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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related


"Coffea arabica berries on the bush" edition.

If you're new and confused, start here:


If you're old and confused, brew hotter.

Previous thread: >>20892082
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You're in luck, I'm first.
I had a great cup today. Same light roast I was saying I wasn't a big fan of before. Seems like something just clicked for me and I'm making great espresso with it.
Based. Welcome to the light side.
I'm still leaning towards medium, mind you. I got the flavour right but I can't seem to replicate that thick body I get with medium roast. I'll try grinding finer tomorrow, I guess, though I'll probably just choke the shot.
too many spaces, but at least you fixed the missing comma in the geezer line
Yeah, I half-assed it last minute waiting for someone else to post the new.
Been feeling kind of depressed lately. Didn't want to make a /ctg/ in such a state. Whatever.
your work is appreciated
im gonna go grind and steep some dark roast starbucks coffee beans my parents sent me and enjoy it despite the fact that they're starbucks burnt beans
Is there a "better" way to make a larger volume of coffee than the sort of standard domestic "flat bottom filter" brewer? I've gotten my parents into specialty coffee making, and they now buy good coffee and grind their beans fresh in the morning on the grinder I got them for Christmas a few years ago. My gut instinct is that the weakest step in the process is their coffee maker. They're using just a cheap "Mr. Coffee" style domestic appliance to brew. It's my parents and brother who live at home, and I frequently visit, and we'll all have somewhere between 3 and 4 cups of coffee each (as in, two mugs of coffee, and each mug holds about 16oz/470mL). Every "specialty" coffee Youtube channel or whatever is always focused on making the best single cup, and it's kind of unfeasible to expect them to make between 9 and 16 pour overs of coffee in the morning. But is there even a better way of doing it, or is that just the only method available to brew large volumes?
Large French press
Higher quality drip machine with the same capacity.
>we'll all have somewhere between 3 and 4 cups of coffee each (as in, two mugs of coffee, and each mug holds about 16oz/470mL)
as in almost a fucking liter (quart) of coffee per person? are you all zipping through your house and take anxiety meds? you fucking big gulpers?
as for the question, whate the other anon said, big french press.
I have an exercise for you, switch their "speciality" coffee for a similarly roasted cheap shit and observe if they notice.
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18 cups baby
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I put 6 cups of drip coffee in my yeti every morning and drink it all day.
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imagine that
He's a big guy
thought it was called BIGLETTI for a sec and chuckled
got an ember mug for free
it's ok. keeps coffee warm.
would never pay $150 for this shit
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Meanwhile my heart is pumping like mad and I get all jittery when I drink more than one cup a day.
>are you all zipping through your house and take anxiety meds
if you cant handle your caffeine you aren't old enough to post here.
how did you get this picture of me.
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>drink one cup
>feel a bit pepped up
>drinks two cups
>turn into a nervous wreck
I just want to be able to drink more coffee
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this one reminds me of the movie Annihilation(2018)
I haven't watched it. Do you recommend it?
tell me about jamaican blue mountain coffee, "woody" doesn't sound too appealing for me
1: does every single jamaican blue mountain coffee say "woody" in the tasting notes?
2: tasting notes are usually bullshit
>1: does every single jamaican blue mountain coffee say "woody" in the tasting notes?
idk, I went by Nespresso's coffee notes on it
oh sorry i forgot the link
I like the nespresso concept, but I like the espresso + freshly slef ground coffe beans + milk frother concept even more
Fuuuuckkkk no. Do not listen to >>20900999
This anon his taste must be below shit tier.
Steer fucking clear of that awful fucking movie anon, I've warned you.
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Ok will add it to the watch list then.

You can get Nespresso pods with specialty coffee. Even coferments with wine yeasts.
i got digits and you didnt so cope and seethe retard
its a good movie
1 vote agains, 1 vote in favor
Tbh the poster tingles my almonds on a bad movie, but i'll wait for another vote.
>he doesn't grind his beans with a slef

its got an 88 on RT
is it great? no, but it is good.
and has pretty cool(and gross) visuals.
good audio/music.
nothing to lose.
the other anon is a baby.
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Imagine waking up every morning, making a perfect cappuccino and looking out the window to this view everyday. Europeans will never know.
It's fucking horrid, nonsensical, trying to be artsy and "deep" with the depth of a puddle all the while indulging in plotholes and objectively bad writing with the only scene it's praised for, the bear, being stolen from the book "The Sword of the Lictor".
Let me start you off..... the movie is set around the premise of sending people in group after group into an unexplored biologically contaminated zone without any protective suits and gas masks.
>Rotten tomatoes
I hope you also liked such films as prometheus and disney star wars. Enjoy the slop.
I'm esl, give me a break, was trying to say that you ground the beans yourself
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anon i...
i find esl' interesting
do you think you could explain why you wrote slef?
I can, I'm slightly dyslexic and old (30'much yo)
ohhhh you meant to say "freshly self ground coffee beans"
a tip, the "self" is redundant.
and so is beans, "freshly(or fresh) ground coffee" is sufficient.
noted, thx anon
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Guy here who hasn't had friends or a social life in nearly 15 years.

