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Post your knives here
More of my collection
Few more I recently got
Why? Once I learned how to sharpen my kitchen is full of Walmart knives. I use a razor sharp paring knife with a pink handle from walmart for 70% of my kitchen tasks.

I every day carry a 10 year old Benchmade 551 and my woods knife is a esse 4. What more could you need?
You don't need 4chan yet here you are
I use the same $15 food service grade santoku knife for every single kitchen task
Because Walmart has knives have shit geometry. A sharp apex is only part of a good knife. Once you cut with a sharp knife that also has amazing geometry (very thin behind the edge) and a high HRC to support that thinness you will never want to go back
Wow that’s a lot, do you rotate through them or stick to a couple favorites?
I try to rotate but some I use more than others of course. Like half I got in the last few months, I’ve been really depressed and self medicating with alcohol and online knife shopping. Got a few more too just too lazy to picture.

I’m into custom handles now, just installed this guy on my kyohei Shindo 210 Gyuto
Wow ive never been so wet in my life. Are you like.. a ninja?!
No just a shopping addiction
>this is my funkopop collection
anon those are knives. when was the last time you had your eyeglass prescription updated?
I kneel, shogun of knives-sama
I just watched a youtube video of a professional sushi chef
He had 5 knives
I recently bought one of those $30 foxel knives. Handle feels like garbo but the balance is great and the blade is nearly perfect for quick choppin action.
'nox 'brox mogs your $5000 Unlimited Blade Works diorama
I had a collection of old French and German carbon steel knives, and a few Japanese.
Then I rejected materialism and gave them to my sister.
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big if true

btw I just have pic rel, a standard professional knife used by standard chefs in standard restaurants. it works very well, but I feel standard using it
Buying a bunch of stuff other people made isn't something to brag about.
please show us the knives you have made yourself anon. I know you a absolutely champing at the bit to show us
you have issues.
I've been using one single knife since I was 5 years old. Some ancient chinkshit that was floating around in my kitchen since before I was born, and before that it was in someone else's kitchen. My mom apparently bought it at a yard sale or something. I took it with me when I moved. That knife is at least 30 years old, probably older, and it still cuts fine.
Handle is shit though.
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extra kino story, a photo of it would be very appreciated
I have never made a knife. And that's exactly why I don't brag about the knives in my kitchen.
You missed the point because you're a retard.
Do you go around bragging about wiping your own ass too?
Lashing out like a woman lmao
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Fuck I thought I was autistic
Not. Single German/French?
I've got a couple of other knives too, including a wusthof, but they don't get much use.
I'm thinking about getting a Wusthof 6" chefs knife. Thinking about the stamped Gourmet one rather than the Classic forged. My only reason being is that I dislike heels because it makes sharpening annoying. Is that a plebeian opinion? Should I change/improve my sharpening technique instead assuming I had an extra wad of cash to drop on the Classics?
I don't want to
I got a Global and some generic santoku. You got a favorite out of this lineup? I've been browsing for another one
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Suck my dick
Shiro kamo 210 stainless clad ao super Gyuto
No the bolster makes sharpening on a whetstone very annoying. Wustoff is terrible. It’s a $15 knife that costs $125 and people who know shit all about knives but it. It’s has terrible blade geometry and low hrc. Cleancut.eu has some shiro kamo gyutos in stock for around the same price.
why does this Kiwi knife look.. tactical..
a lot of high quality steels don't even need sharpening imo. especially for home cook types. ive been using an s45 benchmade at work for over a year straight and just touch it up on a honing rod once or twice a day.
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my favorite is the 'nox
thats a pretty slick collection there, amigo
bottom left 270-300mm?
fuji spotted
nice lineup, anon, another fuji
i forget where that knife in the middle is from, but i've seen it before and was quite tempted
Buying knives like a woman buys shoes lmao
you dangerous retard why do you need over 40 butcher knives?
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>claps start waking up
>knife thread starts getting progressively shittier
like clockwork
who are claps? and why are they called claps?
americlapistanis clap on planes clap clap clap when landing or crashing
(clap isnt like the STD, but how they clap in planes and movie theaters)
ahh yes. I have been on a plane where they started clapping. it was the cringiest shit i had encountered at the time.
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Honestly i just use the Mac and the corkscrew
If you're talking about the tall bunka it's a Sakai Takayuki, I quite like it for veggie-heavy prep work.
>a kukri
Sakai Kikumori 300mm Gyuto, above is sg2 270mm shiro kamo sujihiki
Do you have any supersteel stainless knives? What is your best knife? Ive recently found I prefer a santoku shape to a gyuto. Do you know any good jap handled santokus that are made in modern good steels and not the blue or white nip steels?
Yea I have a lot of sg2 and vg10 knives. Also really like aogami super for carbon. I would recommend a takamura chromax santoku. Beautiful knife, laser geometry, not too expensive.
Gotta keep your dinner guests on their toes!
>takamura chromax santoku
ill check it out

Hey brother, I know you already know this, but the alcohol path will end badly if you don't try to find your way out of it.

