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How do we deal with picky eaters who expect restaurants to change the menu to cater for their pickiness?
are you okay?
>sematic sematic sematic sematic
i have a medical condition where I feel a grave and immediate threat that my life will end when I meet a picky eater so i hope you'll understand that i didn't really want to stab you 74 times to death it was just my psycho sematic condition
that can't be real. but then again, it could be an american
I would just kick this nigger out of my establishment.
>food neurosis

I would blacklist them until I got their medical records.
>code brown
>a whole page of autism when he could just choose something he can eat off the menu
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>Bring him porkchops with cheese and tomatoes
>He immediately fucking explodes into piss, vomit and diarrhea like picrelated
God I hope this is real
I feel like this person could have all their problems solved by having the shit beat out of them, no joke. I'm a picky eater myself, but I would never ever write something this delusional and narcissistic to any restaurant. I just wouldn't eat there. This is entitlement to the max.
if i worked there i'd intentionally put cheese on everything just to see how #1 played out. and of course i'd have his autistic ass arrested, or at the very least banned from the establishments
imagine a 230lb 5'8" autistc screeching and shitting his pants while shouting expletives at anyone nearby
"Oh sorry forgot the onions."
>Hock a fat loogie on it
Look, all I ask is that restaurants stop putting mayo on fucking everything by default.
>psychosomatic food neurosis
>literally declares it's fake in its name

>The chef would like to invite you to leave the restaurant. Thank you.
Give em another round of groggy joes special clot shots. That’ll show those little spergies what’s up!
Oddly threatening.
Shit on a plate and give it to them.

It works out exactly the same no matter what the kitchen does.
Just cheaper, faster, and funnier.
Probably a better online review too.
Send those fuckers to basic. One month of starvation and heavy exercise and you'll be eating rocks like they're lobsters.
I can't believe you niggers are falling for this shit. It's clearly fake I mean the man's NICKNAME IS ONIONS.

I get picky eaters and people with food sensabilities but nobody writes a passive aggressive diarrhea letter for the chef. You just talk to the waiter and explain "I'm allergic to peanuts" or "I cannot eat tomatoes" and they will do it ESPECIALLY if you offer them a tip. That's how you get the food you want. Say a tip is in it for you and they will get you the right order.

This reddit ass list of manchild retardation will do nothing but get your food spit on or your drink poisoned so NOBODY would ever say or do this. The internet has posioned your critical thinking skills into thinking everyone is a completely hopeless autistic stereotype.
We don't. You don't have to do anything personal to deal with another person's life. Let the business handle it.
"Sorry we can't accomodate you we wish you the best"
Fucking hell, imagine wagieing in a restaurant and someone gives you this note.
i dont think onion is a man. i think onion is a deranged woman who uses neopronouns.
I hope to god you're wrong
I actually have food neurosis and I couldn't imagine ever stepping foot in a restaurant. I'd most likely just pay the bill and leave without touching the food. I think if you're genuinely in this condition you shouldn't be eating in public until you resolve your condition.
Be like Asian restaurants. You can only order what's shown on the menu. You get served the food quickly and you're supposed to wolf it down, pay and get the fuck out. No loitering or writing your next novel. Get out. You no like menu? Get out.
Do what they ask, or explain you can't do it and they'll have to eat somewhere else. This is either a joke or a severe autist, either way who gives a fuck if you have to skip the cheese and tomatoes.
Stopped reading at the second line. I would refuse service immediately. I can see where this is going. Food allergies, diet restrictions or whatever are literally your problem.
Cater to your needs yourself. Simple as.
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No concessions should be made. These are literal genetic dead ends, we need to weed them out of the gene pool. A final solution to the picky eater problem if you will.

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