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We know bong food is globally reviled.
What can we do to fix it for them?
Is it just a matter or spices?
>We know bong food is globally reviled.
Here we go.

Yet another Britfood hate thread. Boring.
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I don't think you CAN save this
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quiet down subhuman, were doing you a favor
Is that carbs on carbs??
>intentionally disregards OP trying to find solutions
You just can't help these people!
I dont get the hate. Most of the food looks good except for beans for breakfast
British food only has a bad reputation because of rationing during WW2. They had really extravagant and cosmopolitan dishes during the Victorian period. Curries, Mulligatawny, kedgeree.
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For me, it is carbs on carbs on carbs on carbs on carbs on carbs
beans for breakfast is probably the most normal thing. they just need to cool it with the gravy with mashed peas and use salt and pepper here and there
They take inedible slop from the third world and make it delicious, like Indian food. They're not as autistic about preparation like the French or Japanese so it pales in comparison
the british make a lot of good food. no one ever said the food you posted was gross. They had a general reputation in the past for the type of food they mostly ate just like the russians have the same reputation. If you went to england in the 70s and some guy brought you to eat at a normal place and a bunch of jellied eels got plopped down in front of you after having just come from france it was startling.
people performatively hate it because they hate the brits, if they weren't a former superpower it would just be another mostly forgettable northern european cuisine and you wouldn't have say obsessive /int/ retards pretending cornish pasties suck
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we've already established that their food is bland shit.
saying "no it's not" and burying you head in the sand won't solve their issue of having bland, shit food.
I'll give an example:
this pie doesn't need burger buns.
it's not a radical step, but it's a step to get them on course
if you're going to bulk reply to me at least read my post first you stupid sack of shit
also "we" didn't establish anything
pretentious sperg
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>still no solutions
are you a bong? you seem slow to pick up on things.
here's another example:
melt your cheese on things
calling me slow when you're so fucking retarded you somehow misinterpreted me calling brit food "another mostly forgettable northern european cuisine' is something else
all you're doing is posting trashy low class food for fat poors
the solution is for people like you to get a hobby, if people didn't mald at the brits online as a pastime then they'd have a handful of good trad dishes that a lot of people could agree upon
cornish pasties are great for example, the ones in the OP though are visibly unseasoned chicken and potato pasties from a website headquartered in Minnesota
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>still no solution, just seething
it's time to accept that your food is awful
here's another fix:
don't put the fish head in the pie
for advanced users:
don't put fish in a pie at all
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do not put boiled eels in jelly
I gave you a solution, get a real hobby
despite my tepid assesment of brit cuisine I'm now one in your mind because I'm pushing back against malding intnigger thread #3456345662455634
this is not healthy behavior
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>still no solution
I'm trying to help you retards out
heres another tip
>you don't need bread around the fries
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Cheese and onion is a rancid pie filling, and it makes you smell bad
add in broccoli and chicken at minimum
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corrr luv me pasties (unironically)
not everything you eat has to blast you with spices, salt, and fat. It's rustic, innit?
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Good morning sir
this is just a meme to make americans feel better
Incredible, every picture is yellow or brown.
Or as I like to call it: delicious!
Fusion with Indian curry. Since India recolonized the UK.
Chinese food London style?
Since when is a pasty british or bad?
My Grandma was a bong, and she trained my mom
I can attest to the pain
Spices and vegetables... pies in Australia are so much better than pies in the UK for this reason.
Nothing can be done to save food culture here. The average Briton has a palate worse than a picky 8 year old and wants to eat nothing besides fried beige garbage. It's truly dire and while it's dense enough that you can always drive to a decent grocery store in lower class areas they hardly even sell fruit or vegetables because poor people don't eat them.
That's the irony about food deserts, they would exist if people didn't eat goyslop.
well said. the food is awful because the people are awful
I wonder why the Brits like such watery gravy
>grocery store
Nice LARP, Billybob
Unironically how is British food different to German food on the whole?
We don't eat sauerkraut and our cuisine is very beef/lamb-heavy. I'm not sure Germans eat pies, either.
oh wow an actual answer, thanks
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grey food for grey people living on a grey island
surprised you could restrain yourself from saying mutt
rent free
yes americans do live in there rent free, watch out some jews too
Most people do not eat lamb. It's the least popular meat. Yes, it is cultural but contemporarily not really.
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brits like watery gravy because they use it as a drink afterwards.
like we drink the milk at the bottom of a cereal bowl, they'll drink the gravy
they even just sell cups of it at soccer games
Love a bovril.
we know baz, and we're here to help
The British people wont exist in 50 years.
one can only hope
You're basing this on racism and you're simply wrong. Being British is not about skin colour. Being British is not even about where you are born. Being British is so much deeper than that.

