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So what's the deal with this? It's somehow banned in the US but used everywhere in Asian.
Is it just another disgusting Sneed oil like goybean?
Mustard oil kills parasites, so it's gotta be banned.
do they use it internally or externally
>Despite mustard oil's popularity in some parts of the world, the sale of it in the United States for edible purposes is prohibited, and bottles of mustard oil must be sold with labels that indicate "For External Use Only." The obvious question that comes to mind, and one that people often ask me, is this: "Well, if it's okay for folks in India, why can't we cook and consume it here? Indians have been cooking with it for centuries, and they're fine."

>To understand why mustard oil's sale is restricted, we need to take a closer look at its composition. All fats and oils are made up of a combination of glycerol and a mixture of molecules called fatty acids, and the composition of the fatty acids in a given oil or fat determines how it behaves. For example, fats that have a high proportion of saturated* fatty acids—animal fats, like lard and tallow, and some plant-derived fats, like coconut oil—will behave like a solid at room temperature. Fats that have a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids—olive oil and peanut oil, for example—will behave like liquids at room temperature.

>Mustard oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, but it also contains a special type of fatty acid called erucic acid, which lies at the center of the controversy surrounding the oil. Seeds from the brassica family of plants, which includes rapeseed and mustard, in addition to cabbage and kale, all contain varying amounts of erucic acid. Early experimental studies on animals in the 1950s suggested that erucic acid possibly had a role in the development of heart disease.

Cont in next post
>There were two notable consequences to this research. The first was that, in response to it, Canadian scientists created canola oil (a combination of the words "Canada" and "ola," the old English word for oil—although some say the "ola" is an acronym for "oil, low acid") by carefully breeding rapeseed plants that produced seeds with extremely low levels of erucic acid. (They also refined the oil through a series of industrial processes to strip it of any of its natural mustardy heat to create a more versatile neutral product.)

