every day and pasta multiple meals a week too. it still kills me I miss that shit so much
>being that the most pressing issue most of the time was simply trying not to starve to death.
Complete nonsense. This is not the case for any other wild animal so why would it be the case for humans?

>A modern domesticated dog and a hyena eat wildly different diets.
You're not being serious, are you? Putting aside the fact that domesticated dogs have the complete opposite of a natural diet, eating what humans feed them, why the fuck would you compare a dog and a hyena? You're either retarded or dishonest. Considering where we are I'll assume it's a mix of both.

Did you imagine it was a good comparison because they both have four legs? Dogs and hyenas aren't even in the same family, you fucking moron. Hyenas are phylogenetically closer to cats than they are to dogs. Humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos share both family, subfamily, and tribe. All three are also omnivorous frugivores. What exactly did you imagine you have such long and delicate fingers for? You think you evolved them in anticipation of needing to type on a keyboard millions of years in the future?

>Dropping a modern man in modern Africa has fuck all to do with any kind of conditions tens of thousands of years ago
It is a thought exercise to get you to consider: what food is a wild human naturally built to eat? We didn't spring into existence with knowledge of tool use and there's zero chance of you catching and killing anything bigger than a small dog without tools. You're not digging up roots without tools. You're certainly not gathering any significant quantities of grain without tools.

What are you eating, then? Surprise surprise, it's exactly what your closest primate relatives eat: mostly fruit, supplemented with honey, eggs, and whatever small vertebrates and insects you can catch.
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>Seed oils are actually horrible for you tho
The Ray Peat schizoism about excess Omega-6:Omega-3 leading to health problems/inflammation isn't correct. But almost all people should be eating more omega-3
Polyunsaturated fats of any kind did not exist in the human diet prior to very recent history. There is no reason to eat them in any form.

It's so sad to see how easily boomers were misled by the fish oil marketing campaigns.
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You can't even hate on my homemade buns, buddy.
Only smart post in this thread
I used to think, like a retard, that I could look good without exercising by just not eating a lot. I wish I could post pics of myself before, stick arms and legs, and a gut. Skinny fat. I actually could've achieved what I wanted if I didn't fill myself with processed bread and other carbs
I'm pretty sure wild humans are built to eat just about anything that's edible. I'm also pretty sure that you know that already, so why play cat and mouse?
Nigger the standard diet for most of human history has been bread/porridge/gruel and beer with the occasional fish and garden vegetable
I think I actually am lactose intolerant, but it took years for me to realize that's what lactose intolerance was and it correlated with whenever I ingested a large amount of milk. I would consistently have to take a big shit if I used a lot of milk, and I would also have more pressure from gas and be able to keep squeezing farts on the toilet way more than if I didn't have milk. The color would also be lighter and the exterior smoother and softer.
>I'm pretty sure wild humans are built to eat just about anything that's edible.
"Edible" is a very vague term and pretty meaningless in this context. Is a lion "edible"? Sure, its flesh is something you could eat and digest. Do you have any chance of killing a lion as a naked wild human with no tools? No, never in a million years.

What's "edible" for a wild human isn't what you could physically digest but what you could realistically access as reliable food sources. That rules out anything that requires tools, since our bodies and digestive systems evolved around a specific diet and niche a long, long time before anyone created a tool. That means you're not eating large animals, you're not digging up roots, you're not eating bark, you're not gathering grains, you're certainly not processing grains into any kind of flour, etc etc.

If you want to figure out what the
>base human diet
is then all you need to do is imagine a wild, naked human in our earliest habitat (a tropical forest) and reason out what foods we could realistically have attained. It's not a complex list: fruit, honey, eggs, whatever small animals and insects we could have killed with our bare hands, and whatever scraps we could scavenge from kills left behind by carnivores.
Human history goes back much farther than from when we started farming
Did you even look at what post he replied to dumdum?
Yeah. Did you even look at my asshole?
No. Post it and get me up to speed
I tried, but there was a huge hemorrhoid in the way. You should get that checked out.
Only what came out of it and managed to hit submit.
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she cute
"History" specifically refers to the period after writing was invented so no it in fact does not.
lmao no it doesn't you fucking retard
that's why you commonly see terms like "recorded history" or "written history"
"history" literally means nothing except "events of the past"
Explain what you think "prehistoric" means then
Dumb memes come and go. Remember when people stopped eating egg yellows because it had "cholesterol" lmao. I hate health "experts" so much it's unreal.
the agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>trying to play semantic games to deflect

