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I'll start: Georgian architecture, comfy and accomodating to locals; good selections of lagers; non-gastro because I can't stand when a pub is more of a resturant than a pub.

What's yours?
This bullshit right here.

>family owned literal hole
>no windows
>bar is in the basement, owner lives upstairs, no fuckery goes unnoticed
>if you're a local this is a haven, if you don't belong you best keep on driving goodfriend
>classic pub architecture without feel fake, I'll also accept well done modern pub architecture
>good selection of beers including ales, treading the line beyond basic lagers without only being pretentious microbrew shit
>staff who actually know how to pull a pint and how that differs for each type of beer
>pints not a stupid price, no automatic tipping card machine payment
>busy but not so busy you struggle to find a seat waiting more than 10 minutes
>variety of enclosed/more open tables and areas as needed
>doesn't close until late, won't rush you out near last call
>passable selection of spirits
>non-dangerous regulars who also aren't all old men
>music not so loud I can't hear

Food optional but it should be basic stuff.
I'm imagining a lot of gay sex occurs and it gets very sweaty?
a good pub/bar shouldnt serve food, or if it does it should be in a seperate restaurant section of it.
you go there to drink, not to eat food.
>beyond basic lagers without only being pretentious microbrew shit
This. I hate how pubs try to push on this uninteresting lager that tastes like Bud or Fosters but market it as quirky and new. I just want to be able to drink a pint of Stella and enjoy my beer.
Lines properly cleaned and I hate when bartenders stick the nozzles into the glass as they pour because it makes the foam a sickly metal flavour. I personally enjoy having nutty regualrs and pubs that are quite wild but you don't find them in the UK anymore.
A pontoon boat with a nice awning and a huge cooler.
>This. I hate how pubs try to push on this uninteresting lager that tastes like Bud or Fosters but market it as quirky and new. I just want to be able to drink a pint of Stella and enjoy my beer.
You don't like paying £6.50 for a 330ml can with fancy artwork on? Crazy.
>Lines properly cleaned and I hate when bartenders stick the nozzles into the glass as they pour because it makes the foam a sickly metal flavour.
Look for a pub with a grumpy looking aging fake blonde behind the bar, dressed in the classic sort-of school uniform looking way (I can't describe it better than that). Ideally one that the regulars have a bit of banter with but who they also clearly respect. Basically just aim for someone who seems like they take their trade seriously instead of a place where they cycle through endless studentshits.
My gf loves stouts and we was in some taproom. The only stout they had was in a 250ml can for £14... I brought it for her because I am a mug and I tried a bit and it was genuinely just a sickly sweet stout-tasting syrup in a can. Don't know how these brewies get away with this. Who's buying these cans reguarly enough to justify these prices?
>I brought it for her because I am a mug and I tried a bit and it was genuinely just a sickly sweet stout-tasting syrup in a can.
Blueberry flavoured stout, chocolate cake flavoured stout, whatever other meme stout is basically just flavoured syrup in beer so that makes sense. And there's always limited selection because it's harder to make a passable stout than it is to overdo an IPA so few people are trying it.
>Who's buying these cans reguarly enough to justify these prices?
People who want to post the pretty designs online, people too dumb to know differently or who think high cost = quality and then they're also included in subscription boxes where their high list price is used to make the box look like a better deal. 'Get 24 beers worth £50 for £30' or whatever.
Oh and they're also classic fodder for lazy presents for men. Buy a few expensive and not very good beers in a nice presentation box and don't put any further thought in.
Crisps and nuts are fine.
For me, it's the dark and grimey place with sticky carpet and the fragrance of stale beer.
That looks nothing like Georgian architecture, it looks more British to me.
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Fink he meant King George Ludwig of Hanover/Bongland (pbuh) innit m9
A dingy bar called 100 rats.
Peeling faded wallpaper, creaky wood boarded floor, scuffed from years of hard leather shoes, newspapers pasted over most of the windows that aren’t covered with planks, faded but decently cared for red leather booth seats and stools.
An old jukebox in glowing in a dark corner, a familiar tune is playing.
The smell of smoke in the air while pool sharks encircle a worn blue pool table.
The older woman behind the bar wiping glasses stops to pour your usual, you think about how she must’ve looked in her prime years, beneath the wrinkles and creases of old age you feel she must have been quite somethin’ back in the day..

Sorry to write so much lol, I got into a flow
This place in Paris (file name) and the Parisian bistro style are the best imo for their rich element number and craftsmanship that generates cozy and warm vibes.
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forgot pic
Lots of people already said, but I think it’s that “warm and cozy” vibe
I think that’s why not in part aesthetics, but the other part is just competent service that look like they actually want to be there

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