I don't know you, and I don't know your circumstances, but I've been there before for my own reasons and that shit can really spiral out of control before you know it.

I'm not about to preach Jesus or some AA bullshit, but I just want you to know that I hope you succeed in leaving that shit behind, man, whoever you are.

Much love.
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My stuff, the kei kobayashi 240 is definitely my most used
the tadafusa santoku is definitely not my usual style but got it as a gift and it's actually a lovely knife
the Fuji denka is a fuckin treat to use, it's become my home knife, I don't even bring it to work. Gotta get around to sanding the spine and choil, they're a bit rough as per usual with fujiwara
had that global for about 12 years now, was the first knife I bought when i started in kitchens at 17
that's the one, I thought it might be ST but wasn't sure
sweet, gonna have a look for that one
Appreciate the love <3 we’re gonna be ok bros
It’s very thick so it doesn’t cut the best. Greta handle and fit and finish tho, gonna get it professionally thinned. It’s decent for $160 but it needs thinning
You wouldn't have airplanes if it wasn't for America. You also wouldn't have the internet or electricity. You hate us caus' you ain't us.

who gave you all that disposable income
as a rough estimate, how much is your collection worth?
>another example of the butterball white americans hoarding kawaii crap while they're being bred out of existence

I can imagine walking around at night in the dark, feeling the walls and shit, and then by mistake I stick my hand in among all those knives. Chilling.
I’m 27 my parents paid my car, car insurance and phone bill so I’ll I pay is rent, Wi-Fi and electricity, so I have a decent amount for people my age. Instead of saving I buy pointy metal go brrrrrrr (yes I also use reddit)

5.5-6k I think I’ve spent >>20915000

Sometimes when I’m laying in bed in the middle of the day I’ll put a knife next to me cus I like to look over at it and once I forgot it was there and grabbed it thinking it was my vape and cut myself not too bad tho
Idgaf if I’m bread out of existence I hope the entire world dies and all white Americans food is shit anyway I only cook ethnic food. I also don’t particularly care about japan they just happen to make the best chef knives in the world.
would be a fun project
gonna keep my eye out for one
>(yes I also use reddit)

Cut off a pinky for this dishonor
How do you sharpen your cheap-o knives?
I use this exact knife all the time
I imagine this is the same knife a philippino woman would chase her husband around the house with after he comes home drunk and smelling like cheap perfume
you're a faggot, caleb.
gorgeous handle and bolster
is that a hitohira 240mm sujihiki?
Based Kiwi brand knife appreciator. I haven't seen that particular model before. Nice.
you are such a faggot i hope you hit the bottle again soon
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I fucking love sharpening with this thing. Major repairs? no prob. Precise angle? no prob. Shaving sharp? ezpz. Serrated? Takes some skill but still doable. Finish with a leather strop before service.
very solid lineup anon, what do you have for sharpening?
What's the secret to serrated? Just weave in & out of the dips?
Powered uncooled abrasives ruin the temper of the knife at apex. Doesn't matter how careful you are.
I use the edge of the belt and move in tiny scoops. I run it with the belt moving away from me
you are incorrect. the only real risk is when working the tip, i always have a cooling basin/cloth. I will be upgrading to another grinder soon that allows speed variation as this one is one speed.
Every single professional knife sharpening service uses a powered uncooled belt for 80% of the job and then stones/strop to finish
Check out this gucci knife at the shop near me
He isn't incorrect, you are ruining your knives.
>someone does something retarded professionally so that means it's fine
It isn't but when your primary customer base is retards at home and businesses it doesn't matter how much you destroy the knives.
>primary customer base is retards at home
Wrong. And im not talking about Gildan or whoever is dropping off the cardboard box to the hospital cafeteria.
The shop I go to is very well informed about metallurgy and the science of sharpening. They even sell a selection of books on that very subject. They walked me through their workshop and showed me their typical process. These guys sell top end knives and maintain them. They have a whole shelf of natural japanese stones that go for 1k+ for little chunks.
I also trust my own results. They are not ruined. My knives hold their edge very well under actual kitchen use.
I hope that you have a 2 lit coke bottle with a pin hole, or someone spraying that for you. You can get it sharp AF but the edge won't last. Edge gets too hot.
nigara make cool knives but i find their super fancy patterned damascus and their western handles to be a bit too gaudy, especially the bright blue ones
you are unworthy to view the the most holy artifact i have in my collection
>kazuo doi
post it
i'm getting an itsuo doi knife next month, very excited for it
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Yes, that is how they stay in business. Learn how to freehand and you will realise that the hierarchy goes: pull through, belt or wheel, guided stone (for pocket knives, they don't work so well on longer blades), freehand. Just buy a Shapton, you homo.
Knives is one thing
This one is just extremely autistic and gay
No theyre the same thing
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Thinking of upgrading to a MagnaCut knife from a domestic boutique shop.
Not really a fan of weeb knives, but I'll admit your autistic collection is neat.

