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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Proxy gondola edition.

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, wake up and start working.

Previous: >>20867836
fuck you
At least that fgt Italian didn't make the thread.
thats probably him seething above you
nope fuck you too
>Today I drank cheap coffee because I purchase from shitty roasters
>my broken moka pot reminds me of my failing body and that gives me some comfort in this sad cruel world
>t. frothing mouth shitalian
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Rokgang is upset
>capitalised letters at the start of sentences
i dont speak like that
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New special coffee day, coffee as a spread.

>Have you heard of Coffola? This new ingredient is now available as an irresistible La Semeuse coffee spread!
>No cocoa mass, colourants or preservatives. Gluten- and palm oil-free.
>Discover a new full-bodied yet beautifully subtle coffee flavour, with a bold aromatic profile originating from the great terroirs, and with a unique texture to savour.
>Containing no chocolate or cocoa, this new ingredient combines the sweetness of milk with the strength of our pure arabica coffees. Coffola is writing a new chapter in the world of coffee by offering customers a new way to savour it – guaranteed love at first bite!

First time trying coffee spread, smells like arabica as it's made with a 100% arabica blend and tastes like arabica with a hint of hazelnut praliné. Haven't had nutella in years but it's not as soft textually as i remember. Had no idea how big a caffeine dose i took but damn it's tasty. It's made by Coffola, they also make bars, at one point i'll order some.
So far this novel way of consuming coffee is not a disappointment.

Cheers bro. You still can do it. Not much in life is immutable, maybe today you can't but there is always a tomorrow.

I receive 30.- rebate from Trottet roaster and there is a decreasing discount so i'll probably order beans.
that's a big ciggy
I'm back from work. Gondola thread is real :-DDDD
I think it's more pathetic that Lance even responded. Making a big community post for one retard just makes him look all kinds of insecure.
Trying to cold brew my coffee. I just milled 50g of coffee and dropped it in a jar with 250g of cold water and put it in the fridge.
It doesn't sink, I hope that doesn't cause problems
why didn't you mix it in with a spoon or a fork or something
I did mix it but it still stayed on the surface
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In honor of our Italian friend returning, I bought the "Italian Blend" from my local roaster.
First time I've bought a blend from them. Usually I buy their single origins.
Brewed 1:15 five-pour pourover.
Tastes of coffee with notes of coffee.
I've had better. I've had worse.
I'm enjoying myself.
It will settle with time. Don't worry.
for you
That's what mom said about me and I still live with her.
I want a wedge/trapezoid dripper to go with my V60 (02) and Kalita wave 185.

What is the difference between the Melitta 102 range and the Melitta 1x2 / 1x4?
I have no idea, bro.
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Gondola edish
This sounds unbelievably delicious. It would be a disaster if I got my hands on it.
That's, a thing? Looks pretty wet. What's the calories/fats/salt?
I mean if you need to respond just say "haha whatever bro"
I think he was just going to pin the comment for the laughs and not respond but the guy immediately bitched out and deleted it.
All the more reason to just ignore it and pretend it never happened.
8pm goffee?
I'm going on a water fast tomorrow bros, still think I'll have a coffee in the morning
but coffee is 95% water anon
Then you're not water fasting
I think its okay, I don't take any sugar or milk so it doesn't have any calories. Plus coffee will make me better focused at work and reduce hunger so I will be able to last the fast more easily.
The first 3 days are difficult, then its easy
I'm sure it's okay, in that it's not bad for you. It's just not a water fast.
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Ah yes, I guess its not really a "water fast" then, that's true
9:19 pm goffee :)
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Nice one, man.
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Why do I like this shit so much bros
>blonde roast
in what fucking universe.
The concept is very cool
I'd buy one if it was all made up of stainless steel and actually durable mechanical parts
You're in luck!
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New flair58 model, new base with integrated controller. Cable goes into base, different cable goes from base to group.
what fruit juice should I sweeten my coffee with
Should I get a used ECM synchronika for $2400-2500. Or a new ECM synchronika II for ~$3300?
Unless you're running a small cafe, or have several people in your home that want to make espresso drinks daily, I'd get a single boiler ECM for like $1500 and spend the remaining on a good grinder (or multiple grinders or burr sets)
using a bottomless portafilter for the first time after using a pressurized one for years is like taking a peek into a new world wow
Which one did you buy?
Basic normcore one for a dedica
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That's a really small baguette, got a bigger one today.

It actually is delicious, already ate half of it. I should take it slower. Comfy cuppa companion plushie.

Yeah it is new to me, so had to try it. I'm not sure if you ever had nutella but it's less runny, more thick and with little chunks. I toasted the bread slices so the heat melted it a bit. I took more pics but the camera makes it shinier than in real life. It holds on the spoon without sliding.
Here's the product page with the info and also coffola's product with nutritional info. Coffola also have a few recipes to help sell their product.

>The spread is produced using our selected coffee beans originating from farms on the high plains of Central America and Ethiopia. Once the coffee beans have been carefully roasted to bring out their full range of aromas and flavours, they are transformed into a mass of smooth liquid coffee. The Coffola master artisans then proceed to measure out the secret recipe of milk, sugar and cocoa butter, to create the perfect texture as the mixture is stirred over the course of several hours, while paying careful attention to the temperatures required by the recipe.

