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Japanese curry is the highest form of curry.
This is the sort of thing I'd make as a 12 year old because I hadn't fully learned to cook. It's basically curry for children.
I made this one time just looking at the ingredients of it and winging the rest. Was pretty good. Idk how I feel about the ginger though
heh... NOT
op btfo
It's britbong curry.

It's what the brits ate as curry before they switched to more authentic curry types with the influx of pajeet immigrants.
How will OP recover?
he WON'T
I like Thai yellow curry and vindaloo way more.
It's the Japanese take on the British take on Indian curry. I've never had it but it sounds gross with the apples and all the sugar.
it has the consistency of gravy and taste like a spicy gravy with curry powder in it. It's pretty good with cheese and meat. Gonna have some today actually.
>hamburger patties with provolone and cheddar with garlic rice and a scrambled egg
yeah its coming together
Brown sauce is a staple in western cuisine. The sauce is basically a quick version of beef stew typically eaten in autumn: fry beef, out with the beef, fry aromatics, add flour, add spice powder, deglaze, add a sweet-sour-salt combo, add broth, in with the beef and done. I don't understand the hate for the version that's slightly more ''asian'' flavored. It's just anti-weaboo signalling.
In reality, it is complete dogshit thoughever
Japanese curry is the most overrated dish on the planet
It's like Japanese mashed potatoes
no, the highest form of curry is west indian (specifically jamaican or trini) curry goat.
the sweetness should be somewhat subtle and it complements everything quite well. I don't add any sugar beyond the apple, which should be small, or just use half. this is assuming you even make it from scratch and simmer the ingredients in the sauce as it cooks, rather than putting a cube of shit in at the end and expecting the flavor to penetrate anything.
I prefer Texas curry myself.
Based beans in chili enjoyer
Im not against Tex Red style chilis, but I like to make mine Alamo style.
Im flyover and we dont ever do curry. I dont even really know what it is or the difference between a curry and a stew. I use curry powder as an ingredient but thats it
>Japanese curry is the highest form of curry.
How much meth do you need to think that Japanese curry is good?
counterpoint: japanese curry is the worst curry. i love japanese food but the appeal of nip curry completely escapes me.
Very true, very true.
the japanese are children
well same size anyway
>thing, japan
For me it's
And I belive those are all the ones I've had
it's mid, any SEA curry blows it out of the water
try viet/filipino (they're the same basically)
This anon gets it. No skill involved
You're curry for children.
The colours of this dish are very unappealing.
I like Japanese curry; however:
Hong Kong>SEA>India>Japan, in order of both complexity and deliciousness. HK is pretty similar to Malaysian style except for the fact that they throw a bunch of tea bags in, and it tastes fucking amazing
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I add a touch of soy sauce, bulldog tonkatsu sauce, dark chocolate, Worcestershire sauce, and honey. Just a little of each at the same time when I add the curry cubes. It really makes the curry richer and more balanced imo
>Texas curry
This is a really good idea. Thanks anon. I will be deviating from chili however
>pronouncing it "tecksiss"
It's tay-hass jackass lmao
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if you're a fuming little beaner, then yeah.
Thai curry is good and seems a lot more complex. Never tried Japanese though but it seems a lot more simple compared to others
You have to go back and stay there, chud.
Japanese curry is disgusting
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How do you know he pronounced it Teck-sis anyway? Are you psychic?
why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?
Is Croquette Curry a thing? I made beef croquettes recently and by cooincidence read a yotsuba chapter where croquette curry is mentioned. Is that just using croquettes as the main filler in a curry mix?
yes, that chain paris baguette has curry croquettes
I usually make desi curry but what's the main difference between that and east asian curries? Is it just not as spicy?
you pretty much just doubled up on the combined flavor profile of the curry cube by using all those things together. IMO better to complement JDM curry cubes with just one addition. I myself go for a spoonful of generic curry powder because I like it closer to other eastern curries rather than its roots in western gravy. sometimes i'll add a spoon of cocoa powder or instant coffee powder too.
Where’s the meat
>Spend a few months of one deployment on a major base in Afghanistan
>Large enough that most of the base services were run by contractors
>They fly in hundreds of third-country nationals (not us and not locals) to work there, most seemed to be from southeast Asia
>TCNs had their own chow hall and those motherfuckers seemed to eat curry for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day
>Curry miasma surrounds chow hall in every direction for 500 yards. Just a thick, inescapable wall of smell
>Walk downwind of a pack of TCNs (always in packs), smell curry-infused sweat on the wind
>Walk into a shower trailer, smell soap mixed with curry
>Walk into a shitter trailer, smell liquid curry shit and piss
>Get laundry done by on-base service, comes back smelling faintly of curry
>Come home, hate curry vehemently.
>Can never eat it again, can't even stand the smell of it
>Friends don't let friends eat curry
I think Thai curry mogs all
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Indeed it is!
Why would something that sells for $2 in Japan be more than $5?
>jeetslop: >:(
jeetslop, japan: :O
katsu curry or cutlet curry is pretty common and was probably what the yotsuba chapter translated to croquette curry. Not really sure what the difference is between croquettes and cutlets but from my experience the cutlet is usually fried separately and served on top of the curry
>use cubes
>wipe sauce off food
>no flavor
>cook from scratch
>wipe sauce off food
>still tasty
cubes are shit and you're shit if you use them
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Nothing you add to curry can make it taste bad.
>Take everything India invented (Buddhism, food, plumbing, rape)
>Make it even better
How do they keep getting away with it bros?
if you're severely autistic
Maybe if you're a dipshit weeaboo
I bought every curry block flavor and brand and they all tastes identical except for Vermont Curry which just adds sugar
Japanese curry is a fucking travesty compared to southeast Asian and indian
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>curry block
That's stew.