Non-adjustable speed is worrying, but it should be fine if you're careful & strop.
Don't listen to the retards, there isn't any comprehensive study for proof.
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atoma diamond stone 300 and 1200
leather strop with 5000 diamond compound
OP didnt you post this collection on the r/truechefknives subreddit a while ago?
Different knives offer different functional uses
Different keyboards only offer ergonomic differences, it's not going to make you type faster or do anything useful
If you have so much disposable income maybe you should go to a psychiatrist.
this is retarded
what a stupid waste of money
do you slice vegetables in front of people for a living?
I bet you can't even cook
>/ck/oids lashing out at people for buying nice things they like
Absolutely pathetic
Same way I sharpen the good ones. I start with a "course" diamond plate, around 600 grit. I get it sharp on a "fine" diamond plate, around 1000 grit. I may or may not use an Arkansas stone, around 1500 grit, to finish it depending on whether I think it's sharp and looks good. My edc benchmade always needs a polishing it just looks nasty after the diamond stones. Then I finish with a strop on an old belt covered in some greenish goop I bought on Amazon. If you aren't stropping you are quite literally missing out on 33% of the sharpness for only like 5% of the work. Buy some stropping goop and sacrifice an old belt.
maybe he studies the blade
>only /ck/ does this
All boards have this problem due to autism and poverty.
in my defense I originally come from /k/ and it's pretty much the opposite sentiment in general
There aren't as many feds and gun manufacturing shills here. Take a deep breath and learn about batonning.
Cook Bill.
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more like cuck bill
/k/ is full of poor people saying you don't need a nice rifle or glass, what are you talking about?
In the time I was there at least if you had the gall to show sub-2k rifles in arsenal threads you'd be called a stupid poorfag, except milsurp got a pass somehow
if half this board would stop spending 50 bucks a day on doordashed fast food they too would be able to afford nice things
Incorrect. None of his keyboards have number pads so they all make him type slower and are less useful than a normal keyboard.
>Coping about being a /k/ock sucking faggot

Owning guns is pretty cool. Shooting them is better. Talking about them online with anime pictures is gay as fuck.
The scanpan will always be my favorite since it was my first knife given to me
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I have that exact same scanpan and it's the first knife I bought when I was a dishie lel
Will look into this addition thanks
Lel small world
same her but it was my job to produce millions of batons of potatoes and carrots when the pit was clear
Fun times
>i'm getting an itsuo doi knife next month, very excited for it
i may be inclined to post the ojiisan when you post this
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You should ask your doctor if your constant coping might be leading to your chronic faggotism.
why are you so upset tonight anon
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i showed you my knives please respond
Big on /p/ as well.
/k/ becoming the ukraine war propaganda board is like 80% of the reason I left breh
So you don't deny that you were a fucking CIA recruit /k/omando before the redditors pushed you to far. I've posted there once it's full of idiots.

How many boosters did you get? And what's the best way to combat systematic racism? You fucking sheep.
Take your meds already
How many boosters? Did you let some nurse shove a giant qtip up your nose to find out 2 weeks later if you had the deadly disease? Tell us. How many boosters did you take?
They only work if you also take them
>5.5-6k I think I’ve spent
that's not an unreasonable amount of money to spend on a hobby.
I think fancy knives are cool, but I'm ok with my relatively cheap ones. enjoy your nice collection.
I'm looking for some recommendations on a Japanese chef knife. I love cooking and do it daily, and currently have a workhorse german-style 9" chef knife.

