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Have you tried making some escargot with them?
>frogfood post
I’m not reducing myself to eating tinned snails. I can find them for free in my garden.
Don't garden snails have parasites and eat bird poop?
We have eaten snails in the West Country since the Romans, Google ' Somerset escargot' and look for the recipes.
Yeah but they’re free so who cares.
just nuke them with garlic butter, essentially. then serve with anything you'd put meat in: pasta, a sandwich maybe, or just eaten alone (boring, but how it's traditionally served).
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say a prayer for anon o7
1 part diced tomato
1 part diced onion
1 part snails

hot smoke over a low heat until snails are done, an hour or so

serve with your favourite Italian herbs
just butter garlic parsley salt and throw them under the boiler
Does it need to be a combi boiler or a system boiler?
Why don't we eat snails here? I hate fat stupid pig americans.
Thank you.

I’m OP and I’m American and I eat snails 2-3 times a week. They’re cheap on Amazon. They’re gnarley looking but taste amazing. My dad dared me to eat one at a fancy restaurant for $10 when I was a little kid and I’ve loved escargot ever since.
My traditional recipe is to simmer the snails in chardonnay for a couple minutes and then add 5 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of heavy cream and 1 minced garlic clove and salt. Let that cook for 10 minute stirring now and then and then serve on baguette with some parmesan cheese sprinkled on top. I’ve also made them stuffed in portobello mushroom tops. Just wanted to know if there are some secret recipes I’ve never heard of.
>I’m not reducing myself to eating tinned snails. I can find them for free in my garden.
Brain-eating parasites, dumbass
That's what cooking is for
My car go,
i will be doing this in mushrooms
thank you
evolution baby

I know about the kid that swallowed a slug and some parasite in the slug’s butt ate the kids brain but here’s Gordon Ramsay eating snails from his backyard. The snails in my backyard are the size of a dime though.
Those snails were put there by man they came from a can
>I’m OP and I’m American and I eat snails 2-3 times a week.
That is a bit excessive.
I probably only eat them twice a year. I might enjoy them 100% of the time on Royal Caribbean, but I haven't cruised since covid started.
I am American myself and by golly are most of us fat, stupid and retarded

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