No way , jose
All curry is stew. In fact, stew is literally the only form of food known to the entire subcontinent of India. They (you) can't imagine not just throwing food in a pot and boiling it, possibly cause they're dirt poor and all of their food is horribly low quality.
anyone from there will say tegksus
including mexicans and texmexicans
Thanks anon I will. I usually really like Vietnamese food but I've never tried their curries
True, nothing can match curry that is folded over 9000 times.
this might be weird but i like to put quartered garlic cloves in it
maybe gochujang, or green bell peppers near the end, just so they soften.
in autumn i add red kuri or mushroom
Japanese curry tastes bad.
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Mexican curry is not too shabby.
Fake Curry in Japan
hairy asshole ahhhhhh
>chubby Japanese woman
Now that you mention it, Japanese curry would go really good over some mashed potatoes instead of over rice. It is kind of a mix between British gravy and British stew, so definitely would be taste over spuds.
I'd lick the 3rd wheel of cheese clean.
Don't judge.
>apples in curry
It just still grosses me out.
if cut into small pieces it's fine, same with mango. habanero Tabasco is only tasty because of the fruit puree in it
It's just a ching chong version of beef stew or pot roast. I'd rather just have non ching chong beef stew or pot roast.
india da best
Thai > Indian > Japanese
But all are good
fuck just need japanese hairy asshole and pits and hairy legs to lick and stick my dick in the asssss hairy ass please cum into hairy asshole eat it all up ahhhhhhhhh then second round cum into her hairy armpit chubby yesssssssss
Sri Lankan curries say hello
Stale Japanese Curry
Poor man's katsu curry in Japan
>Free additional curry sauce
>Free drink
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It's the kind of stew that I cook when I'm craving sweet and savory pick-me-up, usually when the weather starts getting colder. Rate my recipe:
Mushrooms, taters, carrots, chicken thighs, S&B curry powder and dried chilis, a teeny tiny bit of cocoa and a swish of red wine for deglazing. I sauté the ingredients in butter for maximum flavor.
I know it's definitely not authentic, but it hits that spot and it's much better than the pre-bought roux cubes that are full of sodium.
Is it better than her recipe?
It's just shit in a sauce. Big fucking whoop. Anyone who cares about "authenticity" is probably one of those American retards that thinks the world owes their small backwater town royalties for putting a beef patty inside a fucking bun.
how do you add the apple? do you blend it? dice it until it is mushed?
Just like every other jap dish.
This is basically identical to what the English considered curry before Indian migration. Basically just stewed meat in a gravy with added curry powder, it can hardly be considered a proper curry.
>Texas curry
>actually works well at filling the niche of curry
>pairs extremely well with rice
>Americans eat it with crackers or corn bread instead
>Basically just stewed meat in a gravy with added curry powder
Which is different than a "proper" curry how? No shit in it?
>It's just anti-weaboo signalling.
It's more that people don't like it when something is considered higher class for arbitrary reasons >>20845303
broadly speaking croquette ingredients are chopped/mashed/etc up and mixed with a binding ingredient before being fried, whereas a cutlet remains relatively intact in comparison.
you could chalk that up to it being a niche import product. i don't think excessively highly of japanese curry, it's quite mediocre, but it gets an outsized backlash around here (perhaps because it's easy weeb bait?).
I disagree but I do still like jap curry
Proper curry has a complex mixture of spices either in the form of a masala or a paste like in SEA, not just curry powder.
Porky Japanese Curry
It’s not even britbong curry, it’s an Asian person’s interpretation of a britbong curry. It’s two or three degrees removed from actual Indian curry
>It’s not even britbong curry, it’s an Asian person’s interpretation of a britbong curry
You're wrong.