I'm going to Japan in November and if anyone knows good shops or brands or families to buy a knife from or look out for I would really appreciate it. I don't know that much about Japanese chef knives, I'm mostly familiar with the santoku.

I am also unfamiliar with single bevel knives, but would be open to it and am more than willing to learn.

I do plan on using the knife frequently.
My budget is $500. I don't need to spend that much, but that's my upper bound.

Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks!
the blood of the bayonet seasons the food
you likely won't be getting a single bevel unless you specifically want one, most chef's knives sold in japan are double bevel, single bevels are more specialized
Many of the knife stores on Kappabashi street in Tokyo are overpriced tourist traps selling junk made with vg/aus-10 but sold at a high premium
Nigara hamono make very nice knives at a decent price, but it's really more about finding a knife you like the look and feel of than specific blacksmiths, and it's also up in aomori so might not be anywhere near where you'll be
There's likely someone else who knows the particular stores to visit
hello hipster, there's nothing wrong with vg10, it's not the best steel for everyone's cooking needs but calling it junk is just 2010-era hipsterism from the time when everyone absolutely had to have carbon steel everything
He wasn't saying that either, his point was they will use it to make their sub par knives seem better than they are to the uninformed tourist.
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Knife autism is exactly the same as keyboard autism, if ergonomics doesn't make you faster then neither does different knives.

Numpads aren't needed unless you input a lot of numbers, not to mention the autists use layers or have a dedicated numpad.
Thanks, I appreciate your answer.
The first place you get when you search kitchenware stores is Kappabashi street. And while I'm sure there's great finds there, I do want to avoid some tourist-trap knife stores and move towards more specialized places.
when they're selling vg-10 knives with gay shiny plastic handles in a store that looks like an edgy apple store for 50% more to double what they should be going for, then i'm calling em junk
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>told gf to give me picrel as birthday present
it's literally an entry-level Chinese clever, just to understand if I'll like it. Am I retarded?
nah, give it a try
takes a bit of getting used to but they're fun to use and lots of people really take to them
Kappabashi is still worth a visit, lots of cool shops, i got a nice donabe, couple of pans and some assorted containers+a really nice set of soup bowls last time i was there
All right now, those are some sexy knives.
Gave me a little ASMR tingle just lookin' at 'em.
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Since we're on the topic of steels, what steels have you guys tried?
I know it's just a single factor in knife performance, but still curious.
I've tried 1.4110/X55CrMo14, AUS-10, MAC Proprietary, and VG10.
I want to try high alloy/“super" steels, unfortunately they're very pricey.

I dislike chinese cleavers since they feel heavy and can't rock chop.
My parents prefer them though and has preferred them for decades.
You need more?
There's a reason none of those steels are used in kitchen knives, and that's because you're not beating the shit out of your knife. The closest thing to "super" steels you'll find in a kitchen knife are like SG2/R2, VG XEOS or HAP40. Of those I've only used SG2, and it takes and holds a sharper edge than VG10, but not to a very large degree.
nice collection. very impressive. but do you even know how to use or sharpen a knife. are you even able to cut vegetables or meat competently or are you just a bored rich kid who spends money to find meaning
I have some chef knife from 2003 my grandma got me, still use it for everything.
I have a 11 knives for camping, hiking, ect. This is on some weeb level shit though my guy
I just knew he was a weirdo. Surprised I didn't see some airsoft larping nonsense
there's always a subculture in every hobby that acts like they belong, but when you actually look at their behavior, it consists solely of them. buying something, then arguing about their purchases.

they're usually completely divorced from the constructive and creative aspect of the hobby, they're just lost consumerists.

knifefags don't cook worth a damn, mechanical keyboard fag's don't program/write worth a damn, /p/ gearfags can't take pictures, the list goes on and on and on.
Knifefags rarely know how to sharpen, rarely know how to cook and rarely have decent knife skills. They compensate with expensive knives (almost always Japanese) you occasionally meet a knife fag into German knives and they tend to be less retarded.
i had some decent knives but i lost all of them and never replaced them with anything special. I spend/waste my money on pans now instead cos I think they provide more utility.
Holy shit he literally only talks about knives. What a fucking consoomer sperg.
you literally only have 3 types of knives here. why the fuck do you have so many. and you dont even have a serrated knife or a paring knife. ditch the 3 cleavers and get something that you actually use

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