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Nothing like it.
>sodium metabisulfite
one of the best beers ever, me bye
Get a job dude
Murphy's is better
Digits don't lie
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A challenger appears
Arthur Guinness was a protestant.
Kilkenney is better
but it's also made by Guinness so may not count
Makes me like it even more
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Nothing like walking to the local Irish Pub in the morning, having breakfast with an Irish coffee, and washing it down with a few pints of Guinness. That canned stuff just doesn't hit the same.
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hell na
>Nothing like walking to the local Irish Pub in the morning, having breakfast with an Irish coffee, and washing it down with a few pints of Guinness
Boston isn't Ireland.
you're totally right, nothing better than a Guinness
you look like a stereotypical sex tourist
Guinness on tap:
>sweet easy to drink with a long creamy after taste and refreshing mouth feel

Guinness on can:
>bitter taste that fills your whole mouth after just a tiny sip and makes you gag if you try to gulp it down fast

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enjoying one right now at Arthur's Pub on Thomas Street (Dublin). I'm partial to a Murphy's or Beamish as well.

my mate who used to brew beer for a brewery here in Ireland (Whiplash) said Guinness isn't a stout but basically just a coloured, smoked larger. don't care, still love it.
ive tried many a stout in many a pub, guinness is almost always the best option. theres a brewery/bar hybrid in my city that sells a coffee stout
and its the nicest drink ive ever drank
Murphy's > Guinness Draught

Guiness FES >>>> Guinness Extra Stout>>>>> any other stout
Nothing beats Guinness on tap, but the draught cans aren't bad. Probably the best canned beer out there.

Maybe there is better stouts out there, but don't care. Nothing hits like a Guinness, it's a whole different category
The funniest thing about Guinness is that retards don't seem to get that it's a massive, commercial brewery---the Anheuser Busch of stouts. So, it tastes the same, everywhere, and as long as a pub in the US cleans their lines and sells it, and pours it well, the shit tastes the same as in Ireland. The exact same.
its ok
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>Guiness FES
I really want to try this but I’ve never seen it sold anywhere near me
forgot to say, Guinness is the lowest calorie fulk strength beer. a pint is on average 180 calories, where as a pint of larger is roughly 220.
Unironically one of the worst stouts I've ever had.
guiness gives me the worst shits
No one is confused about that, and it isn't even that funny even if they were.
Rec your favorite or fuck off.
>my mate who used to brew beer for a brewery here in Ireland (Whiplash) said Guinness isn't a stout but basically just a coloured, smoked larger. don't care, still love it.
bullshit lmao, guinness is a stout through and through. they do something with it to get rid of most of the roasted barley's astringency however (some homebrewers legends say it's slightly soured to offset its malts bitterness)
yeah, but there are more irish people in maine than there are in the whole of ireland.
yeah the problem with Guinness isn't that it doesn't travel well or spoils in the keg or anything, but because most pubs up until recently didn't have the infrastructure to serve it properly. It needs a separate nitrogenated c02 cannister (i think the mix is 60/40) and the line needs to be used frequently enough that the nitrogen is pulled through it as IIRC nitrogen is denser and is more difficult to get a good pull on the tap. most pubs have one good guinness tap and if you've had a shit pint it's either a pub that doesn't have the right setup, doesn't sell a lot of guinness, or does sell a lot of it but poured it from a tap that sees little action
nobody gives a shit your great grand-daddy came off a boat from the old country, you're all just fat yanks now.
better if you pull a shot of espresso into it
>4.2% ABV
why bother, just drink fucking soda if you want to get fat and not get drunk at all
But Ubungu Muhfugguhmuhdik from Cork is a true blooded Irishman, right?
>shot of espresso in Guinness
Would this be an Irish-Americano?
seems like a quick way to knock a heap of gas out of it and have it go everywhere
I don't even regularly drink, but I love a Guinness every once in awhile.
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*blocks you are path*
probably a good thing tbqh
No, no... He's right. Stop clinging onto your long gone heritage. You're fucking fat yanks who know fuck all. You're all so far removed from your ancestors
That's a lousy way to think. Heritage is always good. You think like a kike, who just wants a world of soulless consoomer husks (while they get to have culture).
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I'm not a big drinker but occasionally if I drink it's always Erdinger.
I don't think like a kike, you're just clinging onto something you're not. You know nothing of your old countries.
You people are fucking idiots, so let's clear this up.

Euros, you look fucking pathetic when you have an autistic meltdown over "NOOOO LE LELELELELELELELE AMERICAN IS JUST AMERICAN LELELELELE"

the entire point of the USA is that it's a country entirely and specifically, made of people from every pre-existing country.

When Americans say they're Irish or Polish or some shit, it doesn't mean they literally believe they're the exact same as someone who was born and raised in Ireland or Poland.

Yes, most people in this world are obnoxious idiots, and i'm sure there are loud fat americans from kansas who claim to be more Bavarian than an actual Bavarian.

And yes, the American ethnic enclaves from each country have their own characteristics that distinguish them from actual people currently from those countries.

In the American context, however, among Americans, we use our ethnicity as shorthand to explain little things that differ from American to American.

An "Irish" pub in Boston isn't there because le cultureless fat yanks le put on a costume to pretend they're their grandparents hurrdurr

it's there for the simplest fucking reason lmfao, that the Irish came to Boston in droves and their stuff just stuck.

Genuinely don't understand why Europeans pretend to be confused about why Americans call themselves "irish" or "polish" or "sicilian". In a country full of people from all over the world where every community has their own way of doing shit that's leftover from the people who came from those countries, in a country where we all know we're all from different places, it's just easy shorthand to explain shit

i think europeans have a jumpiness to them when it comes to talking about ethnicity/culture. Yes because they want to feel autistically smarter than Americans by pretending not to understand, but they also have lingering post-Hitler "LOVING YOUR FAMILY IS PROBLEMATIC" brain
That’s a lot of words just to admit you’re a nation of fat cunts LARPing as literally any other nationality.
reddit spacing, didn't read
You mean paragraphs, you illiterate fuck?
look at this r*dditor who doesn’t know about beamish

shame anon, foreign extra is legit excellent and worth tracking down. Best served chilled but not cold

used to drink it when i moved to ireland for a job, takes me back in the occasional times i drink it nowadays
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Reminder that Guinness is a PROTESTANT and UNIONIST drink
dont tell the plastics, its funny to laugh at their ignorance
nah, I don't
if you did then it sure aint me that's illiterate
like the British claiming to be the true son's of Rome
for me its the west indies porter
Based. I'm happy to have found a nice pub that opened not long ago where they serve both Guiness and Blanc on tap at reasonable prices. Quite the rarity in my eastern european corpse-ditch
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Guinness is only good in an Irish pub whereas this is good anywhere in the country
Try an African grocery store
There are plenty of stouts/porters

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