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How and what do I duck breast?
Shallow cut into the skin.
Pan fry medium-low/low heat, skin side down. This renders a lot of fat out of the skin.
Up the heat to high to crisp and brown the skin some; also, season and spice the meat side now
Flip and sear the meat side and season the skin.
Cook to your desired doneness then serve.
It's nice with something tart, like a cherry juice reduction.
crosshatch score the skin side, cook that side first to render all the fat then flip it and cooked to desired doneness

would recommend pan frying par cooked potatoes in the duck fat after with some salt, or you can opt to add orange juice to the duck fat and make a pan sauce to the drop on the breast after... two breasts will have alot of fat in them so no oil or butter is needed
Truss it into a tight log.
>and what
Tart sauces for duck are sort of cliché imo. Are there other takes on this particular protein?
Make an au poivre sauce
idk 5 spices for peking-ish duck?
Score the skin.
Cold pan, ideally cast iron or something solid and non-stick.
Heat your oven to 200c/Gas 6.
Duck breast skin side down, heat pan.
Allow fat to render.
Once fat is rendering and skin is sizzling, give it about five minutes.
Flip meat side down.
Into the oven for fifteen minutes.

Basic duck breast. Obviously you can make a sauce or potatoes with the fat too or save it.
I dont think orange is really tart imo its more fresh and sweet imo. but I mean what do you wanna do you can do a chinese spic rub like >>20842216
I mean you could cook it confit in duck fat and from there you can go the extra mile and add a plethora of spices to the confit but thats up to you
forgot the name of the orange style it was duck l'orange and thats not like cherry sauce at all
You prepare the duck in the usual manner
Cliché for a reason: they're good.
I feel a fatty sauce, like creme au poivre isn't as good as a tart one but you do you, bubbele.
Orange duck in my country is made with tart orange juice. French orange duck is done with that orange liqueur + sweet orange juice. I prefer ours.
We also do a duck stuffed with apples for Christmas in parts of the country that didn't have easy access to the coast for fish. That and peking duck are the only sweet preparations of the bird I fucks with.
ah yes, duck breast seasoned with microplastics
That's clearly salt and cracked pepper on top an asphalt road you fucking midwit
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You deserve no answers if you can't form a proper question, faggot.
>French orange duck is done with that orange liqueur + sweet orange juice
Traditional sauce bigarade was made with bitter oranges though. You could also add more vinegar to the gastrique if you want it tarter.
a good thick Thai curry with jap eggplant and zucchini. serve nice fried duck on top and wala
Until exploded.
Smoked duck breast is good, either cold or hot smoked. If not, just cook it like a steak or chicken breast in the pan. Cook it pink, duck is delicious.
Bordelaise, mustard cream, au poivre sauce can all be good. If not, then do a persillade or herb pesto kinda thing. If you're really hardcore, you can actually a duck demi-glace reduction as a base for a bordelaise. Never did it myself but it sounds super tasty.
So yet another dish France gets credit for despite not being French in origin. How fun
I highly doubt it's the same as the French version at all besides using oranges.
Whatever you say, Sally.
You could've just post a recipe but answered like a roastie.
See >>20843498
So your shithole county didn't invented anything.
I never score it. I brown it as is and finish it in the oven.
You can also brown it and then wrap it in bacon and finish it in the oven. It won't make you slim, but it sure is good.

I've done coq au vin with duck as well. Really good, but you will need to sear it in a pan first and pour off some of the fat before assembling the final dish for simmering.
Duckfat is amazing for roasting potatoes, so that's just a plus.
>coq au vin with duck
Quack au vin.
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This is a good wine for it anyways.
Would quacky titty be good made into something like a duck pancetta, ya think? Obviously not like pancetta cuz breast rather than belly but cured and used the same way
I've had a duck prosciutto that was fucking amazing
So basically the same thing, yeah. Neat.
I've tried this and it was not good. Peking duck is actually really labor intensive and complicated, inb4 flyover subhumans rage at me and say no actually Panda Express is just as good
>he doesnt understand how to duck breast
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this but add a demi and a green
cold pan is key
Well excuse me, Mr fagloafers

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