Met a bunch of good people through some church group I attended but now the meetings have ended a few weeks ago we've moved on with our lives. Now one of the guys there texted me saying we should catch up for coffee some time.

I posted about it on the previous thread. Well he got back to me saying X day after work sounds good and that he is going to think of a place. How long do these things generally last? Also please tell me they're generally usually very very local?

As stated im agoraphobic and very autistic about where I go which is what lead me to having no social life after turning 21. Also the fact he didn't mention his wife, does that mean it's most likely just going to be us or that he might invite some of the other guys from the church group?
np :)
i find when an esl isn't being horrifically obnoxious they can be pretty interesting, like to sort of observe how their mind is processing the english language
especially because as a native speaker there are so many things that i have never thought about or perspectives that i simply dont have access to.
like i find alot of esl' to stick to what the "textbook" says, or stick way too rigidly to rules.
also because(im sure its like this in other languages but i only know it from an english standpoint) written english can be wrong or right depending on how the writer wrote it.
such as writing something to be read and not spoken(if that makes sense) vs speaking through text/transcribing speech
i find it fun to sometimes look through r/EnglishLearning and see the problems people are having.
you posted this already
has he still not texted back?
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New beans bros, Caparaó Ayutepeque Pampojila red blend made of red catuai red bourbon red cattura.

>This one even has a qr code on the packet linking to a website for the marketing description and story telling

Really tasty blend, chocolatey like the Mocca blend, but the ending sip taste has some fruitiness to it that makes the taste go zig instead of zag if you know what i mean. Like the Mocca ends in zag into pure choco ganache sip, whereas this one zigs into some really balanced fruitiness.
The red bourbon smell and taste is noticeable and enjoyable. Another successful blend from La Semeuse, although this is from their specialty small brand roasted in a 22kg roaster.
The body is syrupy thick as expected from an espresso, the taste is chocolatey with a fruity finish and a medium plus lingering aftertaste. Really happy with these beans.
As you can see the caramelized almond coaties were properly started, i think it's the crunchiest ones i've ever had so far, they're pretty tasty.
The colombian choco coated beans are really nice too. More acidity than the free ones you get gifted with the bluestarcoffee.eu orders. And the chocolate is a bit tastier i'd say.
Am overall happy and fulfilled.

I don't give much weight to RT ratings, i'm following /ctg/ bros suggestions. So far it's in a neutral position with 1v1 weight.

The movie poster leads me to believe it's slop but i'm willing to take a gamble for the sake of /ctg/
whats the problem?
thats alot of chocolate anon
some times we subconsciously translate from our own lang to english, and that's often wrong, as in literal translations can have other meaning or be plainly syntactically wrong, for me I've just have more than a decade posting here in english and still make terrible mistakes, I go a lot about what I've read, but it just so happens that I haven't read much on coffee lingo specifically, which is its own can of worms
He did. He arranged a day (evening) this coming week. He's just thinking of a place.

Is it really normal for people to catch up for coffee after work like that? Doesn't it seems a bit much for a weekday lol.

But yeah this isn't something where he would think of a place 10+ km away just to have a coffee right?
There is never too much chocolate, also it's almonds coated in chocolate and cocoa, and coffee beans coated in chocolate, so not the whole mass is chocolate, not that it'd make a difference.
>which is its own can of worms
worst of all because there isnt really any "standardised" terms
alot of it is subjective
The problem is is this picture you posted is a stock image of some lake and Castle owned by aristocracy you’ll never actually see your touch. My picture is property I actually own.
>The problem is is this picture you posted is a stock image of some lake and Castle owned by aristocracy
pretty sure its own by the state or local government.
also why does it matter who its owned by.
what does that have to do with
>Imagine waking up every morning, making a perfect cappuccino and looking out the window to this view everyday. Europeans will never know.
none of that implies owning anything
also interesting how you just ignore the video
are those houses in the video owned by "aristocracy"

your claim about euros "never knowing" is just pretty insane.
so true anon, they dont have trees or lakes or homes in europe
>I actually own.
i doubt that.
1: i dont think you own that
2: no one owns anything, the state owns the land and you as a person.
Blade grinder anon from the last thread.
Today's cup was much much better. Did the Hoffman method to get out the fines. Also, I didn't realize I didn't use filtered water in the kettle, so the taste was mainly due to the tap.

we used to live in the same state, but I moved for seminary and she moved for grad school. Its a more complicated story than that, but I'll let the thread get to the bump limit.
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how do we like this one, girlies?
You have to watch it now and recommend a brew to enjoy it with.
Learn another language and discover the joy of speaking like a child again.

