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Why didn't anyone ever tell me about this hack?
If you want your rice to be restaurant quality, you need to try using parboiled.
Every grain is individual and chewy, it's never sticky or mushy.
I honestly feel like I just discovered some food biz secret they don't want you to know about.
If your rice comes out looking sticky or mushy, you're using too much water. The grain absorbs so much water that the starch molecules blow apart into a sticky mess.

Use less water.
If you think "restaurant quality" means parboiled, you're a retard.

Just buy a rice cooker and stop cooking your rice badly.
Hi retards
Not op btw
How do you do the parboiling at home?
Better hack. Stop eating rice. Rice sucks. It doesn't taste good, it has no nutritional value, it doesn't improve the dish, it doesn't have a good texture.
While you can cook rice normally, it's not worth the hassle and consistent proper rice needs a rice cooker, but what kind of an idiot is going to buy another plastic chink toy just to cook rice?
Not only are you buying cheap shit from an asian country, the rice itself is from some shithole asian country. Stop giving them money.
You can replace rice with pasta or potatoes
Rice is horse food, then you eat the horse
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many restaurants use parboiled rice for a number of reasons. restaurant 'quality' is laughable though, rice is fucking rice unless you can't boil water and use a measuring cup. i have never left a restaurant wondering how they cook such amazing rice lmao.
Yeah. You know how rice that's been refrigerated overnight is better for fried rice? That's because refrigerated rice's starch has been retrograded.
Parboiling rice retrogrades the starch. So it's like rice that's already been refrigerated overnight.
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>consistent proper rice needs a rice cooker
If you want bottom fork rice just use the boil in a bag rice.
>How do you do the parboiling at home?
Honestly just cook your rice then refrigerate it overnight (or do what I do and cook a shitload of rice at one time, put individual servings into little plastic bags and freeze them for later use), then use that rice to make whatever dish you want. If you just want rice, just reheat it after refrigerating it.
Refrigerating it retrogrades the starch. The starch being retrograded is what gives parboiled rice its improved texture. You get the same effect from just refrigerating rice overnight (or freezing it) after you cook it.
Is this pasta? It should be.
We get perfect rice with normal-ass rice.
No, it's rice
I just use my Zoji rice cooker
Now when I get home, my family gets me with
>Hey, it's pasta or potatoes instead of rice!
Imagine calling someone else retarded for being right.
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>the skill issue pot and lid autist is back
She's not wrong. Admittedly, I prefer the rice cooker only because it's easier but the rice comes out better when I cook it in a pot on the stove and there are a few different ways to cook it on the hob to get rice with different textures and other qualities, even if it's all cooked from the same bag of the stuff.
I'm >>20842033 btw
My rice cooker makes better rice than a pot on the stove, the only way to improve it further is using a clay pot.
>My rice cooker makes better rice than a pot on the stove
Skill issue.
You can't even cook rice in a pot. Stop posting on /ck/.
>making rice in a pot is so easy there is no reason to own a rice cooker
>you only own a rice cooker because you can't cook rice in a pot
pick one moron, it can't be both.
>look I posted it again!
Painfully retarded
>can't even cook rice in a pot correctly
Absolutely pathetic.
I can't even imagine the mess you'd make out of something like a carbonara.
I bet you can't even make Samyang Buldak Carbonara properly.
>buy good rice
>rinse it
>put it in zojirushi
>press start
wa la
perfect rice every time
>He can afford a rice cooker, I bet he can't even make my brand of meme Korean noodles
Wew you really are trying your best to be insulting, yet you still fall far short of anything even masquerading as intelligent or hurtful.
Keep posting autism-kun, maybe you will succeed some day.
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I just put Sriracha on everything and it taste gud
I also have never left a restaurant wondering how they cook such amazing rice.
I have left wondering how they cook such absolutely fuck shit on more than one occasion though.
I like parboiled rice too, except all the carbs.
Can cook it in the microwave and it comes out fine every time. The texture is nice in its own way, I guess most people are snobs about it. Even though parboiled rice has more natural vitamins than white rice.
I went to Nobu and I was left wondering how they cooked such amazing rice
My "ordinary rice" never looks like that
b-but the rice I buy comes from texas :(
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It's my favourite all-round rice, because it's never sticky. I can use it immediately for fried rice, right after cooking it. I even use it for sushi.
Sela is the KING of rice!
Was that before or after the Squid noodles played Drake with your butthole
>t. Mongol
>proper rice needs a cooker
youre a fucking idiot. ive made rice just fine in a saucepan for 20+ years. its also good and goes well with all sorts of stuff. im so glad I dont know you. you must be unbearable in person. a know it all bitch that doesnt even know how to cook rice. can you not boil an egg without special egg boiling equipment too, dumbass?
I have in Japan, and this is coming from an Asian who eats rice daily
Both are true though. It's easy, yet you can't do it because you're retarded.
Have a (you)
I know that's what you're after.
>ive made rice just fine in a saucepan for 20+ years
Teach me sensei
zojirushi chads
we laugh at this thread
Being poor is nothing to be proud of loser.
But how will I cook eggs without rice?
I have zojirushi rice cooker made from superior Chinese plastic folded over 100 times. You put a piece of kelp on top to make the rice fragrant then push a button. It sings a song when it's finished. I'll never have to eat restaurant quality rice again.
you didn't get a made in japan Zoji model?