It is pretty much the same. It's the same taste as original British Curries before Indian food became popular in the UK.
There are several types of curry eaten in Japan today.

>Curry prepared with curry cubes
Cheap and simple curry commonly made in Japanese households today.
>Curry prepared with pre-mixed spices and flour roux
Curry before the spread of curry cubes
>Prepared with pre-mixed spices or your favorite spices
>Curry prepared with imported ingredients from India or Thailand
>Cooked with spices added to ramen broth
Curry prepared in a restaurant or by someone who likes to cook

As you can see, there are many different kinds of curry, and you can have a curry that is very close to the real thing, but there is one problem...
However, there is one problem: Jasmine rice and basmati rice are in low demand and are more expensive than Japanese rice.
and it still looks like a bowl of diseased human shit
Tasteless, watery curry from Japan
Japanese food is terrible because of their obsession with presentation. I'll eat pork and beans straight out the pan with half a loaf of bread any day over that gay shit.
J curry is more like savory desert than actual curry
I will happily go the rest of my life without eating any indian or indian-derived foods. Only decent food they have is samosas and I can go without em.
Looks like they opened soup and threw it on some rice
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Cooking eggs in the heat of the curry
i just cube it like i would potato.
provides a nice contrast to all the tubers and veg.
Japanese curry is superior to Indian on the sole basis that it isn't guaranteed to be contaminated with feces.
I like Jap curry because it's tasty, easy to make and customize. It's like the JP equivalent of mac n cheese.
you just got overexposed, I had the same thing when I was roommates with 3 people workin in McDonalds, still can't tolerate the smell to this day.
>the highest form of curry
That's like saying "the tastiest variety of dog shit"
I mean, I guess you're right but I'm not going to test the hypothesis
if nobody said indonesian curry, then all of you are wrong
Last time I made boxed curry I realized I was just making beef stew over rice.
because "curry" is just that. it's basically a ragout
WTF do you think a curry is LMFAO it's fucking meat in gravy with spices it's a stew like all other stews.
yeah ok, settle down there moe
>weeb offended personally
that's like saying pizza sucks because you don't like [one of many possible toppings]. Also the option of using apples in curry existed in bongland way before they ever helped the japs modernize their navy, pre-Perry even.
>all the sugar
Its only sweet tasting in the absolute mildest varieties. The mildest I've ever ordered at a place was a level 3 of ten and it wasn't sweet by any stretch
Chilli with rice is extremely common around the TX/LA border, especially the closer you get to AR
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>using apples in curry
I like to toss a cube or two of it in with shin black instant noodles and beef broth to thicken it up a bit.
>Chocolate flavored chicken
>spicey rice
erm no thank you, Mr Habanos
made some a couple days ago and it was fucking awesome. Got some indian curry to try out later this week as well, curious to see how they compare
Nope, rendang is the toppest tier of curry.
So gook curry doesn’t even have any of the spices of regular curry? I know hapas soy face over it
Corn is local to the Americas, rice only grows well in a few spots
I'm from tokyo and curry is really comfort food, it's also easy to make especially for the retort curry.
you're don't eat it with ginger
I never put apples and sugar in mine, the only sweet one I tried was from an osaka chain in tokyo and it was gross. normally you can select a "sweetness level" if they have it, for women and children
it's just a topping, you can get crab cream or potato croquette on your curry at some chains
I've eaten at probably a hundred different curry restaurants and never seen that

