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Why is it such a popular sentiment to pretend that well done steak isn't delicious?
I like well done steak. It's like chewing on beef flavored gum.
why do you post bait threads in order to get attention?
because le manly epic millennial bacon meal time man vs. beard bros went on to rare steak once bacon was declared soy. You'd better beware of these people, their 40 y/o tattoo artist pixie cut wives hold the keys to their chastity belts and they are PISSED!
Mentally ill freaks who have nothing going on in their lives will latch onto any little thing they can have to feel superior about something. People saying they like medium rare is absolutely nothing but pointless posturing attempting to show everyone how cultured you are over eating a simple chunk of meat.
Normal people aren't like this. Freaks are like this. If anyone has to tell you that they like medium rare steak unprompted and/or they start whining about how other people eat steaks, you know everything there is to know about this freak. This is a guy who whines about how pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, how ketchup is yucky and for kids, how their hoppy craft beer is superior etc. This is a freak who will tell you that his favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard and he will whine about Comic Sans.

The truth is that a plain steak is not fine dining and there is nothing special about it. While these people talk about how a well done steak is chewy, what actually is chewy is raw meat
Beef is better if you can make it thinner and have a good crust on it. The slimy pink raw meat is not tasty, it doesn't have a good texture, it's gross.
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"People who order their meat well-done perform a valuable service for those of us in the business who are cost-conscious: they pay for the privilege of eating our garbage. In many kitchens, there’s a time-honored practice called “save for well-done.” When one of the cooks finds a particularly unlovely piece of steak—tough, riddled with nerve and connective tissue, off the hip end of the loin, and maybe a little stinky from age—he’ll dangle it in the air and say, “Hey, Chef, whaddya want me to do with *this*?” Now, the chef has three options. He can tell the cook to throw the offending item into the trash, but that means a total loss, and in the restaurant business every item of cut, fabricated, or prepared food should earn at least three times the amount it originally cost if the chef is to make his correct food-cost percentage. Or he can decide to serve that steak to “the family”—that is, the floor staff—though that, economically, is the same as throwing it out. But no. What he’s going to do is repeat the mantra of cost-conscious chefs everywhere: “Save for well-done.” The way he figures it, the philistine who orders his food well-done is not likely to notice the difference between food and flotsam." - Anthony Bourdain
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"Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? ... Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn’t? I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter." -Guy Fieri
I think it's mostly low intelligence coupled with a lack of imagination.
The issue is that it's much more difficult to cook a steak to well done and it actually be good than it is to cook it to rare and be good. Unless you're coming sous vide, the window between delicious well done and shoeleather well done is extremely thin.
I can do it, but I dislike the time it takes so if I'm cooking steak, I aim for rare to medium rare.
So that's the reason. No one's pretending that it's not delicious. They've just never had a properly cooked well done steak and legitimately believe that a steak cooked to well done simply cannot ever be anything but shoeleather
Suicidal jewish manlet is just upset at the thinking customer.
The customer who orders a medium rare steak shows that he is ''educated,'' that he will obey authority and jump through every hoop to show everyone that he is a good boy with taste who will follow all the rules. This kind of person is exploitable, this person will pay you any amount of money and never question anything. These are the biggest fools.
The person who orders a well done steak shows that he doesn't give a single fuck about your customs. He doesn't know or doesn't care what is expected of him, he just wants a good meal. This person will not accept just anything put on his plate. He will ask questions, he will voice criticism, he will call out bullshit. This is the kind of person who will kick in the chef's teeth if you try to pull some bullshit on him. That's why Bourdain hates them.
>tfw my gran is le manly epic millennial bacon meal time man
I knew it!
No, he's the sorry sort of "man" who eats chickie tendies and choccy milk for every meal. His only question is "can I get chickie tendies instead?" followed by noises that can best be described as skin to those made by sea mammals
Raw is best
ITT: cavemen defending their tradition of eating uncooked meat. Deal with it, primitives: we discovered fire 200000 years ago. You HAVE had your "adaptation period".
yes now stop me from eating it how I like you bitch
>Mentally ill freaks who have nothing going on in their lives will latch onto any little thing they can have to feel superior about something.
Like pretending that dry and fibrous well-done steak swimming in ketchup is secretly good?
They actually believe that it's not only good, but that anyone that prefers steak served any other way is lying. Well done steak lovers are the most deluded people on the internet.
i like a little piece of well done meat with a bucket of gravy.
>No one's pretending that it's not delicious. They've just never had a properly cooked well done steak and legitimately believe that a steak cooked to well done simply cannot ever be anything but shoeleather
mentally ill freaks
You can take your well done steaks and cram them up your well done asshole, they belong in the garbage and so do you.
It's not that it tastes bad, it's that it's a waste.
When you order something like a sirloin, you're doing so because it's a tender cut. You're paying a premium for that texture, and so it's worth cooking right. When you overcook it, that tender piece of beef becomes tough as leather and ruins any reason you'd pay for sirloin in the first place.
There's little to no textural difference between well done sirloin and well done chuck. But nobody's going to a steakhouse to order chuck.

