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what do you want to order?
raw fish and steamed rice and I REFUSE to pay anything below 200 bucks for it!
Should I make a thread for this place and go or no?
You can get take-out from Benihana but it's pretty stupid to do so. But it's at the least fun, and can sometimes be pretty tasty.
I meant should I make a thread and go there sometime this month and show pictures of the food and eat there and tell you my thoughts and opinions?
>first time at benihana
>Hispanic cook guy
>ask Roberto what part of Japan he's from
>"the Colombian part"
>have a laugh
>then the worst meal ever
Hated it.
Went to another teppanyaki joint a few years after and it was same shit tier meal.
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I went to Waffle House.
>ypeepo using chopsticks
why do they go along with this humiliation ritual?
You should jump in front of traffic
teppanyaki is so kino
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Based. I went there for the first time last Sunday at 3am with some friends
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It’s the absolute best to go super late and be the only people in there besides the one skitzo dude.
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magical experience fo sho!
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restaurant for samurai
>they didn't even give enough of a fuck to set it up straight or tie the knots right

dishonoraburr dispray
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go for the food. leave with their socks!

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