Maybe the place has great coffee.
That's a starfort in the background. (They) don't want you to know about it.
this was the lightest roast I could find at cotsco. not very good
i think i hate everything about this picture
why don't you try some specialty coffee?
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because I just finished this bag and am waiting for another shipment. should I have gotten folgers and a drip machine in the meantime? jackass. I've been drinking coffee longer than you've been alive.
>should I have gotten folgers and a drip machine in the meantime? jackass.
no you should have planned ahead and bought more coffee so you dont run out
>buy 2 bags
>finish 1 bag
>start the next bag
>order 2 more bags
>finish 2nd bag

you have drunk more bad coffee than i have ever or will ever drink.
congratulations you french canadian fuck.
let me guess, quebec?
Nothing wrong with running out. It's good to take a break once in a while.
Classic blend of some cheap Huehue and cheaper mexican beans. What a fucking rube.
>~$15 usd/12oz
>But yeah this isn't something where he would think of a place 10+ km away just to have a coffee right?
i doubt it. most people dont want to overly burden others for a casual get-together so unless hes really interested in trying some new hot spot or something hell probably pick a place nearby.

anyyway, koohee
sipping on a washed kenyan
excited to try a washed tanzanian i roasted yesterday, the grinds are waiting
I've been banned for nudity when posting something equally as crude.
cry about it
My land has been mentioned, enjoy our coffee.
Someone recommend me some light roasted cobbee I can get in europe? I really like fruity/acidic flavours
I'm not french. tard. im from Saskatchewan. where the fuck are you from?
agreed. thanks
it's unreal how good it is. what do you recommend
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What's your drinkware of choice? Looking for something a little nicer than a gift set mug for my main.
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anyone tried any of these? excited to update ctg in a week when they come in
>I'm not french. tard. im from Saskatchewan.
Im mostly using these but also have some with handles. Probably just psychological, but if I don't have the proper drinking vessel, I don't really bother making nice coffee.
Buying good coffee instead of member's mark and random blends you find online.
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Never tried the kirkland coffee but I get this from aldi. They have a hondorus roast too but I'm not a fan of it. The peru is medium and has a nice fruity kick to it.
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the 360ml and 180ml.
check out thebarn (dot) de
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The /ctg/ meetup was such a blast!
Can't wait to see you all again next year!
there are four identical people here
no but i am excited for you (:
Where do you live in switzerland? Are you drinking only medium roast? Any rec for filter in europe I've started to order from different places just for the fun of it
Where does aeropress sit in terms of the style of coffee it produces? I currently tend to switch between v60 and espresso depending on which beans I have. Every now and then I'll do a fresh press. Would I gain anything new from an aeropress?
about to make espresso, should I take a picture for yall
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closer to espresso/moka, more towards espresso then moka though
Its a paper filtered French press that people dilute down to filter strength.
Does ristretto have more caffeine than say an espresso, per capita of course
what desert should I make to go with my coffee in the morning for the next 4 days
So I lost my wdt tool while moving and I'm still getting perfect shots with a nude portafilter and I'm wondering if wdt's are a scam
Anyone have experience with the breville bes 840? Do you pull your shots in preinfusion mode til you hit the desired volume by weight using a scale? or do you just dial it in to be close to your desires size then hit the double button.
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Come again?
100g for 25$. you must be dolly parton
bastard bitch
no aldis near me. glad you found a bean you like, though
Times is tough. This might be more in your budget.
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I'm good thanks
yeah, but get the aeropress go. it's much better
nice nipple anon
>bastard bitch
did you have to translate that from french to english before you typed it?
gah his cadence makes his videos so hard to listen to, thx tho anon I will make
>gah his cadence makes his videos so hard to listen to
YES! THANK YOU. i feel crazy for being the only one that hears it.
but its a good video so whatever.
i just finished the Pfeffernüsse i had.
good with coffee. you only need like 1-2(depending on how big you make them)
hes a great chef but holy shit every sentence sounds like nails on a chalk board
I will post nipple for Ethiopian beans
i dont have any sorry :(
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What are we drinking+ listening to this sleepy rainy afternoon? For me, it's my washed colombian espresso that I accidentally ground for french press, so I brewed it in the french press.
>for (You)?
Sipping on some guji goro bedessa, listening to Black Classical Music. Even has beans on the cover.
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well its 5am and i just woke up and wont have coffee for another hour or so(which will be peru)
and i havent listened to anything today but the last music i listened to was
but this is more of a afternoon vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPpBECMrBpc
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>vertically cranked hand operated bench mounted manual espresso
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Ok you might hate americanos but to me they taste SO much better than pourover
an americano starts it life as an espresso
so if you dilute an espresso with more water of course its going to taste differently than a pour over which was brewed with no pressure, and wasn't diluted, it is the way its meant to be.
i really dont see how they can be compared.
but im glad you enjoy your coffee :)
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Drinking coffee porter. Breakfast porter to be precise. Listening to an old Mayhem record.
is it just me or does this album have asmr type qualities, it makes it feel like the guitar is scratching my ear drum with a feather.
super uncomfortable.
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It is simply just you.
Have a couple drinks next time. Listen to something less aggressive. Get your feet wet, then return to Mayhem.
Recommendation, before your descent into Mayhem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS0l0o45IUw
An album from Quebec... Il Était Une Forêt...
Had a natural Ethiopian earlier while listening to a fav
hiromoot ate my picture
This guy here

