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Lunchables are finished.
We all eating Lunchly now, with Beast Bars and Prime it's guaranteed to fill that lunchtime crave!

>The Lunchly kits available on the company’s official website contain Prime drinks and Feastables bars, in addition to a choice of pizza, turkey stack ‘ems, or Fiesta nachos. The Lunchly website features a side-by-side comparison of the meal kits and their Lunchables equivalents. Lunchly boasts that their products provide more electrolytes, contain fewer calories, and offer “big gestures,” in comparison to their competitor’s “mid moments.”

>“We’re bringing the biggest creators together to do something that’s never been done —disrupt the lunch market for kids with healthier, better-tasting options,” Donaldson said in a statement. “Lunchly is all about giving kids a fun, grab-and-go meal that’s not just delicious, but also good for them. We’re here to change what lunchtime looks like for the next generation.”

Yeah, we're all #LunchlyLads now.
I don't buy merch from infamous pedophiles.
He's not guilty by association. He didn't know his best friend was a wrongun.
i'm sure his next video will be how he buys insulin shots for all his viewers
We on those Turkey Stack'ems. We on those Fiesta Nachos and it is LUSH.
Yeah just like how Prime took down Gatorade and Propel... lmao
>“Our end game has always been to not only provide high quality products, but also healthier alternatives,” Paul said in a statement. “That’s why we’re entering the lunch grab-and-go market. It’s been dominated by Lunchables since we were kids ourselves and it’s time to provide a better option for those looking for a convenient, healthier choice.”

They bringing high protein, high fibre to our kids. They are going revolutionise the Lunch game.
It's not Lunchtime, It's Lunchly Time.
>two known scammers teaming up
Need it or keep it?
We need it. They making Big Gestures rather than Mid Moments.
>Be ultra-processed people
>Make ultra-processed product
Mr Beast is like some sort of Evil Bill Nye the Science Guy.
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These are some ingredients lists
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I mean did anyone think Logan Paul and Mr Beast would be buying a spinach farm, the Flintstones sold cigarettes and still sell sugary cereal and vitamins. Does it really ever change?
Mr. Breast & Scammer Paul Collabing to make premium goyslop?!?!?!

>He's not guilty by association. He didn't know his best friend was a wrongun.
His best friend is not the only pedophile though, there's others and he's part of them
I wish there was more force in the governments of the world to regulate what minors view on the internet, folks like these are not what the 5-13 demographic needs.
just end yourselves, americans
great, more branded shit.
Can't wait to bust this crust desu
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Yes he did.
>best friend was a tranny
decent odds right there desu
need it or keep it?
>I don't buy merch from infamous pedophiles.
i've got some bad news anon..
I wonder how horrid an existence it is to grow up worshipping content creators. Maybe I was just as influenced as a kid by things like this, but I honestly can't think of a single celebrity I would have followed except for music artists. Like, I'd ask my parents to buy food with cartoon tie-ins, not manchildren tie-ins.
You were just as easily influenced as a kid, trust me, just that the sources weren't influencers it was cereal mascots, teacher or whatever authority figure. There's a bit of a difference in terms of parental control and the like though. Zoomers and onwards are extremely subservient to authority figures just that it's content creator/influencers instead of politicians, movie critics whatever the boomer equivalent was.
There's rhe smoking gun. Mr. Beast is a pedo
His producer RIGHT NOW is a convicted pedo. He appears on camera wearing a mask and uses a code name
Even if that was true, which is most definitely is not, he also hired a child rapist listed on the sex offenders registry as a producer
This is a viral marketing thread.
Bought and paid for.
Money has been transfered from Mr. Beast's offshore bank account to the tranny jannie's pocket
The dystopia continues
>wannabe janny
Just look at the way Mr. Beast lustliy stares at that poster
Not your personal army. Also, rules 7 & 4.
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>Lunchly boasts that their products provide more electrolytes, contain fewer calories, and offer “big gestures,” in comparison to their competitor’s “mid moments.”
so they are saltier, provide less nourishment, and they’re for memelords. Good to know!
What country are you from? Every developed nation enriches its flour/rice because grains aren't nutritionally complete.
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>but also good for them
>chemically preserved 'dough', crackers and pepperoni
>a bottle of sugar water
>a candy bar
I hate the antichrist.
Keep it until Soulja Boy joins them
I didn't realize Lunchables are up to $3 at stores like Kroger.
This is going to be one of the easily manipulated generations. They choose to watch this stuff over cartoons and sitcoms.
Mr.beast fanbase is almost too old for this shit now.
It's all in the parenting. If a parent wants to give a 5 year old a tablet so they don't cause any problems, they have to deal with the problems of their stunted cognitive development later on.
Government regulations aren't a cure all for shitty parents.
white flour don't exist in your country?
The first generation to get each sort of technology is always easily manipulated by it. Printing, radio, tv whatever there's no inbuilt protection and their parents don't know enough to control it. The big new issue here is how decentralised the manipulation is. It was bad in the past when states, religions and the like had near monopolies on that control sure but at least it was obvious who they were. Now it's hard to know who's paying whatever influencer/streamer/whatever to shill something or even just the tech company to fuck with their algorithm.