ricedick shill
It's crazy how many people can't cook rice at all.
But it's not their fault to be honest. Usually the printed cooking guidelines usually have you add WAY too much water. Double the amount needed often.
Is that really what I've been doing wrong?! My rice always comes out mushy and all I've done is follow the directions on the package. the ratio on the bag is 2 parts water, 1 part rice. I figured I was just overcooking it or something.
looks like subparboiled rice to me if you know what I mean
My ex-chink gf taught me and this method never failed me for Jasmin or Basmati rice.
Wash the rice then 2 parts rice 1.5 parts water and some salt into the pot.
Cook until no water is left on the top then take off the heat and let it sit for another few minutes. Done.
Ohh and keep the lid on. Especially when you let it rest/steam at the end.
Thats pretty crucial.
>it has no nutritional value,
Brown rice has plenty of fiber and vitamins. Even moreso when sprouted. Every single word of your post is incorrect, it's kind of impressive.
Either you've been totally fucking up your rice or you've been only to the shittiest restaurants of all time
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NTA, but know your rice.
Different types of rice require different water ratios for the best result, that's literally all there is to it.
Quick and dirty ruleset, which would be a good starting point is (going by volume, water:rice)
>1:1 or lower for jasmine and short-grained rice
>1-1.5:1 for your standard long grain rice
>1.5-2:1 for basmati and brown rice
You'll just have to learn to adjust the water volume on your own to the specific brands of rice that you're using.

As for the instructions, they are the same, regardless of the rice type.
>put rice in the pot, pour the water over it
>on the highest heat, bring to the boil
>let it boil for 15 to 30 seconds
>cover, reduce the heat to low, set your timer to 15 minutes (30-40, if cooking brown rice)
>if not serving immediately, take a fork or any other utensil you can lay your hands on, and fluff it to release the steam

There you have it. A couple of final remarks
>you can recover underhydrated (and undercooked) rice, by keeping it on the burner and slowly adding water in small increments, until reaching the desired doneness level
>there's no analogous process that would allow you to salvage an overly hydrated, mushy rice, act accordingly
>I mostly cook with jasmine rice, so I've omitted mentioning adding any salt, however I found most other types of rice are better when cooked in a slightly salted water, use your own judgment here
do you have that in minesweeper flavor?
Actually, I think it's far more autistic to think that you can't make good rice with "pot and lid", as you put it, and need a rice cooker.
A rice cooker is for convenience, a fire and forget way to cook rice. I have a rice cooker myself, but sometimes I want to just clean 1 thing instead of 2 things, so I use a pot.
I would say it's extremely autistic to post skill issue anytime a rice cooker is mentioned on the board.
i will try this, thank you. the little pot I like to use has a vent hole in the lid. I've covered it with tape before for things that needed the steam to stay inside. I'm gonna assume I'll need to do that for this as well, right? Or does it matter if the steam vents out?
Unless you have the hatches to secure the lid in place, it doesn't matter, since the steam will escape anyway.
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I just put the rice and water into a pot with some salt (and maybe some seasonings I might want them to absorb as well, depending on the dish), get it up to a boil, wait a minute, then turn it down to low and cover it, cooking until the top is no longer wet, then I leave it covered off heat until the rest is ready

Perfect rice every time
This is a long, elaborate trollpost.
>simmer for only 15 minutes
Severely undercooked rice.
>Severely undercooked rice.
Do you use a wax candle for a stove or what?
>restaurant 'quality'
i miss the "professional food" meme
How did you never have Uncle Ben’s rice? Did you never eat black people or Greek people food?
Wash your rice. Use the correct amount of water. Comes out looking like bottom everytime. I would know, I work in a sushi restaurant and I make rice nearly every night at home.
holy mother of bait
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>mfw boiling rice together with bouillon cubes
Rice is great for soaking up curries. What’s your problem anyway, did your dad stuff your asshole full of rice when you were a toddler or something?
I've never cooked rice like the above, always the bottom
I don't use a rice cooker, I'm just not a moron.

Pro tip, if you know how to measure water correctly, you simply cook until holes appear in the rice, turn off the heat, stir it up and cover it again allowing it to steam for the last few minutes. This will not only produce a superior rice but will also keep it from sticking to the pot.
You just turned it into a pressure cooker. Try not to kill anyone.
Your girlfriend is formerly Chinese?
>I can't use a stove therefore a rice cooker is superior
got it
>i waste burner space and time to do something worse than a machine can do because it makes me feel superior
No one asked
it's a tiny pot with nothing holding the lid on. Steam definitely escapes out the sides.
as >>20844412 pointed this out, i realized i may just be retarded.
Kys tranime poster
Why do people get so buttblasted about anime on 4chan of all places?
You just want your cooked rice dry for fried rice. Newly cooked rice using less water is a okay option.
>satan digits czeched
It's because anime is gay and retarded, anon.
>big tits flopping around everywhere
Ok anon if you say so
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If you're stupid enough to complain about anime on an anime website, you're probably too stupid to correctly cook your rice like pasta, draining 60 percent of the arsenic into the sink in the process.
Why would that be needed as almost all of it is in the bran, which isn't present in white rice.
To take it further if that's your concern you could not be massive retard and buy rice that wasn't grown in the southern United States.
>Why would that be needed
kek OK enjoy your arsenic. Literal poison.
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>he doesn't know where the chemical he is scared of is sequestered in the plant
King of the nigger retards
I just eat brown rice, it's got a nice flaor and chew. Brown basmati is good because it doesn't take that much more time
>almost all of it is in the bran
>almost all of it
>While white rice has less fiber and vitamins, it also has 50% less arsenic than brown rice.
>50% less
Congratulations, you made a factually incorrect statement on the internet.
You were wrong on the internet. You are a bad person and should feel bad.
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Almost all of it is, what's left is on the exterior of the rice due to the process of polishing the bran off, which can be removed by rinsing the rice.
Further more you could avoid rice grown in old cotton fields and not have this issue at all.
>what's left... can be removed by rinsing the rice.
>Rinsing rice before cooking has a minimal effect on the arsenic (As) content of the cooked grain
>Well, if you really wash the rice, for example, agitating the uncooked rice in water, rinsing, and repeating for three minutes, you may be able to remove about 10 percent of the arsenic.
Congratulations you made ANOTHER factually incorrect statement on the internet.
You were extremely wrong on the internet. You are a terrible person and you should feel terrible.

