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Ahh… now that’s a lunch!
>oh ja, heey Makey my lunchen wit 3 different kind of balls
>an gravyies
>do everything you can to shape it ta balls
Do scandinavian eat more bread or potatoes? What did they eat before the potato got there?
Thats sweets not swedes
Before they were industrialized by invaders they enjoyed a diet of caribou supplemented with native fish and berries. Alas, progress marches on.
I dont think you know what the fuck youre talking about
Sfenskaw Chertbuller are tasty especially with lingo silled and cart awful moss
Where's the meat?
gross af
Probably the same shit everyone ate before: Other root vegetables like all the types of turnips.
this reminds me of the food they served in the psych ward i was in
Show me any evidence of Scandinavians eating processed (((bread))) before 400 Anno Domini. I'll wait.
Whos spaghetti did you steal those meatballs from? Thats not very nice.
I asked what they ate before the potato. Not what they ate when they were still monkee. Learn to read keto schizo.
And I told you. Before agrabbiculture they feasted on wild game and salmon, supplemented by berries and herbs found in native fields. They had small tight-knit communities unconcerned with le ebin genii ad populi well into the medieval European dark ages before the German came and fucked everything up.
Pretty sure they had bread in Valhalla back in those days. They also couldn't hunt those unicorns during closed season so they had to eat bread.
Care to provide any academic sources for any of your claims, other than you read it in a LARP thread once?
The burden of proof is on you. Show me Scandinavian bread before they were Christianized by invaders. Tick tock, tick tock.
Why would there be any burden of proof on me when I didn't make any claims? You realize this is an anonymous image board, right? As in, one or more people might be replying to you at the same time. But you know what, let's say I'm that other anon anyway and I retract my statement. I no longer claim that Swedes ate bread. I currently have no opinion with regards to what Swedes ate. Would you care to educate me using academic sources in this subject you stupid faggot LARPer?
You are asking me to prove a negative. Scandinavian aryans did not bake bread prior to being fuedalised. They ate caribou, boar, and the Northern European version of "bush meat." This is indicated by remains in what are called middens, or, crudely, trash heaps. The closest thing to what your people call a staple crop is that they disenbittered pine nuts in specialized sealed wells. Similarly to the Jomon people over in Japan who, by the way, had a similar diet of wild game and occasional brush fodder until guess what? Domesticated Yayoi Koreans came to ruin their way of life. So, show me ancient Scandinavian bread mouthbreather. You seem pretty hot under the little hat, friend.
Caribous didn't even exist there before Gwrmans and Christians brought them over...
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There is nothing that compares to the cuisine of the fatherland
Excuse me I am not a naturalist. Elk, reindeer, whatever. Do you know what is found in archaelogical excavations from pre-Christian middens? Animal bones. Do you know what is conspicuously missing? Milled grains. We have examples of baked loaves from upper era Egypt, I'm still waiting to see those sugar-blasted viking loafs.
and then, hidden, waiting, is this landmine
I see you needed a ton of pepper packets because god knows there's no flavor otherwise
det roliga är hur den bilden lika gärna kan vara åtlöje
mycket där är lika mediokert som det ser ut ocheller är inte heller unikt för sverige. ugnsbakad falukorv, blodpudding a la skolmat, är du seriös?
Husmanskost is the superior culinary tradition and the anons grating this dish are simply envious.
That stuff larping as mash looks awful.
My grandmother's köttbullar were way better too, but then she didn't cover them in fake gravy either.
Nigger what the fuck is that
OK this one looks good
comfort food
they had chocolate back then?
All shit. Thankfully the new Swedes has brought high quality food like kebab med bröd, kebabtallrik, kebabrulle and kebabpizza.
the only thing about this is that I don't much care for peas
this is hardly different from an american tv dinner
It's difficult to say, but in my experience, we eat more potatoes than bread on average, for dinner at least. Bread is more of a breakfast thing here.
Before the potato became widely popular here, we ate various root vegetables in its place, one of the major ones being rutabaga (aka swedes, funnily enough), but root celery and turnips were also readily avaliable.
t. swede
>Nigger what the fuck is that
IKEA meatball plate.
Thanks. Would you say you guys have potatoes most night of the week? How do you usually cook them? Do you also have bread for dinner along with the potatoes or no?
asgnarp det är du som är rotlös och efterbliven
det jag alltså menar är att det finns mycket bättre exempel på svensk mat
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Another swefag here. There are tonnes of variations. The simplest one is just simple boiled potatoes and often have them with some kind of gravy. Then mashed potatoes, there are version of that with carrots and rutabaga called rotmos. Potatoe gratin, there's a version of it with julienned potatoes and anchovies mixed in called Jansson that's a Christmas dish. Simple pressed potatoes, oven baked, stomped, hasselback etcetera. No one I knew would typically have bread with potatoes unless it was a soup or fish sandwiches because herring sandwiches go well with boiled potatoes and smoked mackerel with potato salad is also good on a sandwich.