I'm freaking out over having to go so where for coffee. How do I get over this? I literally only ever go to church , work, local grocery store and a siblings place.

I havent reallygone anywhere else in over 10 years. Also what makes someone a friend? Since we just met at the church group, is this person just an acquaintance?
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Home made caramel slice while I finish up the mystery beans. New beans arriving any day now. https://youtu.be/sd-dK8OqtVU?si=x9MtRrydAFI8RMsW
Very nice music. One of the most brazillian looking men I've ever seen. And he grooves like it too
I gotta check this out. I love the jungle/drum n bass backing
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This guy rocks. Quick drum taps echo rain patter
I first heard him when he was the drummer for Yussef Kamaal. You'd probably like Alfa Mist as well. Antiphon is goated.
Is there a name for espresso that has been watered down? I will often go 40g espresso with 20-40g of hot water.
>How do I get over this?
you force yourself to keep doing it.
and go to different places, not the same place, if you keep going to the same place it tricks your brain into thinking its getting more confident but its just adding that 1 place to the 4 places you go and you arent actually making any progress.
>is this person just an acquaintance?
>I gotta check this out. I love the jungle/drum n bass backing
unfortunately that title screen track is the only jungle in the game(i think)
i am glad jungle is making a sort of resurgence.
on the west coast we call that the Italiano -- equal parts espresso and hot water.
love this one
Super gay. Try some Pantera.
Tingken of adding a Moka pot to my morning routine. 19 times out of 20, I'll be making coffee just for myself, but I don't want to have to brew twice on that odd occasion I want to make coffee for someone else too. If I get a bigger pot will it make brewing a single cup any trickier?
probably not.
the principles are the same.
also depends on what sizes you mean, like 1cup vs 6 cup? or 6 cup vs 18 cup?
You always fill the basket even if you want less. For 2 people you'll want a 4cup Moka. Enough for you and another with minimal wastage if it's just for you.
>For 2 people you'll want a 4cup Moka.
for 2 people you want a 6 cup
Depends how much you drink I suppose. 4 is enough for two small cups or large with milk. If he buys a 6, it'd be way too much for just him.
1 6 cup moka is 1 normal sized cup of coffee.
What the fuck are you on about? You are aware that it's in shot sizes? 2 cup moka is about an equal equivalent to a double shot. Are you drinking 6 fuckings shots a day?
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Bros, I will roast some anaerobic natural coffee from El Salvador. How should I approach it for some light and/or ultra-light roast?
I've never roasted anything before. I'll be using the Roest sample roaster.
bro honestly just volunteer at your church and making friends will be a lot easier
in texas we call it a lungo, its what those automatic machines put out pretty well
having a moka is terrible if anyone else wants coffee, i mean if its just one more person you can dilute both cup with hot water but otherwise I would just grap a 20$ french press for the odd occasion you brew for someone else
6cup is for one person, he needs the big one
okay I've been drinking way too muc
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what have I done
>ordered sibarist fast flats
>see that 'fast 2' filters now exist
What a cruel joke.
>light roast
Am I the only one who just can't handle light roasts? Besides being tangier than darker ones, which I don't like, I feel like I'm fucking vibrating after having a cup. Do they have paradoxically more caffeine or some shit than dark roasts?
>Am I the only one who just can't handle light roasts?
>shot sizes
moka isnt espresso you fucking tard
>Are you drinking 6 fuckings shots a day?
im drinking 1, 6 cup moka and 1 300ml cup of filter coffee every day.
have you tried not having shit genes?
Very nice to see an Urthchad in ctg.
i think you should sous vide the green beans and then reverse sear them for 5 minutes in the roaster (preheated to 215c)
Please help
Last week I bought a bottomless portafilter because while I was pulling good shots, I noticed the flavor on the same beans would waffle back and forth, leading me to suspect channeling.
When I first got the portafilter, I cleaned it and pulled two shots that were PERFECT, they literally looked like those naked portafilter porn shots on youtube. Tasted great, and I was happy. That evening I pulled a third shot the same way, and it was still flawless.
Now for the last week I have been pulling 4-6 shots a day changing beans, changing grind, using different tampers, shorter and longer preheats, etc, and literally EVERY shot I've pulled since that second day has produced less crema than a fucking gas station grind-and-serve and has sprayed fucking everywhere tiny little jets of coffee.

