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Do fat fucks here really eat and entire pizza in one meal?
>only one
You're a fucking amateur.
Sort of. I cram the crust
Some pizzas are small. Some people are big. As for me, I gotta take a shid :DDD
I order 5 small pizzas so I can pretend I'm fat bastard from the Austin Powers movies and say "GET IN MAH BELLAH" as I eat the 3rd one
I do, but I make my own and they are between 10 and 12 inches in diameter.
3 pizzas a day MINIMUM
and u don't look like that
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I care about Asa Mitaka.
But yeah I don't know how someone could do that unless they were really fat or it was a really small pizza.
If you're below 200lbs you're not a man.
yeah, sometimes. it's generally the only meal I'll eat that day though.
An entire regular size frozen pizza, yes, with a beer. But I feel like shit afterwards.
i'm 400 lbs so i'm twice the man you are
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>Do fat fucks here really eat and entire pizza in one meal?
Once I ordered 3 pizzas for my birthday party, and everyone blew me off except my best friend, so he and I just ate all three pizzas and played COD: BO2 zombies all night and drank a bottle of Don Q.
I can’t gain weight even after eating a whole pizza
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Growing up my mother had a bowel disease that basically broke down to anything that tasted good being lethal to her. I lived on a sick trailer trash woman's interpretation of turkey dogs and baked chicken. At 17 I was 6ft tall and <100lbs, and nobody seemed concerned about it. When I left home and started supporting myself I discovered food could actually taste good and it became a serious financial issue. I would absolutely eat a large pan pepperoni from Pizza Hut by myself, every time. I'd order three big Macs on my way to a class and then have 20 nuggets on the way back home. My girlfriend would visit family for a weekend so I'd get an entire red velvet cake from Walmart and eat the whole thing while playing Resident Evil 5 in one night. I was insatiable, but thin and active enough that it took me almost a decade to become obese. I'm now in my 30s and have balanced out to an average build and diet. I can barely put away half a pizza to cap off a rough week, but now I'll feel like shit all evening. I don't miss being a walking garbage disposal.
yeah and I still weigh less than 120lb
I miss being fat. There are times when I would love to eat an entire pizza but I'm painfully full after a slice and a half at 30. When I was younger I ate one time a day and could shitpack 3000 calories in a half hour. I swear one day I'm just gonna die because I physically couldn't eat enough.
I do not eat pizza because i do not like it. Please do not make threads that are not relevant to me, it makes me feel left out in this community.
post your tiny tits
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Wtf is this haha
>Wtf is this
An announcement on TurtleTreasures forum
Beautiful woman
I take a 24oz loaf of bakery bread, saw the bottom off and paint it with garlic butter. I layer fresh plum tomato slices as a base and then drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with chopped garlic, salt pepper and a generous amount of freshly ground romano cheese. Over this I'll almost always put sauteed onion because I always have onion, and or whatever else I have. Sausage bits, bacon & onion, peppers etc. Then put it in the oven for 14 minutes in my 100 year old wagner skillet and EAT THE WHOLE THING.
I used to. But I've since gained some semblance of control (and starting losing quite a bit of weight). Now more than a couple of slices leaves me feeling quesy.
Whatever they make the bread out of these days its like eating air. I think I would be more full eating Styrofoam
>600 lbs of man
I do but our pizzas are tiny now thanks to shrinkflation :(
about 6 months into dating my wife, I watched her take down an entire XL pizza by herself in 15 minutes. is she fat? no. she's underweight.

Holy fuck I forgot this existed
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I eat all 8 piece wings first, then I only need a few slices of pizza and can save the rest for another meal. Simple mathematics, really.
no cocaine. she's very anti-drug. even got me to quit smoking and cut back on drinking
aaaaah I love her
I can easily eat 3-4 pounds of pizza if I'm hungry, so yes. It's just about stretching. Anyone could do it with some practice. This guy is probably eating 20 pounds in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYdOuogt0QE&t=1s
well maybe 20. but well into double digits probably
Why are pizzas in the US so filling?Eating a whole pizza is completely normal in Europe.Is it the grease?
They are made as a large, family style meal heavy with toppings, the crust is often stuffed with cheese, and are 14 to 18 inches in diameter or more. A bit more of a task than your usual 10" margherita pizza.
I can eat a '14 inch pizza but around the last 2-3 slices I start getting full and have to take a break or bring it home with me. I usually get pepperoni and mushrooms for my toppings.

When most poeple think pizza in America they think large 14in minimum pizzas that are easily like 2k+ calories.

Costco sells an 18in pizza that totals to 4,500 calories for 10 bucks..
pussy, i can easily scarf down 2 of those
Oh yeah, fat boy? I bet you get full on the breadsticks.
i hate those dry shits
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You got to dunk them in alfredo soft but these are very soft and covered in an olive oil garlic glaze. Warm and easy to pull apart for storebought.
unfortunately i am from an impoverished third world where packaged food is still a very new and very expensive concept but that does sound better than the cardboard they serve in the name of garlic ""bread"" here
Holy fuck that sounds delicious
Hey it's no sweat man
I'm from america too
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Even non fat do, now finish your pizza your coward
why do people who never did cocaine like to talk about cocaine?
Yes, but it's a medium pizza.
Grease doesn't fill you up it just adds calories. American pizza dough is probably much more doughy and dense than what you get in Europe. And the dough expands in your stomach.
Do retards here really only order a small pizza instead of a large one to eat over the course of the next 2-3 days?
I regularly will eat an entire frozen pizza at once as my only meal for the day
At one point I was obese and I tried to eat an entire Pizza and I just threw up. You got to be a big boy to eat an the entire Pizza
When I was fat, finishing an entire little caesar's hot n' ready was no problem. The more expensive chains used better, thicker crust so those not so much. This was almost 20 years ago. Heart palpitations and sweating would follow soon after.

These days, I can do 3 slices tops. But that would leave no room for dessert.
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I used to eat 2 pizzas at once back when I was working out, I would order one with pepperoni and one with 4 cheeses and put them one over the other like a sandwich.

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