I haven't seen a beatdown like this since Tyre Nichols.
Parboiled rice is based. Tastes the same and only takes 10 minutes to cook. Not sure why so many people have a problem with it, I think they're just retarded. Some will cite vitamins and mineral content but this further proves their retardation since white rice only has trace micronutrients to begin with.
It means you're too stupid to do something extremely simple. You not getting that is just more proof.
Rice cookers take 30+ minutes, stovetop takes 15-20.
>I exclusively buy rice grown in cotton fields
I don't, so I don't worry about your pearl clutching retardation.
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>Rice cookers take 30+ minutes
Rice cookers should take 50+ minutes if they're allowing it to rest properly.

Only with "quick cook" rice would you reliably be able to do it in around 30 minutes.
>my rice has less arsenic
>this means arsenic is no longer literal poison and I shouldn't make an effort to further reduce my intake of it!
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>still pearl clutching
Comparing the arsenic load in fields used for cotton and those that never had cotton growing you would realize that you're worrying about nothing.
Unless that is you can't afford rice not grown in Missouri then maybe the problem lies with you, not others and their choices.
Whoops wrong picture, but it still works for a dumb nigger like yourself
>my rice has less arsenic
>this means arsenic is no longer literal poison and I shouldn't make an effort to further reduce my intake of it!
>he clutched his pearls tighter and tighter, hoping to become one with them, then he could always be reminded that he is infact retarded
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>I need to buy parboiled rice because I fuck up rice every time
holy kek, certified American woman post
found the rice cooker owner
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not my problem
Fiber is useless. And no, rice has no vitamins or nutrients digested by the human body.
>Fiber is useless.
t. Hemorrhoid McHemorrhoidson
>Better hack. Stop eating rice. Rice sucks. It doesn't taste good, it has no nutritional value, it doesn't improve the dish, it doesn't have a good texture.

This might be the keto schizo spammer, but... I don't know.
I prefer oats or potatoes or buckwheat. rice also has very high arsenic, so it sucks for that reason alone.
>rice also has very high arsenic,
>rice grown in Missouri and Mississippi in old cotton fields has high arsenic
You keep using the false logic of "rice grown in one region has more arsenic than rice grown in another region - that means the arsenic in the rise grown in the other region is perfectly healthy and nothing to worry about!"
It's faulty logic.
>has never even read the study that's most commonly cited about arsenic and claims all rice is contaminated to the same degree
The rice grown in regions that used arsenic as a pesticide is 5 times more contaminated than all other tested rice.
That means 634 different rice types from all over the world have less arsenic than the ones from the American south.
Even the most dirty Thai rice had orders of magnitude less.
You are so disingenuous and retarded it boggles the mind.
>That means 634 different rice types from all over the world have less arsenic than the ones from the American south.
That doesn't mean the arsenic in those 634 types of rice can't hurt you.
>and so he clutched his pearls so tightly that they compressed into a micro singularity, ending his worrying forever
Thank god
Not an argument.
The amount of people who cannot cook rice on a stove astounds me, it's so simple and incredibly easy and gets results every time. You can do things with rice on a stove top with a pan and lid that you cannot do in a rice cooker. Yes -- you can make better rice in a stove pot than you can with a rice cooker.
It's so easy to cook rice. All you need to know is water ratio. That's literally it. Everything else about rice on a stove (spices, seasonings, fragrants, oils, butter, salt, stock etc.) is just a cherry on top.
All you need is a pan and a lid and to know the water ratio... seriously, you have Google, you have a supercomputer in your pocket, just ask that for the water ratio and there you go. Bring it to the boil and put the lid on and turn it down low and cook it for the requisite amount of time... easy rice. It's not hard! You don't need $100+ rice cookers, fucking hell
I'll continue to use my rice cooker
Rice cookers are the ultimate sign of a cooklet.
I'll continue to make restaurant-quality rice on my stovepot for 0 effort and not have a huge-ass rice cooker to clean after every time
A rice cooker is zero effort too, doesn't require any monitoring, and also only has two things to wash or even just one every time, and you save a burner too.
Seems like it's a far better choice to use a rice cooker to me.
Rice cooker is way more effort than stove top lmfao. Continue being a cooklet noob.
Washing a pan vs. a huge-ass cooker pan covered in starch. Cooking just enough rice that you need vs. cooking too much and having it sit around in the cooker. You don't need to monitor stovetop rice. Stop being lazy. Stop telling yourself bullshit that isn't true. Learn to do it right and do it yourself. Why are you even on /ck/ honestly?
I like my rice cooker because it keeps it warm for two or three days as good as if I had just made it. Rice is very difficult to reheat without damaging the texture or taste. Basically eat it cold or make fried rice with it because everything else is bad.
Also my kitchen is very small. If you're super rich and can afford the space to make it on the stove then that's great. Set the table with five different forks five different spoons, three different knives, linen napkin, three goblets for white wine, red wine, water, a cordial glass, and digestif glass. For the rest of us a rice cooker saves a lot of space and time. I can make rice twice a week and be good. On the stove top it becomes a daily chore, possibly a chore done more than once a day. Too much trouble.
Restaurants use rice cookers.
>covered in starch
lmao, oh i see now. it's ok anon, no one will judge you too harshly for being poor and making shit up about rice cookers
>spices, seasonings, fragrants, oils, butter, salt, stock etc
All of that is doable with a rice cooker too anon.