>To obtain this delicate texture with its flawless crystallisation, the Coffola master artisans will gradually reheat and cool the product following an original process. After this tempering step, the mass is now ready to be poured into moulds – the last step in the Coffola production process to create a spread which is ready to be enjoyed…
So its nutella.
Does anyone ITT know if they make jam/preserves from coffee cherries?
>tfw i only have a flair 60-2
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Tell us how it goes. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach never goes well for me.
>Drinking coffee on an empty stomach never goes well for me.
Anxiety. It used to be worse, I CAN down a cup of espresso by itself and not have a panic attack but I'll probably start pacing for a while after a few hours. All it takes to fix that is a few slices of cheese or some fruit while drinking gomffee.
High cortisol and anxiety sucks
Most of it can be fixed with good sleep and exercise. It never goes away completely, though.
[Good News] I bought beans on sale from the supermarket.
Please, do tell us how they taste.
[Bad news] I'm out of coffee. Gotta buy more tomorrow.
>light roast is almost charcoal
What the hell is wrong with Starbucks?
Normals don't know any better because to them coffee is just a bitter black slurry they slurp to cope with their shitty sleep schedule.
Once milk is added to the mix I can't tell the difference between good coffee and bad coffee
It's so diluted and sweetened that it might as well be anything
That's not really a bad thing, and here's why. You can consider sugar-milk with a hint of coffee to be its own type of beverage while black coffee is another kind of beverage.
That's why to me milk is the ultimate "Oh shit I fucked up the extraction" tool. Good coffee, bad coffee, mid coffee, it all tastes the same with milk. But if I pull a good shot it isn't getting a single drop of milk.
>and sweetened
What kind of fucking milk you using?
lil bro doesn't know about lactose
Not him, don't drink milked coffee but I do drink milk after coffee and it becomes the sweetest shit in the world. Almost tastes fake. You should try it sometime.
I like black.
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All of my coffee is espresso and double shots. I can definitely tell, even with milk, if they're stale or over/under extracted etc.
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that cat kinda look like this guy
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Heard you were talking shit, ctg.
The fuck is wrong with you both. Even with milk I can definitely tell a slightly bad pull by taste and I must have had countless bad lattes from places where all they attempt to do is mask it with milk.
dont waste your time with tastelets, its not worth it.
Found the retard. Even my bad shots are better than the best cafe shots.
Your point? Do you know what an example is?
No. Can you give an example?
I apologize to all the anons who bought a mokapot because I shilled it.
It's still a good way, but honestly the cleanup and loading is messy and it doesn't seem that much easier than pour over. I'm basically back to just pour over only now.
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inb4 mass reporting italians
>blonde roast
>looks as blonde as my totally blond hair that hasn't been blond in over a decade
wtf is this? Also what happened to Willow blend Starbucks?
>clean up and loading is messy
How are you cleaning? I can get a moka pot done and cleaned in 8 mins or less.
Damn! Caitlin Campbell looks like THAT?!
Sure, say for example someone talked about how good they pulled shots compared to cafes rather then staying on the topic of being able to taste differences in coffee through milk.
This could indicate a person may have a reading comprehension disorder couldn't it?
Sounds to me like you're retarded.
Thanks for proving my point anon.
That you're retarded? Yeah.
what are the cheapest v60 filters? im spending like $40 a year for 600 from amazon and i feel moderately scammed.
I bought 400 02 V60 filters from iCafilas on ali for $16.50 USD which works out to just over 0.04 USD per filter. I haven't tried them yet, but they should be similar to my other unbleached Chinese wood pulp filters. By far the cheapest filters I have found so far.
costco has cone filters, 400 for $6 or $7.
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~$3 a month seems incredibly reasonable. I'm currently on the search for the best price/performance flat 01 filters. April and sworks seem to brew very similarly but sworks seems to get negotiated a bit better. Haven't tried timemore. I might have to get the unfolded oreas or sibarist eventually.
bait + kill yourself.
>in 8 mins or less.
you mean <3 right anon?
No, I preboil, handgrind and add a filter but I'm happy you can do it in less anon.
i'm pretty sure mine consistently channels around the edge of the basket and i don't know how to fix that
none of that has anything to do with cleaning it you fucking retard.
>noooo i meant from nothing to a cup of coffee and then cleaned in 8 minutes
oh you mean when you said this "I can get a moka pot done"
not very clear anon, you should have said "i can brew a moka and get it cleaned in 8 mins or less"
what "done" means even in the context is ambiguous
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I wanna open a small cafe serving a potential 50 customers a day. What should I look for in an espresso machine and grinder? Plan to have 2 beans (med-light and med-dark). I've been told that the La Marzocco Linea Mini is the best choice, but that kinda blows my budget out of the water.

Also just wanna wish you guys a wonderful day.
I definitely don't know what I'm talking about but surely with the rate at which coffee shops and cafes open and close there has to be a good market for used commercial equipment. Actually do they even buy the machines outright or are they usually leased? Like I said I don't know shit.

What I do know is that I don't care what espresso machine a coffee shop has and that I'm there for good enough and not perfect. If I'm going to splurge on fancy coffee I'm going somewhere that does pour overs.
>fucking retard
>you should say
when I said I can "get a moka pot done and CLEANED in 8 mins or less" is not ambiguous at all. Fucking IQ on some of these posts.
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Going pretty well. I've done this before, I used to go on alternate day water fasts (36 hrs) which helped me lose 6.5 Kg in 1.5 months (70kg -> 63.5kg). I'm used to it, but the first few days are bad.
Also even if you consume a tiny amount of sugar daily, you still get to experience sugar withdrawl as unbelievable as that might be

Yeah coffee in general does that to me as well. My armpits get wet and I get jittery. Sadly I need coffee to potty properly in the morning
>What I do know is that I don't care what espresso machine a coffee shop has and that I'm there for good enough and not perfect
High-end commercial espresso machines are less about making the coffee better and more about having something that lasts when you potentially pull hundreds of shots a day.
Underfill the basket.
Use a bottom paper to help distribute the water.
This is true. When I'm you really look at them in depth, commercial espresso machines are often marginally more sophisticated than an entry level home machine. They're just very rugged and have large boilers to handle volume work load.
Are you being too rough with the portafilter while putting it into the machine and breaking the seal around the edge of the basket?
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I plan to do pour overs, too, but I need to be profitable first, then can I venture into it. Pour overs aren't really popular here.

