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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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The western breakfast is a bullshit meal largely composed of singular ingredients treated as though they were dishes unto themselves (or worse - literal cake).
counterargument: everything on that plate tastes amazing.
get bent, faggot.
Businesses that don't serve gays should be shut down the same as businesses that don't serve blacks.
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Enjoy your dinner, fuckface
looks delicious, thanks. just needs a chili dipping sauce and I would go to town.
You mean English breakfast which is basically random food generator
What about businesses that don't serve shirtless people?
I think you should be able to be naked or have sex in public anywhere without an issue.
Puritanism and shame over bodies and sex is far more destructive than public sex ever could be.
Canadians make the best iced cream.
What about businesses that don't serve people who whip their penis out and jack off at the table in anticipation for delicious food? I did that at Arby's and got banned but only cause I was horny and have thoughts of my blueberry pancakes which made me extra horny cause I absolutely love blueberry pancakes with extra butter and syrup.
keto baked goods can actually be superior to normal baked goods, provided they're fudgy like brownies. almond "flour", the most common flour replacement, lends a really nice nutty flavor.

thai food actually sucks and is basically just "stir shit in pot and sauce"

zero sugar sodas are a really nice pick and are better tasting than fake ass diet shit

coffee > tea for flavor, tea > coffee for pure chuggability and energy hit simply because it's more mild and has no acid - so you can drink a ton more in a shorter timeframe.
>thai food is basically just "stir shit in pot and sauce"
tell me you know nothing about thai food lol
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the thirdie cope rolled in faster than expected lmao
enjoy flaming hot pepper sauce over flaming hot peppers with peppered chicken and peanuts, for some reason
>and peanuts, for some reason
>nice nutty flavor
, for some reason
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I think you're a degenerate fag looking to have the government reenforce your bullshit so you feel justified in your malignant tumor if a life. Your are 100% guaranteed dysgenic as well.
For me, it is not the McChicken
>random food generator

go fuck yourself yank cunt.
mad his breakfast will never be as satisfying as an english breakfast. mad he will feel like shit all day because he swallowed 2000 calories in the form of pancakes 30 minutes after waking up
hes right, almost all "thai" food that you know is bullshit made to market to the west
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Yeah I tell you, what this plate could do with is some chocolate chips and gummy bears!
>Fucking bean juice soaking into bland ass looking potato wedges
I genuinely hate you people for this almost as much as I hate you for teaching indians to speak english
You need to find some balance though, we imported a lot of bbc to your country and you absolutely fucking love that. Swings and roundabouts
I don't know what you're talking about and I prefer it stay that way
Of course you don't, Ira. Shalom!
This isn't true at all. Usually when people say this they're only referring to pad thai, but even that had nothing to do with westerners, but the Chinese.
>no black pudding
>overcooked egg
>10,000 beans
I just wish there were more hot breakfasts that didn't include eggs. For some demented reason, everyone has decided to start their day with congealed fart juice, and as a result I have a hard time getting breakfast out.
You sound like you have a weak constitution. I'd probably think about starting the day with a bullet if I were you.
>I must consume le fart juice because it has PROTEIN
If you're so poor you can't afford enough meat for protein and have to suck down fart juice, you're the one who should start the day with a bullet.
Eastern breakfast is a raw egg on a bowl of rice.
Proves my point, eggs are poor people food, disgusting fart juice for dysgenic peasants.
I understand that you're upset by what I said, but you're better off. If not, then just become trans because you probably have a high amount of estrogen anyway and your only use my be getting your bussy filled in by desperate loners.
why are you having a schizo meltdown just because some people aren't obsessed by fart juice?

