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I always wondered why KFC is seen as this high quality, strongly growing luxury brand in China and Europe, when in the United States with the same ingredients and preparation methods/staff, it is seen as low quality horseshit and is quickly failing and going away in the country due to higher standards and choices existing
>the same ingredients and preparation methods/staff
x to doubt
Mainly because KFC is fairly rare outside the US. Mc. D's is everywhere but you only find KFCs in big malls and such
>luxury brand in China and Europe
Nobody in yurp thinks of it as anything of the sort, Tyreeq. Just because you and Shakwafateeka think it's great doesn't mean white people do.
I neither know nor care what the Chinese think of it
>KFC is fairly rare outside the US
It's not.
In the UK I'd say it's pretty regularly rated as the lowest quality big US fast food franchise. At least not counting taco bell which is a relative newcomer and still very limited in number.
In china and japan, fried chicken is a traditional christmas meal.
So going to KFC is like going to a restaurant that sells christmas dinner every day.
>china and japan
How many communists and shinotist belive in Christ? They love KFC because they love goyslop trash.
I'm serious, col sanders is like their santa clause. shit is wild
How many "Christians" do?
The KFC in France is objectively better than in the US
Food not made of obvious plastic or petroleum product is a luxury in mainland China.
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It's a "thing" but it's not every family does it. Christmas cake is a more widespread practice than Christmas KFC

That being said, pic related, the deluxe set for 2023
KFC in Australia is S-tier
Fast food companies in Asia are not competing with the pennies-a-bowl street vendors for the marketshare of the poors, so they need to up their quality to focus on selling to the middle class.
>higher quality chicken
>no brown staff

I wonder
Americans have said that Canadian KFC is better than American KFC. I don't see how or why there would be a difference considering Canada is basically a 51st state. It's probably just imagined
when you have no religion, the form of society you live within becomes your religion
>I always wondered why KFC is seen as this high quality, strongly growing luxury brand in China and Europe, when in the United States with the same ingredients and preparation methods/staff
I didn't know they imported basketball american staff and bleached chicken
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It's like how French people love McDonald's because that's just what they think a hamburger is supposed to be.
KFC is the lowest quality commodification of Southern Fried Chicken.
They just don't know how much better it can get.
Christmas doesnt really have much to do with religion in most of the world.

Christmas in Japan is less about santa and christ or whatever you faggots do in the US.
its basically their version of Valentine's Day.
If you're in a relationship with a Japanese girl and don't have a restaurant booked ~6 months in advance for a romantic dinner date then you're guaranteed single by Christmas Day.

here in Australia, Christmas is "sweet, 4 day long weekend" drunk smashing beers in the sun while the kids run around with water pistols, or maybe naked in the sun at a music festival or at the beach.
People like it where I live because McDonalds and Pizza Hut used to be the only fast food chains aside from the one other national one we have (which fucking sucks) People just like new American things.
>luxury brand
No one thinks this. Burger King and KFC are filled with sandniggers and trashy people.
Sauce on fried chicken is stupid and overrated, and yes, I've been to Nashville many times. The chicken is great there, too, it doesn't need the sauce at all.
KFC is the second most popular restaurant in the entire world, with only McDonald's beating it. You're a retard, a faggot, and likely a lying, deceitful, covetous, conniving kike.
Tucky is stupidly popular in Australia but the quality is paltry at best, but usually just plain shit
safeway friend chicken is better than KFC here lmao
popeye's is so hit or miss i don't even compare them to anything anymore
KFC is good, for fast food fried chicken I wager it's the best. The hate is a tiktok meme like how everyone hates Arbys because of an episode of The Simpsons, people are ultimately just lemmings

I recently tried KFC back to back with the main competitor people say is leagues better, Popeyes, and the quality was near identical with the main difference being
>KFC is more moist, greasy, and flavorful because it's highly seasoned
>Popeyes is more crunchy, but tastes way more bland because it's not as greasy, juicy, or seasoned

And don't get me started on grocery store fried chicken that always has the most minimally seasoned, limp batter and dried out meat from sitting around all day
Any KFC staffed by pajeets is low quality, low volume chicken terribly breaded and fried. KFC is horrid in Canada now.
>You really think dog eaters know what standards are huh
the UK is the 51st state sadly, I say this as a bong
if they were a state then you’d be able to own guns there
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You're correct but I have a deep craving for buffalo sauce and chicken.
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I'm in Canada and every KFC I've visited always looked like they built it in the 80s then never did any maintenance on it. Same old plastic plants, same old pastel pink and blue plastic chairs, all cracked and sunbleached. I don'T midn the style but everything is old, worn-down, damaged, etc.
The service is always slow, the chicken is greasy, ever so slightly undercooked and underseasoned, the breading always slides off as if they steamed it after frying.
The sandwiches and sides are ok, 7/10 on a good day maybe.
>luxury brand in China
Because in China, most restaurants serve up gutter oil and meat-glued rat cutlets mixed with cardboard. KFC serves recognizable chicken from actual birds (still fried in gutter oil there, but at least the bird is better quality than the cardboard rat meat).
The House of the Venerable and Inscrutable Colonel is what they call it in Cantonese. Venerable because of his goatee, white as the dogwood blossom. Inscrutable because he went to his grave without divulging the Secret of the Eleven Herbs and Spices.
Chinese KFC looks so weird. I get that each countries' KFC is tailored to their national tastes, but theirs just looks so fucking weird.
This. What a weird take the OP has. Very strange
For some reason I suspect the experience of going to a KFC is a lot more pleasant in China than the in US.
Doesn’t own a passport at a guess.
>You're a retard, a faggot, and likely a lying, deceitful, covetous, conniving kike.
schizo rage moment
Many such cases on here unfortunately.
KFC is actually really popular in China. It’s probably something like the growing middle class wants a trustworthy source of tasty protein and likes the idea of eating foreign food instead of the same old peasant Chinese food they grew up eating.
I don't know anything about China, which is why I quoted the posts that I did.
Well, I don’t know anything about KFC in Europe other than the UK has a ton of its own Arab and Indian fried chicken shops that are way more popular and probably a lot better than KFC Europe.
I wish KFC was the same everywhere. We can't really compare it on /ck/ because it seems to have a different menu in every country. Americans tend to rate KFC as one of the worst fast food joints while Australians (like me) rate it high because it's one of the best. I'll post a thread later (unless someone else wants to first) for comparing KFC menus in different countries.
>trustworthy source of tasty protein
KFC China was literally caught breading and frying rotten chicken to sell at customers lmao
They sell tonkatsu on rice with chicken gravy in Thailand. Is good.
I'm surprised it wasn't chicken
I got the KFC-KD burger thinking no other crimes against food and decency would take place, then they gave me a coupon for KFC-flavoured KD. Has anyone had this?

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