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ITT: proof that healthy food can be yummy at the same time
Now show me the ingredient lists
*blocks your path
Ah deep fried cheese, the healthiest of foods
in b4 "hurr sneed"
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Thumbnail clearly says air fried. Air is good for you.
Still uses oil at oxidation temperatures, dweeb.
Oil will literally oxidize at room temperature lol
>canola oil
>calcium carbonate
jesus fucking christ...
deep fried cheese is literally pure saturated animal fat and milk proteins

so its incredibly good for you

especially if fried with lard or beef tallow
Why would using fat from an animal be good for you? I'm not a hog or a bull, pretty sure that fat isn't going to be any better for me than a fat from an olive or from corn.
>hurr sneed
Thought so. Also doesn't know what calcium carbonate is or where it comes from. Opinion discarded.
why so many color flavorings? just to make a fucking pea look like its natural color? and..and on top its 5 star health rating, ffs.
No idea where that 'tard got that ingredients list from but the back of the bag doesn't list a single colouring agent. You can look yourself, it's the same as >>20843424

>I'm not a hog or a bull
Are you an olive or corn?
I've tried the Tomato Basil ones and they were okay, what do you think of the other flavors?
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I just had this.

Bretty good.

The Reddit spacing is for free.
That's not healthy you fucking OP vegan retard. Go drink diesel while you're at it. It's fossil fuel after all, so organic.
Why can you be on a forum like this if you can't even read?
>not the same product
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Here's a far better alternative and much tastier. Ingredients : peas.
I think you meant "How", but I can't be sure since you also think you're more biologically similar to an olive than a hog.
I wish they hadn’t gotten rid of the habanero black bean
GOAT snack
However only marginally healthier than potato chips
These things must have a ton of fiber because I shit like a rockstar whenever I would eat ‘em. At least the first two or three poops. Then it got weird, so I had to lay off em
Still can't read. Smh.
my grandma would roast those on a pan. made them sweet and filling.
>manmade horrors beyond your comprehension
tomato basil fucks
I also enjoy the mango chile lime
Olive oil is healthy. Eating fried cheese sticks is not.
Laced with pesticides
The flour coating the cheese is bad for you though
Calbee's original from the 90's and early 00's were FAR better
i tried those and they turn into dust when you bite them
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I looked up the ingredients and this is the Canada version.
I like the greenpeaness of the flavor
this is about as healthy as fritos
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Whatever bits of peas and other shit they put in those puffs is also laced with pesticide. Besides, I grow most of my own peas and beans myself. No pesticide and they're by far the best freshly picked.
Same in Australia. However recently all Harvest Pea Snaps gave been recalled due to "undeclared soy additive".
So they have a documented history of lying about their ingredients and using cheap soy additives.
So I'm just not gonna buy them, ever.
Sorry to hear. Hope you learn soon.
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>flavor enhancer 635
Lentils are not healthy. Especially not when cooked in sneed oil.
Calcium carbonate is literally an antacid you retard, otherwise known as tums. If you can eat 1500-3000mg of calcium carbonate like it recommends on the bottle, you can definitely eat the probaly 50-200mg they put in the snaps, if not less.
sure buddy eat your white chemical powder that is added just for you pal
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Good for you. Nobody cares.
this image was made by a picky eater who doesnt like vegetables or fruit
I do, scumbag.
>nutrition/$: expensive
>I do
like I said, nobody
Why are you pretty sure of that?
They are poisoning you in the USA. Sorry.

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