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Does anyone else unironically enjoy these? I even buy Italian bread to dip in the sauce when done.
>34% DV sodium
>5g protein
These slop readings are off the charts OP
what are you the fucking surgeon general now?
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I only crave Chef Boyardee stuff every once in awhile but it's always good when I do. This + beefaroni
i always keep a few cans of The Chef on hand for quick easy meals
One day you’re enjoying overstuffed ravioli, the next day your dead, haunting the kitchen, overstuffed ravioli for eyes.
no, I ironically enjoy it, you stupid tiktok lil bro bussing discord he/they wiggerfaggot retard
eat real food, what are you fucking 14?
This. Somebody had to say it. op is a cunt
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I honestly wanted to like these but it's honestly awful in every conceivable way

The sauce is sweeter than ketchup, the pasta overcooked and soggy, and the filling tastes like what I assume dog food tastes like. Do people really eat enough of these things to keep Chef Boyardee in business?
I add red pepper flakes or cayenne powder in mine
>I even buy Italian bread to dip in the sauce when done.
Very based, I hope Kraft Parmesan makes an occasional appearance
eating raviolis straight from the can, cold. it's not rock bottom, but things are definitely not going well.
> Chef Boyardee

No I don't, because I'm not fucking 8 years old
when I was a kid my mom would give me ravioli-os, but I was paranoid that there might be something weird hidden inside them so I would peel the pasta wrappers off and eat the meatball inside separately after inspecting each one. I would make fun of my friend for eating chef boyardee, but honestly I never even tried it so I have no idea if they were better or not.
Wait until you find out how much salt restaurant food uses or how much salt decent home cooks use.
There’s an age limit for food now?
I love them. Chef Boyardee never fails when I need a quick meal. Ravioli, Chicken Alfredo, Make Your Own Pizza, or even their Spaghetti & Meatballs (even if the meatballs kinda taste like ass)

They taste better if you sprinkle parmesan cheese into the sauce mixture or season it yourself.

"Real food"
Nothing is real anymore. Everything is slop. Unless you're going to take a shotgun and kill the cow yourself you're going to get a bunch of crap in your beef even if you get it from a whole fresh market.
No, they're shit. I found a can of beef ravioli in my pantry yesterday and had it for the first time since I was a teenager. The sauce is bland and kind of sour, the pasta is mush and the beef is bland. It was a method of getting calories for dinner, not enjoyable food.
I won't ever get them again. I can make a better pasta sauce in 10 minutes.
fuck your salt is unhealthy meme.

Asian countries eat like 4x the average amount of salts Americans do they have among the greatest longevity in the world.

If your mildly athletic and follow the 'recommended' salt amounts you'll constantly feel dehydrated and wondering why you piss so much.
Obvious shill post has never been more obvious.
I literally called the meatballs ass you fucking midwit. If it was shilling I wouldn't have said anything negative at all because I would be under contract not to you inhuman baboon fucking faggot monogloid.

Be sure to use coupon code "boyardee" at checkout.
Got a can of my private chef's (boy-ar-dee) lasaga sitting on my desk. Going to crack it open later and suck it down cold.
I'll only buy them when they're on sale.
I found cans of spaghetti for $0.25 each a few years ago.
>Asian countries eat like 4x the average amount of salts Americans do they have among the greatest longevity in the world.
Anon... don't look up the countries with the highest rates of stomach cancer.
I make my own jumbo ravioli. Some cheese, mushroom and ground beef. Scratch dough and sauce. Freeze 'em in vac sealed pouches. Microwave on demand. No BPA BPB phlatalate PFAS etc. Worth two hours. Taste great.
I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did. I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin'.
I usually stick with the normal sized raviolis because they are what I can get in bulk. I still have like 12-16 cans that are a year or so past expiration. Usually have one every two months or so with some goldfish crackers or equivalent. Hits the spot.
>living a long life as a ghoulish little goblin is worth looking like a ghoulish little goblin
multiple raviolis, as in, more than 1

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