Pic is rotmos which is basically 1-1 potatoes and carrots and a smaller amount of rutabaga
10/10 would eat
You spelled conquerors
Exactly. You'd have to be a fucking lunatic to not enjoy mashed potates and meatballs with some gravy.
Du har fel och är efterbliven
>the heat of the meatbulbs melts the vanilla ice cream
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Remov Bagel
So do Swedes really eat like this?
It's certainly a square meal
Just say your parents can't cook and you consoom slop instead
The fact that you say köttbullar instead of meatballs when speaking English means you're a LARPing Amerifag with like 3% Swedish
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allt detta mediokra skräp men inte ens någon smörgåstårta
asg suedisötnosen du kan ju inte ens shilla de bra sidorna av pisshorlandet ordentligt. du har aldrig någonsin ätit gräddstekt blodkorv eller småländsk ostkaka m.m i hela ditt liv
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>What did they eat before the potato got there?
Turnips, and lots of them!

Swedes, as in the ethnicity, arrived in sweden from the south at exactly the same time as the sami did from the north, they are not "natives" in an american sense. When talking about the colonization of the sami people, it's only in regard to the most northern part that sweden integrated under the crown in the 1700's
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>asg suedisötnosen
Hatar reddit
Not him, I have zero swedish ancestry. I'm the rare Irish-American who is actually Irish, I was born there and lived there til I was two before my parents moved to Florida, a decidedly non-Swedish part of the country. I say kötbullar. Go fuck yourself.
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hej /k/transan
kan inte hjälpa att geekbarnen eventuellt har spridit termen till reddit, den är ursprunglingen från tråden på /int/
Swedish meatballs are great
Swedish pastries look very good. And so does reindeer meat. Never tried either one.
7/8 very happy :)
gå och ät en kebabpizza din jävla slaskbög
Blood infused bread was a staple back in the day, it was an easy way to store the blood which otherwise spoiled very fast, i think tasting history made some and called it viking bread. even today there is some traces of this old practice with blood pudding, blood pancakes(although i think that one is dying out) and blood palt which is sort of like a big potato dumpling.
Other than i would assume there was alot of meat,and especially fish,local and imported roots and veggies and grains.

Salmon especially is very plentifull in sweden depending on region, but fishing in general has always been a big food source
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absolutely fucking disgusting
Use your words, I see nothing wrong here
gravy spilling over the edge of the plate like as if a toddler dropped the meatballs onto the plate
the veggie balls on cous cous unironically is some of the only restaurant food I like. I consider myself a good cook so I'm usually really judgemental
Thanks, very informative.
Whats you guys main protein source? Like when i think of scadinavia i think of fish and dairy. Was that the case throughout history? I imagine nowadays you eat more pigs and cows and chicken though?
sounds like something an autist would care about
t. coffee mug stain fan
Still very heavy on dairy, fish is common but it's a lot more expensive these days so pork chicken and beef are more affordable. A typical hot dog will be made with pork and real skin compared to the american skinless beef hot dog. Other than that not a huge difference for dinner and lunch. Breakfast is a lot different though
why is it pepper and not peppar
I need full swede immersion
Nta but I'd say pork Is probably in a slight lead, followed by chicken, fish and beef in a a finish that's to close to call, with lamb, reindeer and wild game trailing behind and being quite regionally dependant