Maybe stop inventing your own fantasies about rice cookers.
Haven't you people had this argument enough times?
Personally I cook on the stove. I cook rice only a couple times a week for only 2 people, my demand for rice is not that high. I've perfected the technique so I'm comfortable with it. I also want to keep the number of appliances I use as low as possible because I like to keep the counters clear.
Other anons might be cooking rice every day for a lot more people, in which case a rice cooker makes more sense. Maybe some anons just prefer how the appliance cooks and don't mind the occupied counter space. Maybe some anons just don't give a fuck and defer to the machine which perfectly cooks their rice every time.

What the FUCK is the difference? The end result is the same, you get rice.
I pop out the pot and lid of the rice cooker and wash them, they are no more ungainly to wash than any other pot and lid.
You do realize that you don't wash the entire rice cooker right, because it seems like you don't know that at all.
I'll never make stovetop rice unless it's biryani, get fucked loser.
How did she figure out how to not be Chinese anymore?
>I prefer a rice cooker because I find it more convenient
This is a perfectly legitimate argument.
The rice cooker is still inferior because you can't use it to cook rice like pasta and drain 60% of the arsenic out, but it's still a legitimate argument.
>a rice cooker makes better rice than a pot on a stove
This is an argument only a cooklet would make.
Every time I've had rice from a pot from someone who SWEARS they make "perfect" rice, it has been shit.

Literally every time.

Maybe you just prefer shit rice? Because a good rice cooker (with good rice) mogs any stove top prepared rice.
>arsenic autist is back
I should just add arsenic to a word filter list and never see your posts again, same with that nigbull owner Stewart.
I want my rice to be sticky and chewy
I buy Japanese rice that doesnt have arsenic in the first place.

Only the lowest quality shittier rice is grown in regions that have arsenic in the soil.
Don't even bother responding to him, he has never read the studies he talks about, just their summaries that other people write about them.
He can't name the regions where the arsenic is found, he doesn't know where the arsenic is sequestered at in the plant, he thinks that it's the same the world over for contamination.
He is a headline reader with almost no understanding of the fundamental problems but will autistically declare himself an expert about it.
Worse, he has read the studies, he knows the regions, and knows it's bullshit generally, but he also knows it'll get (you)s, and that's all he cares about.
Rice in a pot takes ~15 mins
Children who cannot cook
no u
Wait, people measure the rice and water? I just boil water in a kettle and add more to the rice if it doesn't seem enough
If you do not lab test your own rice you cannot be sure it does not have unhealthy amounts of arsenic in it.
I'll continue to use my rice cooker regardless of what you think.
I also use a smoker instead of the grill I have to smoke meat, I use my pizza oven instead of my kitchen oven for pizza too.
Enjoy your substandard food because you cannot afford the needed tools to make better quality food.
>inb4 cope posting you don't need any of those things
I don't care
Do you drink unfiltered water ever?
Do you breathe city air?
Do you use plastic things?
There are a lot of things that negatively impact health, worrying about arsenic in rice isn't anywhere near the top of the list for things that can poorly effect you.
especially if you buy your rice from regions that are known to not have high levels of arsenic in the soil.
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rice is fucking shit. takes way too much effort to make at home unless you want to waste money on a unitasker and even then it takes forever, and it tastes like dog turds compared to even the most humble loaf of homemade bread. old rice tastes stale quickly but you can bake a loaf and it stays fresh for days. breadmaking less work too, because you can just make some no-kneed dough, and freeze whatever you don't use for later. fuck rice.
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Are people ITT actually saying that cooking rice is hard? I don't know shit about cooking but boiling rice in a pot is something even I manage to do.
why would people who can cook browse the fast food board?
It is excessively easy to reduce arsenic content of rice by 60% and there is no reason not to do so.
The reason not to do so is because my rice doesn't fucking have arsenic to begin with and parboiling is not the same as steaming, and you're delusional if you think the resulting rice is the same (or god forbid you're so fucking retarded you think the texture of parboiled rice is BETTER).
Bro, do you know any Asians? They all use a rice cooker.
I don't like overly chewy rice, it reminds me of what I used to eat in school.
He insists they don't know how to cook, or they somehow lost the ability to "properly" cook rice on the stove top over years of using rice cookers.

He's an idiot clearly, but that's his shtick, he does this in every single rice cooker and rice adjacent thread.
You need to seal that vent hole. Use JB Weld. Use a lot. Clamp down the lid tight with 3 or 4 C clamps. It is preferable to make a flour and water paste to put on the lip of pot to make a really good seal. This may be omitted if you are in a hurry. I usually go by feel, but 15 or 20 minutes is ideal.
t. Master Ricemaker
But if you aren't a poor retard you don't buy rice grown in an old cotton field and if you aren't retarded you would know that even the studies whose numbers you parrot without understanding would have said that almost all of the arsenic is in the bran and germ, both of which aren't present in white rice.
But you're retarded so these ideas are just out of reach for you, sad, many such cases.
>my rice doesn't fucking have arsenic to begin with
This is wrong.
At best it has a very small amount.
You don't know the amount is very small if you don't lab test it though.
>but muh quality
Skill issue.
>almost all of the arsenic is in the bran and germ, both of which aren't present in white rice.
We've already established this is incorrect:
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I make absolutely perfect quality rice every time by cooking it like pasta. The only "trick" is getting the simmer time correct. You simmer, drain, return to pot, cover for 10 minutes and it's done. The simmer time is the only variable which alters the quality. Get the simmer time correct and the quality is perfect.
I produce absolutely perfect quality rice this way and I remove 60 percent of the arsenic by doing so. This makes me an objectively better human being than those with skill issues which prevent them from doing this.
Arsenic is literally poison and you don't know your rice doesn't have unhealthy amounts of it unless you literally lab test your rice yourself once per year.
Anyone who doesn't take the excessively simple, easy step of cooking rice like pasta to mitigate potential health to harm from arsenic is a fucking idiot and if this describes you, I am a better human being than you.
If you actually bothered to read any of the more recent studies they're almost all about how once it's processed into white rice and rinsed, as long as you're not cooking it in water with high levels of arsenic, then you're fine.