Being British is about character. Being British is about fair play, good sportsmanship, and friendly competition. Being British is about honest integrity and doing what is right. Being British is about standing up for the little man and giving everyone their fair share and true rights. Being British is about having a stiff upper lip when times get tough and gritting your teeth while you all pull your weight together. Being British is about being part of a community, going down to the local pub, and having friendly banter with your mates over a pint of local ale.

Being British is absolutely not about being racist.
>having friendly banter with your mates over a pint of local ale.
by your definition then muslims can’t be British
Lmao this is some gay ass copypasta
I find it hillarious that there are bongs that would spout this, unironically
What the Blazes is this?

fuck off
Their pies, beef wellington, yorkshire pudding based dishes, etc. are all delicious and pea mash isn't as bad as it looks in that it isn't bad at all, unless you have mouth autism i.e. picky eating habits.

Inb4 muh bong i'm from jersey
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>im from jersey
nice try nige
>well you see, it's the entire world that's wrong, bong food is actually GOOD
>trust me, I'm an american :^)
Never been to the UK but their food typically looks alright to me, you just need to have a taste for subtle savory flavors. I think people got too used to added sugars and spices that they can't appreciate a piece of meat that's simply cooked in its own juices.
>subtle savory flavors
Ah yes the subtle savory taste of suet pastry and fatty meat. Truly, only a deeply refined palate could appreciate a pork pie or something as nuanced as deep fried thick cut chips in malt vinegar. The subtle notes of pan fried bacon, sausage, egg, and bread would be lost on anyone not adept in cuisine.
He posts, as he holds a Doritos taco with enough sodium to kill a lake's ecosystem.
Pipe down, Muhammad, this is for your own good.
I'd start by not covering everything in pastry.
It's absolutely useless to try. People here are truly, truly happy to eat really plain foods 90% of the time (foreign food the other 10%) and they will fervently defend objectively mid food.
I wish I could go through life enjoying things like pasties, toad-in-the-hole, fish and chips, cottage pie, but they're just incredibly boring. I really do, it would be nice.
Pastry, batter, breadcrumbs.
The holy trinity of British seasoning
maybe they'll start hating us enough to stop coming here
do you think people hate zoo animals?
what's the deal with bongoloid meat pies where they don't cook the meat first before putting it in the crust? it just ends up steamed instead of properly browned so it's fucking gray inside.
yes the british are famous for avoiding junk food
>what's the deal with this thing that doesn't happen that I just made up to get angry at?
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the only thing brown I see here is the pastry

You think the meat in pork pies is raw until the pastry is cooked?
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hi people
That looks good.
Would eat.
well whatever they do to it it doesn't look like they brown it

>why isn't the meat in my mass produced snack browned?
Why would you brown it?

It's like demanding to know why the cheese on these cheetos isn't extra matured gruyere.
Well why isnt it
for the same reason you sear your pot roast before braising it or fry your meatballs before throwing them in your sauce to finish cooking
You've obviously haven't had a pork pie, it's a million miles away from a pot roast or meatballs. Strange.
You don't sear pork before making a Pork Pie.

Meat in the USA is pumped full of hormones and steroids for a quick turn around, your meat has no flavour so you have to rely on the Maillard reaction to get any taste.

Sucks to be you.

You think the meatballs you get out of a can are fried before they're put in the can?
searing all meats is a cooklet meme
pros know when not to do it
I would take British over Nordic cuisine any day.

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