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File: gummyworms.jpg (318 KB, 1280x853)
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I just ate a whole bag of these shits. What's going to happen to me?
Nothing. Every.
Unless you've also been getting a good amount of fiber in your diet, those shits are probably going to be a lot of liquid shits soon.
improved skin, nails, general complexion, and joint health :)
they're almost pure sugar. the only undigested material in those is the dye and maybe the nonstick coating if it's wax
You can still get diarrhea from sugar. It absorbs water and can be irritating or go through the digestive system too quickly to properly break down.
I just bought some seasonal apple gummies. Each colour is supposed to be a different variety of apple. Granny Smith. Golden delicious. And I think the other is Fuji? I'll have to check. Haven't opened it yet. Gonna have a few this Saturday as a small sweet with lunch (planning simple veg mayo salad and tuna fillet wraps) with my kid.
Anyway, it depends on the size of the bag. If you'd gotten a 10kg bag of gummi worms and eaten the whole thing, you won't be very happy with that decision. If you got a small bag, like the apple one I bought, you'll be fine. A disgusting hambeast but fine
Constipation probably.
>seasonal apple gummies
Ayyy nice, if they’re the Albanese ones please post your thoughts, I’ve been thinking about buying them

if those are no sugar alternatives prepare to shit your brains out.
otherwise you'll be just A-ok
Duality of buttholes
>Ayyy nice, if they’re the Albanese ones
They sure are.
$1.25 at Safeway. I'll let you know Saturday afternoon if the thread's still up. Nuchan won't let me start threads because it's dumb.
anon if you look closer you'll notice the op pic is jelly worms not regular
getting gummywormpilled causes increased tolerance of outsiders and higher acceptance of risky behaviors

diabeetus, gelatinated arteries

just kidding
I love gummy worms with alcohol for some reason
gelatin is gü fo yü though
nothing, kinda like your life so far
I hate to break it to you, man, but they're going to come out of your asshole
Well at least that's better than something coming in your asshole like in your case.
Gummies absorb a lot of moisture. I advise drinking a lot of fluids to avoid dehydration. If you want to see how much they absorb you can try leaving them in juice or vodka.
Neat, but I'd meant to say "Nothing. Ever." I just hit the y accimuhdentally.
How big was the bag, retard?
OP said how big it was, it was whole-sized
holes are the absence of size tho
not hole-sized you dirty bird, WHOLE sized
It's kind of odd that holes are always whole. You can't have part of a hole since even a small hole is still a whole hole.
I never though about that but I think it might be true anon. But what you dug a hole in the ground but then the edges started to cave in filling it with dirt. Would the hole be whole no matter what, or, in this case, would the hole actually have its wholeness compromised?
Still a whole hole.
even it become less of a whole (and less of a hole) right in front of your eyes?
An unpleasant sugar rush, followed immediately by an even more unpleasant sugar crash. If they're sugar free, the worst diarrhea you will ever know. May God have mercy on your soul, because Haribo will not.
Not OP but to be honest I actually kind of appreciate decent diarrhium
So we had the wraps with some mixed vegetable pakoras and three of the gummies each, one for each flavour.
They're really, very nice! Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised since they're Albanese after all but each apple variety really did taste different from the other two yet still unmistakably apple. And the third was McIntosh. They might be my favourite gummies ever and I'm sad they're not permanent

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