The issue is in areas that DON'T have access to better soil without arsenic, and areas that have arsenic in their water.

There is ZERO health concerns for someone in the first world eating japanese rice.

> Inorganic As species are more toxic than methylated forms to humans. We found here that the inorganic As concentration in the grain of Japanese rice cultivars did not exceed 0.3mgkg−1, even when the total As concentration reached levels of more than 3mgkg−1. If a Japanese person weighing 53.5kg consumes an average of 160g of rice per day and the maximum concentration of inorganic As in the grain is presumed to be 0.3mgkg−1, then the calculated intake of inorganic As from rice would be 0.9µgkg−1 BW per day. This value is a possible maximum intake of inorganic As from rice; 0.48µgkg−1 BW per day or less would be a reasonable average value for As intake from rice by the Japanese people because of MAFF's average total As value of 0.16mgkg−1 in brown rice. Regardless, both values are far less than the current BMDL0.5.

>Taken together, these findings suggest that As health risk need not be taken into account in the choice of rice cultivars in Japan; instead, field management practices such as water management are very important factors for controlling total As accumulation in Japanese rice.
2010 study. 14 years old.
You don't know your rice doesn't have unhealthy amounts of arsenic unless you literally lab test your rice yourself once per year.
I am correct.
You don't know your rice doesn't have unhealthy amounts of uranium in it
Lmao, you're a fear-mongering retard that buys his cheap $1/kg rice from Arkansas.

Enjoy your Arsenic, probably more arsenic in your shitty rice AFTER your rinsing/parboiling bullshit than my rice has even before rinsing it.

When you start out with 100x more arsenic than my rice, even if you remove 99% of it, my rice still has less.
>incorrect assumption
Terrible post.
>cites a study that used rice grown only in the south
You are retarded and parboiled rice is trash, just like your opinions.
Tranny chinkcel cope. I've done it as it's supposed to be done and it doesn't work. The amount of water the rice absorbs is completely random. The chance of getting the rice perfect is too small for such a mediocre ingredient. Who the fuck actually wants to eat rice? Fucking asian poverty food that we import in our countries. What a scam.
>The amount of water the rice absorbs is completely random.
Not an issue when you cook it like pasta, the objectively correct way. No more worry about proper water ratio, and removes 60% of the poisonous arsenic. It is the objectively correct way to make rice and only cooklets disagree.
It's not hard, it's luck based.
Everyone who is a self proclaimed expert on rice cooking says the same exact thing. All of them saying that you just stick a finger up your ass and measure the water. I've done it, it doesn't work. I've done the washing rice thing and it only makes the rice worse.
you're leaving rice in the rice cooker for days, still warm, and not refrigerating it? based retard
Read his posts more. He's a fucking cooklet. He says he does that because reheated rice is bad.
This means he doesn't know how to reheat rice because he's a fucking cooklet.
Every ''professional'' says to cook it in a way that all the water is absorbed as the rice is done cooking.
Everyone I know cooks rice in the shitty plastic bag and their rice comes out perfect (and full of micro plastics)

To me it seems like cooking it in more water is probably the better option, but rice is such a low tier food I am never touching that shit again. Fucking tasteless bird food.
How do you reheat rice properly?
My rice cooker can keep cooked rice for 3 days without refrigeration.
Post the model you own, I doubt it actually has 72 hour keep warm.