yeah i like the occasional scrambled eggs. boiled eggs with caviar. sure, all nice ON A LAZY SUNDAY
eggs send you into a gassy food coma. i can't imagine regularly eating it nevertheless START my day with it. a pure recipe for a kafkaesque low energy day. you fucking slob
pancakes and stuff can definitely be way too much sugar but a typical american breakfast is usually just eggs, bacon/sausage, toast, and maybe potatoes.
anon eggs are eaten all over the entire world for breakfast lunch dinner AND dessert. humans love them and we have since we knew we could eat them. hate to break it to you but you're the tranny here
Youre having a meltdown about eggs on your phone while browsing 4chan in the middle of the day. All your days are lazy, ya dumb fucker. I though people that ate a lot of meat where supposed to be high-T, yet here you are... whinning like a bitch.
Raw tomatoes absolutely disgust me.
Xir, calm down. You're shrieking. I didn't realise you're already on HRT. I'm not an emaciated crone, I didn't know that you were. I don't experience any gassiness or go into a food coma, as I mentioned previously you almost certainly have a weak constitution.
I don't need to rent out my holes because I'm not poor, unlike you LMAO. Now huff my farts, peasant.
do eggs even make people fart? i thought bad farts just smelled like eggs, but like rotten eggs that you wouldn't eat anyway. people who are lactose intolerant have really bad egg farts when they consume dairy.
i can't even think of what cooked eggs smell like, do they have a distinct smell? i guess deviled eggs can be stinky but i can admit those are just kinda gross
why are you calling eggs fart juice
Extremely shitty bait.
Exactly. If you replaced the pancakes with hashed browns then this would ve a breakfast I would very much so enjoy eating, but hey if the pancakes stay no biggie.
I'm not poor xir, I eat eggs as a side to my meat, be it bacon and sausages or steak. It's quite a common thing among non trans
>If the dessert stays on my breakfast plate then no biggie.
You have to be a least 18 years old to post here, Tommy. It's nap time
The only reason to ruin a perfectly good steak with fart juice is poverty, don't lie. If you had money you'd just get more steak.
No, I'm not a child, I like to eat more than one thing in a sitting.
I like french toast because its yummy
>not a sould on earth:
>sentient species in the observable universe
>terminally online 4chan autistic: TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES
All fields.
uh-oh, tanny melty
They are the most visually obvious sign of societal decay and impending collapse.
You're really bad at this.
I don't think that's what (x)he said. I'm expecting you're trans and got offended.
>a bullshit meal
a what? lmao

>composed of singular ingredients treated as though they were dishes unto themselves
oh my god how terrible

>or worse - literal cake
>hey guys this cake that's literally named cake is, guess what, cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it????????????????
Question is though, why is starting one's day with cake and fart juice not only acceptable but considered the norm?
Its only accepted by people who aren't retarded, and know what they're talking about.
>he doesn't start his day with a stack and a brap
It's accepted because the world has too many fat peasants who can't afford meat or eat vegetables.
It’s not raw for long, given the heat of the rice cooks the egg.
>poor people food
Eating (a lot of meat) is so boring that only high heat stir-fried recipes from equatorial countries slightly tickle my fancy. I've so little interest in food that I'm borderline anorexic and drink whole fat milk most of the time to get some calories in. No gas around here so only boring electric slow cooking. I'm starving man.
Milk is almost nutritionally complete so that's fine. Does it make you gassy?
> singular ingredients treated as though they were dishes unto themselves
You mean just like a traditional English breakfast?
And why does that make it less of a meal anyway? You're complaining about nothing.
>literal cake
Pancakes are a quick bread, anon.
>Does it make you gassy?
Only a little bit. I fried some potatoes in butter and eating those made me feel bloated until next morning. I do need some fibre though or else drinking so much milk causes the runs.
>has to say "fart juice" in every post
>can't even make an effort to hide his samefagging
>calling someone else a schizo
I hope someone eggs your house you seething retard
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>western breakfast
There's no western breakfast, that's the english breakfast and not even all anglos eat it.
Every /ck/ take is unpopular with me because you're all fuckin morons who live off fast food, can't cook for shit, believe everything you read and you all need to be fucking spoofed.
Fuckin kys.
Yeah vut (You)'re also here so wuddasat make (You)?
Looks like a good balance of carbs, fats and proteins. Replace the orange juice with water, switch one strip of bacon with another egg and it should be completely fine.
Fuel for manual labor
For breakfast I have oatmeal topped with yeast spread, a poached egg, green onions, hot sauce, and sichuan pepper.
guy on the right is vince gironda, bodybuilder and trainer who would literally tell people to eat up to 24 eggs a day because he believed it was akin to using anabolic steroids.
im guessing the woman on the left is some fat inflamed pile of edema who says eggs are bad because le cholesterol or whatever.
they should blow both up with hydrogen bombs
You shouldn't be eating eggs.

