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doesn't coke only work if it's coca cola but not other brands?
You have to understand that people who live in those states are deeply deeply stupid.
I'm from Ohio and I say soda. Fuck off with bait.
No here’s and example
>hey I’m going to McDonald’s do you want tea or a Coke?
>yeah a Coke is fine, I’ll take Dr Pepper

It’s like bandaid or Kleenex
Washington definitely says soda, pop is some Minnesota shit. Not even my extended family from North/South Dakota say that
I'm from Ohio and I say fizzy pop.
It's pop. It's always only been pop. People who say soda are faggots

Erfrischungsgetränk - Catchy, isn't it?

Actually it's "Limo"
Even for drinks that are not lemonade.
Except for a cola which usually specifically called "Cola".
We say Brause
I'm from Ohio and I say FAYGO and then clarify I mean dr pepper because nobody and nowhere has any faygo aside redpop at meijers.
Southerner here, coke is only used to refer to coca cola, everything else is pop if youre elderly and soda if you're younger
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coke is objectively wrong
The soda/pop dichotomy is false, regions that say one will also say the other. The only standout is the south with Coke, and I'm pretty sure only older people do that.
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I'm a coke chad.
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How about "soda pop", even better pronounced "sodee pop"?
In Ohio we call everything Pep. Give me a pep, what kind, Faygo. That's what you'd say.
I'm right in the middle of that "pop" region and everyone I know says "soda" except for very old people
this map still baits me, nobody here says "pop" maybe unless you live in a little village with a few hundred farmers, everyone says soda because we grew up watching hollywood & new york entertainment where people say soda
This map is from the '90s, it's all soda now. The internet and globalism destroyed the culture of individual states and regions of the US. It's all just a soulless homogenized corporate blob now.
You have to understand that people like >>20913583 are stupid and gullible.
>No dude, no,dude, no, I totally heard, dude, hey dude, totally heard, dude, what I heard, yeah, I heard, dude, I really heard, in Alabama someone ask for a Diet Pepsi Coke. Hey dude, yeah, it really happened in Alabama. Trust me, dude, it really happened dude, in Alabama they really, dude, ask for Diet Pepsi Coke. They're really stupid dude, hey, you have no idea dude, but it really happens dude!
It's amazing how many people still fall for this after all these years.
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almost correct, but its all pop now
I grew up calling it:
soda pop
only coke is called coke.

We live in one of the "soda" areas, and had a place called the Pop Shoppe (when I was a kid). made over priced soda pop that was basically shasta.

nobody cared what it was called and everyone knew what you meant when you said it.
You have never been to the south besides maybe a yankee colony like southern Florida or Charlotte
Only a couple states in the midwest still call it pop and even then it’s usually intentional to distinguish themselves from the rest of the country
Adults say soda, children say pop.
Ossi detected
men say whatever they want.
>Not caring what others think is part of being an adult!
I live in Ohio, grew up in Kentucky calling everything Coke. Now I don't call it anything because pop and soda both sound faggy. I might start calling it all "slop pop" though, that might be cool.
Finally the correct answer
I say cokes meaning any soda
Like I'm going to the store to get some cokes
no one is surprised if I come back with some mountain dew and fresca and coca cola
it can also contextually mean coke as in coca cola, like if someone were taking a drink order and I said I want a coke they'd give a coca cola
if they said is pepsi OK because it's a pepsi-based franchise I would say yeah that's fine
if I knew beforehand that it was a pepsi-based franchise I would say give me a pepsi if I wanted pepsi

I also say band-aid as a generic term for generic adhesive bandages, q-tip for any mini cotton swab on a stick, popsicle instead of frozen ice treat, and so on
but coke is a specific flavor, kola nut.
it's like saying you're going to the store to get OJ and you come home with milk.
The Coke shall rise again
lil' sodie pop
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>had a place called the Pop Shoppe (when I was a kid).
based and me too. Many happy memories returning the bottles there with my dad.
Black Cherry was my fav.
I'm from Jeff city Missouri (ask me about prove cheese) and I have literally never heard anyone say "pop". We say soda.

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