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Where can i find a beer thats not bitter? I just want a cold refreshing beer that doesnt have any bitterness to it, are there beers like this?
Try wheat beers.
I don't think I've never not had even a slightly bitter beer. Maybe a dessert type stout
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Labatt, Peroni, and Yuengling are all very refreshing beers with minimal bitterness. I feel you OP, I can drink bourbon all day long but I can't stand hops or stouts
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I like Allagash White for a cloudy wheat beer.
Have you gone to those beer review websites and sorted by IBU and started at 0?
I never had the Bacon Maple version but the regular Rogue Doughnut sucks ass beyond reason.
pussy light macro beer, pleb
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>pussy light macro beer, pleb
are you absolutely sure you aren't equating bitter with sour?

you can try to trick your palate with something like a stout that has either heavy coffee or chocolate notes as those flavors are tangible where as "off" notes in cheap beer are usually something daily drinkers will not notice, but a novice will focus on.

also the cold beer meme is for normies. if you can drink macro warm, you'll see that cold isnt helping the flavor. if you insist on the needing it to be "cold and refreshing" you should try cider, shandy or white wine spritzer.
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Not my cup of tea but this isn't bitter
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Kolsh isn't very bitter but still is crisp almost like a lager.
Hefeweizen or belgian ale might also be your speed but they're not as crisp.
Just drink cider
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Oh man. I used to pretend to like craft beer so I could get in the pants of someone I knew from high school who also liked it. It didn't work though.
Guinness is the least bitter beer you'll probably find.
only thing is it's basically impossible to get druk off them. If you consider that bad
all beer is bitter because hops is bitter. if you want a drink that's not bitter you can drink white claw like a pussy.
I alternate between white claw and dragon's milk
I miss the lemon chiffon crueller beer so bad bros. Also look into red or brown ales, I lile Flannel Friday by Harpoon
Based and true, I love Oberon ale from Bell's
Comfy summer time beer
that exact beer and brand, my aunt bought me one year, it tasted like straight burnt wood ash and nothing else
>not bitter
Ok so IPA/stout/porter are off the table. Looks like you're hanging out in the kiddie pool with lagers and some mild ales.
>only thing is it's basically impossible to get druk off them.
Add a jigger of inexpensive gin to your glass. Tastes great; hits harder.
Beer is bitter. But companies make beer artificially sweet to please bithcs like you who don't like beer. Real beer is bitter.
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Beer can vary in bitterness without sweetening and always has, anon.
Tilting at windmills isn't healthy, despite how popular it is around here.
The bitterness in beer comes from hops. If something does not have hops in it, it is not beer by definition. If something does have hops in it, it will be bitter.
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Try belgian stuff. They like their beers malty and sweet with banana notes.
>are there beers like this?
aka: 90% of beer people drink.
If that's what you want you don't like beer, you just identify as a beer drinker because of social pressure. By the sound of it you should try wine coolers instead.
>By the sound of it you should try wine coolers instead.
I suggest cider. If I couldn't drink beer, I'd be very happy with these.
no, beers are all bitter to some extent, drink -196 instead
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nice. i been hitting the hyoketsu's as well.
Cherry beer?
Add a pinch of salt.
Thought that was pink sauce for a sec
Beer had no hops for thousands of years, some still doesn't.
And even hopped beer can be mild in bitterness
Wheat beers, hefeweizen, blonde ales, lagers
I like Blue Moon.. maybe the sam cherry wheat? It's too sweet for my tastes, but is very sweet and very beer. Other anon with cider had a good idea. Twisted tea, lemonade.. Other than that, maybe smirnoff ice?
I hate ipas so I tend to go on this end of the spectrum. Modello is good, but not sure it fits your qualifications
don't buy this, it's actually salad dressing
They had/have myrtle instead, which is also bitter.
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Try some lagers
Polish beers are typically sweet and malty, sometimes made with honey, with very little hops or bitterness.
I recommend you try one of these.
I actually like bitter beer, so I found these underwhelming, so they'd likely be right up your alley.
Stick to grape juice and chicken tendies, I guess
I remember being deep into a bottle of Jameson, watching some gay scifi movie on Showtime (yes this was 15 years ago) when for whatever reason I decided to slam a 750 of this sour shit that somebody left at my place. After about 10 minutes, I knew I was going to puke in another 10 minutes, and I did, cleanly off my balcony, then simply meandered back to my couch and finished the movie.
How do I unsubscribe from your blog?
Do you remember any details of the movie? I like sci-fi films
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this might be a little more your speed, anon
Low hop or no hop beer. I'm lucky in that there's a very cheap domestic beer where I live that's low hop and pretty sour
just add sugar to it
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Lambic tastes like a straight up alcopop.
That isn't beer. Its just fruit juice and kinda gross. Its closer to sparkling wine than beer.
Neutered western swill. Suntory needs to bring over the real Strong Zero
It says beer right there on the bottle, anon.
Are you guys NEIPA drinkers? Seems to be big among indie gamers.
As in hazy IPA? I don't like them as much as I used to, but when I do buy them, I go for the haziest, hoppiest ones available.
That looks pretty good. I just had two cans of TH just now. Very delicious. Almost too good. Don’t even notice the alcohol.
but also true. why can't we have the real shit. 6% is such a trash number i'd rather a ~4.5 that mimics light beer or the full 9
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Coors light
Lambics, fruited sours, gose, scotch ales, bitters (funny enough), dry stouts are going to be a little bitter but more coffee kind of bitter if you enjoy that, Belgian triples, quads, most Trappist shit, strong Golden's, cream ales, bocks, wheat beers, dortmunder, marzens/fest beer, rauchbier

