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Post hearty peasant food.
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>hearty potatoes
FDA approved
Those are circles not hearts
That's not what peasants eat anymore.
that's a pretty average amount of hearty peasant food, I'd say
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Oy vey
Shit eating grin , I wonder what he was thinking at that moment
What is that cockroaches or shit in it what does the arrow point?
Head looks like a thumb, no visible facial hair or anything
Maybe it's a girl?
And why are they in a carpark?
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Brits eat gay people?
Sometimes you just gotta make due
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I used to eat fisherman's eggs back when I was working out more for the protein density, but it's also incredibly cheap. It's essentially just eggs and sardines, with herbs and other add-ins as you want. It's quite tasty and got me over my misgivings about eating sardines the way those faggot deenz posters here never could.
I hate this so much
Bubble and squeak
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The Polish know how to do it.
I’m fuckin dyin ova here, he looks like a mean Harry Potter teacher
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I'm a huge fan of Zurek
f[spoiler]isherman's pie[/spoiler]ggot
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there's a heart shaped hole in the bread, so it's hearty bread haha
>i've been locked inside your heart shaped bread for weeks
>i wish i could eat your gluten when you turn black
Track 20 left. Stop
Redpill me on cabbage.
Sure thing

what? bread is jewish now?
give me a hard copy of that
That's like $30 of food.
Enough for a whole week.
hehehe ur funny anon :)
I want her to narrate all recipe videos
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I'd fuck with that
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>what he was thinking
thinkin about dem (you)s
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I'm rather partial to cassoulet
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bigos. mmmm
Peasants ate gruel. It's basically tasteless wheat water. Not even enough wheat for an oatmeal.

It was never fun unless there was a feast for some reason.
this looks sensational
the creativity is unhinged
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Hearty ant food
>British food
>tikka masala

>American food

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step 1: throw a piece of cheap meat on the frying pan
step 2: throw in 1/2 cup of rice and a pinch of salt and add water to cover the rice
step 3: throw in any cheap veggie cover and let it boil till no water left
step 4: crack an egg on it and stir till the egg is cooked
step 5: either eat it as it is or put some whatever sauce you want on it