It's like buying a Lamborghini exclusively to get you to and from work on regular unleaded. You can do it, and it works, but you're a fucking idiot.
As long as steak doesn't chew like stale gum it's good.
I think it's more popular to be vegetarian than enjoying well done steaks
Just shows how whiny meaties are
>they start whining about how other people eat steaks, you know everything there is to know about this freak
>The slimy pink raw meat is not tasty, it doesn't have a good texture, it's gross
Freak spotted
These are negative qualities. Dried out, stringy chicken breast isn't delicious. French fries burnt to shit that you can snap in half and have no soft potato inside aren't delicious. Bake a loaf of bread 50% longer than the recipe says and everyone will be able to tell it's ruined. Brown the butter too long, reduce the sauce too much, overcook the eggs and everyone can tell. And there's always a reason, because cooking is causing a chemical change in the raw ingredients, so you can pinpoint the exact reason things need to be cooked a specific amount and not too much over. The sugar will burn, the sauce will separate, the eggs will coagulate, and so forth. It's only steak that for some reason retards insist "Actually it's better this way, your way is undercooked!" Eating a tender cut with minimal fat to render such as filet mignon well done means the person at best doesn't know any better, and at worst is mentally defective.
Because you could have bought a cheaper cut for the same result. But hipster populized every cut possibly so everything except innards is so fucking expensive you might as well enjoy your overcooked filet
I think medium is ideal but a lot of the problem is well done is the end of the scale so it covers both actually well done and cooked until leather. Like if you imagine well done as '100% cooked through' people still lump in '150% cooked' or another 50% again more cooking into the same category.
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I don't think they're mentally ill, they're just extremely empty people with no identity. These are the same guys who buy "manly" branded products or get invested in political propaganda. Or the boring dude who can name dozens of random "fun facts" he read online.
It's just an easy way to build up an ego in lieu of actual knowledge, skills, or accomplishments. This means they take disagreement with their views as a personal attack on their identity, which is why they sperg out.
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>they like something I don't like?
>they're just extremely empty people with no identity.
>your taste doesnt align with mine so I'm gonna poison you
Why are jews like this?
>Or the boring dude who can name dozens of random "fun facts" he read online.
>It's just an easy way to build up an ego in lieu of actual knowledge, skills, or accomplishments.
How do you know so much about me?
Well-done steak is objectively worse than medium steak by all metrics that make steak good.
It's drier, tougher, has less flavor and is smaller in overall size.
Steak is good when it's juicy, tender, flavorful, and of course when there's more of it to eat.