>Human history is the record of humankind from prehistory to the present.
Read that again until you understand it. "History" as a broad term includes both "prehistory" and "written history". This is why we have qualifiers for the term such as "ancient history", "prehistory", "recorded history", "modern history", etc etc. If "history" quote
>specifically refers to the period after writing was invented
then there would be no need to specify with terms like "recorded history":
Ok then
>Nigger the standard diet for most of human RECORDED history has been bread/porridge/gruel and beer with the occasional fish and garden vegetable
Happy now?
Doesn't change the fucking point that most humans have been eating mostly a terrible bread diet for goddamn 10,000 years
And 10,000 years is a tiny blip in our evolutionary history so your point is...?
That calling bread an occasional food staple and saying that people have been eating a balanced diet until very recently like anon claimed isn't true.

take a look at this

She looks terrified. Like a vegan about to be force fed meat.
ok? so don't consume dairy.
allergic reaction to either
1. the gmo in the wheat
2. the copous amounts of insecticide used to dry the wheat
3. the generic filth the government allows foodstuff to contain to pass inspection (dirt, bugs, ect)

btw, most people who have breakouts/allergic reactions to chocolate are usually just having a reaction to the cockroach pieces in the chocolate. they can eat higher quality choco and not have the same problems.

similaraly some people who think they are glutten intolerant are fine eatting european breads but only get sick from american ones.

im not saying you should expertiment on yourself or blindly believe me if you have those problems but.... the data is out there for those willing to look it up.
There will never be enough meat, fish and dairy to meet the caloric needs of 8B people. Grain staples are a necessity to avoid starvation and the collapse of society.
bread has been engineered to hell for preservation

it is near impossible to get bread that is directly from someone who has made it from fresh milled grains, with just the basics added (water, salt, yeast, etc)
I lived in Japan and all the bread at the supermarket or konbini had a best before date only 2-3 days away at most. The "loaves" were like 3 (usually thick) slices, with 5 slices and 7 slices also available. It tasted super fresh though, really soft and good bread. I never felt compelled to eat a slice of bread by itself with nothing on it until I was in Japan.

Skimming through the article, it seems most of those problems weren't caused by the grain itself.

>Crowded conditions paired with human settlements in close
proximity to animals also contributed to high rates of infectious
disease [pg. 5]

>Cereals...commonly formed the subsistence base of early agricultural
communities. Decreased variety of food also meant a decreased variety
of nutrients in the diets of these people. [pg. 5]

>When new
preparation and processing methods were introduced, foods became
softer and easier to chew. Over time this change in masticatory function
contributed to an overall "gracilization" of the human skull and resulted
in a smaller human face with reduced jaws and teeth (Larsen 1991,
2006; Sardi et al. 2004). Reduction of the face negatively affected
human oral health because human teeth did not reduce proportionately
to the jaw and crowding resulted (Larsen 2006). [pg.3]

>Neolithic peoples did not use domestic animals for
milk until the end of the Neolithic, so early agriculturalists would not
have had access to calcium or vitamins from dairy products and plant
foods [pg. 7]

>Even though skeletal evidence
suggests that early Neolithic peoples were deficient of both calcium
and vitamin D, it is not likely that diet alone contributed to calcium
deficiencies as osteoporosis is not observed at the same rates among
pre-agricultural societies (Ulijaszek 1991) [pg. 7]
Read the post chain, he said he was "carnivore" which is just a rebrand of keto aka atkins aka south beach aka zero carb aka tranny dilation diet.
do we need all these people to have a society? seems like a tremendous amount of manpower and capital is spend towards providing for people that don't contribute anything as a whole
if the entire population of somalia disappeared for example there isn't anything but positives that would come from it
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bad soil, lower quality grain plus preservatives
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>why do more young people have (insert gut problem/autoimmune problem/autism) at a higher prevalence?
>"carnivore" which is just a rebrand of keto aka atkins aka south beach aka zero carb aka tranny dilation diet.
No it's not. Stop being retarded.
carnivore and those others are low carb macro-wise, but carnivore only eats natural foods where as keto for example uses artificial sweeteners and high fiber carbs