there, you got yourself a dock worker sloppy
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I fucking hate our cuisine
Wallace and Gromit.
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wtf is that sliced horse dick
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it's our national dish.
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I fucking love this board sometimes
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The Italians don't get enough credit for peasant food. Folks today don't realize a lot of the "upscale" dishes they see at "fancy" Italian places came from the very bottom.
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Step aside you fucks.
that some fagioli?
Feg. Fegoli.
No pics but I got 2 Scotch Broth Mix packets for £1 2 weeks ago, 1kg in total. When soaked and cooked its going to total about 14+ big servings.
It's a Scottish stew which consists of pearl barley, split red lentils, split yellow peas, and peas (my mix also contained Blue Peas, which aren't exactly blue but as far as peas go they're pretty blue).
After rinsing them clean and soaking overnight you boil it all for an hour or so. I've been cooking it in beef stock (Better Than Bouillon™ Roasted Beef Base - not sponsored, regrettably) with a few slices of diced up bacon and a slice of black pudding, also diced. Added some garlic paste, chilli flakes, white pepper, and black pepper. Its nothing glamorous but it is the definition of hearty: very savoury, great protein content, starchy, and lots of fibre to fill you up. Good wholesome eats.
A complete, nutritious meal on its own but I've been having slightly smaller portions and adding a diced chicken breast, a couple sausages, or a soft boiled egg or two, etc. Very peasantly. I usually eat more fancy than this but I'm squeezing every penny of value out of this batch of Scotch Broth mix I bought. I swear I've spent like £4 over about 10 meals that are built around this stew and I'm not even halfway through that initial £1 I spent. Giga based
Is this an Ayyy?
Uhh yes? It was created by foreigners who probably couldn't speak English, using foreign ingredients that Britain only had access to for about 100 years. But those foreigners just so happened to have spent a decade in Britain when the invented it. So that makes it British okay because... IT JUST DOES OKAY?!
Just looked it up that shit it sounds bussin' on god fr fr no cap I'm finna get big yikes FOMO from not slaying that W of a dish, on god
I love stuffed cabbage so much
>make due
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upscaled and ENHANCED with AI
Stupid banana raincoat wearin' bitch
bro wtf looks like an oldie
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I made chicken soup today. :3
Eye-talians eat pig slop with olive oil and cheese and think they've got the best shit inna world.
To tell ya the troof, I never really liked em sons a bitches. Black-headed cretins.
Anyone from south of the alps doesn't belong in North America, period.
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is that mutton?
Pork, chile verde
ohhh ok
I miss this Polish restaurant in an industrial estate I used to work in, my Polack coworker brought me there and you'd get a full 4 course meal for like a tenner
what? not enough doo doo for you? HAHA
i want her to teach me how to french kiss
>no forearm hair
cool, can you make soup with this?
like french onion soup but with cabbage?
Looks like a Splitting Image puppet having a meal
enough calories for a whole week too
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Man I want to eat 4 double patty hamburgers right now.
I'm intrigued. Tell me more about spelt.
It is said, that God, on the seventh day, the day of rest, spent his time admiring spelt as a way to relax and unwind.
Can I use tuna instead of sardines?
Brittan is grim
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took me way too long to realize its the hand and not some alien cyclops monster
I could go for that soup
Are there any uniquely Italian bean dishes besides pasta fagioli? I feel like there must be due to peasants eating beans, but I've never been able to find any. I usually just come across standard bean kinds of recipes (olive oil, garlic, salt, maybe a few herbs) when i search for Italian bean recipes.
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Is this book any good? I'm going to download it either way, but if anyone has some highlights from this, please post them.
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escarole & beans
Let's be honest, this mogs French cuisine
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Looks good, care to share the recipe?
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tonight, chuck eye with root vegetables
What's modern peasant food? Totino's pizzas? Store brand macaroni and cheese?
ramen for sure
One time I saw a coworker eating a sandwich that consisted of cold cut up hot dogs on bread, and she told me this was specifically prepared to save money. But if we’re going in the spirit of modern peasant food meaning a hearty meal but cheap, probably spaghetti with jar sauce and ground beef.
For me, it’s the faggots..part of a healthy good breakfast!
he's in the land of confusion
How do these people no longer like kippers? 3/4 of the respondents must be shitskins.
That's the shit. I add kimchi to mine, at serving.
>saar do not redeem the slop!
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Fried Spam with fried rice
Spam is pretty expensive these days. It's more expensive than actual ham.
Your mom is more expensive than actual ham.
chill out kid. spam is unreasonably expensive, which you would know if you did your own shopping
I shop, but I've never bought spam because I buy real food and cook it myself. I don't know how much cheez wiz, kraft dinner, or marshmallow fluff cost either.
>old enough to do own cooking
>makes one of the weakest your mom jokes imaginable
Something isn't adding up here
That's a fairly small amount of McDonald's for an average sized person, I'd say?
Hey, Tomar. What if you were slop cooked in a pan and you had this voice?
There appears to be a second tray next to it to help provide adequate sustenance
Tomato sauce cabbage rolls suck, the ukrainian style ones are better.
where did you ever have holubtsi that didn't use tomato sauce?
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Why has the UK not figured out pies yet?
NZ and Australia have got it down to a fine art but the UK keeps using that rigid biscuit crust pastry with a complete obstinance for variable fillings.
potatos, cheese and stock
Nice bread!
Expensive as fuck, what is this, Dubai?
If your chicken is considered gourmet meat I don't want to know what's inside the other pies
Have you heard of this recent discovery called "potatoes"? They grow everywhere, they are cheap, tasty and nutritious too!
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soup is peasant food

>collect bones from meat
>boil them over a few hours into broth
>make multiple jars of broth
>then just make soup out of literally anything
the peasants really came in clutch with this one
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That's mostly because its considered a delicacy in Japan and Hawaii, two places where people weren't eating Spam during WWII.
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Oh, it's the Dalayy Lmaoa of Tibetan Spoonism
>vegan pie steak and cheese
>steak Guinness and cheese pie
sauce is way too thin but otherwise looks great
why can't people wait until the cheese is fucking melted
both look tasty, what are they?
Not him, but left appears to be split pea soup with ham.
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I used to have the best Polish feasts at a deli near my town. All sorts of shit from the hot food counter at the back. Miss that place.
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Kekked and checked
Huge fluffy bisquick dumplings in chicken gravy and oven baked chicken
Homemade lasagna and the big long garlic bread cut into slices for everybody
Crockpot roast served with butter and bread
I feel like you could make a decent cold ham salad with hotdogs if you had the right dressing and added some onion and pimentos
keked hard
here too
Hey wait I got a new repaste
Shit on a shingle, the Midwest is basically peasant heaven. Slavs would destroy a tater tot casserole
roighteous and proppa
>boil beans in broth
>pour on top of sliced stale bread
>file name
kiwi dollars are worth less
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Its chicken sausage. It was on sale.
>tfw you can't make pioneer beans because you aren't a pioneer
Do people really hate livers?
>kiwi dollars are worthless

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