I think maybe it's seems fancy but it's just something simple and comforting, like mac and cheese or grilled cheese type of food. it's not supposed to be something so amazing, although it can be
Retort curry is garbage.
>he doesn't know

that's not even curry rice, it's omurice with a curry sauce and cheese
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Japanese curry that insulted curry
Chili and rice is a very common meal on the Louisiana-Texas border. I would know, I ate lots of it growing up.
>buy block of curry
>add water.

Wala. Pure culinary excellence.
What do you guys add to your curry? I usually put potato, chicken, carrot, and ginger. I want to try adding broccoli as well maybe.
You grate it so that it's all mixed in and contributes sweetness without changing the texture. Japanese like grating things, like daikon radish and ginger.
Thai is the best. They do spicey food better than anyone.
The Japanese take on Britbong curry is far superior to any pajeet curry.
No onions or tomatoes?
>Broccoli and spinach.
Boil them and add them to the curry just before eating.
Put me in the screenshot
>Basmati for Indian curries
>Jasmine for Thai curries
>Harder, less sticky variety of short-grain rice for Japanese curries

For British curry?
Whenever I make Japanese curry like golden, I have to use literally half of the suggested water or it comes out nothing like actual Japanese curry. Why is that? Am I doing something wrong? If I do put the right amount of water it's either ending up insanely watery or I have to simmer it for so long everything is beyond overcooked and the meat turns into rubber
>insanely watery
Do not heat the cubes when putting them in.
Do you mean let it cool for a long while before dropping in so the cubes don't get heated?
>stew but with curry powder in it
baby shit
Turn off the heat and wait five minutes before adding and stirring to melt.
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How do bomba rice and curry go together?
Tomatoes sound good, do you add them towards the end like spinach and broccoli? I don't really like onion.
>why is something more expensive after being imported
Pineapple and artichokes
Isn't Japanese curry just thick chicken stew? For me I like to mash all the ingredients down so its basically just a gravy with strands of chicken in it. 8/10.
African or Jamaican Curry is pretty based and I would go outta my way to eat it. Otherwise, just to get my once a month curry fix I'll stick with Jap Curry
Japanese cuisine has been a mistake
>For British curry?
Traditionally, it was just standard Long Grain Rice.
They don't care about themselves because that would be "selfish" so they instead care about their projection onto someone else. In Japan, you can't pour your own alcoholic drink by custom. Someone else must pour it for you else you are an alcoholic. They're a society of slaves.
This. But only because it has exposed how dogshit the rest of the world's cuisines are.
How come you people don't know how to cook?
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Garnish the curry with artichoke pickles for refreshment.

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