Most likely it's 24-48 hours, and you're using it longer than the manufacturer recommends.
In America it's limited to 36 hours, the same model in Japan can do 48h.
I would imagine it's related to USDA overreach.
So yeah, you go beyond what the manufacturer recommends.
Sorry it's 72 hours in Japan not 48.
It's literally the same product, the manufacturer doesn't decide what the USDA says is safe.
The only difference between the two is what country they are sold in.
Just made some black beans and rice with rice that I cooked like pasta then refrigerated for later use. Delicious. Perfect texture.
Damn it feels good to not be a cooklet and to have 60 percent less arsenic in my body than cooklets.
Tell me the model number, I'll happily look it up to prove you wrong.
On a cooking board, that the people who cannot cook think that they are allowed to make fun of anybody, is a fucking laugh. Even people who are willing to try but havent yet mastered the technique, ie they still suck, are infinitely better than them.
So yeah shut the fuck up about your rice cookers. Nobodys gonna applause your ability to push a button.
Go damn i miss the IP counter, at least then it would be more obvious (to other anons) you're the same fag who has been shitting up this entire thread.
Take your meds.
Only if you keep posting about arsenic and how amazing you are at cooking.
I knew you were gonna pull the samefag shit since i knew you were a coward.
>phone poster
Into the trash it goes
You are such a fucking weasel. First its >samefag then its >phoneposting. Next im sure youll find some other bullshit excuse to complain about to get away from the fact that you cant cook. Not only are you unable to cook, you are unwilling to learn, unwilling to fail, unwilling to experiment. Then you turn around and point at people who are willng to do those things and you laugh at them and you say haha watch me push this button.
Youre a pussy bitch.
have a puff off your asthma puffer and calm down sweaty
You are so predictable too. I just knew you were gonna try to be aloof and be like haha im not gonna take what you say seriously. Anything to not have to face the fact that you are incompetent.
you're not even talking to the same person moron
Whats the difference you also use a rice cooker and also dont know how to cook.
despite knowing my thoughts and intentions, you are still unable to raise any response other than crying like a baby
>newfag phone poster thinks 4chan is all the same person
Why dont we talk about cooking yeah? This is a cooking board not the faggot i suck cock for a living board.
Do you know how to cook rice without using a machine?
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>makes disingenuous appeal to get people back on topic, ends statement with autism
Newfag phone posting retard
Haha do you know who you are fooling by these avoidance tactics? Youself thats who. Thats the only person being fooled by them.
Face facts bitch, you cant cook. Once you can accept that fact then you can do something about it. Until then, keep using your machine and keep being a bitch.
I'll keep using my rice cooker, your poverty autism screeching won't change that.
>I'll keep using my rice cooker
Well i think we all saw that coming. Cowards gonna coward.
>screeches more
How horrific it is that i have to share a board with people like this.
If i go to the /diy/ board and they ask me if i know how to make a table/chair/desk i say no. I dont say haha fucking losers i go to ikea and buy whatever i want what are you poor.
The fact that this bitch think that he can make fun of people who cook on a cooking board. I dont even know what to call it. Its so bizzare.
>the phone poster still posts
Didn't read, don't care.
How the fuck are you just finding out about Uncle Ben’s rice? Have you never eaten rice from a cafeteria or had rice cooked by a black person or Greek?
>people post on discussion board
Crazy. And i didnt post it for your benefit so whether you read it or not is of no difference to me. I just need to vent that there are a number of faggots shitting up the board thats all.
It's amazing how shit this entire website has become due to phone posting, it's too bad faggots like you have access to the Internet.
Why dont you know how to cook rice?
>if you don't do something like I do then you can't cook
But you cant cook. All you know how to do is push a button.
Do you know back in the day, before rice cookers, when the adults go to the field and do farm work, they leave the cooking to literal toddlers to do? I mean the cooking back then was pretty simple and there was nothing extravrgant to prepare. Still literal toddlers was able to do it.
>if you use a tool you can't cook
Huh, I better throw out my smokers and pizza oven then too, also my stand mixers, dough mixer, and ice cream maker.
You are an insufferable autist and I hope you are victimized by the blackest African from your town.
More than a billion people in Asia use a rice cooker everyday.
>I mean the cooking back then was pretty simple and there was nothing extravrgant to prepare.
Source for that lmfao? It was a thousand time more complex than now.
Im not talking about those things im talking about rice. Lets not change the subject yeah? I know its difficult for you but lets try.
I am one of those billion. I have had more rice cooker than all the rice cooker people in this thread combined.
I now cook on the stove. And i am better than those that dont.
>n-no those tools are different
They aren't, they are tools that do very specific things that can largely be replicated in more slow and inefficient ways, just like stove top rice.
This is called logical equivalence, I'm deeply sorry this sort of thought experiment is too hard for you to understand you cretin.
No, you’re not better than the billion rice cooker using Asians. You’re just some retard shitposting on a nearly dead board in a thread about some moron just discovering parboiled rice in current year. You’re an exceptional loser among a group of losers. Every Asian housewife who clicks her rice cooker on in the morning to make rice for her family is better than you.
What do you think peasants were eating shark fins? 99% of the time all they had was rice and some vegetable boiled in a soup.
Well since you listed a bunch of stuff i didnt wanna go into details about each once of them.
But if you insist then yes you need to throw them all out. If you use them it means you cant cook. Its that simple.
>my opinions are objective facts
You have autism and no one truly cares about what you have to say.
Your screeching is very funny though.
Why cant you cook rice? Illiterate toddlers 100 years ago do it everyday.
>What do you think peasants were eating shark fins? 99% of the time all they had was rice and some vegetable boiled in a soup.
Please educate me on this topic which im sure you know a lot about.
>unless you can't boil water and use a measuring cup
You rang?
Why does cooking superior rice with a single button press set off rice autists in particular? Do we have toast autists who kvetch when grandma makes superior morning toast with a single lever push?
>why do people on a cooking board seethe when i boast about my ability to not cook
sure is a mystery
I use a pan to boil my tea water. I look down on anyone with a kettle, electric or otherwise. I also have never owned a microwave and didn’t have one as a kid either. Haven’t had fast food since the 90s.
I dont know if youre being serious or ironic but unironically im exactly the same. And yes i look down on anyone who do otherwise.
>I look down on anyone with a kettle
But why? That's really strange of you, it's simply faster and more convenient.
Thats just what happens when you have a skill that others dont. If i spoke 5 languages i would look down on anyone who only speaks 4. Dont like it? Get on my level.
yea I got swept up on parboiled rice at restaurants when I was a kid, too. it's really mediocre after the third or fourth time you learn to make it at home, though. I would use it every time with seafood and a light broth or stock but otherwise, it's got a very distinct heavy, granular texture and it doesn't suck up flavor very well. I would say learn how to properly wash and fluff other types of rice , specifically basmati or sushi rice because they can be adapted to literally any palate with some quickly sauteed ingredients or one again, broths, stocks, sauces, oils or fats.

