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Thoughts on polish food?
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I'm polish
The pinnacle of poverty food. If you want better, you have to get fancy.
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>nutrient dense, hearty full of protein food
Shut the fuck up you amerigolem retard.
their woman's vagina have a unique smell, almost sweet and sour, i love it.
one of those is potato, eggs and flour and another is literally beets, an otherwise useless vegetable
>one of those is potato, eggs and flour and another is literally beets, an otherwise useless vegetable
That sounds exactly like the description that doctor gave your parents when you were born.
why insult americans when you act just like them
mostly stolen german food
>first pic
>bavarian flag
Thick sausage
Germans didn't exist prior to 1866. In fact. Germans stole Schnitzel from Poles.
>mostly stolen german food
How tf is the food stolen? You will find like the exact same food everywhere in Cental Europe with only nuances adapted to regional tastes.
Wrong. It arrived in Poland with the marriage of princess Bona Sforza of Naples to King Ludwig of Poland. You didn't even have onions in Poland before then, which is why you use the Italian word for both onion (cipolla) and schnitzel (cotoletta), among other things.
Prior to this, Poland was firmly leek territory.
you don't see me selling spaghetti as danish or dutch, do you?
>useless vegetable
enough about you
If you look at dishes as in >>20843352 you will find most of them in Germany, Poland, Czech or Austria while non of those countries will autistically claim they've invented the most basic ass food out there shared by everyones cuisine.
Not every country is Shitaly.
Wrong. Germans don't even exist genetically. Just a mix of Poles, Jews, Danes and French.
You are not very smart
>Not every country is Shitaly.
nice double standards.
Neither are you, you obnoxious retard.
I'm not the one replying to posts with wholly unrelated comments, Colleen.
>actually, you got your food from Italy
>and that relates to your food coming from Italy how, exactly?
it's just some butthurt polack getting a rise out of you anon
get a room you faggots
Never tried polished food, but I suppose it tastes like polished shoes.
>Made bad joke about polishing
>Refused to elaborate
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Polish food fucking rules and I'm privileged to have been introduced to it by a coworker when I worked in Connecticut. Pierogi, bigos, stuffed cabbages and peppers, zurek, kielbasa, all the rye and pickles you could want.

Oh and Polish ketchup is great, get Pudlizski or Kotlin
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Oh also zapiekanka, that's easy enough to make yourself though
>ketchup (polish)
>pizza baguette (polish)
Not her and you mock but Polish ketchup really is very, very good. I buy a different brand, tho, Kotlin.
My area is a mostly Asian one next to a mostly Polish one. There's a supermarket that straddles the boundary between our two. I was invited to a wedding and went to buy blackening for my shoes because mine had laid unused since the last wedding I went to a year prior. I went down the aisle with the sign reading "Polish" expecting to find it there then remembered "oh, right. Pierogi-ass motherfuckers exist and get their own aisle lmao."
Forgot the brand, but we go to that supermarket to buy gooseberry jam. It's delicious.
looks awesome. I'd polish off those pierogi if you know what I'm insinuating.

bigos is awesome. my friends parents are polish and introduced me to it. I used to make it multiple times a month.
How am I supposed to believe this when GERMANS LITERALLY HAVE A FOOD CALLED “STOLLEN”?!?!
i love it. we’re not polish but my mom would make stuffed cabbage and pierogies growing up.
Poison in German is gift and if you add an S to it, fish in French IE two words that mean wholly different things in different languages imply different etymologies.
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Got introduced to bigos when a german coworker brought it in for a potluck, it was tastier than a lot of the other stuff there. Then a polish coworker gave me some from his family's recipe and that sealed it for me. I went to a polish grocery store to get some from their hot food counter and had it with rye bread and sour cream, dunno if sour cream is traditional but hey it worked
I like Poland way more than any of their neighbours but their food is fucking slop and everything polish cooks touch turns to slop. There is no good food east of France and north of Italy. Case in point: >>20843352, >>20843574

The fact that americans are awed by bigos makes me wonder how much worse their food is over there.
>good food
Nice joke.
lmao. not even a polackoid, but french and Italian foods are overrated crap by immigrants in America.

>mostly stews and pastry
Wow so original. Not to mention how bland some of the stews actually are. Literally Swedish tier.
Pasta with pasta. Carbs on carbs with carbs and sauces. But hey he sprinkled some fancy herbs on top, so it's ciao Bella.

