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no no NO
Wtf, just change the dip name, "Garlic & Herb & Maybe Peanut" and be done with it. Why cater to a "market" that can't even stand in line at Five Guys because of peanut fumes.
People who are too weak to survive trace exposures to peanuts don't deserve to live anyways. You have to be REALLY inbred for that shit to happen. Like your parents KNEW they were too similar and shouldn't be breeding, and they did it anyways hoping nothing bad would happen.
Dude i fucking LOVE the way you write it makes it so EASY for me to read! ON TOP of that your takes are fucking HILLARIOUS too.
There was a kid in my school class who was deathly allergic to trace peanut exposure and he was a frail as fuck inbred southern aristocracy type.
There is some evidence that allergies can develop if children aren't exposed to those foods at the right developmental stages. And for whatever reason advice was given to not try those foods until they got older. There are exposure therapies that can seemingly cure it in some cases too.

Like 50% of the people alive today are only here because of modern medicine so there's a good chance you're not the super strong genetic marvel you want to believe you are.
Or he was just really fucking inbred cuz his parents were both well to do southerners from "good" families who inter-fucked for generations.
>this thing happened so it must be the case for all things
yes that can happen but that doesn't mean it's the reason for everything
It's HILARIOUS you made a spelling MISTAKE. Thank me LATER
they should study how inbred people with SEVERE food allergies are
I don't mean like it breaks me out in a rash but I mean if your throat closes up at a trace amount of some random common food we should be checking if your parents are cousins.
∩ O Y ʞ Ɔ ∩ Ⅎ
i can feel my throat start tightening if i eat a single cashew. it doesn't completely close up but i still feel panic and like i could start suffocating. my dna test says my parents are from almost opposite sides of europe.

there are so many factors at play with food allergies and you're really hung up on a single case that you noticed. it is interesting to think about especially as dna therapies are being developed, but it doesn't explain everything.
All peanut allergic "people" must die. They deserve 100% genocide until their inhuman genes are erased. This is not a hyperbolic 4chan joke post.
The FBI spends all their time investigating and astroturfing on /pol/ when the real threat has been here all along.
no, i genuinely am with you
if the government was like we are rounding up ppl with serious food allergies for reassignment to mars, I would be chill with that
I still can't believe people can get killed by a peanut.
Reminder that 50% of all modern allergies are caused by parents failing to expose their children to enough potential allergens as children. Another 25% or so are from living in fucked up polluted urban environments and sucking down internal combustion engine fumes washed down with fucked up water. Short extremely unfortunate allergies most can be solved by gradual exposure as a baby and young child.

Allergies are the end result of inter-generatiolnal tolerance of picky eating.
>Everyone ITT acting like the dips are going away forever
It was just a wee contamination, if you can't go 2 weeks without your precious dip for your sloppa you should probably just do us all a favor and kys.
>no one has mentioned c sections
Peanut and shellfish allergies are largely due to c section births. Immune system not properly primed
Throw in autists and diabetics too and we have a deal
if we all just shut our eyes to it for one year then peanut allergy will go away forever
autism has no etiology or progression, it isn't a real disease just a kike-with-clipboard bingo prize.

as for diabetes, it's super weird how people call it a death sentence and still somehow pop out 6 kids before their toes fall off.
Peanut allergies were created by doctors who told mothers not to feed their children peanut butter. They don't get exposed to it early and boom massive peanut allergies.
>there are so many factors at play with food allergies
There's really only just one, exposure. A generation of bubble kids that don't go outside and experience the world are creating these cripples.
>Everyone ITT acting like the dips are going away forever
>taco bell never brought back green onions and olives
That is very nice of them to do
I was poisoned today at work. somebody had put some nuts or something into the lasagna and I was immediately sick. I got a fever, lips and face swollen and I puked. I almost crashed my car when I drove home and had such a high heartrate I was seriously considering calling an ambulance. When I got home I immediately dressed naked and for some reason all of my skin was red, itching and disgusting. I can only assume that the nuts spread out through my body through my blood or something. After I threw up everything I had eaten that day I passed out for five hours.
Allergies are no joke. We are human too. We are your brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins, friends and neighbors. Please show a little courtesy. Don't throw your blessing in your face.
this feels like an oversimplified post
I played outside all the time, with bugs, in the dirt, with animals, got dirty and hurt all the time. I still ended up with allergies.
>There is some evidence that allergies can develop if children aren't exposed to those foods at the right developmental stages.
This is why I regularly feed my kids Domino’s Garlic and Herb dip
That is only part of it, the most important part is exposure in the womb and for the first few years of life before you can even move around. Aside from honey there is almost nothing babies can't eat and they should eat a wide variety of foods to get their immune systems going. It's not 100% always the cause but there is a reason peanut allergies were almost non existent a generation ago. When I was a kid no one cared or thought about such things. Now every 3rd person is autistic with 500 different conditions.
People should be very mad and asking hard questions. But the bread and circuses are still too good...
That's nonsense. I played outside from as early as I can remember and we had cats and dogs and my grandparents had a farm with chickens and cows and I still have allergies as an adult. It's probably vaccines or something in food.
allergies are because your body is being a bitch, sometimes there's nothing you can do about it but most of the time you just gotta be less of a bitch and tough it out even if that means maybe dying
honey being inedible for infants is extremely weird to me since it's such a boon to non-infants and adults in every other way. is it just because it's too much to deal with at that stage or what
honey has botulism spores and their digestive system isn't strong enough to deal with it yet but it's no risk after infancy
Peanut allergies deserve to die get your stupid genes off my planet
>I was seriously considering calling an ambulance.
Agree with you 100%. Back when my age was measured in months mother had great idea to let my granddad watch me.
Of course I hot hungry so he shared his snack with me, buttered bread with smoked pork sausage and onions.
Happiest kid there ever was untill my mother tried to steal the sausage from my hand, apparently I did great banshee impression.
No fucking food allergies still.
Nope. Like two other anons who responded, I grew up playing in the dirt, like one anon, we raised chickens, goats, and hogs, I had many cats and dogs in my childhood.
I have extreme pollen allergies, animal dander allergies, and I'm allergic to coconut, most tree nuts, bananas, pineapple, avocado, and latex. My mom has all the same food allergies, my dad has all the same animal allergies.
Every spring, I have multiple asthma attacks. My sisters, who always got out of outside chores by virtue of being girls, have no allergies whatsoever.
I think people with peanut allergies should fucking die
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>Dominios withdraws garlic butter sauce

That is most definitely not what's up!
eurofag. from what I hear americans don't call for ambulances since they cost thousands of dollars?
Try tens of thousands of dollars
It's not that high. But it's still often around a thousand dollars.
Really wish they ever had honey mustard in the states, I don't like eating fried chicken with anything else.
If you have a peanut allergy so bad that even being in the vicinity of them kills you, then maybe God intended for you to die. Stop trying to bend the world to your inferior genes.
maybe you're a faggot and your problem is just that you can't envision peanut allergies being cured
Can we just genocide allgergic genetic defects already.
You can only pick one.
Praise Cobra's magic!
Why do people that die if they smell a peanut ever eat anything they didn't personally prepare. I would not.

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