Its also strange that for the first day the portafilter was tight to the machine at a 90 degree, and for every day after that I have to pull the portafilter 120 degrees for it to tighten. Yes, I've cleaned the shower screen.
Could be more caffeine, but also could be all manner of other potent phytochemicals that haven't broken down yet.
So i watched it and my intuition was right it's slopa. It's a shittier slopified Stalker. I find the story boring, was not invested in the protagonist, nor was it believable she was an ex soldier. I wasn't sure if it was a subtle joke but the opening of the movie is Nathalie teaching cell division at university. I hope ameribros don't go into debt for this level of advanced of education. The CGI was mediocre at best. Movie is generic, empty, expected and forgotten the next day. The kind of stuff you can expect from Netflix.
I would pair it with a watery, drip brewed coffee, from a fast food chain, left on the counter for two hours befor drinking.

From the same year the movie was released i'd recommend "Ash Is Purest White".

Based. I do in fact enjoy the goffee. The brazil beanz are from this farm, Mulheres do Caparaó in Alto Jequitibá. Perle de café also sells them as single origin, i might get them one day. The page about the producer.

I drink espress 99.9% of the time so i enjoy medium and dark roast more. I'm not opposed to trying light roasts but so far they have not convinced me. I don't drink filter so i won't give suggestions although the website europeancoffeetrip.com/city-guides/ can give you some.
Sounds like the only constant is you.
>pull the portafilter 120 degrees for it to tighten. Yes, I've cleaned the shower screen.
What machine and have you looked into a getting a new grouphead gasket?
>Sounds like the only constant is you.
....I'm going to be charitable and assume you just misread what I wrote and assumed I was changing everything at random, instead of trying to dial-in.
its not the gasket, my other portafilters fit fine, the ears on the bottomless are a mm smaller at their thickest point, but confusingly it fit just like the others for the first day, the machine is also only two months old.
I have a self leveling tamper, so its not that im twisting the puck (the spring makes that extremely difficult to do, i tried), and its not like the bed is uneven, I make sure the basket is clean so there isnt any untamped coffee on the walls, and I use a wdt to ensure uniformity.

I just pulled a mostly successful shot, following two unsuccessful, only difference being this time I scrubbed the fuck out of the basket in case there was oil stuck somewhere (I normally just use a hand towel). I'm about to scrub it with fucking alcohol and try again.
>hasn't said what portafilter
>hasn't said what machine
>hasn't said what grinder
kill yourself.
Lel. Throwing every variable at the wall 4-6 times a day for a week isn't
>trying to dial in
Are you the waitingforgagguinotard?
Sounds like he has it handled.
nice reddit simulation
>"what matters is this thing im going to nitpick, not the fact that there was initially no issue, and now an issue has suddenly appeared."
Besides, you forgot
>what beans
>how fresh
You also assume the portafilter matters beyond fit (which has been established), at best the issue would be the basket.

Thanks for outing yourself as an amateur who's advice is not needed.
>Sounds like he has it handled.
so why is he here bitching?
>You also assume the portafilter matters beyond fit
it does actually. you could have bought a portafilter with a meme coating that could explain the problems.
the fact that you refuse to name any of the equipment is telling.
You caught me, while you were busy stuffing cocks in your mouth, I was grinding beans with mortar and pestle, I made sure I only ever tried making espresso with boiling water, and iced water, and I usually ran each shot for either 5 seconds, or 5 minutes.
If this isnt how you do it, you know nothing about dialing in.