Musk is a cunt but at least the drama he caused has let out how easy it's been for twitter to artificially suppress or raise certain topics and that the government had in the past leant on them to do so. And you'd better believe that zoomer apps have much better and more subtle mechanisms for that, plus latest stats say they get the bulk of their news and worldview from social media. AI bots that become indistinguishable from humans will make all of this worse too since outside groups can fuck with engagement-algorithms without the controlling company even knowing what's happening and frankly they don't even care as long as the advertiser bucks keep rolling in.
>the first generation
The weirdest thing to me is that the current crop of parents should be able to tell what effects growing up in a world with the internet had on them, but they still choose to give their kids tablets.
I know it'd essentially make my kid a social pariah in the current clown world, but I'd seriously limit their access to the internet, if not outright disallowing it altogether.
I see these fags, I don't buy.
The main reason why water in most of the US has fluoride in it is shitty parenting. The justification they use for adding it is that some parents don't make their children brush their teeth so by putting fluoride in the water, some small amount of it will flow over the teeth of those children with neglectful parents, reducing the number of cavities they have to endure.
Would you rather a kid watch Bluey and Sesame Street or Mr Beast and the Paul Brothers.
We have the ability to give poor kids with shitty chip-on-their-shoulder parents PBS programming but instead they go onto a YouTube with minimal regulation on "kids content" and content creators more interested in making money than educating children.
Like Raffi and Weird Al had it made, they had a major label deal and producers and musicians above and below them all of whom were compensated just to make silly songs kids like.
The chick singing a silly song on her guitar to kids, she needs every income source she can get to keep her apartment, bills and feed herself, if some company wants her to advertise to kids, she will.
Just look at teenage tobacco use rates from the 90s and aughts against today, they went from declining to returning to similar levels as they were in the pre-PBS and Ad Council era.
>Mr Beast Burger
>Turkey Stack’ems
I HATE how this faggot names his stupid products
Not to defend him or anything, but you can find worst stuff on blue boards
Why is that the face you would make? What the fuck is that? Is their lunchable sour or something?
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You got anything better? All the good names are probably taken, even if they're not in use, some company probably had the idea and trademarked it and is holding the name hostage.
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Bad food/products need bad names so you will know to avoid them. Its specifically made for their special needs fanbase
Everyone had a shadman phase...
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Would this hold up in court?
how lazy are american parents that they can't even be bothered to make a lunch box for their kids?
just put in a sandwich, piece of fruit, juice box, yoghurt, and a muesli bar or something?
why do you fat retards even talk about this piece of under school desk chewing gum. There is nothing remotely interesting about him yet you continue to validate his existence.
>inb4 ironically, literally, lil bro, tiktok, twitter, bussing, content creator fr bussing
I never really got why people were obsessed with celebrities back in the day and I bet it's those same types of people who are obsessed with "influencers" now
37% of Americans are morbidly obese for a reason anon. They are too lazy to learn how to cook or even put anything remotely healthy together for lunch.
and I bet like 50% of them are overweight. Last time I went to Seattle I kept spotting landwhales at every corner
everyone has a vice. Junk food is just an easy one to spot