There's a lot of non bitter stuff out there if you just try it
I love Belgium beers, but this tastes vile.
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Based piwo enjoyer
It's still beer as barley malt is still used, it just is flavoured with lots of fruit.
Just add a packet or two of sugar, that’s why they leave it out.
technically beer that is not bitter is not beer.

but yeah bitter beer sucks ass.
You might try not being a faggot for once in your life.
>Try wheat beers.
Hoegaarden grand cru is good, sugar really helps make beer and alcohol palatable.
I think it was Cube.

Please text STAHP to 323232
I just watched Cube Zero and man it was shit
Try a fruit sour. They're not bitter.
Stop drinking you filthy degenerate
Rogue is owned by inBev
What's your point
There were two and they both seem quite self evident. How drunk are you?
an Ice Cold Coors™
Warka is one of the best beers i have had period, and i've had over 100 at this point.
There was one retarded opinion and the other was just a statement with no point to it
I figured that'd be self evident. Isn't Rogue from Oregon?
>Stop drinking
I will consume the liquid jew. White man's burden, eh Loyd?
You want to check out Belgian style ales, they tend to be fruity and/or sour just like you.

They also tend to be deceptively high abv, so they're good for getting fucked up if that's your thing.
Was literally just talking about this yesterday with someone. That shit tastes like straight up vinegar, and I love it but I fully expect most people who try it will hate it because it is pretty niche to want that.
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cant believe nobody's suggested voodoo ranger
very sweet, pretty strong, and not sickeningly bitter like most high ABV IPAs
This is the choice of the modern alcoholic. They even have teas now
wtf, why does this look so good.
Hazy ipas are for the tards who claim to not like hops but really they just can't handle the full flavor of them so the brewer dulls it down with adjuncts like oats.

A good equivalent is dark chocolate vs milk chocolate. Both are good, but one fits a child's palate much easier
Try sours or wheat beers.
>cold refreshing beer that doesnt have any bitterness to it
Welcome to IPA hell, where everyone is in a competition to max out the IBU. What I do - Guinness or Hoegaarden or a radler.
Alcoholic apple cider
You're about a decade late to the party bud. West Coast style ipas are few and far between now
these are good, bishop and more commercially available, Red's

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