From what I've gathered is the machine needs to be good enough to maintain consistent temperature, steam, and pressure over a good amount of shots. This points me in the direction of dual boilers.

Still not too sure what different grouphead types do.

As for preinfusion, I think I'll try to get something without such a feature and go manual, meaning the machine will be a flow control machine.

Not too sure where to get second-hand machines here and whether refurbished or rented machines are a good choice or not.

Sorry if this is long-winded.
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It's caturday
Cute gatto
that black cat has no bones
very nice cattos
It's literally not bait.
If you enjoy having static-y grounds going everywhere and all the hassle of it, good for you. V60 is objectively simpler.
The only thing mokapot seems to do well is free you from pour over technique.
I've only ever had dark and medium roasts before. Thinking of buying light roast today, what should I expect?
Medium and dark roasts don't have flavor? What are the benefits of each kind? Is dark roast simply for ease of production?
>Eh we burnt the medium, fuck it, throw it in the dark batch
Literally yes. We're talking about a cherry seed, soaked in fruit sugars and acids. Then roasted and ground. Acids cook and change, sugars/proteins carbonize past a certain point. Think like burning a steak. Once that roast note is there origins don't really matter as much. You're always going have that roasty bitter note that people usually mask with sugar and milk.
>Is dark roast simply for ease of production?
Darker commercial roasts are to homogenize the flavor on a mass scale when you're buying shitty commodity crops. Starbucks couldn't be consistent across all their locations if they were serving quality roasts. People are happy when they've got their familiar burnt coffee masked with syrups and whipped cream.
Dark roasted decaf might be the most disgusting thing ever made what the fuck
not only half impossible to pull a decent shot but even if you do it's gross as shit
yes i suppose so. im spiritually jewish so paying $40 for some pieces of paper bothers me but i can cope.
I'm a relative coffee beginner. I've only used a drip machine with pre ground folgers and instant coffee. What's the next step in terms of equipment? And is it ok to buy beans off Amazon?

>Want to grind my own coffee
>Don't want to break the bank
>Don't want to consume micro plastics
Grinding beans fresh is an instant improvement to coffee quality, so getting a (burr) grinder is your first step. Regardless of what brewing method you use later down the line you will have to grind up your beans first.

Roast dates are important with keeping coffee fresh. Amazon does not typically sell beans with roast dates printed on them, so generally avoid them for your beans. You will likely need to seek out a local coffee roaster or at least find a coffee shop that prints coffee roast dates on their bags
>$99 kingrinder k6 on amazon
>$21 red ceramic hario v60 on amazon
>$11.50 cafec abaca filter 100 pack
That'll get you access to a+ filter on a budget. Tons of other options for nonplastic drippers but a v60 would be a start. Buy whatever beans you want. Amazon is going to be trash in that regard but knock yourself out. Swroasting is about as cheap as "good" coffee gets.
So I just pour boiling water over it. I have a kettle but not a stove, sot that's cool. Should I just avoid espresso machines or any other types of gadgets?
Literally just buy a grinder. Drip coffee is just about as good as pourover, but going from pre-ground to freshly ground coffee is a massive game changer.
My drip machine is made of plastic, so I'm trying to become more advanced.
wa la
>Should I just avoid espresso machines or any other types of gadgets?
Espresso is a totally different type of coffee from filter, they're not comparable. Many people also prefer it over filter, I know I do. Problem is, the setups tend to be more expensive. Quality espresso machines cost a fuckton. You can make quality espresso with cheaper, manual machines but they're still something of a $150 minimum investment and you don't get to steam milk, it also takes more effort to get a good shot. You also need an espresso capable grinder. Get into espresso if you want to drink espresso. If all you want is coffee, stick to filter.
would also suggest the hario muzukashii cold brew pot, it's not going to be much more than $30
I don't really like pourover (ie the v60) but cold brew is great, and you can still make it hot later by heating it or by getting a milk frother/heater.
Stick to pourovers first. After that if you want to drop ~$260 on a flair pro 2(or the 3 thats about to come out) for espresso go for it. They have all stainless steel brew paths. Probably smart to wait for black friday sales on those.
>a flair pro 2(or the 3 thats about to come out) for espresso go for it. They have all stainless steel brew paths
Classic user here, that sounds interesting. The Classic is almost all stainless but the piston is polymer. Even the pressure kit is part polymer so I assumed all other Flairs had a similar piston composition.
It's voilà you philistine.
>but the piston is polymer
Yeah but I'd consider that above the brew path. The piston ring is still steel. I mentioned the pro 2 over the others because it doesn't have the plastic ass on the chamber. Fwiw my f58 has a metal piston.
Oh, I see. The Classic does have that plastic bit around the filter but that part doesn't come into contact with the water so I wouldn't count it either. Aside from the piston head, the whole chamber's metal. Not sure how the Neo does it, some pictures show it with the exact same cylinder as the Classic while others show a cylinder with more plastic (Though I imagine it's still metal inside). I'm only talking about this because I've considered jumping to the Pro before but I've no idea what it gives me over the Classic + kit. Might as well save the money and jump to the 58 when I get the chance.
we speak english here.
Wa la isn't an english word, and english has a bunch of french terms in it. You absolute buffoon.
>got my goffee
>got my steak
>got my toast
im feeling comfefe
Bro it's dinner time, not coffee time.
whats the difference
You're supposed to sleep after dinner and shit.
if you cant handle an after dinner coffee you have weak genes, thats a fact.
I can sleep right after coffee but it's objectively worse sleep. Why would you do that when you can have tea after dinner, sleep well then drink coffee when you wake up?
exactly YOU
not me
not everyone
for me, its not a problem.
so i do it
for you, its a problem so you dont do it.
>for me, its not a problem.
So you're either:
An alien
Lying to look cool online.
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I agree with the other anon, unless you're running a cafe or something I wouldn't spend more than $1000-2000 on an espresso machine.