>The other thing that happened was that mustard oil, thanks to its high levels of erucic acid, was restricted for sale for human consumption in America. Mustard oil was only permitted to be sold for use as a therapeutic massage oil, which is why bottles at Indian grocery stores are labeled "For External Use Only." But the safety of consuming erucic acid is still up in the air. Most of the data on erucic acid is obtained from studies on animals, and information on human studies is based on cell culture experiments and epidemiological dietary studies on populations that give conflicting results. To the best of my knowledge, and from what I've read, there are distinct differences in the way different animals respond to erucic acid and metabolize it.
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So it's just phony studies used by the sneed oil industry to eliminate their competition?
>only Indians use Mustard oil
>Indians known worldwide as the most poopy diarrhea people
Is mustard oil the missing link?
My money is on black salt which is a sulphorous salt that makes their shit and farts extra eggy. It's used in all of their street food.
get your own personality holy fuck i hate this website
Beat me to it
Ok but the salt don’t make them have oily diarrhea shits. That’s from all the butter and oil (maybe mustard) that infuses all their cooking. Maybe the black salt makes their oily wet poops smell worse but it doesn’t make them oily and wet to begin with.
Mustard is very sulphuric as well.
>Its pungent flavor is due to allyl isothiocyanate, a phytochemical of plants in the mustard family, Brassicaceae (for example, cabbage, horseradish or wasabi).
Horseradish and wasabi both are also known for killing parasites.
>allyl isothiocyanate is used as an insecticide, as an anti-mold agent, bacteriocide, and nematicide
Nematicide means it kills nematodes.
AKA worms.
Join us over in /x/ for more spooky worm facts!
makes mustard gas
it is gutter oil from China, therefor they caught onto it and outlawed it.
I don't understand this whole "banned for eaty-eaty-yum-yums" things in the US.
If it's so illegal, how does my regional chain supermarket with hundreds of locations sell their own brand of Indian oil pickles? The oil used in making them is mustard oil.
If you didn't believe me, Google Bowl & Basket mango pickles. They also have s mixed pickle variant.
Living with, having a kid with and practically being married to an Indian woman means I eat a lot of homecooked Indian food. I don't ever have diarrhea. I can tell you with certainly that I've not had any loose or liquid shit in at least three years and likely longer than that. I have no idea where this belief that Indian or indeed any spicy food causes you to piss out your arse. It's simply not true
>The oil used in making them is mustard oil.
Well I'll be.
>Anon is into bestiality
>It's somehow banned in the US
It was unbanned a long time ago
>t. rapesneed oil shill
I'm not sure. I did find someone saying
>the brand KTC has made a low-erucic acid mustard oil (it's actually a 51% mustard oil, 49% rapeseed oil blend) which is legal in the EU at least, and is also specifically food grade
maybe it uses that
if you eat a ton of spicy food and don't eat any fiber at all you'll definitely piss out your ass. I've been doing it my entire life. I just learned to eat fiber to upgrade it from spicy smoothie to spicy logs
it's banned for human consumption. it has to be labeled the same way bath salts and designer drugs are labeled.
>it's banned for human consumption
Show proof of a currently active law or regulation banning it for human consumption then.
I don't think I eat a particularly high fibre diet. About 20g daily or so from food. I don't take fibre supplements or anything
That's not a law or regulation banning mustard oil for human consumption.
it's a government agency detailing that the product is banned for (sale for) human consumption, and any product made of expressed mustard oil is to be seized on sight
>it's a government agency detailing that the product is banned for (sale for) human consumption
No it isn't
federal government agency
>import alert
instruction to the public and to agents about the legalities of a product and how it is to be handled. import alert 26-04 is the contemporary instruction on the status of mustard oil by the FDA.
You are fucking retarded
I accept your concession
Then why >>20845742/>>20845755?
essential mustard oil is legal and is used as a flavoring, expressed mustard oil is thick oil meant for cooking. the manufacturing process is what results in erucic acid being left in the end product.
But the ingredients list just reads "mustard oil" not "essential mustard oil."
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>Indians have been cooking with it for centuries, and they're fine."
>and they're fine."
Yes. Look up any food that is banned and you'll see it isn't for for your health. Just like no studies were done before people started eating Crisco, which was originally a machine grease. It was assumed edible because it's made from plants. It wasn't until after years of people eating it studies were performed to show how "safe" it is. Studies funded by the makers of Crisco. TLDR: don't eat processed foods.
the type of mustard oil that they use is only relevant for distinction to the FDA. expressed mustard oil is banned for human consumption and therefore it is not expressed mustard oil. there is only one type of mustard oil that is in products explicitly marketed as food, and that is essential oil.
Mustard but oil
Thanks for clearing it up, then.
SO CAN I DRINK IT OR NOT? I don't even know what the fuck you use it with or put it on. If I'm not cooking with it what the fuck am I gonna do with it? Makeshift lube? Countertop cleaner?
Massage oil, supposedly.
I'm >>20845752
Religious purposes, too.
You're supposed to light Diwali lamps with it, for example, and likely other shit. I'll ask the missus later tonight, if you're really that interested. She's [nominally] Hindu. She doesn't cook with mustard oil, tho
I practice hindu too. I find comfort in the mantras and like to listen to them. I know that indians are mocked but meditation really works for me.

I'd love if you could ask her for some recipe ideas because I'm drawing a blank of what I would use mustard oil for unless it's just a replacement for other seed (was so tempted to say sneed) oil.
The only ones mocking Indians are vatniks and their /pol/ bootlickers. The remaining 95% of us love a Benghal curry wile Call of the Valley is humming in the background.
>It's somehow banned in the US
It's banned because it contains 44% cardiotoxic erucic acid, the max allowed is 2%, that's why rapeseed oil is now legal in the US after Canadian companies created the GMO rapeseed crop branded as Canola that was genetically modified to have under 2% erucic acid.
Im Bangladeshi, and I love eating Indian/Bangladeshi general Desi food.
Curry with rice is a comfort food and is priceless for me.
Mustard oil is great with frying aromatics with as a base.
Chop up onions, ginger, and garlic and fry it with mustard oil, shits really good.
Will do, thanks anon!
don't use that, it creates mustard oil
mustard sneed is a sneed thougheverbeit
its very sanitary and antimicrobial just like burning cow shit on the kitchen counter
>recipe ideas
Like I said, she doesn't cook with it
>The only ones mocking Indians are vatniks and their /pol/ bootlickers.
nice try
a lot of the vatnigger posts are poos and russia is the non white alliance
if you are pro russian you are likely a dirty shitskin

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