Anon I'm a Swedish archaeologist, I have held Iron Age mill stones in my own hands. We 100% have agriculture up here from at least the 4th Millenium BC, what do you think they were doing with those grains? This is a very strange hill to die on
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Inte ens i dina djupaste fantasier finns det någon som helst skillnad mellan sverigetråden och (resten av) reddit
And before you ask, here's a source on an entire preserved loaf from 400 AD, or 600 years before Christianisation, from the Swedish National Museum of History

https://historiska (dot) se/upptack-historien/artikel/sveriges-snyggaste-bulle-2/
3,5 has me drooling
It was brought over by traveling merchants from the south. That's why it was preserved, the Swedes didn't really understand it and just put it on some pedestal and worshiped it.
Yet another runaway from BUP
Its a really nice dish actually, I'll have to find the recipe book pages I legally download it and rip it to here, you may find it useful. This was in one of Stockholms restaurants.
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mmm! Here it is! I haven't tried it yet.
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>Anon I'm a Swedish archaeologist,
You're a liar. Let me guess, you're also an expert at krav maga?
Ingen begriper vad du pratar om för du skriver som en snorunge
Swedish potato dumplings with meat filling and cream and lingon sauce, called "Kroppkakor"
>gå och ät en kebabpizza din jävla slaskbög
halva bilden är ju slask din mongofitta >>20843597
helvete, varför tror suedi att allt hens polerade bajs är världsunikt och värt att berätta om? in sweden we fika bulle allemänsrätt jaaa hahahaha
>höhö allt är möh REDDIT och dåli :((( TYP
har geek- och suedibrevandet spridits sig till hela reddit eller? har alewis skov blivit ett stort fenomen?
varför är du ens där och brevar alewi? för inte fan vet jag, läser inte tråden längre. och inte heller är jag en redditör
många som svarar på mina brev här är definitivt det, DOCK
t. kock
det har du rätt i
Det imponerar på Amerikaner som inte har någon matkultur öht. Svensken söker allt mer desperat efter moralhöjande då Sverigebilden är i botten.

Åt mjölig falukorv till kvällsmat. Ni då?
Swedish Fish don’t taste like fish at all.
mashed turnips
leave it to swedes, russians and balkanites to devolve to their gutter tongue in every space that speaks English as soon as they encounter one of their own diminutive kind
Could either of you faggots get me access to this article? I've only found it in the original language and only a short excerpt but it seems directly related to what you're discussing.

that's patently untrue though, I'm too lazy to look for a source other than 'trust me bro' but they've found plenty of milled grain remains in pre-Christian Scandinavia, I remember the article said it was probably for some kind of gruel.

Anyways I'm a retard but I hate it when idiots like you spread misinformation with such ignorant confidence.
I have been drinking coffee out of the same mug for almost a year now without it ever seeing a sink.
Where is the sautinized creme brullied blanched sommelied vino brancoed filet mignonized heckin sauce de bourgignon with charcuterie cutlets ala beuff des vosges from porke de merde with smoked tartuffolo san daniele?
Sluta med det där, det inget fel alls med svensk mat.
Blattemat är så fucking random.
Är han fortfarande på gång o spamma matgeeken i sverigetråden?
Det har nu gått typ fem år minst sedan han började med det.

Är där typ en gång om året och hälsa på i sverigetråden. Alltid tror dom jag är en proksibög pga tyska flaggan där, men jag bor verkligen här.
>Är han fortfarande på gång o spamma matgeeken i sverigetråden?
nej, han slutade spamma 2022. andra som tog över facklan efter det. lolkossan blev ingrodd trådkultur och ett bredare fenomen
>men jag bor verkligen här.
grattis, få som lyckas fly pisshorlandet
>nej, han slutade spamma 2022. andra som tog över facklan efter det. lolkossan blev ingrodd trådkultur och ett bredare fenomen
Så det är smittsamt det ? haha

>grattis, få som lyckas fly pisshorlandet
Det är inte ett dugg bättre i Tyskland snarast tvärtom. Blir värre och värre här.
Kjøttkaker er bedre.
This looks comfy.

