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americans literally do not know what a proper sausage sarnie tastes like, their concept of a sausage sandwich is absolutely disgusting in comparison to the real thing

american sausages taste like nothing but rice flour filler and vegetable oils, no liquified pork fat, no flavour whatsoever, dry cylinders of crap

in fact they legally arent even allowed to taste cumberland sausages unless they come to britain since the recipe is gatekept lmao they have no fucking idea

a true sausage sandwich has delicious, juicy and thick cumberland sausages, drenched in flavourful grease soaking slightly into the bread, a healthy serving of tomato ketchup
no one wants your phallic meats nigel, youre not convincing anyone
>a healthy serving of tomato ketchup
You misspelled HP
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>in fact they legally arent even allowed to taste cumberland sausages unless they come to britain
lol what? In NYC I have a British store near me that has a full line of savory pastries including sausage rolls made w/Cumberland sausages. They also have pork pies, Cornish pasties etc.

I know most people in the country don't have ready access to this sort of thing but it's definitely possible to eat Cumberland sausages here. I'd like to try Lincolnshire sausages sometime, though
>no butter
anon, I know it is cruel expensive, but treat yourself. you deserve it.
>three shitty sausages parralel instead of one true blue fair dinkum fully grown aussie snag diagonally
NGMI cunt
bacon sarnie > sausage sarnie and you should use brown sauce not ketchup
>no butter

Who do you think you're fooling?
If that's what it looks like then you can keep it. Looks like some bullshit I'd get in the cafeteria in middle school then immediately throw away.
it's fuckin' five pound a pound what is going on are the cows on strike
Sausages look Aldi butcher ones, which aren't great. Cotton wool bread. Ketchup. No butter. You've fucked this up on purpose haven't you? For rage bait?
Another day, another European showing his gross ignorance of America. I guess that's what happens when you have a continent entirely populated by twinks, turks, and arabs.
Where's the butter? Poof
Come on now, you just showed your ignorance straight back in return. Stop shaking and watch more bbc porn time relax, you quivering wreck.
Thank God for that. Looks fucking dreadful.
jesus christ how horrifying
Why? It's a little gaudy but it's a nice convenient place to get certain British foods. It's not like there are a ton of such places, even in NYC
people who think bacon sarnies are better than sausage sarnies are the same kind of people who think salt and vinegar crisps are better than cheese and onion

which basically means you have shit taste
do you lot actually think its butter

you realize if its spreadable
then its fucking rapeseed oil
you twats
What's with the Anglo obsession with sandwiches?
Southern BBQ sausage is unmatched by the inbred island slop you posted
I'm just glad you can't stop thinking about me.
Got a full on retard here
Followed by a bbc loving retard here
But both posters are right you mangy twat. Real butter needs to be heated to spread properly. I will also grow mold and spoil if left out. As for your dog turd sandwich, almost anything would be better.
>yurocuck's law
>britbong coping over the slop his country tries to pass off as food
Why are bongs so fucking bad at making sandwiches? I know we make fun of their terrible food all the time but their complete inability to make a sandwich is the most baffling thing of all to me.
>make a piece of toast
>put it between two pieces of untoasted bread
>call it propa bri'ish cuisine
You people all eat like you're in prison or something.
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>You people all eat like you're in prison or something.
Lol you're right. They all eat premade prepackaged sandwiches from supermarkets. It's disgusting.
Might as well be eating from a vending machine.
If only they invented some sort of dish for keeping butter out at room temperature
Yeah, if you don't have a butter dish, you cunt. Some of us have one, though. You cunt.
dead horse mate
that thing does not look appetizing at all
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What you have posted does not look even remotely appetizing. If you want to see an American sausage-based dish, you need look no further than biscuits and gravy. Sure, the sausage meat is chopped up and no longer in a phallic shape, but it makes a hearty dish that no one can deny the quality of.
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>vomit on scones
>What you have posted does not look even remotely appetizing.
>posts cat vomit on dry scones
I have to agree with the other two. Vomit on scones.
That looks disgusting
Looks delicious
American food is infinitely superior to bri’ish food. It’s not even close.