Eggs in general aren't good for you, cholesterol, menstrual shedding, just to name a few.
The woman on the left is Maggie De Block, the Belgian minister of health
I’d eat this for my tea, but not for breakfast.
Hey 90s guy
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What bizzaro Arby's has pancakes, let alone ones of a blueberry persuasion?
eggs are high on protein. Your body demands LOTS of protein whenever you're injured (ex. after a surgery) or are lifting a lot (lifting exercises, body building) as it needs that protein to regenerate tissue.
eggs have been staple food for bodybuilders since forever desu
Dude ate stake and eggs only and was jacked.
Gays should be thrown off tall buildings and blacks need to be sent back to Africa.
Go ahead, tell me what restaurants won't serve faggots. I'll wait.
Quit inventing shit to play victim. All you're doing is making people that didn't give a shit about faggots actively hate you.
Walk in, sit down, order your fucking food, eat it, and leave. That's all there is to it. Your server doesn't need to know that you enjoy pancakes and sucking dick.
they refuse to make custom wedding cakes for gays, that's a refusal of service
bake the cake, or close your busines
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Fuck do you think what time period it is? 1966? Nobody doesn't serve gays and nobody doesn't serve blacks. Nobody really gives a fuck about your identity. You are nothing more than a customer with money. You are a walking dollar sign. Only reason people don't wanna serve cakes to you is the same reason people don't wanna make trump victory cakes. They don't want backlash from retards on social media. Nobody has to serve you shit. If you don't like a business then go to another business, one that will gladly bake you a faggot cake.

>t. bisexual

It's not really unpopular but soups are not a meal. They are barely a side. They are a bowl of water with shit floating in it.
And naturally you feel the same in both directions, yes?
If I go to a faggot owned bakery and tell them I need a cake with a figure of a dog shitting on a rainbow flag, they need to either make it for me or be shut down, right?
Agreed. I abandoned the whole concept of "breakfast foods" when I was a teen and I've never looked back. Fuck your toast and eggs, I'll have a spicy garlicky red lentil soup or rice and deenz or whatever the hell I feel like eating for breakfast and ill be crazy happy about it
I agree with you. I'll eat or drink whatever I want. Sometimes I'll have a massive full English, sometimes I'll have some form of oats, sometimes I'll have 3 pints of water and a cigarette, sometimes I'll have whisky and cocaine
being gay is not conveying an obscene messgae
a business that already offers wedding cakes refusing categorically to serve gays that same item is not the same as you requesting deliberately obscene items to troll a bakery
in fact, there was a colorado court case where a chuddy went to a left wing christian owned (I don't think he knew they were christians either) bakery to ask for a hateful troll cake, they refused, he sued them, and he lost in court
>or worse - literal cake
>xe doesn't like pancakes
What are you, a literal twig person?
You sound like a fucking creep. You've probably been told this before as well and dismissed it as "peral clutching puritanism" or whatever gay way you put it.
Cheese is unnecessary on a hamburger and makes it worse most of the time
Nice gaslight faggot. The fags that wanted the cake were asking for something to be made that was offensive to the bakery owner. It was obscene to his beliefs. Just as a dog shitting on a rainbow flag is offensive to you.
I like how you skirted my question, though. I'll interpret that to mean that you would not apply the same standard in both directions. And once again, we have a fine illustration of why faggots are alienating normal people from supporting them. Gross hypocrisy.
well, then his beliefs are wrong
being gay is harmless
>I get to decide what's wrong
Faggots gonna faggot I guess.
Obviously I can't credit you with having even a modicum of consistency, but at least you make up for it in predictability.
Peace out, faggot.

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