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The ultimate debate
literal bugs and dog with gutter oil
hot sauce, pork and cheese slapped on everything
miso, dashi, pickles and rice folded over 1000 times
And all three are fuckin delicious
This and all three are disgusting
Stop trying to bait a "le duality of man" post
I feel I’ve barely tried real Korean food because so much of it is oozing western influence with cheese everywhere and the like
It's a mix of Chinese and Japanese. Sometimes it's plain rice with fish and steamed vegetables. Sometimes it's Bibimbap. Sometimes it's straight fried goodness.
They cover both.
>japanese food during spring and summer: ingredient minus broth
>japanese food during fall and winter: same ingredient + broth
The duality of man
I've had Chinese and Japanese haute cuisine, but never Korean haute cuisine.
The answer is Thai Food and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
Why don't you Thai your dick around a bridge and jump off it, faggot.
Indochina food is kino yes but that wasn’t OP’s question jackass
real korean food no longer exists. south korea is corrupted by westoid influence and north korea doesn't have food.
The duality of man
What is real Korean food?
They're easily the worst people but for me, I'm afraid this one is going to have to go to the chinks. Japanese food isn't bad but I've never been too impressed with it. Never think I've had Korean, outside of store bought Kimchi, which in fairness I liked. However, the true culinary master race of Asia is indeed >>20849022
They picked the worst three.
Afghan food beats all three of those.
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cuisines are distinct yet interconnected, each with its own unique flavors, ingredients, and cultural significance.

Chinese cuisine is incredibly diverse due to the country's vast geography. It features a variety of cooking techniques and flavors, from the spicy, numbing heat of Sichuan cuisine to the delicate, balanced flavors of Cantonese cooking. Common ingredients include rice, noodles, soy sauce, and a range of vegetables and meats, with a strong emphasis on stir-frying, steaming, and braising.

Korean food is known for its bold, vibrant flavors and extensive use of fermented ingredients like kimchi and gochujang (fermented chili paste). Meals often include a variety of side dishes (banchan), highlighting pickled vegetables, seaweed, and tofu. Korean barbecue, where diners grill their own meat at the table, is a popular communal dining experience, and the cuisine frequently incorporates garlic, sesame oil, and soy.

Japanese cuisine is characterized by its simplicity and focus on high-quality, seasonal ingredients. Dishes are often presented with great attention to detail, emphasizing aesthetics as much as taste. Sushi and sashimi are well-known examples, highlighting fresh seafood. Other staples include miso soup, tempura, and ramen. The cuisine tends to favor light, umami-rich flavors, with soy sauce, miso, and dashi (broth) as foundational elements.

Each cuisine reflects its country’s history, geography, and cultural practices, offering a unique gastronomic experience. While they share some common elements, like the use of rice and soy, their approaches to flavor, preparation, and dining experience are distinct and fascinating.
holy shit you retarded faggots have no idea what koreans eat. your idea of korean food comes from viral youtube videos of street food.
Korean food is just Chinese and Japanese + gochujang. Currently, they're trying to steal Vietnamese food with their rice paper rolls and US food with the corn dogs.
Indo Chinese fusion aka Thai "food" is so fucking forced and doesn't actually do anything particularly well compared to India/China.
all me btw
I don't know, but the Japs deserve to lose just for their "cheesecake". All kawaii and no taste.
as a korean I have to say my country is dead fucking last. literal peasant food that hasn't evolved a day past the 80s when korea decided to stop being a third world shithole (or rather the US decided it was too strategically important to allow to remain a third world shithole). chinks and japs mog. as a raw fish enjoyer I have to go with japan, but china would probably win if sushi wasn't a factor.
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China = Mexico
spicy hot sloppa
Japan = France
culinary autism incarnate
Korea = England
stole everyone else's food
Classic, filling, balanced flavors, isn't challenging to the palate, digests well. Has something for everyone. Can take any ingredient and make it delicious.
Every meal feels like a celebration. Zesty, dynamic, fun, yet humble and hearty. Belongs at a party, treasures novelty.
Thoughtful, clean, simple. Not trying to be more than it is. Doesn't take risks, falls back on the staples whenever possible. Mild.
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the truly authentic chinese dishes in china are really rather gross, especially the northern regions. the best trickles out overseas like yumcha. korean food mostly stinks of sesame oil. bread is also expensive as FUCK. japanese food used to all taste like mirin and kikkoman when nuke fumes were around. pastries and desserts filter retards like >>20850269 whose tastebuds have been blasted out from eating like a manchild for decades
the japanese are just the british but with better pr. most of their food is fish or unseasoned vegetables. their best stuff like tempura or ramen was copied from other countries.
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>japanese food except le spicy
Worst takes in the thread. Never act like an authority on anything again.
I hope you recover from long covid soon!
>asian food
>only talking about far east
Indian food mogs it all
he's right about the sesame oil. just look at any recipe for bibimbap, it calls for each ingredient to be sauteed separately with garlic and then tossed with sesame oil. even like 1/4 teaspoon is enough for a whole dish and these korean niggas dropping more than that on each separate ingredient
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My wife is half Japanese, so I definitely have to say Korean food is better.
Japanese > Korean > Chinese
not either of them, but aside from whatever negative health effects sesame oil might have, it has just never appealed to me as far as taste goes. It legit overpowers fucking whatever you're cooking, unless you barely add any at all, but at that point, why even use it
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picrel is the best of the three
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Hint: It isn't Japan.
so is her pussy only half fishy-smelling?
Indian cuisine is barely above African food. It's a less popular form of Mexico's approach to food - cover the shit in spicy crap and hope no one can tell the food has shit in it. And Indian food just omits beef altogether instead of fucking it up like Mexico does (actual Mexicans can't cook beef for shit).

