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I wanna buy an airfryer but I have no idea which ones are good for their price. What should I look for?
Doesn't matter it's plastic crap anyways.
>I wanna buy an airfryer
...to give to somebody else, right OP?
>What should I look for?
- capacity: the bigger is the basket, the more things you can cook in it.
at the same time, if you mostly cook for one and you have a small kitchen, you might want to avoid the bigger models
- temperature: the cheaper ones only have one temperature setting - avoid those at all cost.
the next level is air fryers with the temperature dial - not as precise as the ones with a digital temperature display.
Check if the fryer reaches at least 200-205°C (400° F).
At the end, just read a few reviews on Amazon and order one of the highest rated models in your budget range. Usually even the cheap no-name chink brands work fine.
Get one integrated with some other shit you use. Way better use of space. Mine is part of my microwave.
1. Don't get one that you can't take apart. Bitch to clean.
2. Consider what you want to "fry". Some models do 2 baskets for shit like fish and chips.
3. It will eat lots of counter space. Combine with other things for efficiency, like a toaster or a pressure cooker or whatever.

Remember, you aren't frying if you don't coat the food with oil.

Also, cunts here will tell you to use your oven, but they are full of absolute dog shit if you don't have a convection oven that can circulate air properly. Plus they are cheaper to use, don't heat the whole kitchen, and preheat way faster.
Every person I know who owns an airfryer is fat, no exceptions.

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