By the way, I fixed it, after using alcohol and a brush on the underside of the basket, it seems there was some oil that the washrag wasn't getting inside the divots, I just needed to switch from rag to brush when cleaning.
>starts talking about cocks for no reason
yeah that checks out.
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I just wipe mine out with a microfiber cloth in between shots. No issues. Basket and portafilter agnostic. You should probably get one of those drill brushes to make sure this never happens again. Hit it with a little polishing compound or baking soda to get it real clean.
>meme coating
Even if this were the case, it would only cause issue with the basket, which is my point. There is no fucking brand because I just bought a generic and threw the package away, because all it exists to do is hold a fucking basket.
I wont name the rest because I know how this game goes:
>name your espresso machine
>oh, that? you need to spend 200 dollars more or it literally doesnt even work
>oh, what? you said it was working just fine for you? no, it wasnt, you made that up, I can tell because you arent using my preferred brand
>name the grinder
>lol, you only payed 80 for a hand grinder? it literally wont even make mcdonalds coffee like that, 200 dollars minimum for a grinder or its LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to make coffee


You dont diagnose problems like this. I'll give you credit that if you buy some "meme coated" product that could cause issues, but this ignores the facts of the case
>was doing well
>is not now
the solution was found and it was unrelated to brand, except that the coffee is quite oily, But being local microbatched means the information is hardly necessary.
I usually avoid these because I hate the way they feel, but that's a good idea, it should pick up more than my cotton towel and sounds much less a pain than brushing it.
Based solution provider, may you be blessed with good fortune.
>There is no fucking brand because I just bought a generic and threw the package away
thanks for confirming what i thought.
holy fuck you are actually seething over this.
you are actually schizophrenic. fighting ghosts.
They're made of plastic.
I'm sure he's running excellent coffee through his offbrand gear at 15bar. And we wonder why /ctg/ is dead.
You've spend a week randomly tuning variables and pondering issues instead of
>wiping something clean
I wish I was surprised.
Get one of those coarse cotton towels. The kind used for gentle exfoliation of the skin. Should provide similar results for this purpose.
>actually seething
you can stop at any time, but you choose instead to utterly fail the most basic diagnostic tasks.
Nobody asked "why does my caviar taste like shit? It cost me a whole 3 dollars at walmart", you can get the fuck over yourself.

>there is only one way to clean something
why are you so mad?
>excellent coffee
Yes, I use dollar tree's jack daniels coffee and grind it in an aldi blender, does this upset you?
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This thing? Id think it was too coarse.
Yeah that's what i already use just. I never had any problems with my 100% cotton towels. I use the microfiber to clean the machine exterior and drip tray though.
>I wish I was surprised.
We wish we were surpised you mean
>does this upset you
Not in the slightest. There's a finite amount of good coffee produced per year. People drinking Aldi's Breakfast Blend(the one with the rooster on it) leaves more for me. You should make a youtube short on how wiping your basket gave you the crema you craved.
What size do you recommend for one person? There seems to be some dispute on this point.
6 cup
dont be a pussy
A 6 cup moka will give out about a mug's worth of coffee. ~300ml.
I am happy with the 180g - 200g I get out of my 6-cup moka. Anything less would be too little, anything more would be too much. Sometimes I'll split it with a guest, but then I'm craving a few more sips.
Coffee sometimes makes me energized twice. Once, right after drinking and lasting 2 hours, then a second time like 5-6 hours later and lasting an hour. Does anybody also feel that? It doesn't happen every time, either, which is just weird.
Peeking at the basket, there is a "+" shape in the holes, which are recessed. I never noticed this before but it basically guarantees that my dishrag was not going to do a fantastic job on its own, and explains also why initial cleaning took ages to get the fucking soap out, because those tiny cuts were storing soap. I think spraying it with ipa before a wash may work even with my shitty dish towel, as it will loosen the oils I cant really get to.
As others are saying, the 6 cup is perfect. I used to use it to make either 1 cup of coffee, or 1 cubano + iced coffee with the remnants. I dont see how youll be satisfied with anything smaller than that, its the same amount of work and yields less than a normal person would drink.
I can't advise you at all about your particular roaster, but I can tell you that a natural anaerobic coffee will roast more easily than, say, a fully washed coffee. The greater degree of processing you're dealing with leads to lower density and (sometimes) lower moisture in the greens. So they'll heat up more quickly, and I believe also dissipate heat more quickly.
But if this is your first roast, there's not much you can do with this information, because you have no basis for comparison. I suppose just follow the directions included in your machine, keep careful notes of what you do and your results, and iterate upon it.