shut the fuck up faggot and cook my steak rare. you don't even know what the soulless, obedient golem you describe actually looks like because you live entirely within the cave of your own delusions. it's so much worse outside than you can even begin to imagine.
you hit the nail on the head
If uncooked parts are so flavorfooool then why eat medium and not rare? Why not blue? Why not fucking raw?
The internal meat still reaches a certain temperature that renders the fat and starts to denature the proteins, but doesn't go too far.
Rare means uncooked. Medium means properly cooked. Well-done means overcooked.
if well done is so good why stop there?
Well done just means all of the meat's been properly cooked and there's a thick delicious crust
Properly cooked means there's a pink center.
Because well done steaks arent usually done well and come out a bit shoe-y
i prefer my rib eyes prepared in a manner which let's one believe the cow survived.
But there are other cuts and marinating/tenderizing processes where cooking it all the way through are appropriate
that looks poorly done not well done
embarrassing. Everyone I know who eats well done steak does so because they're either afraid of "blood" coming out of their meat or assume they'll get sick from it. Never because the flavor is better. How do you come to such an inane conclusion jesus christ /ck/
is tony jewish?
i actually cook my steaks pretty rare, but then i thin slice them on a board next to skillet, flip the slices back in for a fast sear (more or less long depending who the pieces are going to)
everyone gets a nicely done piece, non one can complain by looking, things are pretty tender.
super hot / searing is dope.
I think it's for attention.
most people get attention enough from friends and family
Yeah but sometimes you wanna be an absolute shithead and don't want to subject the people you care about to such vitriol, so you go online and fuck up someone else's day.
if posting online fucks up someones day they dont get enough real socialization either
Where did you get this infographic of me warming up your sister for a Bond Burgering?
What are your hobbies?
I'm describing people who get mad over others ordering well done (You). I never order well done myself.
It's not about you specifically, there are just a lot of people like that out there. If they're not getting mad over well-done steak then it's about something else inconsequential.
Posting on boards.4chan.org/ck/
Physician, heal thyself.
well done is objectively worse (ie tougher and less juicy) than medium rare.
the only way to have a well done steak that tastes decently is to use a cut of beef with a lot of marbling. A well done lean steak is like eating damp cardboard.
Unironically Reddit like most retarded trendy opinions. I eat way more bacon that whoever replies to me by the way. Stay in school kid.

Or you could subvert the discussion entirely, and come to the ultimate conclusion that most red meat is far too greasy, almost all of it comes from dubious farming practices (lest you buy it from the mennonites), and shouldn’t be considered a primary source of protein over leaner options like chicken or turkey breast. Its only redeeming quality is its zinc and B-vitamin contents. Otherwise, it is butterslop fit for keto tards and sensitive men on steroids like Liver King. Save for the exception you actually enjoy the taste of a cow finished in refined grain consisting mainly of soy and covered in copious amounts of butter - then, more power to you, fatass.
no ones pretending.
>it comes from dubious farming practices
You live in a shithole country.
Sorry, man.
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There are cheaper cuts of beef that taste better than popular cuts when cooked thoroughly. The most expensive cuts are expensive because they are tender enoung to chew without long cook tumes. So you're paying too much and getting a worse product. But I don't give a fuck what you order or cook, because I'm replying to a bait thread like a redditor would.
reminder this guy killed himself because his wife kept making fun of his ED lmao
Why do americans have such weak teeth anyways, I thought they went to the dentist obsessively? Being afraid of a piece of well done steak
Snobbery, retardation, appeal to authority, brainlet NPC behavior and most importantly not being able to think for yourself.
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It is delicious. But I'd rather eat it rare or any lesser doneness than well. Certain lean and tender cuts are truly done a disservice at well done, and if you're going to eat it that way there's no reason to buy a superior cut. But that doesn't often happen. I used to be a broiler/grill man at a steakhouse and we didn't get a lot of well done filets or dry aged rib-eyes because the serving staff was very educated and explained to the customers if they were dumb. And real steak people who ate there didn't like well done steaks. When you're paying $50-$90 for your meat you tend to be a connoisseur. Some people can't be talked out of it though, and like I'm sure you've read, the WD order always gets the oldest or roughest-looking steak from the bunch. Not that that means much. Busy place, nothing gets old everything gets sold. But if it's an ounce underweight or something or a misfire that can sit for ten minutes it will always go to that guy.
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How contrarian of you to side with Guy, a populist piece of shit who won't even eat eggs on a diner show. You watch King of Queens and eat at Applebee's don't you?
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You're a complete schizo. I like in your fantasy that your hero finds out Bourdain has used the shitty cut of beef for his well done and kicks him in the teeth for it. lol
I can tell you're one of those guys who rejects the news and is skeptical of everything that he hears and thinks he's living in a spy novel where he's got to stay vigilant against the shadowy cabal of villains trying to propagandize him and the rest of the populace who are all too stupid to realize it like he does.
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You can't be serious. No, they ACTUALLY DO prefer the steaks medium-rare. I like mine blue rare, which is COLD in the middle. I'm not 'posturing' or pretending to be cultured. I like the fat and and flesh of the meat and it all gets cooked out the more you expose it to heat. But there is a reason it's the more 'cultured' choice, and that's because hayseeds like yourself thought 'ewww, gross! Blood!', but because some meats would make them sick if undercooked. It's based on ignorance. So if some dumb farmer went into town and ate it well done it's because he wasn't educated enough to know that there was no longer any risk to eating beef rarer.
You're proud of being declasse apparently. You LIKE Comic Sans? You are here to defend all the Walmart moms who don't know any better and raised you like a philistine? I know your kind. You are 'on the spectrum' for sure, aren't you? You're a Trump voter too. You're anti-intellectual. You're proud trash.
I'll eat a welldone steak. I've overcooked plenty in my day. But you gotta understand why people don't dig it.

