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My nutritionist recommended me ricotta cheese but it's a paste with absolute zero flavor despite having a bit of sodium in it. What can I do with it?
why did your nutritionist recommend ricotta cheese
Why do you have a nutritionist?
She said it's the healthiest cheese.
You can add literally anything to it
Helps my body process the HRT
>She said it's the healthiest cheese.
That would be COTTAGE cheese not riCOTTA cheese.

wrong COTTA
put it in salads, melt it on top of pasta dishes, it goes well on chicken and fish. Sprinkle it on top of sauteed vegetables.
Ricotta is great, honestly
Alright, I added some bacon, now it tastes like bacon with paste.
cottage cheese is just ricotta but it's made with cow's milk instead of goat's milk. and I think goat milk is lower fat than cow.
Also cottage cheese sucks compared to ricotta lol. literal slop for geriatrics
Cool. Anything else you wanted to ask about, or was that it?
cottage cheese has solid pieces in it. It's not some liquid paste.
Adding bacon kinda defeats the purpose.
cottage cheese is soft solid bits floating in liquid.
Ricotta is a fully formed block/ball of soft solid, instead of the gross soupy shit that is cottage.
so you're right about cottage being healthier, but you're completely wrong about the textures.
One has to put into a bowl because it is soupy and sloppy while the other can be formed into solid shapes.
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GODDAMNIT, forgot the picture
Then why did you suggest it?
I guess I'll try cottage then because I can't imagine anything with less flavor than ricotta anyway.
lmao go ahead. it's even worse than ricotta and less versatile from a culinary stand point.
>I guess I'll try cottage then because I can't imagine anything with less flavor than ricotta anyway.
if you cant taste it, add a tiny dash of salt. it works wonders
>ricotta cheese but it's a paste with absolute zero flavor
OP you have kung flu and it's nit even 2020 anymore what are doing
It's the most flavorless thing I've ever tasted in my life, it even has less flavor than water.
it tastes like goat's milk and vinegar, anon...
I tasted absolutely zero vinegar or milk, it's just a white paste.
make it yourself, I've done that a couple times
i'm not even joking anon you should get a test kit, i got covid like a year ago, its still a thing
>quart of goat's milk
>quart of whole milk
>put in put
>heat slowly until it's just starting to bubble up (not a rolling boil, if it boils it will break)
>cut heat and slowly stir in a cup of white vinegar
>it will begin to curdle
>let stand for 20 minutes then strain through a cheese cloth
walla, tasty home made ricotta cheese
>What can I do with it?
Literally any It*lian dish
Nutritionists are stupid. Why would you pay for some random with no qualificatiosn to give you mediocre advice.
Don't eat cheese at all, or just some parmesan for flavor.
Learn what seasonings you like and put it on whatever, ideally paleo food, i.e. meat and veggies, almost all seasonings are healthy. There's no reason to eat flavorless cheese, whatever nutrients it has you can get elsewhere.
I like making savory cheesecake sometimes. Ricotta, egg, garlic, broccoli or spinach, parmesan, basil. Bake until firm and eat it with bread and salad or whatever you want.

If I have pasta with tomato sauce, a scoop of ricotta to go along with it pairs really well with the tomato and makes it filling.

You can use it to make something like an alfredo sauce. Dilute it with some milk or cream and warm it up with some parmesan and garlic or anything else you like.

I'm sure your nutritionist didn't recommend turning it into dessert but ricotta cheesecakes are nice. You could probably eat it with a bit of fruit and honey for something healthier.
Add a spoonful of bouillon and eat it on crackers, pretzels, etc.
I do it with cottage cheese and it's great.
It's really good with a spoonful of lemon curd.
cottage cheese is delicious. one of my favorite foods. it's also versatile as hell if you aren't an idiot. Just because a recipe didn't tell you to do something doesn't mean shit. I use it as a base for dips and put it in sandwiches. You can use it as a sour cream alternative. Top stews with it, blend it with peppers and make it into a creamy sauce for tacos. Eat it straight out of the tub, eat it with fruit, oatmeal, or both. Cottage cheese is one of the most versatile foods I can think of.
>She said it's the healthiest cheese.
Hey OP I have an account you can put money in for getting fucking retarded opinions from me as well!
Goddamn I've not seen someone so FUCKING STUPID in a while.
I'm with you OP, ricotta is fucking foul, arguably more useless cheese. My recommendation: look up a recipe for ricotta donuts, feed them to some friends next weekend, then fire your nutritionist.
>My nutritionist recommended me ricotta cheese but it's a paste with absolute zero flavor despite having a bit of sodium in it. What can I do with it?
Actually you stupid nigger (emphasis on Nigger) she just went to www.google.com and put your question in, clicked a link, and then read you what the link said.
You're dumber than fucking rocks and listening to a fucking google ad.
Kill yourself your genes don't need to be passed down.
And don't come back to /ck/ you fucking cancer retard we are not a nice board.
Ricotta is made from whey. Cottage cheese is made from milk.
They are absolutely not the same in any way.
lol, cheese or dairy itself is not healthy by design
>by design
what does this mean
You must change your nutritionist to one which recommends cheddar.
You will never fit in, troon.
fuck off
Ricotta is delicious. Eat it with some tomatoes and basil or something
Cottage cheese is great for adding to eggs.
I make a weird not souffle thing with it. Like 70% egg, 20% cottage, 10% milk. Add some spanch, some tomatoes, etc. It's the best use case I have for it when I've got a lot.
>Why do you have a nutritionist?
U poor or something?
You need to stop going to talk to that lady.
Leave the gun, take the cannoli.
It goes great in a sandwich with ham and grilled zucchini, it's also great as a dessert when mixed with honey or with some chocolate chips. You can also add it to your coffee with some chocolate powder.
>coffee with ricotta
That sounds disgusting.
Stuff it up your nutritionists arse
Here I thought goat cheese was the healthiest of cheeses to be eating overall.
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It does but it tastes great
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The ricotta is probably sweetened and flavored. It probaby tastes really good. I'm usually an affogato man
>half the calories
If I had to devour twice the amount of ricotta I'd puke even more than from eating cottage
Absolutely vile shit, where's my 40% fat hard block
>My nutritionist
Ricotta can be made with cow milk too, Anon. Usually is made from cow milk, from what I know.
Excuse me, this is a cramming board, stuffing is for /lgbt/
>She said it's the healthiest cheese.
What's healthy is not eating too much, Anon.
Ricotta is made from the whey leftover from making cheese curds.
About 88% of the milk protein is coagulated as casein, which leaves the 12% left over in the transparent whey as other proteins.
By "recooking" (ricotta) this whey and reducing it by 10 to 20x, you can curdle the whey and reclaim the rest of the protein.
the only correct answer is cannoli
I like it on sourdough toast with some salt and pepper, make sure to warm the ricotta after spreading it for the best flavor
that's retarded, just get part skim ricotta if you're that worried about the fat and calories
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One of my go to dinners is a big scoop of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, and broccoli. Just dump the cheese in the pan with the eggs and cook both at the same time. You'll cook off a lot of the liquid. I think it's a pretty healthy meal. I drink a protein shake with it so it's like 40-50g of protein all together and probably just shy of 500 calories. You got fiber and plenty of micronutrients. Use spices, salt, or hot sauce to flavor.

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