This, how the fuck in good consciousness you're gonna hire a guy, who was found under the eyes of the law, a pedo for a channel aimed at children?
I bet it's gonna cost like 10 bucks
working at a grocery store, I feel bad seeing unsold product and produce go to waste cause all of it goes to the trash compactor
He was a tranny. Everyone knew.
Pedophilia is wrong, they need to be stopped.
prime is still a thing? I thought they were getting sued by the factory?
not anymore, i remember when i first bought a bottle, shit was so sweet i gag and almost threw up, guess where the rest went?
went in pink, came out black.
Keyword is had. They still do.
>disrupt the lunch market for kids with healthier, better-tasting options
isn't prime ridiculously unhealthy?
Jewtube should ban him for all the pedo content the cops found.
Yes, but they've decided that the insane amount of sodium in it can just be spun as "electrolytes" and touted as a benefit. Because as we all know, schoolkids sweat a ton in the mornings before lunch, and need to be replenished with days worth of electrolytes.
How'd you know
yeah, they literally got sued for containing toxic "forever" chemicals.
In America likely yes. In all of the civilised countries it's more or less impossible to sign away your rights like that.
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Finally i can quit eating goyslop from x brand and start eating goyslop from other brand (youtuber, very cool!)
I hope all of them die horribly
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>all of it goes to the trash compactor
there's millions on homeless and starving people in the country, literally some camped out outside my local store. Harmless and hungry. Shocking this food does not get donated. It makes no sense to me
something something liability
something something logistics being more expensive than throwing it away
I work at a grocery store too (albeit in a city with a strong outreach system at a grocer that's big on those ideals) and the only true waste I see is beef fat (which honestly people should figure out how to either sell or repurpose as it's useful in many places) You occasionally get damaged produce and the whatnot, but in America's two coastal megacities at least there is plenty of outreach willing to take anything.
Why are underage Redditors like these always so retarded?
Now the individuals are going tog Rt an extended vacation
Post what you eat in a day
I haven't heard anybody (especially 4chan[and its twitter tourists]) give a fuck about child nutrition or obesity in years but as soon as Mr Beast launches a product you guys are experts and advocates. Lol. You guys love grasping at straws. I obviously don't like Mr Beast as he's for children but it's hilarious seeing how he makes people seethe.
I miss Shadman...
>Just look at teenage tobacco use rates from the 90s and aughts against today, they went from declining to returning to similar levels as they were in the pre-PBS and Ad Council era.
isn't that because of vapes?
>Breakfast: your sister's ass
>Lunch: your mom's ass
>Dinnner: your dad's ass
>Dessert: your ass
are you retarded or just new?
for the past year and a half (maybe) longer /pol/ has been screeching about seed oils, processed food and obesity in any thread they can here while simultaneously not possessing an inking of knowledge abut food proccessing and some of the science behind it
yeah its not great for you but it's not poison. these people think "BIG WORD = bad", that's the depth of their understanding on the matter
also mr. beast is a fag and i hope this fails
all those youtube fags absolutely pay shills to do this shit. don't keep giving them reasons to post more. sage this shit whenever you see it too.
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When the high fructose corn syrup isn't the worst thing in the ingredients list, that should be a red flag.
Imagine allowing these shabbos goyim to feed your children.
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>Natural Flavor