pic related
Pedophile freak making fun of dead babies while going on his unhinged rant about how raw meat is actually good and seething about fonts
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Why am I a pedophile? The pic makes fun of juggalo garbage people, not dead babies. I didn't bring up fonts. Some schizo equates it with 'the type of people who eat steaks like X'. Was that you? You're a lunatic. It's not 'raw meat' you dunderheaded absolutist. You're a fucking retard who thinks if it's the tiniest bit pink inside that it's RAW. You seem to have conflated beef with chicken. I'm sorry for your inferior upbringing. Instead of thanking me for trying to educate you, you're filled with loathing and resentment. Maybe you need some red meat in your diet.
Because the rich have convinced us that eating raw steak is how the upper class do it, and we don’t want to expose ourselves as smelly poors, so we deliberately poison ourselves and convince ourselves we’re “cultured”
blue aint great my mayne. done it. dont lik cold raw. but i did eat it and would eat it again.
Tranny pedo defending eating raw meat
No, it's not that muh heckin' ignorant people are afraid of ''blood'' in their food. It's that raw meat tastes disgusting and has a really terrible texture only pedo freaks like you enjoy
how telling that your only complaint is I dont align enough with your attention seeking behaviors
I order well done simply because I know the restaurant is gonna fuck it up and give me medium well by mistake anyway
okay well your hero bourdain killed himself like a bitch LMAO
I love steak well done. And loads of vinegar on my homemade chips
You have articulated how i feel about those faggots, well said
you put ketchup on your steak you fucking toddler
Because it's dryer and tougher than a properly cooked stick, which is medium-rare.
>Well done steak lovers are the most deluded people on the internet.
Alas, you have no idea about the depths of delusion out there.
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couldnt agree more
we need to start upholding sodomy laws again

Why should I give a single cunt hair for the opinion of a dead Jewish junkie who failed at absolutely everything he tried and is only famous because of open nepotism?
I can assure you that I’m not pretending to prefer my steak medium over well done. Get help

>His father was Catholic of French descent and his mother was Jewish. Bourdain stated that, although he was considered Jewish by halacha's definition, "I've never been in a synagogue. I don't believe in a higher power. But that doesn't make me any less Jewish".

Every. Single. Time.
First off, the hate for well done steak is legitimate. It comes from being served dry as fuck leather. This is not a pleasant eating experience for most people.

Second, steak cut matters here. A well done ribeye is not similar to a well done flank steak. The former will likely still be juicy, the later will be jerky at well done. This is why details such as cut and cooking method matter. Lean meats need to be served at or below medium to avoid drying out. Fatty meats should be cooked more to help melt that delicious fat.

