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New York sisters, how are we coping with the sub optimal tap water flavor lately? Are we buying bottled, like they do in flyover country?

As for me, I'm trying to adjust but I have to admit I am more dehydrated lately because it's just not as appealing as it normally is.
bottled water menus are becoming increasingly popular in french and italian joints.
They should serve food on disposable plates, too. You know, so they don't have to wash their dishes with shitwater.
They're using this as a cover to put something in the water
This is a cover piece
You've been warned
They should put lithium in the water all the schizos there desperately need it
They sent out lead testing kits in Colorado and while we didn't test positive for lead
Our aluminum sheet pans all started dissolving
What do I need to make my water drinkable?
I picked up some ZeroWater filters
zero water is the most jewish investment you can do to yourself. Its what probably 5 dollars a filter now, and not all work perfectly.

You could buy an undersink RO system a decent filter is probably 500 bucks.
RO is absolutely retarded. Removing everything from water makes it acidic, plus you want minerals in your water. It's what makes it taste and feel like something and they're usually good for you. If you're paranoid about drinking water you need to find an underground spring. Lots of states and cities set up year round spigots for people. They test the water periodically too for any sign of contaminates.
Literally drinking a glass right now, tastes the same to me. I do live in NYC though
There's something off about it. Maybe it's all in my head but it just isn't the same lately. I also live in nyc THOUGH
You guys should hang out. Maybe kiss a little. idk, just an idea.
one of those really expensive asian water filters
I read about this a while ago but I haven't noticed a difference. Still tastes the same. My dad who has COVID-related olfactory issues said it smells weird though.
NY 'za is finished.

'go 'za won.
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They're trying to push 'vern style 'go 'za now, have you noticed?
>gozer won
'go style
that's a Milwaukee 'za if I've ever seen one
>New York sisters, how are we coping with the sub optimal tap water flavor lately?
Have you tried fucking dying?

t. WNY
>like they do in flyover country?
why not just alienate everyone who does post here.
>help I'm being alienated by a 4chan shitpost!
First day here?
It's cause of all the waukers coming in from out of town and askin for somthin more mid.
Why the fuck are yankees drinking water affected by this? Do they not have reverse osmosis chambers? Even Californians don't put up with this shit.
New Yorkers take special pride in their terrible water, since it forms the basis of their terrible pizza, one of the main things that Hollywood Jews use to justify the existence of their urine-soaked, garbage-strewn immigrant hellhole.
You know that Hollywood and New York aren't in the same state, right?
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did somebody say WATER FILTER?
cleetus isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. gotta cut him some slack...a lot of slack.
>Are we buying bottled, like they do in flyover country?

That's where the best groundwater is, though. The stuff that Ozark hillbillies are pumping out of the ground is considered some of the cleanest and most mineral-rich on earth.

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