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also called pyzy in poland or kartoffelknödel in germany. perfect comfort food with fried onions and bacon bits on top
Yeah, they're really tasty.
Gotta love how hipsters eat actual garbage just for the sake of being a pretentious faggot
I eat them all the time. I'm Polish though. It's not garbage though, unless you buy a shit brand. (yeah we buy them frozen, it's a fast dinner)
>we buy them frozen
I wish they sold them frozen in the states. I made these one time and they were really good and very filling, but man it was a pain in the ass.
lmao how is it a hipster thing, garbage or pretentious? i´m half polish german, its just a dinner for me, in fact im making them rn
yeah they´re quite time consuming to make and the frozen ones are basically just as good, dont you have any polish or german shops near you were you can get them?
In Poland it's common to buy fresh or frozen pierogi, pyzy or kartacze. The best ones are homemade though and we only make them in large batches because it's so much prep that when we do it we want to make as much as possible and then freeze it for later.
>dont you have any polish or german shops near you
Well now I feel dumb for not having looked before, but yeah there's a Polish shop like half an hour away, and they do sell frozen pyzy. I'll probably check it out this weekend, anything else in particular I should pick up while I'm there?
>make them in large batches... and then freeze it for later
That's definitely the way to go with things like this.
i find frozen pyzy and kartacze quite good. frozen pierogi are edible but so far from my grandma´s, it´s like a different meal
nop but they look good i may try making them
>I'll probably check it out this weekend, anything else in particular I should pick up while I'm there?
damn man that really depends on what you like, i could recommend you so many stuff from frozen meals like that to sausages, sauerkraut, pickles, cheeses etc. in my local polish shop they´ve also cooking fresh pierogi, golabki (stuffed cabbage), bigos and other stuff. would be worth trying all of these if yours has one as well
Since when is polish or german cuisine hipster or pretentious
>frozen pierogi are edible but so far from my grandma´s, it´s like a different meal
True, grandma pierogi are always so much better. But I've had good store bought piergi. Don't remember where we got them from though, I think it was some local store. They weren't frozen and pretty sure they weren't factory made.
i had good ones but nothing comapres to my babcia´s. as i said with things like pyzy or kartacze, it´s just a bit of loss in terms of quality. but with pierogi it´s seriously like a different dish, my grandmas dough is almost translucent and she also makes them with meat, wild mushrooms and sauerkraut. it´s the perfect combination imo but in shops you can only get either meat ones or mushroom and sauerkraut. im underweight with low appetite but can eat like 20 of my grandmas pierogi in one sitting lmao
The one I'm looking at does make fresh bigos, borscht, golabki, and pierogis (among other things) and I'll probably buy some of each of those and some sausages and go from there. Thanks anon
yeah i´d recommend all of these also polish kielbasa and polish smoked cheese, the best one is oscypek but iirc they can only call it that if its made it polish mountains so you probably wont be able to get the original one but there should be some similar ones. man im addicted to smoked polish cheeses. try making mac and cheese with it and it will be the best you ever had
for the pyzy you definitely need to make crispy bacon bits and onions to top them with, i also add some mushrooms which isnt traditional but i think it fits very nice
you should definitely try zurek soup if they have it
It's just more brown person resentment
Yeah I make them myself mostly. It's pretty good stuff. I also like the scandinavian kind like the kroppkakka which has salted pork belly filling with allspice
Damn so many things to try... Their little restaurant serves a "Taste of Poland" platter with pierogi, gołąbki, kielbasa, bigos, pyzy, schnitzel, and placki ziemniaczane. I think I'll find someone to go with me and get that plus borscht and zurek.
>add some mushrooms
That sounds good
>polish comfort food
Just means potato dumpling. The filling is not mandatory and more of a regional thing.
Since when is brown person resentment hipster?
I saw plum-stuffed ones on Life Of Boris, really want to try em
we have these in sweden as well, they're called kroppkakor and we fill them with fried, cured pork and onions which we serve with lingonberry jam
kroppkakor are shit palt masterrace
there are also good ones with raspberries and cottage cheese.
I visited Poland in 2022 and ate a meal that included these delicious puffy potato/dough things. They weren't pierogi or dumplings since they weren't filled with anything. Unfortunately I never found out what they were called. Anyone know what they were?
It could have been kopytka or pampuchy

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