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Are you ready?
I gain about twenty pounds every year, around this time, mostly from nog.
This is why I begrudgingly stopped drinking nog a few years ago
What's up nightly noggers - /nignog/
It's our time boys. I got some cinnamon nog from Stewart's this night. Was NIGNOG FANTASTIC!
Why don't they want us to have this year-round?
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This stuff is so damn tasty. I buy 6 bottles every year for Christmas
It's easy to make nog at home, plus you can adjust it the way you want and use what booze you want
yep I love black girls
3/10 flavor for 1000 calories, I'll pass
>Pus cells , bovine leukosis, iodine cleaning solution, saturated fat
>Mix it with a glob of raw saturated fat and biotin from a chickens second asshole
>Add HFCS, emlsifiers that break down the gut lining, and the lowest possible quality spices which almost universally contain heavy metals
It's so hard being above average IQ bros.
Based and no source pilled
its painful to share a world with adults who think like you
Like the panetone thread too soon OP
Good thing you can make it at home year-round using everyday ingredients with a technique any imbecile can master.
>Only the worst grade (bottom 20%) of milk is from cows with mastitis, cows are vaccinated for BLV (and killed if infected to protect the herd), the only iodine in eggnog comes from the eggs and whiskey is a shit option for cleaning
>Eggs are a nutritionally complete protein and not eating them is why you ended up retarded
>If your nog has HFCS you have shit quality nog, same as with contaminated nutmeg, buy local or make your own
Dunning-Kruger anon...
Don't like it. I do enjoy STMJ, tho. Susu telor madu jahe IE egg milk honey ginger. It's basically Indonesian non-alcoholic egg nog which, paradoxically, has no spices. It's good, tho.
This nigga can't even make his own nog!
how has this drink not been cancelled
ask me again in a month and the answer will be a resounding
but right now it's apple cider times
cancelled for what?
"Bovine leukemia virus is a common disease in U.S. dairies. Its prevalence in beef cattle is increasing. Previous national studies showed that 89 percent of U.S. dairy herds and 38 percent of U.S. beef herds had infected animals."
>No iodine
I grew up on a dairy farm in a first world country, the only thing people use to clean udders is iodine and it 100% gets into the milk. That's why they use iodine, it's GRAS.
>Complete protein
Holy jesus this myth still exists? If you eat enough calories to live you're consuming a proper balance of amino acids, on any diet that isn't solely a couple foods.
>HCFS, shit quality nog
Yes, America does in fact sell poisonous food, and people do consume them in great quantities. Very few consoomers know anything about food.
>make enough for a big family gathering
>have enough unused egg whites to make meringue pie and cookies
feels good man
>he actually drinks dihydrogen monoxide
doubles 22
I could drink gallons of this wonderful drink! In fact, what ever happened to the gallon sized containers?
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/nignog/, we won. it is our time.
What did you call me?
mmmm love stewies
>no spices
Fresh ginger you absolute mong. Do you consider onion a spice, too? What about potato?
I quit booze so nog doesn't hold the same appeal for me it once did.
BROS I was just at the store and the Evan Williams nog has arrived
no one cares go back to your blacked.com threads
I hate niggers and abhor interracial porn. You owe me an apology.
where did i tell you to go?
where are you now?
How much alcohol are you supposed to put in eggnog percentage wise
hell yeah, best part of the year
Bunch of nogs itt
2 parts nog : 1 part liquor
1:0 alcohol to nog. Drink the nog separately.
Depends on the alcohol.
Last year I made Rompope but the strength came from using Diplomatico Manutano which is dry as fuck, however if I do it again this year I'll be doing something much sweeter and smoother
Captcha: MAJ0RS
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Ingredients in my nog bad.
Anyone ever tried instant eggnog?
I have, five decades ago; it had a nasty chemical aftertaste.
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The root beer float I made with added whiskey tasted an awful lot like egg nog
R u stealing mugs, Anon?
No, I’m white and therefore you should assume that I bought this as it was part of the deal of buying an overpriced root beer float from A&W/Long John Silvers that you’d get a mug to go along with your purchase.

And no, I did not steal it. I legally purchased said mug. In fact, I own 2!
>where did i tell you to go?
Somewhere I don't go.
>where are you now?
Somewhere I want to be.

never had one.
will make some this year.
share your best from scratch recipes anons.
scratch is fine, but for min-max'd nog, just get some Holiday Custard and add Brandy, Rum, Bourbon and Rye.
It's "George Washington's" recipe, not George Washington's recipe but look it up for an old-school boozy take on eggnog.
>REAL CREAM coffee creamer with natural flavors:5.99/32oz
>Egg Nog with cinnamon and mutmeg:3.99/64oz
once again have cheap coffee creamer
that fake creamer shit is just soybean oil and sugar. it should be illegal. certified goyslop. hopefully RFK will ban it.
I'm talking about the creamer that's actually dairy. I was always confused about how expensive it is, then when we hit nog season you can find egg nog with a higher fat percentage, similar sweetness and actual spices for cheaper
I don't think you quite understand the gravity of the situation you're in right now.
Superstore had some coconut (iirc) based "holiday nog", and it was honestly so good
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Going to blend a ton of cinnamon into some egg-nog later. I appreciate how tame the store egg-nog is. It's like water in a way. Very neutral flavor, but I like moar spice.
What did you call me?
Gem. I'm nignogg pilled.
Everything you've typed just tells me you most certainly do not live in the first world
Ron F Kennedy?
how do I make nog?
Is there a method for making eggnog that doesn't involve killing me via diabetes?
>thinking IQ actually correlates to intelligence 1:1
Dunning Kruger effect in action
Stay mad you don't get the nog
And yet it doesn't answer the question at all, you stupid mouthbreathing retard. Anyone can easily make apple pie at home but if they only sold it in stores 3 months out of the year, asking why the fuck that is would still be a legitimate fucking question you god damn mental defective.
cream, milk, sugar, eggs, spices, and a bit of liquor.
brandy is traditional but rum or bourbon are more contemporary.
personally i like 50/50 brandy and rum.
use a straw
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Accept no substitutes.
Thanks for reminding me.
I can't help but wonder whether I too would have turned out like this if I'd been born in the US.
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I use half bourbon and half gold rum. I Might also only use part of the whipped egg whites if I want something more runny, which I generally don't because then it becomes too easy to drink and I drink way too much.
I also luvs me some nog, ever since I started mixing it my family has loved having it every year.
Going to make it extra this year.
>second asshole
ask me again in two weeks
Ur gay
Ur dagoth

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