And if you are, you can sometimes find good deals on craigslist depending where you live.

Pic related, a $6500 MSRP machine brand new for $4500.
Sometimes I wonder what I'd buy if I were to open a shop. My mind always goes to known brands like La Marzocco but I've only ever seen one shop running one of those. I imagine most shops buy lesser known but cheaper shit and it's probably all the same.
cope and seethe retard.
some people just naturally have high caffeine tolerance.
>“If you have genetic variants that allow you to metabolize caffeine more quickly, you're more likely to consume more caffeine and possibly just tolerate a higher level,” says Marilyn Cornelis, an associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine

i literally only started drinking coffee 2 years ago and my sleep is no worse than it was before i started drinking it.
>Lying to look cool online.
yeh bro i look so fucking cool... drinking coffee after dinner?
its also a cultural thing.
the dutch(me) have a long history of drinking coffee after dinner.
there is never a wrong time to drink a cup of coffee.
unless you're trying to run some super high tier espresso cafe you're going to be far better served with the cheapest utilitarian setup you can get by with.

The VAST majority of customers won't give a shit and wouldn't recognize amazing espresso even if they had it so churning out decent espresso is going to be good enough which doesn't require some crazy high end $20,000+ setup.
Nice meltdown. You'd be calmer if you weren't drinking coffee past 10PM.
i accept your concession :)
>i literally only started drinking coffee 2 years
Are you underage?
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think again
no i am an ex teafag
i mean if you grow up drinking tea then you are going to keep drinking tea
I can tell shit espresso apart from great espresso ever since I started doing home espresso. Unfortunately, most shops tend to serve shit espresso. I've even seem some not tamp their pucks. But most people only know pod espresso or Starbucks so I guess shops can get away with subpar espresso. I doubt the $6K machine you posted and a $20K La Marzocco make wildly different cups though, I'm guessing the extra money goes into ease of maintenance, better support and name.
I accept your concussion.
sore loser.
imagine being an adult and being unable to accept when you were wrong.
Here's your answer:
I would say the $20k machine when paired with good beans and a good grinder, and if given to a barista who knows what they're doing will give much more CONSISTENTLY great espresso than the $6500 machine would.

Yes they can both do great espresso if you put in the effort, but one will be a lot more consistent, and likely take the abuse far longer and with less drop in consistency overtime.
so would you like to offer a counter argument to anything i have said or will you continue with this childish tantrum?
I wish I could casually drop $30K to buy both a big name machine and a no name machine so I could just test it myself. As it stands, my only points of comparison are mid range levers and 1-2K range machines. I can definitely tell the machines are worth it for the workflow benefits alone, not so much the taste, but I can't quite imagine the difference between an expensive commercial machine and a super expensive commercial machine. On that note, I wish coffee Tubers made more videos on commercial equipment. They can afford it and it'd at least be fun to watch.
You're the one making a big fuss over it. I am left unbothered, if slightly amused.
The problem is volume, most youtubers who can afford those machines can't afford to spend multiple months or years to get the data of heavy daily use to really gauge how those machines will be in their actual intended use case. Sure they can run some scace statistics to see how it performs on a technical level out of the box, but that doesn't really tell me how it performs after an hour of constant pulls during a morning rush or how it performs after 6 months of daily use.