Also, contrary to popular beliefs itt-rice cookers are just way easier than constantly checking up on your pot of rice on the stove. I have a $30 rice cooker that cooks any type of rice after being properly prepared in less than an hour. It's silly that anons here are suggesting you can get top tier rice in a faster time frame.
sounds just like the cultural chauvinism south asians have about wiping their dirty asshole with their hands
I’m completely serious. No one ever believes I’ve never had a microwave and I’m in my late 30s.
Why'd you quote me among the rice cooker users? Are you just retarded?
Oh they believe you. They're just bewildered by how enthusiastic you are to tell people.
>Not only are you buying cheap shit from an asian country

I know this is old and bait, but there was more care and sophistication in my Japanese rice-cooker's manual than the owner's manual of my fucking American car. I don't understand how Americans still delude themselves into thinking we still make the highest quality stuff when basically every other 1st world country has manufacturing standards and culture leagues ahead of us.
Boiling water in a pan isnt skill.
Kettles are nice, especially if you drink different types of tea with different extraction temps
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Alright guys, today I cooked rice and I don't believe any of you anymore. I'm a total retard when it comes to cooking. Yet it took me less than 10 minutes in a normal pot, I spent half of the time doing other things and the rice turned out perfect. I refuse to understand how this is supposed to be complicated.
>and the rice turned out perfect
this is subjective, what rice are you used to?

If you're eating shit rice, then shit rice is going to be just as good as any other shit rice you've had.
Pretty much agree. It's okay once in a while. Definitely just pure calories with no nutritional value, though.
A mixture of jasmine and basmati rice

lmao even

well at least you admit you buy shit rice.
Post good rice or you're just being silly
Imagine being elitist about rice lmao. I bet you don't even grow your own rice in your garden.
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Admit it, how many of these ricer cooker faggots are zoomers? I bet almost all of you are; learning to do something properly scares you and you have just barely enough imagination in you that you can conjure up elaborate bullshit hysterias and delusions about why you cannot do a certain thing e.g. cook rice in a stove on the hob.
100% a high amount of the rice cooker faggots ITT are zoomers in the mid-20s at most. I guaran-fucking-tee it
Basmati rice: 1.5 amount of water to how much rice you put in.
So let's go over this, zoomertard: I put 2 cups of rice in. I then use that same cup to measure out 3 cups of water. That's how much water I use for my rice.
I put 3 cups because 2 cups of rice x 1.5 for water ratio IS THREE.
You can use any jar, cup, mug, glass, container or ANYTHING THAT HOLDS RICE OR WATER to do this very simple measurement. Retarded fux
I'm in my 30s.

My household has had a rice cooker since the late 1980s when my parents got married (wedding gift).
The first Zojirushi we had last for about 15 years, we got another Zojirushi in the mid 2000s that is still being used by my mom today. When I moved out I got a free Panasonic rice cooker from a friend, but the bowl wore out after a few years and i couldn't get a replacement so around 2021 I went and bought myself a new Zojirushi (NP-HCC10XH).

Also anyone buying a rice cooker for non-japanese rice is a moron, all of these rice cookers are designed to cook japanese rice specifically, they'll have modes that work for Jasmine/Basmati but they're not really made for that.
Yes but that's just you isn't it
>Also, contrary to popular beliefs itt-rice cookers are just way easier than constantly checking up on your pot of rice on the stove. I have a $30 rice cooker that cooks any type of rice after being properly prepared in less than an hour. It's silly that anons here are suggesting you can get top tier rice in a faster time frame.
It seemd impossible to me, but maybe the anti-rice cooker autist was onto something after all.
And you're just you.

What's your point?

Somehow your life experiences are more "correct" than my own?
>short grain sticky
If you're buying a rice cooker for anything BESIDES short grain japanese rice, you're a moron.
I don't, I never had a need for one.
I've just never seen short grained rice, from rice cooker or not, that would approach top end jasmine rice in either taste or texture.
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i really needed that laugh, thanks anon
The pro rice cooker/Japanese rice guy does not argue in good faith and is not sincere. He is just pretending to be retarded for (You)s. Do not take what he says seriously or assume it is good advice. He has been using the same trolling arguments for a very long time, in every goddamn rice thread on /ck/.
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>projecting this hard
Let's hope it will make the slop that you call rice go down better your gullet.
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I'm 35, my rice cooker was 650 USD.
I only make rice on the stovetop for biryani, all other rice goes into the rice cooker.

who the hell spends 650 on a rice cooker? mine was 20 and works fine for years now. is your rice cooker capable of inter-dimensional time travel or something?
Japanese domestic market models can be even more expensive, they're just not sold in the US.
Is $650 a lot of money to you?
Besides blenders it's likely my cheapest kitchen appliance.
It's a lot of money for a kitchen appliance period. I wouldn't dream of spending money or space on something I can do with a saucepan on the stove.
How many posts do you have in this thread?

Be honest.
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It was actually my first one. I think my juicer is my most expensive kitchen appliance besides my oven/range and refrigerator.
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lmao even

nice one kid, but we all know you're the same person who has been in here for 4 days straight talking about how you make perfect rice in a pot.
Nah I'm not that guy. I bet my rice is better than his though
All the rice you buy at the supermarket is parboiled already.
My rice can beat up your rice
unironically tho >>20851582
>niggas can't cook rice
cooking rice is not some sort of esoteric process, just experiment a little to get the water ratio right depending on the rice, and remember that rice in the western world at least is fortified to better its nutritional value, which is why you should never wash it
I digest rice easier than pasta, at least dry, normal durum wheat one
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I usually add 1 and 3/4 cups of water instead of 2 cups to one cup of rice.
It really isn't, but okay.
As I said, only biryani rice is made in a pot, everything else gets thrown into the rice cooker.
In terms of space I own a house, I have room for it very easily.
parboiled always fucking sticks to the roof of my mouth and my throat.
Does it to something besides cook rice? Does it at least suck your dick or sell your data or anything? Because I see rice cookers on Amazon for $20
That's why you should chew your food.
I don't come into your home and piss in the upper decker of your toilet now do I?
So don't tell me how to be eating me white wigglies.
You should chew your food and urinate into the bowl of your toilet
Does Rolex do something besides tell the time? Does it at least suck your dick or sell your data or anything? Because I see Casio on Amazon for $20
>needing a machine to cook rice
Literally just put water and rice in a pot
Now you're getting it
i have no issue cooking rice in a pot no the stove, but a rice cooker does a better job with Japanese rice specifically.