But I can't help thinking that if this had a British flag stuck in it, the thread would be full of Mutts, complaining about British food (even though they have never been here or tried it).
stolen from italy
Are these Mr. Brains pork faggots?
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One of my all-time favorite meals, going to be making some tomorrow.
What's that to the right anon?
Is it courgettes or some sort of wilted cucumber?
Pickled cucumber with parsley. Usually I also put some chili flakes in there but didn't have any that time.
ser gott ut iaf
looks tasty
In Bongland we tend to pickle our cucumbers when they are a bit smaller and call them Gherkins. I have never seen full sized cucumbers being pickled before. I am going to guess that the water content of a fully grown cucumber diminishes the flavour and vinegar is the main taste . . .I might be wrong?

We slice the cucumber, press out most of the moisture and then pour on the pickling mix which is usually 1 part sugar 2 parts vinegar and 3 parts water. Then add parsley or dill or whatever.
As an honourable Bong, I won't lie to you - the only thing that I actually pickle is Hard Boiled Eggs, with a few cloves, black peppercorns and chilli flakes.

I would think that Dill and Parsley would be consumed by the vinegar but in all fairness, I have never tried it. I will will give it a go.
love how it presents such basic shit, such as hash browns with jam (presumably lingonberry) on the side as fancy. major cope here
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I don't pickle anything except for cucumber, but then again I'm a lousy and lazy cook
Why is is so shiny and slimy ?
Howdy ho nigger
Suckle on these Neolithic cultivated and processed cereal grains
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Swedish meatballs are one of the best dishes when prepared correctly
>In Bongland we tend to pickle our cucumbers when they are a bit smaller and call them Gherkins.
My dad does a fast pickle for cucumber. Slices them thin, then puts some sugar, salt, pepper, and watered down vinegar on. Typically served about an hour or so after making.
Not sure where he got the recipe, but probably from my gran.
These look interesting, I would like to try making some. Any swedes in here happen to know the names of what they are?
Theyre cooked in water.
>Press out cucumber juice
>Add water

Why not just add sugar and vinegar faggot
Helps the consistency and you would still need to add a lot more water, shitforbrains
Mmmm unseasoned peas, unseasoned Mashed potatoes, and unseasoned meatballs in a thin diarrhea sauce. Oh and what looks to be an aborted fetus someone dropped on the plate while passing by.
Going there to eat with mom
waste delicious cucumber juice
suck cock
typical faggot
the fuck? no one uses water, 100% beef, and butter in meatballs. egg is a maybe
You seem to think about cocks and faggots a lot, don't you?
If concentraded veal stock means glace then you just bring it back to the regular water content of the prior fond. I wouldn't use that much water myself though.
What does Surstromming taste like?
I'm also interested in hakarl and lutefisk.
says the cucumber riding cocksucking faggot
don't listen to the larping nationalist. if you're under like 60 you eat more pasta and rice like every other country. We’re globohomo-central m8
>meatballs and sauce not on top of a huge pile of mash
embarrassing really
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ate some yesterday, delicious
it tastes very strong. acidic, salty and umami
I need apartheid.
They're "quick" pickled (i.e. soured in vinegar) not "proper" pickled (i.e. lacto-fermented)
can i have this for dinner also?
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Are those the faggots I keep hearing about ?
I want to eat this one day in the near future
Cake, potato and fish in about 30 different combinations. Kind of like Mexicans with their beans and rice.
>I'm the rare Irish-American who is actually Irish, I was born there and lived there til I was two
So you're Irish nationality but not culturally or in any other meaningful way. I mean damn that's basically leaving when you learned to speak so you won't even have the accent.
>before my parents moved to Florida, a decidedly non-Swedish part of the country. I say kötbullar. Go fuck yourself.
That's just more evidence it's a weird american muh heritage larp.
Not OP but salt and pepper (maybe white pepper) is fine for this use, given that the gravy itself should have decent seasoning. What else do you expect? Dumping an entire container of american goyspice on top?
thats what she said
turni[s are the devil, they are the ones that psychoactively caused the protestant reformation.
so this is the face of a turnaoform.... grim.
id stab myself 20 times before I let a swede within a 100 standard footsteps within my vicinity.
who tf thinks of meatballs when they think of the british you insecure schizoform.
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fucking kek

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