the purpose behind carnivore isn't low carb for low carbs sake, it's an elimination diet to reduce inflammation by only eating a small number of foods and meat happens to be the only food you can live off of on its own
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Most of the time the flower they use to make it is devoid of nutrition and bleached to fuckall... they also add a ton of sugar.
Most flower used by industry is dog shit.
you're very dumb and I'm sure you think you're a god damn genius.
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Modern GMO wheats and grains, and the pesticides (glysophate, specifically) are what's bad.
They fuck your gut bacteria pretty bad
>the flower they use
>Most flower used
>you're very dumb
Some african populations developed genes for lactose tolerance completely independently from europeans/middle easterners
I want my fucking foreskin back
You dropped this
He's got concepts of a point about pesticides, but for the wrong reasons.
The gluten thing isn't recent. It's over ten years old. The keto thing is more cutting into bread's popularity these days. But 20 years ago it was Atkin's Diet. Bread's been going downhill for a long time now.
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>Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup
herbicide, in particular, is a guilty suspect: it has been shown to effectively
eradicate probiotic species like Lactobacillus while being ineffective
against pathogenic Escherichia coli, Shigella, and all their coconspirators in
the SIBO community, thus enriching populations of unhealthy bacterial
overgrowth in the intestinal microbiome
Something must’ve happened in the 90s, because it’s only millennials I’ve seen becoming gluten and/or lactose intolerant. None of the zoomers I know are allergic to anything. And neither are the Gen Xers and above. It’s just millennials.
what is also strange is gluten levels in flour have been declining.
You can be allergic to gluten and not show any obvious symptoms but it's still damaging your intestine if you have Celiac disease. You can also be allergic to fruit only when it's raw but tolerate it cooked if you have Oral Allergy Syndrome.
I have a theory that milk and cheese have always given people the shits, but the modern population cares more about not having diarrhea because they want to get their asses eaten.
Most cheese doesn't really have much lactose so you won't get diarrhea from it unless you're allergic to milk protein which is a lot less common than lactose intolerance.

Milk definitely doesn't give everyone diarrhea. Not even every lactose intolerant person has diarrhea as a symptom.
cause its fucking got corn syrup in it
> Industrial age kicks off
> People becomes sicker and more prone to disease over time
> Decide to up the ante and make the majority of foods in the store processed garbage
> "Gois why is everyone suddenly sensitive to processed shit foods?"
Gee i'm not sure OP. Maybe there is a reason it slowly kills you over time.
no it isn't
it was meat
>Milk definitely doesn't give everyone diarrhea.
Too many people don't understand that lactose intolerance isn't a complete absence of lactase enzymes. These people can handle a certain amount. But go over a certain threshold of throughput and their body is unable to handle it well.
This is also why eating a scoop of ice cream after a meal can be fine, but eating a scoop of ice cream on an empty stomach can not be fine. There's other stuff that the body is processing, so the total amount of lactose gets digested over a longer amount of time, resulting in less throughput.
>These people can handle a certain amount
That's actually everyone. No one makes infinite lactase so there is a limit for how much dairy anyone can consume.
I can drink two quarts of milk in one sitting and not have any digestive issues. That's like 100g of lactose. I think I'd probably have to be eating straight lactose to potentially have a problem but that can be true of any food when eating something refined and concentrated.
yet you use the internet
Egg yolks are garbage from a macronutrient perspective and I get plenty of micros from my diverse diet. No need to eat the yolks if I am cutting.
Dietary cholesterol is meaningless but saturated fat isn't
The flour is full of shit. They literally bleach it add all kinds of other bullshit. Also all store bread contains sneed oils which cause inflamation.
Vegans look like shit. All the proof I need.
>if you drink a whole gallon of milk your tummy might get upset
No shit Sherlock. You can die from drinking too much water. Are you allergic to water?
Depends on the population. Indo-Europeans, some Africans and Central Asians all descended from the mutant population that gives adulthood lactose tolerance. Many Asians, American indigenous, and others never got the gene, so those populations have effectively no adulthood tolerance. Even in Europe it’s no sure thing, even places like Denmark have a portion of the population that are just lactose intolerance anyway. By pure numbers though most humans on earth are lactose intolerant, since many super populous countries are in Asia where the lactose gene never spread.
Humans didn't start getting cavities until they started eating bread/beans/rice/etc. This is well documented.