Oh fuck off. As much as I dislike krauts and polacks, at least they base their dishes on meat, not carbs and plant shit. No wonder they are bigger than majority of westerners.
>Pasta with pasta. Carbs on carbs with carbs and sauces. But hey he sprinkled some fancy herbs on top, so it's ciao Bella
>she's never actually eaten Italian food before
Mein gott!
even Italian pizza is a joke
outside of kielbasa and pierogis, mediocre slavslop
Which one?
Fuck I'd polish that off in an instant
Would eat everything but the soup. I hate soup.
But they're both good. Zurek in particular seems to be uniquely Polish. I know no other cuisine which makes soup with leftover sourdough starter.
>The fact that americans are awed by bigos makes me wonder how much worse their food is over there.
My family's Polish but I grew up in the US, food in America is more diverse, although for equivalent deli meats and cheeses you're going to pay more
The reason bigos stands out in the US is because sauerkraut is mostly used as a condiment, not as an ingredient
Cabbage in general is kind of unpopular although kimchee is huge right now
Cabbage goes in soup, stew, coleslaw, and tacos
Sauerkraut goes on sausages and pierogi
Shrimple as, really
It's west slavic in general.
Bohemians and Slovaks make it too.
Most of the traditional polish cullinary knowledge hasn't survived the modern era upheavals, essentially what you could call the polish equivalent to haute cuisine has been forgotten after the two world wars and replaced with cheap slop and ersatzs of other countries' dishes during the commie era, with only a few traditional dishes like the bigos or ruthenian dumplings surviving into the modern times.
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Zurek is soooo good. My Polish coworker introduced me to it, brought over the ingredients and told me what to do with them. The sour rye broth, chopped meat, chopped boiled eggs, some horseradish to grate on it, and some rye bread. I know that there's no set recipe for this, but this was his family's.

It was so good, so comfy in way that was different from other soups I've had. I've found premade zurek here in the city but Ukrainian, a different style. It's not solely a Polish dish, it seems there are various central/eastern European countries that do it too. I should see how the Polish restaurants around here do it.
>Most of the traditional polish cullinary knowledge hasn't survived the modern era
Nah the Polish diaspora spread far and wide preserving it in other countries around the world, similar to how Italian food was preserved but also, Polish nationalism is extremely strong to the point of dividing the country because of how it threatened the stability of the USSR
There was a Czech restaurant in my old neighbourhood but they didn't have zurek or anything like it on the menu. Streamed bread, tho.
Did they, though?
Can you give me any specific polish venison recipe that you're familiar with, off the top of your head?
It used to be really prominent in the polsih courtly cuisine, and what it was known for throughout the Europe back at the time, yet nowadays it's almost entirely absent.
It's not even that there are no surviving recipes or cookbooks from 500 years ago or earlier, it's just that no one reads or cooks according to them anymore.
Bigos that wasn't even hard
But the decline in use of venison in Poland is easy to understand, all those years of gun and hunting restrictions did a lot of damage to hunting culture in a lot of that part of the world, I'll give you that for sure
that was not steamed bread, those were bread dumplings
You should use thick sour cream for it. It tastes even better.
wish I had some rn
Tomato tosteamedbread. Calling it a "dumpling" doesn't suddenly make it stop being streamed bread.
I hope I can go to Poland next year, I am literally going to go wild eating polish food, especially FLACKZY
You know it's literally a tripe soup, right? Euros are fucking disgusting.
yer mum's a tripe soup, m8
very tasty
t. Pole
best kraut i ever had was from some pole shop
dont think about polish food for too long, when we are done with ukraine we're taking over POOland and polish food and people will stop to exist

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The special military operation will control all of the ukraine by 2200 at the current rate, HATO is next
you wont talk so smart when bombs start falling on your family home, poolack subhuman
I'm not a sl*v, I'm white.
Good luck bombing a NATO member, Ivan.
NATO is already losing in ukraine lmao they will abandon POOlacks as soon as we cross the border
My grandmother used to this cucumber salad with sour cream. I try to recreate but it isn't the same. Duck blood soup was a holiday tradition. My grandpa would stay up late drinking brandy, canning and fermenting. I miss childhood dinners with my grandparents anons...
Salt the sliced cucumber and then wring them out with a towel
Use fresh dill and minced shallot, and anything other than distilled white vinegar
Freshly cracked pepper is optional, some styles call for a dash of ground cardamom
I was once dated a Polish girl who was into horse riding, the aroma after her practices was like smelling momma's food on a sunny saturday morning back again.

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