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What went wrong?
Kids these days, soft hands, soft heads, afraid of a little plastic in their food, Bunch of wimps. When I served in Nam I ate the entire plastic bowl with the food because i was so hungry and look at me, I'm fine! Stronger than ever! Bunch of pansies afraid of some plastic. They sure loved their gameboys! ha! Wouldn't have survived a day in Nam.
This is always what eventually happens to incredibly generic and overpriced products coasting on nothing but brand recognition.
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>poisons planet and human race irreparably
this, bunch of little mangina babies cant handle a little chemicals. whenever i eat soup i line my plastic bowls with a plastic bag so i dont have to clean it, just throw out the bag. the grocery store gives me infinite plastic bags for free.
amen brother!
Plastic Chinese takeout containers
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>using a bowl
>not cooking your soup in the plastic bag and sucking it out
You are like a little baby
>What went wrong?
overpriced and pushed out of the market by containers you could get at K-Mart for 1/4th of the price.

retarded baitpost aside, you cant even get plastic bags anymore unless you live in fucking China or Uganda
Can someone explain the science behind this? Why does the bag not instantly melt and burst?
it's made out of unadulterated shungite
wator absorbs the heat
No one wants to buy a $70 plastic bowl no matter how durable it is.
Where everybody has a hessian bag and there's very little plastic at all?
Fuck off ignorant prick
The story I heard was:
>Get bought out by a larger company
>Parent company now demands insane "Administration" fees milking Tupperware dry
>Brand dies, gets replaced by cheaper producers making the same product
The lifetime replacement warranty.

>buy a bunch of old used tupperwear from thrift stores and yard sales dirt cheap
>get it replaced with new stuff for free.
Other companies make better and cheaper tupperware. Maybe they shouldn't have named their company after such a generic product name.
Their name became generic, everyone called plastic containers tupperware, just like garbage bins are all called dumpsters, cellophane tape is scotch tape, copiers xeroxes and tissue paper kleenex
Got kicked out of a party. I brought a bag in with me; during the festivities I snuck into the kitchen and started stuffing food in the Tupperware containers I brought with me in my bag. The host confronted me and asked what I was doing; I said there is plenty of food why can't I take some with me? Things got heated and I pushed him against the table causing a mess of dip and wing sauce to cover his walls, more people came in and separated us and I got tossed out.

Now my Tupperware is still at his house along with my bag. Should I redeem these tomorrow or forget it?
This isn't true, Tupperware was always wholly owned they just went through some CEO changes and bought in a bunch of people who mismanaged the company to hell. Ironic that even though it killed the parties covid kept tupperware alive via online sales, but you talk to anyone and they'd wonder how it's kept going for so long at those prices
nah fuck off and take your retarded bait back with you to 9gag
The only one of these I use generically is dumpster. I say container for containers because they're fucking containers that are meant to contain things lmao
Why the fuck would pay for overpriced plastic when I can buy everything made of glass,stainless steel or ceramic for the same price or cheaper? Plus, they have a cult like mentality just like Mary Kay
I legitimately didn't even know tupperware was a brand name until now
Their expenditure was greater than their income.
How will all these wine aunts make a living now?
They should’ve paid for more celebrity endorsements. Recognizable faces like Hugh Jackman and Angelina Jolie.
>the grocery store gives me infinite plastic bags for free.
Not in Soviet Britain.
I think the cult thing made it work in the first place
the glass ones are so obviously superior now that they're cheaper. they don't absorb anything and you can put them in the oven. plastic containers are fine for dry food but that's about it.
>the pyramid scheme business model finally went bust
Who could've predicted?
You're a retard but you're obviously not alone, they died of "tupperware" meaning "any plastic food container with a lid" and the fact that I can get Tupperware in this sense for way cheaper from other brands with no apparent loss in quality
This, and if you do need plastic ones for whatever reason the thin, cheap Ziploc ones or their store-brand equivalents are good enough. Tupperware is stuck in a middle ground where they don't make a lot of sense anymore.
I get plastic bags every time I go to the store and I live in California. 7/11 gives them out for free
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Tupperware I can live without, but not my Pyrex
You can boil water in plastic bottles too if you know what you're doing. Don't just throw it on the fire you have to make a tripod or something to hold it just above the flames
Pyrex (brand) isn't even real Pyrex (type of glass) anymore
This was news in 1960, at this point you're fucking 65 years behind. Catch up, will you?
Pyrex makes pyrex and PYREX, PYREX is the special heat resilient glass and pyrex is top quality regular glass. I've dumped boiling water into both and never had an issue, although only PYREX goes in the oven of course
do you say coke, cola or soda? it's almost like regional areas have their own norms that aren't yours
Nothing. Economy working as intended. Fuck storing anything in plastic, it's unhygienic.
their corporate IT team is run by an asshole
Because there are many cheaper options for plastic containers, some even better then Tupperware's. They failed to adapt with the times, and thus are getting left behind.
I'm in Michigan and I get plastic bags for everything when I go to the grocery store.
wal marts here in WA stopped giving them out altogether
safeway charges for them now
>Tupperware has gone bankrupt
Seriously? What are the implications of this?
I’m not spending $80 for a sandwich container
I remember this sperg. I used to repost his turkey story as well kek
Hate taking these to work and then having to clean them up
There are loads of examples of that. Not all hot tubs are Jacuzzis for example. The word 'escalator' was a trademark of Otis Elevator Company. 'Dumpster' is another one. There's a name for it but I don't remember it, when words become so widespread that they can't be used as a trademark anymore.

It happens especially with words that sound 'sciency' like Kerosene and cellophane.
It's no longer the 1950s and "plastic box with a lid that can be shit out a thousand at a time in a factory in China" isn't some unique and revolutionary idea.

genericized trademark

YOu go to the store and buy some ASPIRIN, but not made by Bayer.
Also the reason why for example Google is trying so hard to prevent "googling" for searching on the web to become a thing, unsuccessfully of course.
When I read the news here in Germany I looked up their online shop.

30 fucking €uros for a set of three shitty plastic bowls, plus shipping (presumably), thats what went wrong
it's fake dude. don't question your common sense or else you will become a drone conspiracy idiot. not everything is "le physics"
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Their business model relied on a strong middle class.
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I love Anchor Hocking.
Overpriced and you can't buy them in regular stores. They still insisted on selling plastic when people can buy glass and steel from Ikea for less.
That's where this came from
Nintendo didn't want to turn into generic name
>retarded baitpost aside
nu-gen can't differentiate sarcasm and bait? What has the world come to?
Rubbermaid was better
This guy gets it, above quality day-to-day goods are going out of fashion.

It's like trying to get fresh milk cream these days.
What shit hole do you live in where stores don't use plastic bags anymore?
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