bread and such is literally peasant food. It's to feed the masses of peasant and slaves, the worker bees, while the top guys are eating meat, vegetables, and fruit.

if you eat bread then you're a cow getting milked and butchered by the state whenever they want
>Africa is big.
Bigger than Texas?
>When was it ever a good idea to put bleach into bread?
Classic 19th century ingredient there.
hunter-gatherers ate bread thousands of years before agriculture began
Exact foods? Sure.
Categories of foods? No. All the physiological evidence (especially teeth, guts and liver) says humans are omnivores, adapted to eat a mix of plant and animal foods.
Both vegans and keto-max idiots are doing it wrong.
not all the time, like people do today
Pastoralist dairychads
Agricultural grainlets

It's the true spiritual war that has waged for thousands of years
Punching flour doesn't somehow violate the laws of reality. The gluten is still the same physical mass whether you brutalise your dough or not. You're just altering the folding of the protein and causing cross-linking of oligomers
The populations that developed lactose tolerance supposedly completely independently of IE also "randomly" have a bizarrely high prevalence of a variation of the R1b haplogroup, in the middle of Central Africa, independent of "late" Imperial colonialism.
My bad, I assumed you would understand basic statistics but I guess that's on me.
Commercial bread producers = they
Most flower = commercial bread producers as well as grocery chians like Safeway, Albertsons, Piggly Wiggly; Aldis
You're very dumb = (you)

Any other questions you drooling idiot?
>I don't have an argument but think I'm smart: the post
GMO cucks think selective breeding and genetic modifications are equivalently safe anon. They worship their corporate farms. Dude is incapable of forming a complete sentence much less questioning their (((experts)))
The grains were almost totally different than the selectively bred and genetically modified strains common today. Commercial bread flower is selected for shelf stability not nutrient content.
People that wouldn't be fine died out young anon there's a reason child mortality were so prevalent that some culture wouldn't name their offsprings until they were like 5
It's seeds. It's literally grain sludge haha only slaves eat that.
The vitamin C you get from plants is is not the same as the vitamin C you get from animals Liver contains a lot of vitamin C
>Polyunsaturated fats of any kind did not exist in the human diet prior to very recent history. There is no reason to eat them in any form.
They're the most common fats in the plant kingdom and they're the only essential fats
might surprize you but actual sourdough has practically no gluten. back then sourdough was all they had, no yeast.
The yeast has nothing to do with the gluten content.
Bread and consumers of bread have both been bioengineered by the NWO to be poison dogshit.
The NWO opposes bread because of its relation to Jesus Christ in the last supper.
I'm actually correct about this.
>They are able to poison people who eat way to much bread because muh jebus boken der bredarino
Retards with folic acid allergies blaming bread instead of blaming western flour producers for poisoning them
Brown, lactose intolerant hands typed this post.
Stay jealous
no, i have an argument, i just dont want to say it
>gluten intolerance
Its insane how there are so many people allergic to bread in the US, Canada, UK, etc. but countries that use organic bread with no weird chemicals have 0 reported cases of gluten intolerance.
It's likely underdiagnosed.
Anon, I mentioned Italy. Pretty much all Italians eat Pasta or bread every day.
Correction, I forgot to mention italy my bad to >>20843078
Hoes can stay mad, I get to squirting too easily and it's just not worth the risk. Gluten free stuff costs more anyways so just let me be
Gluten is funny because with Celiac disease it can damage the intestine, but it also acts like a painkiller. It makes it harder to pinpoint what's causing the problems since eating wheat can make you feel better even if it's actually damaging.