I am so sick of seeing this shit. Bad enough most of the "ingredients" are just chemicals; what is the "natural flavor" that is suppose to be listed with the other ingredients? "Natural Flavors" isn't a fucking standalone ingredient.
gbt reddit faggot.
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Mr. Beast nor Logan Paul is going to let you suck their dick bro. There is no sound logic nor reason for you to defend this shit.

>I haven't heard anybody (especially 4chan[and its twitter tourists]) give a fuck about child nutrition or obesity in years

And you have the nerve to call anybody new with this bullshit like everybody isn't free game here. Get back to whatever safe space shit hole you came from.
I was at walshart and somebody yells gruffly down the aisle. I turn to look and it’s a 5’6 bald fat man asking an employee to come to him to get him down a case of Prime from the top shelf. The best part is this guy had a girlfriend and I don’t.
If I were an obsessive parasocial weirdo like you who yearns for his downfall then I'd have more of a reason to call out bad arguments like this. Listing out macros or the listed ingredients just makes you guys look like the obsessive psychos that you are when lunchables has been doing this for decades. The arguments people have been making for lead being found in Prime drinks are fine. But I know for a fact you faggots don't just suddenly care about childhood obesity. You are only mad because some celebrity you hate dropped a product.
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You know, when most people of ≥100 IQ want to be treated seriously they act seriously and drop bad faith acts. You cried that I think you're a seething obsessive and now you're pretending not to care. Lol YWNBAW.
sometimes i wonder if these influencer types are genuinely malicious or just really really fucking stupid
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do americans really?
>that top example
yeah, only americans. bongs never eat """ready made""" meals
only the banana is healthy
>apple juice, yogurt, and granola bar full of sugar
>ham on white bread
retard. hope you never have kids.
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How is the price?
Lunchables are stupidly expensive for what you get. Always getting one of these and portioning it.
why don't you just buy the ingredients individually?
>my friend who became a tranny is also a pedophile? what're the odds!
And it's been found that vape companies (all owned by Big Tobacco despite the startup/science sounding names) paid influencers to advertise their product and designed ads that appealed to teenagers. Unlike Toonami and MTV the scheduled Ad Breaks in Youtube Videos aren't full of government sponsored ads attacking smoking as well as teenage drinking and drug use or even general niceness to outsiders, they're full of pretty influencers making big vape clouds as they talk.
Dude literally none of the food you provided looks appetizing.

Just get some vanilla milk and a bacon sandwich.
Imagine getting scammed THIS hard.
Sorry, but Mr. Shekelstein needs his daily profit and to uphold his image.
>This kills the child.
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There's no way I'm rewarding this retarded idea of "fame" and "influence". I don't follow social media personalities. I don't watch vertical videos. It's nice to learn of this travesty so I can avoid it.
Look at your reflection in the screen and weep at what you have become. I hope death will come for you soon.
>I wish the government had yet another somehow more invasive backdoor and censorship tools
Holy based!
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>You aren't bothering people, you look retarded anon. You are actually low IQ.
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almost guarantee this is just terms of use for the site. If their food injured you that's unrelated and not covered by the website's terms, just your interactions with them
I don't trust this creepy fuck
He genuinely cannot smile without it looking like a forced grimace. The poor fucker must be absolutely hollow inside. Truly nothing behind those eyes.
I just pretend to scan it with the self scanner wand. The thing tells you if you're being audited and if that happens I say I grabbed it after I finished and tell them it needs to be scanned.
sneed it
How do people still buy his crap after all the sellout?
they're likely a soyjack party user.
take no heed in their words.
Then just buy the great value version for half the price, poorfag
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Shadman was the only good one. The rest of the rainbow was to put it politely... shitty.

It's funny, I used to be an cunnny poster raising hell throughout all of twitter. Now I merely passively support it on an ideological because free speech. Whenever I look at the old content that I used to be into, I feel nothing but an cold indifference.
His burgers and chocolate get mediocre ratings from every reviewer I've seen. It appears he's using his fame to create cashgrab products instead of actually trying to create quality products to build a long-lasting brand.
>appears he's using his fame to create cashgrab products
Did you work this out all by yourself?
Well done.
Always malicious, often stupid
This YouTube shit has gone way too far
You're a cool anon. Keep being cool.

I'm out of the loop on the sharty. Are they basically just a wojak factory?
I don't give a SH!T about any of these DORKS!
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you have to realize this site is the dumbest on the internet. it is dead simple to shill shit on here; there's always gaggles of retards with nothing going on in their lives who will gladly spend a chunk of their day seething over something they hate.

they do it all for free.
I always had PE before lunch.
I wonder if PE still exists in the school curriculum...
>I haven't heard anybody (especially 4chan[and its twitter tourists]) give a fuck about child nutrition or obesity in years
Maybe because you don't pay attention to those conversations because you don't have kids.
>Ad Breaks in Youtube Videos
I always get the
I'm surprised they didn't include whip-its or Galaxy Whatever it is they're calling it these days. If you're going for that market, might as well go all in.
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>the choice of drink

