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What do you get from the pickled-stuff section of the grocery store?
Two quarts of pickle brine and a quart of capers
Too many "No hands in pickles" sign for me to trust anything on display desu
To be fair, vinegar is a cleaner
i immediately dunk both hands in each jar
My local Wendy's has six different signs instructing employees to wash their hands in multiple different languages.
nothing, this looks very unsanitary. I go to the jar aisle and buy a sealed jar of pickles instead.
Put this shit behind a counter and have an employee ladle it out on request.
I'm not buying anything that is physically exposed to 500+ dirty clothed, stained underwear, dandruff shedding, ball scratching, hands unwashed, snot dribbling, disgusting fucking oiks and their leash-wearing oiklets every day.
you sound like a crazy person
Gosh! I've not been to a store with a decent pickle selection in a long while. I'd be so overwhelmed that I wouldn't know what to get.
>small population "city"
>in grocery store I've shopped at for 25 years
>excited to finish shopping, go to olive bar
>see black guy grabbing olives with his hands
>this is the only grocery store in my city with an olive bar
>never buy those delicious olives ever again
Anyway I like pickled garlic, green beans, cabbage... anything almost but those are my faves.
He meant niggers
This is /ck/ my braindead gamer homie
Sorry, m8. Got a real comfy crossfade going on and unsuccessfully doing 4 things at once.
To be fair, I've seen mold growing in vinegar many times
Really? Because vinegar alone doesn't have enough nutrients to support mold growth. So you must be referring to some sort of pickled nightmare or uncleanly pickled food? Or what? I've been making homemade alcohol, mostly fruity wine, for 2 years or so, and have made some vinegar. Never saw mold of any kind even in the batches I deemed experimental throwaways because I wasn't sure if I properly cleaned the glass jars.
Pickled pickles mainly and sometimes olives and peppers
And i saw Bigfoot yesterday
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I've never, ever seen supermarkt staff wash hands (or walk off to maybe wash hands) after sneezing or coughing into their hands

Needless to say I'm an advocate for genocide
How much time do you spend watching supermarket staff to track their every movement?
It explicitly states no hands in olives, hands in anything else is fine.
Everywhere I shop, the employees handling unpackaged food wear disposable gloves. In theory, they should be able to easily swap them for another pair if they sneeze or cough into them.
people like you are a menace to society. Hands off my pickle!
i live in a "gentrified" area of my city and while my specific area is nice my grocery store is still the nearest grocery store for some not nice people. i never personally saw it but years ago apparently the homeless were just sticking their hands into the prepared food section stuff like in the OP pic and they had to hire security guards
long story short i have never bought anything from my grocery store that is not packaged, unless i can see an employee preparing it. sad life
I've had something similar happen to me before. I don't know what caused it but I had to take a shit so I sat on the toilet and felt/heard this rushing fluid moving through my gut. I shat this almost clear liquid.
costco supervisor
Whatever pickled stuff Italians (not Italian Americans) get!
I hope that's not $10 per lb. That's kind of ridiculous for some veggies.
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>No hands in olives
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I don't trust open vats in stores.
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Who's holding your pickle?
>no pickled eggs
>no salted, pickled plums
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you will fear us
Fear and disgust are different things
looks very unsanitary to leave the vats open like that.
can't the pay a wagie behind a counter to prepare the containers for the customers?
every supermarket already has a deli counter
I like them olives that are stuft with cheese
If you're paying for a print or a sign run it is in fact easier and cheaper to just have one sign with multiple languages than it is to make a different sign for every language. I'd also wager it's like that more for customers than employees. The McDonald's I went to in Japan had a hand washing sign in about as many languages as well.
For me it's Hand Olives

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