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Adding a new stop to flavortown, you can hop off now if you aren't in for a good time nigger
I'll be explaining how I made this beautiful and new age dish in detail so (you) the audience can make this at home
digits at least it's homemade
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Looks chunky in a good way
>hot italian sausage
>ground beef
>sliced pepperoni, cut into smaller pieces
>can of anchovies
>angle hair noodles
>tomato paste
>tomato sauce
>red onion
>can of diced mushrooms
>can of diced olives
>onion powder
>fennel seeds
>red pepper
>garlic powder
>black pepper

An to cook it, all you will need is a single oven safe pot
First, cook the sausage and beef in the pot on the stove until browned
Next you will toss in the onion and pepperoni, which you can chop while the other meats cook
You want to cover the pot so that the onions get steamed
Once the onion is soft, drain and toss in the mushroom and olives
Allow the ingredients to mix together before mixing in the tomato paste
Once you are happy with the consistency, pour in the tomato sauce along with the the seasoning mixture
At this step, the white home cooks may want to sprinkle in some sugar. I added about a table spoon
Once the mixture has had cooked for a bit, you will want to fill the empty tomato sauce can with water and add that to the pot
Bring this to a simmer while stirring
At this point, the black home cooks may want to add some bouillon. I added a beef cube
When the pot is still simmering, add the pasta. You may need to break the pasta in half to make it fit
Do not try to stir the noodles at this time as they will break. You only want them submerged
Heat your oven to 425 degrees then place the pot in the oven
Cook for about 15 minutes, removing occasionally to stir
Plate the pasta and place a single anchovy on top
I fucking love anchovies, and this shit looks tasty af, ty op
try making white anchovies next time! just use vinegar and water and repeatedly rinse the anchovies, to reduce the salinity significantly. it creates a different flavor entirely. nothin wrong with a plain jane salty chovy tho

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