t. Frenchman who lived in both shitholes
Scones are sweet. These are biscuits.
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These are biscuits.
No, those are cookies, you fucking retard.
>pink and blue butterflies all over the easter display.
Don't ask me to explain but consider not taking your kids in that store.
You’re not storing your butter correctly, clearly. I just keep it in a cupboard and it never goes mouldy, and is only difficult to spread in the winter.
Nobody ever said the meal deal was the pinnacle of cuisine.
>red sauce instead of brown
>no butter
Besides which a floury roll is better.
>roll of cookies
>stamped "digestive biscuits" in all caps
wow britian sure is as whimsical as willy wonka lead me to believe
Those aren't cookies, ma'am.
Nobody has ever actually eaten a toast sandwich, it's a one-off random reference from a 200 year old cookbook some newspaper dug up on a slow news day. If you want a meme sandwich pick fish finger or crisp.
Don't bother trying to educate americans about biscuits. They invented the fucking oreo which is like eating compressed cardboard shavings with black dye. Inferior to the cheapest possible chocolate bourbon or custard cream.
>british person calls american food bland
how rich
What British food is bland to you in particular? What have you tasted? I'm intrigued
I hate this sarnie thread soo much, it fills me with blind jealousy that it outshines my Venezia thread. How can I get mods to delete this shit sarnie thread?
Why's that Karen?
I hope you get deported, brownie
you know that one where you pour baby poop peas on stale bread
or the one where you pour plain beans on stale bread
or the one where you dip stale bread into weak ass tea
I'm not brown you hysterical old hag, I'm asking you to why are you jealous? You've got some responses for a very niche subject, what more do you want? Do you want to know what type of waxing to have on your vagina before you go? The answer is: I'd doesn't matter at your age
Shit, I've never had any of that. I'll have to try it, if I see it. Where did you try it?
I bet you would like it if I plopped my wet snatch right in your face and started rubbing
in yer mums kitchen, shes a slag innit
I've no qualms in banging a post menopausal old girl

My mum is dead. And she was a fucking good cook when she wasn't dead
well shes a fucking good lay now that she is
>thinks a cookie & a biscuit are the same thing
lol, lmao
>that bench
LOOL you yanks simply can't help yourselves can you
That makes no sense. She was cremated
What is the white triangular thing? It looks like a jar opener for old people except meant for jars so big you could climb into them.

Like the old person could get the jar lid off and be lowered in, and then someone else could fill it with honey and replace the lid and wait 100 years and sell mellified man by the spoonful. Have the middle easterners brought that tradition to your island yet?
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Nah they're great. I love their pastry selection, they got chicken & leek pies, steak & ale, steak & kidney, all the stuff you'd expect. Scones, too, with clotted cream and jam. The usual dry goods staples like Branston, HP, Colman's, Walkers crisps, piccalilli etc. They're not the cheapest but they're a specialty store in Greenwich Village so one has to expect that
It's a scale
American biscuits are shit, and oreos are a prime example. And don't give me that bullshit about 'it's because they're for dunking': most bong biscuits are also dunked in tea and they taste perfectly fine without it.

Fuck off to reddit if you want seriousposting with a side of blogposting. Stop trying to change /ck/, you're as bad as the niggermods trying to stomp out ja/ck/ threads.
Old fashioned scales.
You would get downvoted SOOO bad if this was reddit!
she was creamed*
autocorrect, am I right?okdn4
No, cremated. Her body was burned into ashes. She suffered for a few years prior to her death so it was somewhat of a relief in a way.
way more than somewhat, if you know what Im saying
Yeah, although she was trying to stay alive to see her first grandchild who was in the womb of my wife at the time and fell short by a month or so. Therefore I expect it would've been a saddening thought to her before she passed away
yeah also probably would have destroyed her world how much of a dicking I have her
You could be right friend. Alas, we'll never know. Take care and make sure you engage your parents, if you get on with them, as they won't be around forever. And when they do go, one day you'll have the compulsion to pick up the phone to contact them and won't be able to, you'll realise, ever again.
its okay I replaced my need for strong familial ties with the need to bang hot granny puss
Good luck, I hope you receive a Castle Grayskull
I've had butter in a covered butter dishes and had it get moldy within two weeks. To be fair, I also live in a swampy area with high humidity and plenty of mold around. Have to wash the mold off the house siding every year.
>sausage sarnie

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH, this reminds me of the time I heard the term cheese toasty from the Aussies, I was laughing so hard I still use it online to this day.

I don't eat pork anymore (dirty disgusting meat) but I can assure you America does have tons of sausage variety. Imagine bragging about putting a sausage on white bread with ketchup, christ the cope is unreal.
Yes, I've never seen a fat American venerate a grilled cheese. I understand that pork isn't kosher and that you think foreskins are unhygienic. That's the way of your people or the ones who have indoctrinated you. I sampled quite a few different sausages when I spent time over in the US, largely they do fall short.
Yeah because it looks like shit, why are you obsessed with us? When you make a pile of shit like this do you think "Americans won't like this" and you have to make a post about your shit food? Well you're right, I don't like it.
The menopause hits hard, doesn't it Karen? Deep breaths, plenty of water. Your hysteria will calm down.
Your food looks disgusting, nobody on earth likes your garbage food, but keep being obsessed with americans. "The Americans don't like my slop that looks like shit, they are heckin karens!"
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>americans have never had a proper sausage sarnie
Neither have you, ya pommie cunt
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It's not a proper sausage sarnie if it's not in a proper bap.
Is that ketchup? I hope you get deported. HP if you must, Branston. That bread looks shit, go make a bap.
Ha. Check out this turbo faggot. Weak as piss.
How can you see when you're squinting that hard, you nasal prick?
thats how i ate when i used to be a drunk and tried to kill myself
Are you fucking spastic? I'm Spanish and have lived in the UK for three years, a good sandwich here is delicious. I swear you faggot yanks have no idea how to cook.
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i like sausage egg cheese sandwich

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