Look, the only Prime I like is Prime rib. And maybe Metroid Prime. Keep your corn syrup and chemical laden drink away from me.
Pedo as in he was found guilty messing with an 11 year old.
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>not making a snack pack for your kid from scratch
not so hard, buy some juice, dilute it fifty fifty with water, make a *nice sandwich or two and add some fruit and/or a boiled egg to the package and presto
are these just for retarded parents, unable to "cook"?
*hearty bread, good butter, cheese and meat, some lettuce with a joghurt sauce/pesto
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Big gestures>Mid moments
Fuck off cunt
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My post=BOLD>Your post=basic
Fuck off cunt
Let's see your 100 page dissertation on child nutrition and obesity then, retard.
You can drink an apple juice dumb faggot, it's when you chug a 2ltr bottle of the stuff with your pizza and smiley face potato fries and don't eat a single vegetable it's a problem

Also yogurt is healthy, granola bars are fine, the bread should be brown, but also fuck you
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kek not bad
its scary how they're doing marketing now
It’s pretty gay, I worked at Lowe’s and they will throw out soda/Gatorade and chips they have at the checkout isles because they are past the best by date
>stuff your face with potato and don't eat a single vegetable
Lunchables is peak burgercore. Whenever I get reminded that it's a thing can't help but ask out loud : "Do Americans really?"
Give them free food, they'll reject it and ask for money instead or try to refund it in the store for money. There's a reason why people sre homeless. They're worthless junkies.
But I wouldn't eat it.
other anon has a point, your posts are basic
nta, but I expect that you think that this 'chart' >>20856188 is informative and relevant. You must be a vapid zoomer.
Lunchables is the same kind of slop minus the obnoxious e-celebs.
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>enriched bleached wheat Flour
>contains wheat
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What no. Only fucking americans do this shit
>wheat flour
>ingredients: Wheat
Thats it. you utter psychopath. Your not supposed to just eat bread/flour
Most other nations don't rely on processed shit like this, so wheat doesn't need to be "enriched" because no one touches vegetables so you're all nutrient deficient.
Wait there are ads!?
T. Ad block Chad

What’s the proof of that?
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Prime might be the worst soft drink ive ever had, they were giving em away nearly for free at some random place cause noone was buying em. I was real thirsty and they were cold so I tried one. Wtf man
The goyest of slop
i can do it easy
>kids cant be trusted to make their own healthy choices
>corporations do not have your kids best interest at heart
>its up to the parent to seek and provide food that isnt garbage or will make their kids fat