And really, at the end of the day the actual market for those machines is pretty fucking small and while a one off video on one of the more interesting models might garner enough views to make it worthwhile, i can't imagine it being worthwhile to do with the entire commercial market like is done with consumer models.
>You're the one making a big fuss over it.
>So you're either:
>An alien
>Lying to look cool online.
well i dont appreciate being called a liar or an alien. so i responded and proved you wrong. which lead to you throwing a tantrum
>Nice meltdown
because i used caps? lol im literally just sitting at home eating lunch.
>You'd be calmer if you weren't drinking coffee past 10PM.
but how else would i have my 11:29pm goffee?
try not to cry after reading my reply this time.
Yeah, I was just giving a wild thought here. The only channel who could potentially do it is Hoff since he's the biggest in the scene and I'm pretty sure he runs multiple cafes, meaning he'd have a plausible excuse to buy and compare machines. Hell, I'm sure most brands would be more than happy to let him into their factories for reviews. A channel like Lance or Morgan's, though, absolutely zero chance. Maybe they could recoup the losses by reselling the machines but it'd be a big gamble whether the ad rev would cover the cost difference or not.
Lunch at 3AM? Here I thought you were dutch. Did you make that up to sound cool as well?
>dutch people can ONLY exist in the Netherlands
its 12:37 pm 6/10/2024 in nsw, australia :)
its a great day, bit windy.
>australia :)
I should've fucking known.
cunt can't handle the bantz
the sook pissed his pants and sat in it.
many such cases!
I looked it up just to make sure and apparently James only owns a single cafe in London. And he doesn't run it himself, he just owns it. Maybe being a roaster eats away all his time but you'd think putting his name of a bunch of cafes would be instant profit.
he was always a business guy.
he got into coffee by selling espresso machines.
and then into (i think as a co-owner) roasting, and then then a cafe that was associated with the roaster.
i wouldnt be surprised if most of his day to day work was focused on his personal influencer connected projects.
>(i think as a co-owner)
He has a business partner for Square Mile? Thought that was his own thing.
>i wouldnt be surprised if most of his day to day work was focused on his personal influencer connected projects.
I guess so. If he's not directly involved with shipping and finances on the roaster then he has all the time in the world to make videos. Probably explains why he could dedicate so much time rehearsing and shooting a coffee video on a professional studio that didn't even break 1M views, just for fun.
>Thought that was his own thing.
>A multi-award-winning coffee roasting company, Square Mile Coffee Roasters was founded in 2008 by speciality coffee pioneers, Anette Moldvaer and James Hoffmann.
they have alot of employees at this point, so yeah i'd say it essentially runs itself while james does whatever he wants.
i eated it :(
i had it for supper
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>i eated it :(
ill just imagine it looked like this :)
nah it was like a palm-sized leftover from a few days ago I reheated in my toaster, so it was dry and well done
whole wheat toast with dill & garlic baked in was nice with it though
I run the icalifas ~$40 or this $20 Unooder manual grinders. https://www.ebay.com/itm/395418494957 I prefer the Uno ergonomically but both are outstanding.

French press is a good brew method to add. It's so simple, cheap to buy, and hard to foul up. It will be a heavier bodied infusion brew. A V60 would be the route to stay with the pour over. The gadgets go on if you get into more espresso style brews.

Getting a source of good fresh beans is critical. Find a good local or online roaster.
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rentrytard detected
Their italian coffee and french press look like red pepper flakes more than anything. Hell, what's "italian coffee" even supposed to be here?
yeh. too lazy to photo shop in the actual end product or even use the fucking thing and take a real picture. pretty suss if you ask me.
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10:57pm goffee :)
new beans. Peru Washed - Red Bourbon
latte, been a while since i had one and the weather is right for it.
mm good, nice roasty taste and mm sort of raw generic nut paste sort of taste.
very earthy
too cloudy tonight, cant see the stars.
best part about being out in the country. clear night just look up and big dome of twinkling little lights. not much light pollution.
getting a bit colder, more sweetness, more earthiness, like eating a potato that you didnt clean off before roasting it.
mmmm slightly sappy, like pine sap perhaps, idk i dont have much sap experience unfortunately.
(not my picture just a representation of the stars in the area)
oh, sorry.
thanks for reading my blog :)
Comfy post
its a bit eerie, its been super super windy and it just went dead still.
took an afternoon nap, love sleeping when its super windy, when you are inside with the blinds closed, it feels like being out at sea, the waves of the wind crashing against the windows, whipping and whistling around the walls
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Every single morning I am so happy I bought a presso machine.
I've done a couple of extended water fasts recently, and I generally keep drinking black/espresso coffee and tea. I definitely recommend doing that, feels like it makes it even more effective and it helps suppress hunger.
What do you do for electrolytes? Or are all your fasts short?
I can get a K9 or C60. It's not five years ago. I'm not pulling shots or throwing my sheckles at snake oil from Germany.
You can discern all those flavours through the milk of a latte?
how can you not?
i really dont understand how people say it just tastes like milk or you cant taste the difference
like if i use dogshit burnt to a crisp commodity grade starbucks beans and make a latte
and then use high rated specialty beans(from the same region) and make a latte in the exact same way you will CLEARLY be able to tell the differences between each latte.
unless you have an extremely basic palate and you just say "this one tastes good and that one tastes bad"
milk isnt some magical flavor destroyer
muter, sure. but its all there.
like listening to music through a wall
if the music is loud enough and the speakers are good enough you can have many walls between you and still hear the music no problem.
Its amazing how you get so much perceived clarity through a rok moka latte.
Sorry aeropress bros
you should get a rok :)
but it seems its just differences between peoples palates.
i have always had a very keen sense of smell, and i guess that also applies to taste.
also being able to connect memories of smell and taste to what i am currently smelling and or tasting.
not everyone can do that
like we could be tasting the same shit but you just cant put words to it in the same way that can.
i dont really think the equipment matters in this case, if we both buy the same drink from starbucks at the same time from the same place, we are going to taste different shit.
ill start blog posting and you will probably say "tastes bad"
Yeah most fasts are short (36 hours max), but I do work out in the evenings which makes me dizzy from the loss of salt. I usually make some lemonade without sugar, but with pink salt. Its pretty nice
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I thought you were going towards a grinder upgrade this year? Oh speaking of grinder upgrades I just found out my wug can't take the new speed controller. Oh well, just keeps me from blowing a few hundo to get a knob and autopurge.
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I just recent bought a v60 switch setup and a kingrinder k6 to begin my pour over journey to having a nice goffee in the morning and late evenings

I have a question about the v60 switch in respect to the steel ball bearing inside. When I engage the switch and it pushes the bearing up, it doesn't always sit perfectly in the center. Sometimes the lever pushes it to the direct center, sometimes it just shoves it to the side (pic related). Both have a little wiggle room if I shake the unit around.

