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do you get filtered by tripe?
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I'm not a bugpeople and don't have to eat garbage 3rd world 'food'. So yes.
Organ meats were always and still are considered the most nutritious food on the planet.

Enjoy your corn syrup, soy and bitch tits I guess, you third worlder Amerigolem.
Tripe soup is not for everyone, but if made right. It's pretty tasty.
No but I'm too intimidated to cook it myself
And yet you eat plants and food derived from plants LMAO. You are the one eating garbage.
I'm not poor so I don't have to eat leftovers
Organs are always picked first for men in pretty much every tribe. Not like you would know what a man is.
Only my mum's. She can't cook tripe for shit. Always tough.
I'll fuck up a bowl of good tripe otherwise
My in laws are lao and vietnamese so they use it a lot and it's really good if it's cooked until it's soft. Pretty big fan of organ food in general, I don't know why it has such a bad reputation. I had a smoked reindeer heart for Christmas that my dad made with whipped cream and horseradish it was pretty amazing.
no, it's good
Christ you people are so fucking dull
Fuck that shit, I feed this to my dog sometimes and the smell is so fucking bad. Absolute subhuman tier ‘food’.
Yeah I do. The texture is disgusting, it feels like I'm eating a sponge.
I love a lot of other organ meats but leave tripe for this anon's >>20843665 dogs.
that's the cow's stomach, not sure why you call it tripe
We enjoy this in the Balkans and we are subhumans so if the shoe fits...
I'm vegetarian so yes I suppose so
I like it fried and kinda crispy
Where are you from? I want to know where they make such divine dish
Not him, but I know Mexicans do. Tacos de tripa dorada are fantastic.
absolutely not, I love tripe
I don't like little aliens swimming around in my pho
>naturalist fallacy
We don't live in tribes unless you're a shitskin
Then go stuff your face with supplements, you mongoloid retard.
>3rdies are proud of eating offal
I LOVE tripe. I always go out of my way to find things made with it.
Menudo, Pho, polish tripe soup.
I actually go out for hot pot just to order the tripe when I'm craving it.

Still haven't tried making it at home, I've had poorly prepared tripe menudo once and so I'm concerned I'll screw it up and not clean it properly enough.
I'm ok with organs, just not organs dedicated to holding shit.
find it mindboggling a lot of good meat is wasted cause westerners think it's "yucky"
Tripe is the stomach not the intestines
It's wasted because they sell it for premium prices to illegals and throw the rest out. White people won't buy offal for 5.00 a pound when steak is 6.00 a pound.
hell no. I love tripe and organ meats.

lmao, you sound like a pussy

Tripas are intestines, not tripe. https://www.mexicoinmykitchen.com/tripitas-tacos/
the pricing of all the old trash meats are retarded because there's not much of it per cow and a lot of retarded facebook moms will pay $12 a pound for oxtails because it's in some dumbshit recipe. None of your ancestors would step over short loin for an oxtail.
No but they'd eat the oxtail after the short loin. Problem is now that eating organ meat became trendy for a bit so the prices are still jacked up like crazy because vendors know people will pay for it.
Damn Facebook moms ruining my cheap chicken livers
>My in laws are lao and vietnamese so they use it a lot and it's really good if it's cooked until it's soft
How do they cook it? Like what is the dish I mean
finally a sensible post
looks offal
Nah, I eat menudo every time I visit New Mexico. Easily one of my favorite dishes.
I had some tripe and tongue tacos a while back, would eat again for sure.
I eat you're mom's taco all the time
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how about chitlins, bros?
Just gotta boil the shit out of them.
>mexican eats third world slop
Art imitates life
Define "filtered".

I like that tripe stuff they serve at dim sum restaurants. Unfortunately there aren't any in my little suburban hellhole and I have zero desire to drive forty miles into Chicongo just to get shot and robbed by niggers.
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Not really a fan of tripe but brains and liver are okay with me.
I'm fine with liver
never got into brains. tried it but not a big fan
does it taste like salty marshmallows like Rocket Power told me it does?

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