now repeat this until it fills 100 pages
His codename or whatever was Delaware, supposedly not for any reason but he is "Jake the vikings" brother in law and you can easily find all this information on his conviction by spending like 1 minute googling shit. They say he didn't "actually do it" but had to accept the plea because he was worried about spending time in jail. Maybe that's true, but probaly not, and more than likely he accepted the plea alongside making up a bullshit story so he can atleast still have his family and kids and tell them "the courts were against me, and I didn't want to lose you guys too." Sounds like the case might get dismissed too after enough time. All I know is Jimmy has alot questionable people around him
Ah great the latest shill job from the sociopathic trite narcissist YouTuber crowd, great. I think it's great that YouTube allows absolutely random nobodies to accumulate vast amounts of wealth, power, and influence over the minds of young people without any checks, balances, or oversight; truly this is so great and wonderful and a fantastic time to be a human being.
(((they)))'ll tell you it's for liability or some shit but truth is nobody wants their brand associated with the destitute
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>buying anything from youtubers
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>how dare you insult these youtubers marketing their products to children they surely are doing it out of altruism and virtuous intent
This isn't food.
I had the prime lemonade once, it's was disgustingly sweet, like pure sugar with a hint of lemon flavor.
Idk how you fuck up lemonade, but I hate to imagine what their other flavors are like.
>super sweet prime hydration drink that costs $3 on its own
>a candy bar
>a small entree
>probably $7+ per box
And worst of all, it's yet another modern product or service whose name is a fucking adverb. Where do people come up with this shit? Grammarly, lunchly, pissly, the fuck happened to good brand names? Did they die off with family companies that could be called "H.G. Goodwill and sons"?
>t. generation that grew up worshipping content creators (hollywood)
They're 4 bucks a box at least where I'm at which is about average for these premade lunches, but way more expensive than just buying the ingredients and just prepping a lunch.
Forgot my pic
You can't because this is a society where you can slip on a patch of ice that exists because it's winter and winter fucking weather happens, sue the owner of the property you happened to be on at the time, and win. There would somehow be a way for a homeless retard without a penny to his name to sue a corporation if the food he got for free was slightly stale.
Yeah, I'm sure that's true and not at all a convenient excuse used to kill off vapes.com and the ability for consenting adults to buy vapes with flavors other than "tar and nicotine" because MUH KEEEEDS THINK OF THE CHILDREN
Worse yet, you see this shit for just about any corporation in the world, but you're supposed to be OUTRAGED and ready to KILL because a youtuber that christschizos (see: /x/ making threads about him being the antichrist) and dramacunts are currently targeting is involved.
Blame the litigious society. If a bum goes through the GARBAGE of a grocery store and gets sick off of unopened product in there, he can sue the store- and win, as has happened. They have to destroy the product so a hundred bums don’t specifically eat the expired yogurt that’s been in a hot dumpster all day in order to get a payday.
NTA but granola bars (even homemade) are typically packed with sugar/syrup so they can keep their shape. If not sugar, some kind of horrifying industrial chemical. Flavored yogurt is also very sugary, ideally it would be plain yogurt with some frozen strawberries but still it’s better than a bag of chips. The juice might as well be a few pieces of candy (not necessarily bad for kids, if they’re getting the chance to run around like kids). Nothing really wrong with the sandwich. Whole wheat is better but only a bit and kids often don’t like it. I grew up with whole wheat so white bread feels decadent and empty.
Laziness is at an all time high. I think we need another great depression to kick life back to levels of normalcy
Durr flavorful combos and have you seen the packaging??? BOLD - hurrrr let's talk about the electrolytes bro always gotta talk about the electrolytes! Hurr let's finish off with big gestures durrr let's say they have mid moments. It's appealing to the absolute base level of intellect, something you wouldn't be able to grasp because you are one of them.
Go back to /tv/ faggot
Giving free food to homeless would attract more homeless, which is something no one who lives in the area wants.
I don't know where to get half these ingredients
Did you forget we've been in an era where both parents need to work full time jobs to cover expenses for long enough that zoomers are adults now? It's easy to armchair analyze like this, but not the same when both husband and wife are away all day and burn enough time on work and transit to not be all that free-of-time to be handcrafting some sandwiches and celery.
it's the crackin fray bentos for me corr
americans are a plague
>you can't claim to care about something if you're not virtue signalling about it uselessly 24/7
>You can't because this is a society where you can slip on a patch of ice that exists because it's winter and winter fucking weather happens, sue the owner of the property you happened to be on at the time, and win.
This can be completely valid. There are construction regulations designed to prevent things like driveway ramps causing ice on connected roads, and if said regulations are violated, otherwise preventable accidents can occur.
But what's actually bad about enriching it?
>mmmnnnn don’t you just love the taste of lead
>This guy MUST be a shady evil person because he gives away a ton of stuff to people in need! WTF?!
This is what happens when Jews destroy Christian society. In the past people would just accept him as a Godly man but now they're so detached from the morals of Christ that philanthropy always looks like grooming to them.

Tell me - why is it impossible that Donaldson is simply just a great guy? Okay he also makes a shit gazillion dollars, yes, but he gives away a lot, too.

And don't get me started on the minor gripes that the "whistleblowers" have like HE IS RUNNING A LOTTERY WITHOUT A LICENCE! or HE ONCE PAID AN ACTOR TO APPEAR ON ONE OF HIS "REALITY" SHOWS!
Reminder that if you 'broke down' "all-natural" foods you would see similar lists of ingredients. Do people think that tomatoes don't have acids or that steaks don't have different fats?
Last I checked all Euros in the European Union have no choice but to sign away many of their rights to the EU???
The issue is, making them a social pariah is way worse for their life outlook and mental health than whatever psyops they're getting off tiktok and youtube. So you're essentially obligated to let them participate or you're fucking them up even worse. You may not like it, but it's true.
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Right, I forgot it was mandatory to step on the patch of ice you can walk around.
Something about the way he looks and speaks sets off a little alarm in my head, so I don’t trust him. Simple as.
>muh wasting food
this is just a straight up lie. Grocery stores all keep a stock to donate food to food banks. Food banks are also typically overflowing with too much food. The homeless know this + also get food from salvation army shit. The homeless only beg for money to buy drugs

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