Does this matter at all? Is this an issue for others who use the v60 switch?
Is there a newer go-to for entry level electric grinders yet, or should I just pick up an Encore?
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>she fell for it
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>I thought you were going towards a grinder upgrade this year?
year isnt over yet.
also craig lyn has me schizing
im paranoid that as soon as i order it the company is going to close and eat my money and just disappear.
they just dont post enough content online to make me confident they are going to exist in a year
also the paranoia that im going to order a grinder and then they will release an updated model right after.
but its also like $1000 cheaper than weber.
like if you have a "coming soon" page for 2 almost 3 years, people are going to question if you even exist anymore.
they did post "SPECIAL PROMOTION: For a limited time only. Our very own Laser Cut Bamboo Skid plate and Mounting Kit included for free with every HG-1 order. While Supplies Last." on the HG-1 page a couple weeks ago so seems like they still exist and are still selling the grinder.
but yeh, still 4 months left of the year.
also something i hadnt thought about before but, these are the same burrs with the same mounting holes right? i mean they look the same to me.
(pic is weber burrs)
and if they are the same, even if craig lyn never makes another grinder, as long as weber keeps using/updating 83mm burrs with that mounting system i could just buy those.(yes yes i know its mazzer 187C Ø 83 mm conical burrs but weber does pre season and their own coating)
so i guess there is a comfort in that.
in fact i wonder how many of the parts are totally interchangeable.
like weber has that bean feeder and bean cover, could you just buy those and put them on the craig lyn?
if this reply is full on schizo. im just about to go to bed so thats probably why.
thanks for reading my blog(ramblings) :)
goodnight(well morning its like 4:30am already)
Doesn't matter at all. Just remember to pop the cone out of the base, remove the bearing, and clean inside there somewhat frequently.
I can machine a replacement lever, I don't really care about the quality, as long as it functions. It's a switch, I'm not taking a hammer to it.

Great! Thanks for the tip
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>weber does pre season and their own coating
Doesn't do enough to actually matter fwiw. I chatted a bit with the first batch Key preorders after I cancelled mine. You'll still need to run 15kg through it. The slow feeder does completely change how the burrs act though. 187c was designed with a hopper and high rpm in mind. You need the "back pressure" from the tower of beans to alleviate the popcorning and keep the feed consistent. Slow feeder flips that on its head.
>the paranoia that im going to order a grinder and then they will release an updated model right after
You've been saying this since 2021. You could have had 3 years of grinder bliss by now.
You can also swap out that glass cone for a hario mugen if so inclined.
if I'm going for stovetop coffee, should I be boiling my grounds, or letting them steep in water that had previously just been boiling? if the former, how long should I generally be simmering them for without ruining it?
>boiling my grounds

>letting them steep in water that had previously just been boiling
Went to a coffee shop in paris and they brought me 2 differents cup with my filter coffee, because the same coffee should taste different in each.
What kind of snake oil is this? I need to reevaluate my hobby
Oh that's cool! I would have not considered doing so. Thanks fren! It's nice to know the option is there
Cafes are overpriced anyways. And their goal isn't to serve good coffee but to attract Instagram "people".
this is a snobby hobby
you went to a snobby cafe
Drip coffee is fine for darker roasts, but most drip machines don't have the temperature stability for light roasts. Unless you go for a Moccamaster or something fancy like that
>plastic trash
>something fancy
Don't winefags also get all pretentious over glass shape?
>No because you see, the wide mouth of this wine glass allows more volatiles to get out and give you a more aromatic experience while this thinner mouthed tulip doesn't allow the flavour to reach your nose and yada yada
The only time I'll get particular about my coffee cups is making sure I don't serve espresso on too wide a cup so the crema doesn't spread too thinly.
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You're having a restful and restorative Sunday, right Anon?
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The neat glass convinced me on "sensory" glasses. Broke mine and never replaced it but it definitely fucks with the aroma on bourbons and espresso. Good swirl for stirring up aromatics and letting them evap on the sides. Puts your nose directly in the center of the glass when you sip. That lip is just thin and fragile.
I am saving this picture.
Have you any qualms?
>transgender keyboard
Why do LEDs attract this?
That's not a tranny keyboard. Stop falseflagging.
It's just standard rgb for the keyboard you fuckin schizo
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It has RGB LEDs, clearly it's a trannyboard.

Pic related, my own tranny keyboard.
Weird self own but ok.
yeah, that fits
That's not korean anon
>You've been saying this since 2021
i dont think thats true(inb4 he pulls out the dossier)
>187c was designed with a hopper and high rpm in mind. so why is it in the hand grinder at all then?
could just be the size and shape they wanted and could just bulk order them from mazzer instead of designing their own bespoke burrs.

was i even here in 2021? pretty sure i started in 22(maybe december of 21 idk covid was like a time warp)
but regardless im pretty sure i always had a plan(i did it a bit out of order but the years still hold up)
E&B Lab 6 cup moka pot
roaster(im out of beans and none of the ones from ministry grounds are interesting rn, no fermented rwanda, no burundi natural)
this year grinder + filter, i got the filter brewer first and really glad i did, and the year isn't over for the grinder part of the plan
next year espresso of some kind(probably whatever is the latest mid range flair or something idk the manual espresso game seems to be changing alot these days)
oh and this year i got my temp controlled gooseneck kettle which i really love.
apart from all the ways its been absolute dogshit, this year has been pretty good.

this peru isn't very good in a filter, much better in a moka.
good morning regardless
music this morning
There have been too many of them coming in making their presence known.
>because the same coffee should taste different in each.
did it?
If you're worried just pop it out and reinstall it - but it's probably fine. Fill it with water and see if it holds, it almost certainly will. The only real fuck up you can make with it is that occasionally if it's moving around or upside down when you store it or because you take it traveling, the ball bearing can travel a bit and then not sit on the switch but even then you'll notice when you rinse your filter.