I ate wheat every day for decades before figuring out I was allergic to gluten. I would get migraines and diarrhea once or twice a month and sometimes when it happened I would crave wheat as it would seem to settle my stomach but it's mostly stopped happening since I cut it out.
Bread acts like heroin, you just made me want it more.
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indeed, thus gluten allergy. sourdough eats the gluten for fuel, thus no gluten allergy.
No that is bullshit. Commercial yeast and wild yeast (sourdough) works on the same principles and neither "eats the gluten" to any significant degree which removes reactions from people with gluten allergies. You need gluten to strengthen the dough so it can form a stringy network of gas pockets which lets it rise high when heated in the oven. If the wild yeast ate the majority of the gluten you'd be baking nothing but pancakes.

There are other factors that may be kinder to people with gluten allergy in sourdough bread though.
back in the day they simply used to die off and everyone was a lot happier for it
maybe you should learn about what sourdough exactly is if you believe it to be anything like yeast
There is no such thing as an essential fat. You've been misled by grifters.
I think 99% of these allergy fads are just made up. My gf says she is deathly allergic to aloe vera. I bought fucking aloe vera lotion and lube with aloe and gave her a massage and fucked the shit out of her with it and it didn't do anything. It only seems to affect her when she knows the product has aloe. I even pointed out how many of her cosmetics have aloe and her excuse was that it was somehow different

I have my doubts about modern bread though. I used to be a person that hated store bought bread because I said it tasted weird and everyone called me a schizo. Had a friend that makes her own bread give me a homemade loaf of sourdough and it was so good that I went out and bought deli meat. You can't even compare that to any kind of store bought brands. Most people just say they have a gluten allergy to be polite about how shitty modern bread is.
Maybe she's allergic to eating aloe but not touching it? I can touch gluten to prepare food for someone else and be fine but I can't eat it.
People were always allergic to random shit, they just died back then.
She claims she can't have any contact at all with it, despite half her comestics having it. That's why I bought the lotion and lube. I just wanted to show her that she's being retarded. She just had an excuse why it doesn't affect her.
I'm white with blue eyes, actually. I enjoy dairy from time to time - it's fatty and a great source of calories. But I'm mildly intolerant.
my ancestors didn't stick their hands into bee hives or artificially inseminate animals, so i think dairy, honey and mammal meat are off the list since all of those require artificial methods to acquire
our ancestors ate fruit, roots, grains and fish
american wheat is poison
we need better regulations like europe has
americans go to europe, eat the same food, and dont have the issues they have when eating those foods in america
its because of all the roundup and weed killer we spray on plants "to speed up the process" and "to save money" like everything else in this country. kill everyone to make profit
>But I'm mildly intolerant.
Then you are a weak faggot.
Rice masterrace reporting in.
sorghum is gluten free
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I recently got pumpern-pilled
don't mind me some 'umper it goes alright
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no, but people will still fuck like animals. the ability to constantly fuck and not create more people is a very modern invention
There's something in our environment giving people bread allergies. I know its real because I have one and it doesn't make sense.
perhaps something is different about the bread now
People are trying to figure out why they and everyone around them is sick and fat.
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Which chemically gets their bodies to store fat for the winter.
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You are one stupid motherfucker pretending you are doing anything but splitting hairs.
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Mein pumpernicker
I hope you don't eat anything which has been subjected to hot heat over prolonged periods of time if this bothers you.
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Bears can get fat on salmon too. They'll ignore the meat and just eat the skin/head which has the most fat and calories.

Humans seem to have a hard time gaining weight from fruit though unlike bears. Pretty much everyone who has done a frugivore diet is underweight.
you can just admit you didnt know sourdough is so much more than yeast. few know.
Huh? Is sourdough starter not literally wild yeast (and the flour slop you feed it)?
Pretend whatever you want in that corner you've painted yourself in. You're not going to elaborate anyway and cope with saying "I won't educate you" to avoid being shamed further.
even better, a lot of high quality cheeses are actually lactose free or so low in lactose that you need a stupid amount to cause a reaction. You can also make fun of them for being poor and obviously stupid for not knowing this or having access to a wide range of foods.
Look at the person in the bottom right of the image you posted
>a lot of high quality cheeses are actually lactose free
Any aged hard cheese is going to be low in lactose. It doesn't really have anything to do with quality.

Black people eat dairy. "Soul food" having mac and cheese is pretty common. They just don't seem to drink milk that much. But there are groups of people in Africa who rely on dairy and drink plenty of it without any issues.

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