Enjoying a fantastic cup of Yemeni goff rn bros
dont forget to enjoy llife (:
You could buy a better basket, Anon. The only two options aren't just 'bargain bin noname product' and 'overpriced coffee autist bait'. There is a reasonable middle ground here.
>the coffee is quite oily, But being local microbatched means the information is hardly necessary
A better basket isn't going to help him.
I'm all on board with that, any recommended brands? I've looked at hugh, VST and IMS, but didnt know if they were overpriced trash or worth the money.
Its not necessary for you to know, in other words, You continuously ask for information that I already know you want to use to answer questions I did not ask.
When you take raven's progressive matrices, do you complain it doesnt come with instructions? just curious.
Generally I complain it doesn't come with oily microbatched local cock.
I'm happy with my IMS basket and my 100% ikea cotton towels. The basket was less than 20 bucks.
you will be happier if you have someone hide the bottomless portafilter so you can't find it. it's just coffee - you're supposed to drink it.
i have $50 should i just buy recommended grinder (Timemore Chestnut C2) and get cheapest shittiest moka pot i can get?
what kind of cup will keep the heat the longest
no conteporary shit something reasonably normal
Nah. Get an iCafilas heptagonal grinder and do pic related instead.
>iCafilas heptagonal grinder
is it actually good and people just gatekeep because muh heritage and voodoo or are you actually shilling shit
>no conteporary shit something reasonably normal
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fucking retard
All I know is heptagonal burr is superior to pentagonal burr (like on the Timemore you mentioned). I'd reccomend the K6, but that's twice your budget. iCafilas seems to be the best option in your price range.
You mean modern? The fuck? Drink out of a 15th century ceramic cup then. Real answer, double walled glass.
i'm not even sure if i'll buy it because coffee makes me feel like shit but le bitter taste goes so well with sweets and pastry or even by itself
like a regular tea cup with a handle
One random swiss retard bought one and started shilling it.
well favour seems to be for ims when I ask around, so I'll probably nab that, its the cheapest option as well.
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That guy bought it after I mentioned it as a cheapish middle ground between the Kingrinder P2 and K6. No, I'm not a paid shill.
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They sell low quality knockoffs of reusable pods and other shit. Like the $15 areopress.
Tomorrow I'm going to have butter and honey in my coffee :-D
my coffee tastes like teriyaki sauce
thats a first.
like teriyaki chicken with cashews.
well its smooth and easy to drink so i dont mind.
>like a regular tea cup with a handle
that's contemporary
so yeah, drink out of a mug, not a thin walled glass or thermos because they're too futuristic
holy fuck mug cup what's the difference just what should i pay attention to, thickness? material?
tea cup
coffee mug
Okay? What's that gotta do with the grinder?
Think you might be sippin on some actual teriyaki sauce, lad.
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probably just brewing it wrong
its a really light roast that im not used to dealing with.
Grind finer.
Brew hotter.
so do i buy it or on
what's the difference between $50 grinder and $100 grinder
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I'd save my shekles to spend elsehwere.
At least two letters.
im already getting mud and at 100c.
explain picture and what about automatic grinders, how much would i need to spend to match the quality of the grind from a $50 hand grinder
>how much would i need to spend to match the quality of the grind from a $50 hand grinder
It's $40 on ali
aliexpress com/item/1005006443994668.html
Next step up is Kingrinder K6 at $100. Similar burr geometry, but 48mm instead of 40mm burr, and greater build quality.
After that you get into 1zpresso K-series starting at $200.

Note: I'm only comparing external adjust, heptagonal, handgrinders here.
yeah but what's the difference between hepta and hexagonal grinders
timemore c3 is much cheaper where i live
Knock yourself out. Timestamped to the k6 that's being discussed.
Pretty much all hexagonal grinders, excluding the ZP6, will produce more fines than heptagonal grinders (C40 clones and iterations). This can be good or bad depending on what style of coffee you're going for.
The C3's not the worst choice. There's just better grinders on the market for not much more money.
>just better grinders on the market for not much more money.
thank you uncle sam but $100 is twice as much as $50
so i should choose either C2 or C3 depending on what kind of coffee i will make (and i have 0 clue)
Yeah, but $40 for iCafilas >>20907720 is 20% cheaper than $50.
Also, C2 (generic pentagonal, internal adjustment, less precise) is far worse. If it's between those two, go with the C3.
Holy fuck retard, double walled glass
>$100 is twice as much as $50
So about two bags of coffee.
what do you fuckin think?
>what kind of cup will keep the heat the longest
ceramic mug. thicker walls = more insulation
too futuristic
It's just glass, stop tilting me bro.
get a victor
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I forgot to drink coffee yesterday
>Soypress finally fucking make a non-plastic version
>it's 2 fucking pounds
>hundred fifty dollars
Fucking stupid fucking cunt fucks
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>2 fucking pounds
That seems pretty chea-
>hundred fifty dollars
Oh, right you use that for weight
yeah a fucking grinder is going to break because its cheap you are a fucking idiot
see >>20907732
$60 vs $40
i wouldn't even mind it so much if i actually saw someone other than you recommend it
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non-contemporary i.e. traditional you fucking moron
How fucking traditional asshole? We've been glass blowing since the Roman Empire.
Here's a large Gray Mug from the late Neolithic Period, around 2500 – 2000 BCE. Excavated at Zhengzhou. Made on a pottery wheel along the middle to lower reaches of the Yellow River. Is that traditional enough?
Cheap grinders break all the time dipshit. Including k6s and all DF grinders.
I live in the bottom left corner of virginia, in the mountains.
I have no clue how to find a good roaster that would be less than 4 hours of driving.
Smile Sessions
The "local roaster" meme is just to get people away from mass market grocery store beans and trying something new. Most local roasters are shit so don't stress. Just order in and freeze a few bags so you don't run out.
Well, I'd at least give that a try once, though I would probably agree.
Is the airtight freezer bags way still considered good enough or should I worry about moisture?
There's a local coffee shop in town here, though I don't know if he sells any of them,
the owner takes trips to mexico all the time to pick up fresh beans. Sort of a family thing, I think.