Third, to cook any steak to well done without losing moisture requires sous vide or a smoke with a water pan. This will result in a tender well done steak, regardless of cut. You will not find these methods in restaurants though, so most people will not be able to order a "good" well done steak. And due to the lack of cooking prowess in society, restaurants set the standard amongst the populace as a result. Order a well done steak from Longhorn? Here's you chewy leather. This is a sub-par eating experience, and public opinion reflects it.

However, those who can cook and know their cooking methods, can in fact enjoy well done steak. I love well done smoked ribeye, super delicious. The meat is super tender, juicy and laced with liquid fat, and isn't like shoving a jello shot in my face like with medium or below. I took some shitty T-bones I had well past well-done to tenderize them with sous vide. Rescued that meat which would have otherwise been doomed to the trash. But of course, those who don't cook and have latched on to what restaurants serve cannot comprehend the other side being good. They are the NPCs of the world - latching on to whatever they have been served up.

Bourdain was a NPC, raised in restaurants. He could not think outside of his box. Which is why he traveled all the time in search of better food.
he eats more bacon than me, can confirm
>People saying they like medium rare is absolutely nothing but pointless posturing attempting to show everyone how cultured you are over eating a simple chunk of meat.

Hold on, is this an indictment of anyone opining that steak should be cooked medium rare in any context, or just people who social signal with it?

And you know, I can't prove this, but your post is an example. But it seems when people who eat the rare side criticize well done eaters, they simply criticize them for stubbornly ignoring informed consensus on how to cook and eat a steak and making up headcanon lies about pink meat. In contrast, when the well done eater criticizes the opposition, anyone who disagrees with them is guilty of some grand character flaw that extends far beyond the steak house and the dinner table. Ironic you would call these people mentally ill after unloading so much unrelated baggage on them and practically accusing them of being the same person. I wouldn't be surprised if you could tell me who medium rare eater votes for since they would just be the opposite of your positive qualities.

Anyway I don't get it. Eating medium rare is the lack of pretension. It's following banal advice that's very old and very justified. It's like eating steak that has been salted. There's probably a reason I don't tell anyone I eat salted steak or insistent to anyone they should salt their steak. There's not even a population of retarded hold outs insisting that unsalted steak is superior. But there are many children eating well done steak with ketchup who take great offense at the idea they have something to learn.
Here's something less talked about

I think the rare eaters fell for a meme and it deserves about the same reputation as medium well if not worse. They get into by seeking a steak thats better than medium rare, or more medium rare than medium rare. It's still a pretty good steak yes, but scrutinizing beyond the placebo would reveal the mistake.

Rare steak isn't that tender, soft and wet yes, but it can be squishy so your teeth don't cut it. Your steak will also be coldest on the table and have the worst sear. If they undercook it, it's raw, if they overcook it, its perfect and you should've just ordered it like that. If I had to choose, I'd eat medium well over rare, solving all those problems in exchange for some dryness. And in the end how do you prefer it to a medium rare steak that is actually peak tenderness, and no one can complain about its texture and moisture.
Raw meat eaters are the most judgmental mentally ill freaks who constantly whine about how imagined people eat steak. You can't eat a steak with this kind of a person without them unprompted going ''I like my steaks RARE, yeah, I am cultured and anyone who cooks their meat more is an unculted swine, dumb idiot who is fucked in the head and probably a DRUMPF supporter and wouldn't appreciate my wife's boyfriend.''

People who liked cooked meat just don't like raw meat.
Raw meat eaters are the biggest retard consumers possible. There is nothing special about steak and the price is high for certain cuts purely because a cow is a large animal that is expensive to turn into meat and there is are only so many chunks of meat you can get from a cow.
You are not some cool badass for buying an overpriced piece of meat and then not cooking it so it's all gross and raw. You could have minced that beef and turned it into a much better burger that is actually tasty and not just a chunk of raw meat with salt on it.
Steak eating is inherently pretentious showboating because all you're doing is showing everyone how big of a whole chunk you can cut off an animal. The idea that this would be the superior way to eat meat is retarded.

