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I'm kinda retarded when it comes to cooking stuff and can eat anything so I just try to eat whatever cheap food I think will benefit me the most. I've been getting into foodprepping and I was wondering if I could just cook rice in the ricecooker and scramble like 40 eggs to portion up and refridgerate? Or must I fry the rice first? I want to avoid that. So I'm thinking about doing this every 5 days and put it all in the fridge, would that be fine? Could I cook for 10 days and freeze half of it?

I've been foodprepping chicken rice and broccoli with great success like this and I think everything should be fine here just wanted to run it by someone
For example it could be that eggs spoil faster or taste like shit when reheated or something, those would be things i dont know about. And any other tips are welcome too
thank you
Tl;dr. Was that a question or?
Butter, salt, anchovies, tomato paste is probably the answer.
yeah i'm wondering if its fine to scramble eggs and just refridgerate them without frying them? and to reheat them for up to 5 days later to eat
and also if freezing the eggs would be fine.
What? Just scramble them before you cook them. It takes fuckin 10 seconds, retard.
I am? I never said I wasnt. but acknowledge my disability
google gets really weird suggesting all kinds of shit. I never was able to ask it simple stuff about cooking. For example how to cook a steak.. i just sigh and never even try. It doesn't understand that I don't give a fuck about anything other than how to heat it so i dont die.
I figured it was easier to ask these simple questions directly to humans
So you're trying to 'meal prep' a 10 second task?
I should have used a picture of scrambled eggs, sorry about that. Just wondering if it's ok to scramble eggs and refridgerate them to reheat up to 5 days later. and same with freezing them for longer periods
Yeah. Well it takes a few minutes and it sticks a bit to the pan and I guess I like to plan out my meals like this yeah
And I'm eating it with rice too. So this way I wouldn't have to use the ricecooker every day either. Although I could have mealprepped just the rice and then added eggs daily when I took it out. Which I will do if I cant mealprep the eggs for some reason
only problem I ran into with reheating eggs is that they got dried out and rubbery after a few days. So maybe undercook them slightly. People have meal prepped breakfast burritos and froze them and apparently they're fine. Plus those frozen breakfast biscuits and shit you can get at the store
Fuck sake OP. Stop being a retard. Wake up 10 minutes earlier to cook eggs.
Reheated eggs are ass shit.
Thank you
If you're making fried rice or breakfast burrito stuffing, where eggs are mixed into a meal, then yeah, but I wouldn't do it just to avoid cooking regular eggs. Dehydrated eggs are one of the most disappointing things about cafeterias, and fresh scrambles are easy. You should try making a bunch of breakfast burrito filling and just freezing it though, it's easy to do in bulk and it's nice when you just have to scoop it, fold, and reheat in the pan/oven.
leftover eggs are the best to have with a squirt of chup. the farts are also magnified.
Agreed, honestly why not try out 2 days worth of eggs first and then if it’s fine add another day.

Personally I really like fresh fried egg with fresh rice, but breakfast burrito prepper anon made some great looking burritos if eggs and rice gets too plain for you.
Eggs last 3-4 days in the fridge apparently

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