You plasticucks are so broken kek
>so why is it in the hand grinder at all then?
As with most espresso lore, it begins with homebarista. In particular the "Titan Grinder Project". The OG schizos trying to minmax for home use when everything was commercial. Back when finding a used shitbox superjolly was exciting.
Craig Lyn wanted three phase 220v Robur burrs to pair with his Cremina and didn't want to fuck with a motor. He basically knocked off a versalab and put a flywheel on it instead of a belt drive. Coffeeforum autists loved it since espresso was still trending dark and big cones give big crema. Little different landscape now.
thanks dossier anon, i always forget about titan project(im sure you have talked about to me like 20 times already)
>May 26th, 2007

thats a pretty kino design. would be cool to see weber to a "titan edition HG-2/key"
>Titan Grinder Project: Does burr heating coffee grounds negatively affect taste of espresso?
time really is a flat circle i guess.
i wouldn't be surprised if most of the discussions on ctg were the same shit they were schizing about 20 years ago on HB.
>Little different landscape now.
clearly the idea is still popular given weber released the mk2 HG2 a few months ago.
or do you simply mean that now the trend is light roasts
cant wait to forget all about this story and have you retell it in 3 months time :)
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>thats a pretty kino design
Versalab has been doing low rpm single dosing for two decades next year. Shits wild. They really don't get enough credit.
>The first single dose, no retention grinder was shown in 2005 at the Seattle SCAA show. This was the Versalab M3.