The real truth about why steak is cooked medium rare is because a solid chunk of meat is so boring and the taste is so monotone that the piece of meat has to have some kind of layer to it. Normally this would be done by cutting the meat into smaller pieces, but if you cut the steak into pieces now you can't show off how big of a steak you have. Normally you'd use sauces, different ingredients, some greens, but you can't do that because it's a heckin' insult to put cheap ingredients on your expensive cut of meat. This is why the only thing that is acceptable to put on your cope steak is 5 dollar gold leaf from walmart, because it's all about being a poser
I think I'd rather pick the chef than pick the level of doneness
>well done steak isn't delicious?
With VH it's great
This anon shows up in every thread and mogs my bacon eating. I eat a lot of bacon and it's a point of pride for me, but then this guy comes into every thread I'm in just to mog me. I can't have a single thread as the biggest bacon eater, he has to rain on my bacon parade every single time.
Enjoy year tapeworm.
Be careful. Eating food is also very soy. Don't eat food.
and im supposed to take this tattooed cuckold's word as gospel? go fetch me my well done steak, boy
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This is my pick.
>all meat is eaten well done
>but steak has to be almost raw to be good because... just because okay!!?
the whole existence of steaks makes no sense
if you're telling me I need to eat it medium with raw meat inside because well done will be too dry on the outside because it takes that long to cook the inside, that means your fucking meat is too thick and you should cut it or tender it
Toxic masculinity.
Quit doing fag symbols and eat your food fagget
Faglet. Go ahead and eat your rare or medium rare steak and watch the clueless chefs fuck it up and make it raw in the middle. At least with well done I can savor it and I know for sure it's 100% cooked.
>People who liked cooked meat just don't like raw meat.

But you're on paragraph 4 of describing people who eat rare steak supposedly because you don't like how they describe you.

Anyway I don't know why you're drifting off into steaks vs ground beef now because everyone eats ground beef, because you can just increase in the fat content until it tastes good and its texture is not important on a sandwich, taco, pasta or whatever. It's a great way to use beef that doesn't make a good steak. But arguing it's superior just makes no sense. They aren't similar experiences at all so people eat both at different price points. Billionaires eat mcdonalds.

But you've said enough that you're revealing what really going on here. Not only do you think steaks aren't "fine dining", you think they are inferior to ground beef, beef is better in smaller or thinner pieces, and you seem to be implying you don't like steak over other methods. This all makes perfect sense because you order your steak well done, a temperature that ruins most beef unless you compensate with fat and seasoning, and cutting it or grinding it to alleviate the toughness. Everything you're describing here fixes a problem that is self imposed. Meanwhile people who eat the rare side of steak actually like steak. They aren't confused, you are. But you saved the best slip up for last:

>The real truth about why steak is cooked medium rare is because a solid chunk of meat is so boring and the taste is so monotone that the piece of meat has to have some kind of layer to it.

So you're saying well done steak is boring and monotone, and this corrected by cooking it medium rare.

People eat vegetables with their steak at any doneness. Toppings like blue cheese, mushrooms or crab/lobster, sauces like bearnaise, hollandaise, peppercorn, teriyaki, etc are common. Gold leaf? Youtube isn't real life. You just sound like someone who doesn't get taken out to dinner for a reason.
This is just wrong retard. There's red meat, poultry, pork, fish and shellfish

fish and shell fish are often eaten raw, more often than red meat. We don't eat raw poultry and pork because it's dangerous.

just because moisture and tenderness okay!!?? was too hard to think about before posting
You can control evenness of doneness on thick meat by using lower heat, frequently flipping the steak, or leaving the steak out at room temperature to warm up for at most a few hours. Also doneness is measured at the center so raw in the center would not be a medium steak.
Tranny pedo cope
Taking contrarianism too far
Fags are easily susceptible to propaganda by big raw.
What an asshole
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this hand is the only one doing the OK sign, that means it's the correct one
this is some of the most insane shit I've read on this board and I was there for dinotendies and sleepytime chicken

meds, please dear god, meds
How do you make homemade vinegar?
Man you really struck a nerve with this one
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it was one of the best steaks i ever had
>No, it's not that muh heckin' ignorant people are afraid of ''blood'' in their food.

Then why do they keep saying it's blood
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why do white women listen to suicidal drug addicts
his wife didnt lol

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