Also I happen to have a separate freezer box that may get colder than my fridge freezer.
I saw Hoffmann's video on freezing beans and didn't really get exactly the answers I'm looking for.
I added the thing about the coffee shop last but somehow typed that in the middle of 2 paragraphs and now the whole post is weird, sorry.
You can tape over the valve and toss the whole bag in if you don't feel like splitting it out to smaller weekly doses. Pull a bag the night before you need it and let it defrost. Don't thaw and refreeze bags otherwise condensation will fuck them up. Freezing stops offgassing in its tracks so you don't want to freeze extremely fresh roasts. Let them mellow out for a bit first so they're closer to "peak".
>Coffee can be safely stored in the freezer, either in its original bag with valve taped over (ensure it’s a waterproof bag), freezer ziplock bags (double bagged for extra safety), air tight mason jars, centrifuge tubes (for single dosing), or the gold standard - vacuum sealed packs.
I posted about the grinder when i received it and maybe two times after.
I've used it less times than you sperged about me buying it. At this point it feels like i've paid for you to sperg and amuse me. The grinder is just a bonus gift. Best 30 francs i've ever spent desu.
Now dance.

Not sure if it was you but i remember asking about this grinder and anon said it's basically a c40 chinese clone and thought for the price why not buy it even if i don't use it that much. I've paid more for a 250g bag of coffee so might as well.
You shittily chatgpt'd up a rentry specifically to shill it. Let's be real here.
>anon said it's basically a c40 chinese clone
I said that about the burr specifically, yeah.
I was disappointed in the build quality of my P2 (another chinese C40 clone) and recommended the iCafilas as an alternative in the same price range.
I thought it was an x-pro clone, so basically a timemore c2?
>timemore c2: equivalent 1zpresso x-pro (not jx-pro) Chinese
I've posted about the rentry less times that you seethed about it. Take your meds and dance some more.
coffee is one of those things that are so cheap that you'd probably have to be stupid to go through all the trouble growing, harvesting, processing, and roasting your own coffee plants, but has anybody here ever bothered and was it worth it?
>so basically a timemore c2
No. What gave you that impression? C2 is a generic pentagonal burr with internal adjustment.
Plenty of home roasters in these threads. As for home growing, I'd like to try, but I live in zone 5b (too cold) and don't really have much experience with houseplants.
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I recently bought a sage precision brewer (and dose control pro) as my daily driver because I heard picrel used it himself for 2 years. Have I been meme'd? I can achieve the same thing with a v60 but I thought the automation would be worth it. I'm starting to think I should have just got a bean to cup machine.
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First successful shot i've pulled

still tastes meh, but we're getting there.
I'm already down to 2.3/10 on my hand grinder and it says to use 3-4 for espresso :(

My new electric $1000 one should be here in a few weeks.
>it says to use
dont listen to what the manufacturer says, they are usually retarded.
Well yeah, that's how i ended up at 2.3, going to go lower in the morning.
>I can achieve the same thing with a v60 but I thought the automation would be worth it.
There's a fair bit of tweaking you can do with them but it's designed to give you very decent coffee conveniently, rather than exceptional coffee inconveniently.
oh yeah
way better as a moka latte.
so creamy, so rich, goes right to the head and sits there.
fantastic mouthfeel.
6:48, first coffee of the day.
feels great.

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