If all you're cooking is long grain rice, i'd agree just stick with the stove top.

But if you enjoy japanese rice more than 3x a week, you might as well get a $200-400 rice cooker. After 10 years it's only ~$0.25 per use at the higher end, and ~$0.13 at the lower end.
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>rice: Japan
I just cooked rice for the first time an hour ago and it was totally perfect. Is it seriously that hard??
chinkcel cope
There is no reason to buy asian products and they should be banned
Go jack off to Mr beast videos on YouTube you retarded frat fagget
Because higher quality rice has almost twice the flavor

And yes it's true that basmati and parboiled are both easier to cook

Or you could learn how to read the package the rice is in and avoid these problems

Restaurants use rice cookers for consistency. They are harder to mess up then pan/lid method
trooned up
What are you talking about parboiled is cheapest rice you can get. 2 pounds are not even 1,50
You don't need a car or a plane to get from New York to Florida either
I'm impressed that /ck/ can have the exact same full length argument about rice cookers vs stovetop every single time rice is mentioned.
Truly autistic dedication
My go-to jambalaya recipe calls for 2 cups of medium grain rice, but I'd like to use parboiled instead next time to see if I noticed a difference. How would you adjust?
It's mostly one troon sperging about muh skill issue muh pots and lids.
It's mostly one troll who has been arguing insincerely in favor of Japanese rice cookers and Japanese rice for years.
I would just reduce that final cook time down a little bit, maybe five minutes.
It's mostly just me arguing back and forth with myself
I mean xer is right about Japanese rice cookers being the best way to cook rice. They’re wrong about Japanese rice being the best rice, though. Different cuisines call for different kinds of rice. Not every rice is suited to every cuisine.
I do like parboiled rice because I'm nomadic and parboiled takes less energy to cook.
I don't have anything against rice cookers in principle, but I like to saute some garlic or shallots in the pan before cooking my rice. It makes it way better unless you really need plain rice for your dish. The other problem I have is that the good ones take like an hour and need to make way too much rice at once, whereas I can make whatever amount of rice I want in a pot.
In principle I understand that a rice cooker should produce better results but just guessing cook times seems to work fine for me and produces better rice than I used to get from my cheap american rice cooker. The cheap ones truly are a meme in my opinion.
I have a 10 cup rice cooker and it can make as little as 1 cup, 5.5 cup ones can do .5 cups.
1/2 cup rice
3/4 cup water
salt generously
add 1 tbsp butter

bring water to simmer until butter melts
cover the pot with a paper towel between the pot and the lid
turn the heat to low and set a timer for 20 mins

rice comes out perfect every single time
>comes out perfect
> i prefer my food with 0 flavor
what are you a fuckin monk
In some cultures, people are not used to adding seasoning to food, instead they eat things however they come from Walmart.
>1 cup rice
>1 cup quinoa
>combine and rinse
>parboil 3 minutes
>sofrito on low heat for 12 minutes
>heat rice in sofrito for 5 minutes
>4 cups broth
>simmer covered on low heat for 18 minutes
>let sit off heat for 10 minutes
>add lime juice and fluff with spoon

wa la
Now that everyone's here, how do mexican restaurants get their rice nice and dry?
Rice can be considered as a way to cleanse your palate so you can enjoy the side dish more and so that you won't feel the need to eat or drink sugar at other times of the day. For those who consider rice to be a cheap filler: unlike carnivores are telling you the carnivore diet is not necessarily the most digestible diet. For those who consider rice as empty calories: it prevents consuming empty calories like sugary drinks, it's hydrating more than drinking plain water and it helps sustain an active lifestyle when you burn so much calories that you can't compensate with protein and fat without getting digestive issues.
Not putting butter and a bunch of other shit like the smug dunces ITT do
so true bestie
ditch he rice and come to macs with me
who needs fiber anyways?
You know someone can't cook for shit if they can't even make rice on a stove, like how inept do you have to be?
>Fucking tasteless bird food
this is true for base rice, usually plain white. It's meant to be more of a side dish. As in a filler to go with whatever tasty stuff you make.
having plain rice alone is the equivalent of having only plain bread for a sandwich, gotta add some shit to go with it. Unless you're poor, then lots of rice for you and your kids.
Why would I use a stove for rice when I have a machine to do that?
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Rice bowl for dinner
So this is the perfect rice that pot and lid fags have been boasting about.
This image really hurts my eyes. Do you mind?
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Nah this is from a zoji

Pic related, the rice im having with my eggs in the morning.
onlyfans link?
Tell Candy and Samantha I said hi
>I have left wondering how they cook such absolutely fuck shit on more than one occasion though
this so much, bad rice is one of those red flags about a restaurant like if they can't even do rice right, everything else is surely not going to be right
You've gotta be absurdly poor to not be able to even afford butter and soy sauce or salt for rice.
White rice is plenty flavorful itself. It's clean and nourishing.
I don't add anything to my steamed rice, because I pair it with a very flavorful stew or stir fry filled with seasoning and spices. The rice acts as a counterpoint, it mitigates plate fatigue.
This is the gayest post I have ever read.
Really good bait. I'm starving and I want to eat a thousand of something. Any suggestions?
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Sometimes I like to eat 1000 pork uteri

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