>or do you simply mean that now the trend is light roasts
Everything was a darker south american dominant blend they pulled fresh back then. Single origin espresso was for weirdos. Pulling filter roasts as espresso was even weirder. Look at these shots they're showing off. As to why the hg2 and prime haven't changed? People still like Daddy's Girl in milk. Why fix what isn't broken?
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So as asked in a previous thread I'm gonna give my thoughts on Airjo and their "Enterprise" blend. I bought it over the "Sumatra" light roast but might try that next.
In terms of their site and shipping it was a very good experience. Their site is simplistic and they frequently have good deals. The only negative is they don't seem to do 250g bags only 500 and 1kg. However the big plus is free express shipping in Aus, I only waited one day from Qld to the south coast.
The coffee itself I have tried from a Moka, a French press and an esspresso, all were a pretty good time. The roast touts itself as being "creamy, strong and smooth" and I honestly can't fault it there. All three brews feel full bodied and definitely very malty, chocolatey with a slight blackcurrent sweetness, though I could be reading that wrong. I will say there was absolutely no bitterness in each of the brews and they went down nice and smooth, so for anyone who likes or is searching for as much of a chocolatey taste as much as possible or stronger but by no means harsh then I would recommend.
Oh, little note for the K6, it comes with a black o'ring installed. That's for using it with a drill so replace it with one of the white ones it gives you. Why it comes with the black ring installed who knows.
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Oh for comparison my daily driver has been Elevate from veneziano. It's way more of a richer honey nutty flavour that tends to go down well as an all rounder with whoever I serve it to.
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>Daddy's Girl in milk
Thanks for reminding me to order
am i wrong or does this auto tamper look kind a shit?
this was a fun video tho
and this feels like peak tism
>i want exactly 17.6 grams of coffee every time
>The dose can be adjusted with the use of included spacer “dosing rings” to control the volume of each dose
its so simple i kinda love it.
anon... what are you doing with that bird
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Titus used to repair and modify VLs, and have their own custom version for sale. I wonder if he designed that sliding single doser for them or licensed it or whatever since he makes them for his EKs as well.
Oh I was going to mention the weird versalab "ring" of grounds around the edge of the basket in that tamp vid. Again they're 20 years ahead of the curve doing weird shit with preferential extractions. Outside of the puck extracts quicker? Distribute a bit more coffee around the edges. People do that shit intentionally with their wdt tools now.
I saved it from another anon who did bird things as a hobby.
fuck outta here
could easily make that yourself for like $100
What’s the best instant coofeefee ? Do the Asian instas outclass Nescafe ?
the letters aren't angry enough to be chinese and it doesn't look too nipponese so that kinda just leaves korean
you cant afford it.
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How do you know that? I have 20$ in EBT :)
Yes, instant.
the best instant costs $1000/kg
Specialty insant exists. Anything is better than Nescafe.
I don't think someone who can't even recognize hiragana should be giving their opinion on what looks jap and what doesn't. And I'm not even a weeb.
Specialty instant is like gourmet fast food. You CAN. But why would you?
>But why would you?
emergency coffee
great for gifts
its not really something you would buy to drink every day
>emergency coffee
Better served by an Aeropress or a compact espresso maker.
>great for gifts
Who the hell gifts their friend instant coffee? Only use I can think for the stuff is incorporating it into coffee flavoured sweets.
>Who the hell gifts their friend instant coffee?
its specialty instant, faggot.
Im not taking some faggy press with me when I go camping you homo. I’d rather through the grounds into a fuckin pot and throw it on the coals. With that being said, you are gay.
fug I've been lax on my sterotyping
>Look at me, I'm so macho because I drink shit coffee on purpose
>Who the hell gifts their friend instant coffee?
lmfao. imagine getting instant nescafe for christmas lmfao
>but why would you?
I only said that because he asked but I'm in agreement with you.
I got a specialty insant from an ex girlfriend once..... the worst part is the expectant look of "you like this right?" On their face.
>he doesn't own a bripe
It's the Taster's Choice(tm) after all, can't argue with that. Reminds me of when I was a teafag and my uncle gave me a terrible tea blend for Christmas. I appreciate it as a gift, but it was still terrible.
Obivously not
I drink shit coffee, you suck big dicks. Life’s a garden
You drink instant thoughever, meaning you drink shit coffee by definition.
And you suck dicks by definition. Cut and uncut. What a filthy whore you are
Can't stop thinking about dicks, can you?
desu getting a glass jar of instant coffee is practical, i wouldnt mind it myself, but i wouldnt really gift it to others. Maybe specialty beans
>big dicks
weird you added big to it
Gays can't go a second without talking about their weird fetish. Sad, really.
i gotta stop drinking so much but its hard to put down. its the devil's nectar.
replace it with a glass of ice cold water (no ice)
>t. drinks wine in beer glass and grappa in cognac snifter
There are 15yo coffee forums threads with hundreds of pages on this subject.
>wake up
>go to make coffee
>not enough for a cup
>have 7 grams of this coffee and 7 grams of the last coffee I bought left
>well when in rome make a home blend
It doesn't really taste of anything at all
There isn't a comma dividing the conditional clause from the main clause on the third paragraph
This thread is unusable
>doesn't really taste of anything at all
not even coffee?
Actually no. It tasted of pretty much nothing at all unless I gave it a good slurp in which case I got a single flavour that I couldn't really discern what it was, kinda earthy maybe?
>I got a single flavour that I couldn't really discern
maybe coffee?
Maybe I'm a shitter and bad at brewing coffee (likely) but have you never gotten the grind so wrong on a coffee that it tastes of literally nothing? Not over extraced, not bitter, not astringent just nothing? Because I've done that on multiple ocassions
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Started straight with espresso, then made my way to pour over. First thing I upgraded was the my Lido hand grinder to the Niche Zero, and then Flair Signature to the 58. In between I got a V60, and began using my hand grinder for it.
>have you never gotten the grind so wrong on a coffee that it tastes of literally nothing?
Not that I can recall, no.
I'm not saying it's never happened to me, but it sounds like the kind of thing I would easily forget.
I mean, I'd say I started with espresso on the technicality that the filter I was making before I started espresso was shit. Sure, I was weighing the beans and water but I was still using non specialty beans and a Hario grinder.
Gee anon, two brew chambers? Also I had no idea Flairs came in that shiny chromed finish.
The only times I've made bland, tasteless coffee was with a moka pot. Never managed to get anything good out of it.
I much prefer my v60 to my moka pot.
bitchmade general.
make urself useful.
what areopress recipe should I try tomorow ? I have a nodrip nozzle, so please no turning shit upside down. do people press aero anymore? seems so 2020.
katsuya is ultimate for v60, who's for aero? how long do I steep?
What's the difference between a hario v60 and katsuya v60?
>We collaborated with 2016 World Brewers Cup Champion, Tetsu Kasuya, to design this awesome, modified V60 Dripper. The ribs at the bottom of the dripper have been smoothed out, slowing the drawdown of the brew, and allowing the water and coffee to have more contact time. This results in a stronger brew.
>The ribs at the bottom of the dripper have been smoothed out, slowing the drawdown of the brew
watch this
*stirs my bloom a little more aggressively and the filter clogs more slowing the brew*
nothing personell katsuya-san
based gaijin clogger
Can you please speak human?
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filled to the tippy-top brim
call me the brim lord 'cause i don't spill a drop
Go the fuck back to instagram you illiterate retard
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any aero recipes you recommebnnd
thats like saying you prefer pumpkin soup over a cubano sandwich
>what areopress recipe should I try tomorow
the one where you throw it in the bin.
More understandable. My Aeropress recipe is: I don't own an Aeropress. Isn't it the most braindead brewing method though? Just toss coffee and hot water together then press after a few minutes because immersion brewing doesn't care about grind size.
this food analogy makes no sense
both are quite tasty
>but i did have breakfast yesterday
I only use a v60
I prefer that, yes.
Does anybody know how to make a proper Greek fredo cappucino? I can't seem to find out how to properly replicate them. I've tried numerous online recipes and nothing works. How do you get the foam to be so stable? I have an espresso machine so the coffee is OK, but my foam game is weak.
>prime day deals
>items are higher in price then before
Are they even trying to hide it?
Sir, this is the coffee general.
ID on the siphon coffee pot in this scene in sunset boulevard(1950)?
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Claypot Coffee?
Feels so good to be back. Also to the anons saying milk masks a shitty shot I don’t think that’s true at all and a sour espresso make a a sour cappuccino, with latte it’s a bit different but cappi you can tell
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My foam game is dogshit, look at pic related, I’ve been using lances method but I can’t get a decent microfoam
What is long life whole milk?
What espresso drink should I learn to make to impress friends
Probably ultra-pasteurized.
UHT milk
If they're female or gay dudes, get really good at milk steaming and latte art.
If they're male or gay girls, get a bunch of expensive and complicated looking puck-prep gear, shot mirror, lever machine, analog dials, etc.

And always, always, always, talk about how you can taste flavours that aren't present (but could be plausible) to appear more refined.
If they offer you a coffee, humbly accept even if you think it's trash. People like someone who seems to know what they're talking about but doesn't trash they're tastes.
Neue thread.

Gold. Thank you anon.

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