Indian food is curry, naan, and rice, all with a side of street poo and germs from unwashed hands.

The China = Mexico take is based and is very fucking true. Especially with the gutter oil, faked everything, and coverups. Even works politically to some degree.
Decent attempt, but pretty clear you're getting your feet wet still. Either that or you don't know what good food tastes like. Sure, there's bad Indian food, but there's bad food in every type of cuisine. Try again when you have a few more notches on your troll belt.
Yep and she only shaves half the time
the fecal matter is authentic
they know it too and laugh when anyone pretends otherwise, as they should.
maybe, but pad thai is one of the most annoyingly one-note dishes on planet earth and among the absolute worst of what thai has to offer. a used container that had thai curry in it two weeks ago is better than fresh pad thai.
>Afghan food
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Peanuts are bullshit.
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I live in an area with these chinamen. The anon is right. Pic related.
You are not White
You are a white Aryan ubermensch
Nigerian food is better
They are right, Korean food is just a heavily Americanized version of what poor Japanese eat during the imperial era. Like drinking the cheapest of sake, the sōshū, and pretending it's some unique Korean invention.
>bbq likely with bulgogi sauce
>deep fried mandu
this isn't obscure, you can get this in literally any korean restaurant. even the retards who just watch streamers or kdramas know what this is. there's very little variety. have you ever cooked this? nearly all of it is covered in garlic and sesame seeds. half of it is pickled because, as mentioned above (by me) it's a peasant cuisine that never evolved. families still gather to make giant vats of kimchi before the winter like some famine is coming, or the military junta is going to repossess all their crops. the reason those guys mention the cheese is because most of the exposure online is to younger koreans, like streamers, youtubers, idols, etc., who mostly eat fast food, street food, and convenience store shit which, surprise surprise, involves a lot of hot sauce aka gochujang/gochugaru based sauces like in tteokbokki or kimchi jigae or instant ramen, which, get ready for this, they also like putting slices of cheese on. in a country surrounded on three sides by water they hardly even eat any fucking fish. all they want is chicken and beef because of the social cache of being able to afford it, again, due to peasant mentality from when the country was a third world shithole not long ago. stop trying to elevate this shit and appreciate it for what it is, and what it is is something that once in a while is a nice change but as an everyday thing gets very old very quickly because of how little diversity there is among the flavors
Just shut up already
Dumb statistic.
It means nothing if you don’t also show the total consumption of each country.
For example tiny island countries will always have higher per capita consumption even if bigger countries consume 100x times the total of what they do.
>nitpicks one tiny detail ignoring the entire rest of what I said
>on the menu means they eat it
>filet o fish on mcdonald's menu since the dawn of time
>no one actually orders it
chinese food has alot more options, all kind of spice, flavor, types of food. You can make them at home, or eat in all type of restaurant/diner/foodstall. Arguably the best

korean food can be quite strong in spice, making them is a hassle and it's better to just eat them in restaurants

Japanese food is mild, salty at most, and more fitting to westerners or white tourist niggas that cant handle spicy food
>they hardly even eat any fucking fish
instantly discredited your own post right there. holy shit. koreans eat a fuck ton of seafood
what a pathetic cope. you're genuinely low iq
Why are Koreans so weird like this???
they tried to steal lunar new year from the chinks and that got shut down and half of korea got cancelled lmao
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>What is real Korean food?
Black Bean Noodles, according to this film I watched

Good plot too, basically pepsi man gets stranded on an island under a bridge for months and puts in a ton of effort through hunting, gathering and scavenging garbage rolled in by the tide to recreate his countries National Dish, very hilarious and heartfelt watch and also is a love story.
wasn't seoul a collection of mud huts into the 1960's?
>Korean (Yayoi)
None of this is remotely true. Go back to /pol/
Japan spent a few decades destroying every city in Korea.
that was in the north dummy.
if the nips are essentially koreans that's pretty embarrassing for the koreans, to be culturally and economically mogged this hard by your freakish hilbilly island offspring
exactly, how embarrassing to be invaded and colonized by islanders who have stolen your traditions, only for them to erase your culture and replace them with theirs
Imagine bragging about Japan being a mere offshoot of your culture yet being utterly mogged by them in every way. Maybe you shouldn't go around posting this, Jae-woo. It makes Korea look like even more of a pathetic shithole
Now that you said, I cannot think of literally anything that originated in Korea, beside a local version of Katakana that became popular after WW2.
As much as I hate modern china I love their cuisines tbqh
It gets better when you discovery korean cuisine is basically a sub-set of some Chinese cuisines, and you can enjoy the whole thing.
ChatGPT ahhhhh comment
western """thai"""" food=/=thai
>take a Chinese chicken recipe
>pour coconut milk over it
>throw some herbs and chopped peanuts on tip
Behold, Thai food!
Are gooks the niggers of East Asian orientals? At least socially.
Most gooks I've met in gook-infested areas are obnoxious, stuck up, and have this weirdly insecure and trashy way about shit talking other ching chong nip nong ping pongs.
Like you can tell when an anon is Korean judging from the way they post. It's incredibly specific and sticks out like a sore thumb
I'm Chinese and I like Chinese food the best
Japanese food is good and Korean food is decent
>Asian food
I like Vindaloo
very apt comparison
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I've always liked Korean the most because I love soups, stews, and fermented foods, which I think they do best. Grilled / stir fry meats are good too. Fried chicken and meme street / basic pocha foods are vastly overrated. I think Japan does fried chicken, sushi, and noodles better. I don't get Chinese often so I can't speak on it much.
Kek. I've lived in Korea a couple years and know better now, but I didn't realize just how much Koreans ate seafood either. Mulhoe, eojuk, and grilled eel have become some of my all time favorite foods.
the duality of nigger....

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