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hope all three of those faggot losers behind it lose millions
uh... ad?
it was a real bugged NPC brain entrepreneurial idea to make the same 3 lunchables entrees with non shelf stable products

prime sucks too. only time i see it is finding half full discarded bottles in public pedestrian malls and the local uni campus
Are you retarded?
Cheese is very shelf-stable, I don't know if you noticed but they sell bricks of the shit. Mr beast royally fucked up somewhere in production
shredded cheese, a bit less so
Oh boy, bleu cheese on a charcuterie board
Mr Beast does it again!
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Hey now, it's not just Mr Beast. Paul Logan and that negroid KSI are also responsible for this trash.
>by mr beast priducts
>get mold and trannyism
do retards really?
I already hated all these soulless jewjewbers, now they’ve taken it too far trying to hospitalize my kids
that's a fake account you fat idiot
Ok the real question is if it's after the marked sell by date.
the product was announced to the public in september and started showing up in stores a week or two ago

if It's already bad it doesn't have a "sell by date" it's the same as fresh food
It's a horrible name on top of being a generally stupid product
My friend told me his son had to throw out a bunch of luchables cause of mold, I wonder if it was this particular brand.
Anon, they're not your kids. Please release them, their families miss them and just want them back.
did they really Didn't investigate why this nigga Called Kraft invented Prosessed cheese?
Shredded cheese is fine, mozzarella is high moisture, though which leads to it molding fast.
The fake cheese thing is retarded anyway and yuropoors out themselves as stupid fucking incels every time they open their alcoholic mouths about it. We have a thing called the FDA that regulates what we can and can't call shit yuroturds don't. We can't simply call "American" cheese cheese because it is two or more kinds of cheese blended with an emulsifier. Unfortunately the shilleleigh swinger that invented the shit was retarded and decided to call it cheese product rather than simply blended cheese so the retarded war losers can hon hon hon about how it is plastic even as they eat the exact same shit made by the exact same companies but the name is different.
You can get low moisture mozzarella which is what usually gets used on pizza. But shredded cheese generally has mold inhibitors added, and it seems like they aren't using any.
>t. Youtouber bootlicker
>source: a tweet
Is this even real, or is it just being mad at youtubers who did something?
Wait, you hated them, but you still bought their products for your kids???
holy americope
>we have a federal agency that allows lower standards than yours so therefore we are superior
I kneel, I better go to the nearest mcdonalds and get some freedom fries from trump
Lots of people are doing a trend of buying it and seeing if there’s mold on it. Not most of them, but lots have been found to have mold. Like how Mr, Beast’s fast food was more common to be undercooked and his chocolate basically being an overpriced Hereshy bar in terms of taste.
It takes like 5 minutes to slap together an actually decent kid lunch. I’ve been making my 8yo’s lunches for years, any parent who buys this garbage should be thrown into a volcano.
Bart is 10, peniswrinkle.
those are just some big gestures. looks like somebody's having a mid moment.
its still strange to me when I see internet novelties in the store. the woodmans by me keeps it all in one corner isle. last time I was there a stuck robo cleaner was trying to y turn between a pallet of prime and some of those mr beast chocolate bars.
These things can vote now.
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>400mg electrolytes

anon mankind was doomed from the moment the generation that ate lead paint chips as a kid were allowed to vote, its a one way ticket to Judgement Day, so sit back and enjoy the show
Mr. Beast is an elementary school thing. People who are 18 today weren't watching Mr. Beast in elementary school because he didn't exist. Worry in 8-6 more years.
>day 1
Fucking Hell, that's brutal. Did they not even vacuum seal the packs or anything??
>free penicillin in every pack!
>dude electrolytes!
That line could be straight outta idiocracy

This. -ly or -ify is the name you slap on the end of an app that's trying to be "the Uber of X" in the mid 2010s, not something you put in your body.
Absolutely dystopian
Chat is this real?
based mommy terf
They are already paid, there is some jew behind the real company.
should have added "let it happen" as the final one to sum up current trends.
moldy cheese is delicious, based mr. based for making kid's goyslop a little more nuanced
It infuriates me how burgers say "skim milk" rather than "skimmed milk".
But molded cheese is tasty.
They should pay more for it then.
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It rolls off the tongue better to say skim milk. You're already making the m sound at the end of skim.

OK Creg.
I don't think that 18-year-olds who vote are buying ersatz Lunchables.
I hope that you say "another think coming" too.
it wasn’t supposed to be a documentary…
And where's the proof of these people finding it? So far I'm seeing one tweet, OP's, and unsubstantiated claims.
it does? good, I'll keep saying it that way then.
Depends on the cheese buddyboy some cheese could sit under the right condition for months and even over a year, other cheese not so much
my god...
I could care less
so you care?
They actually do have labeled sell by dates and most of the ones I've seen say December
Your kids have been 8 years old for years?
more like
>If you don't let it happen you're a bigot
Its the jizz they spray on it
Leme tell yous a couple a tree tings.
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for all intensive purposes
Surely there's an expiration date for these things
mustve been december 2023 rofl
This is like AI generated packaging lol these soulless cunts are incapable of actually saying anything that isn't run through 13 focus groups and 100 algorithms first.
Irregardless, you guys better nip this in the butt
Yeah it's the most generic "Wow we're disrupting this industry" name ever
There is, it's just that the pack in OP's image WASN'T at its expiration date yet.
>shred one and keep the other in it's vacuum sealed packaging
>See which goes bad first
Please tell me you're not this stupid
i'm sorry we all say skim milk, it literally says skim milk on the jug
or they say reduced fat
zero say 'skimmed'
He'll need an Ivy drip if you do that
literally he figuratively does'not
Sorry anon, it's a doggy dog world out here and we gotta say it like we do.
Cool, now it contains expensive mold cheese.
Better accordingly raise the prices.
my French gf eats moldy cheese bros...
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>meme ai picture
i simply refuse to engage with people who use this term, take care
Lunchly is getting some savage reviews over at Trustpilot

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>flavorful combos vs. standard picks
>bold packaging vs. basic packaging
>big gestures vs. mid moments
Even as a dumbass kid I would have made fun of this. On that first point especially, every single meal they made was already done by Lunchables decades ago
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Oh no, 13 grams of protein? That's fucking horrible. 13 is an unlucky number. Let's put it in black to show that it's bad
Allow me to elucidate for you my ESL friend. It is technically "centerfuged milk," but then marketing intervened and gave it a folksy descriptor.
You'd have to be a real douchebag to buy these in the first place
Who would have guessed that a known sellout tried to sell even more crap. I hope some retard eats this, dies and the family sues their asses.
Bold packaging? More like mold packaging amirite?
kill yourself
made me lol
I hate how you faggots say maths instead of math so consider us even
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Mouldy cheese is called blue cheese, and it is delicious!

Americans just simply are incapable of understanding such fine dining concepts (these are the same people that switching their knife and fork hand during meals) and anything with any culture scares them. MrBeast is just trying to improve the American tastebud and is introducing them to REAL food for the first time. Sadly, these babies are spitting it out and demanding the poison that is killing them.
Its all one in the same
>did they really Didn't investigate why this nigga Called Kraft invented Prosessed cheese?

We wuz Kraftz
I'm sick of hearing about all this Logan Paul and KSI hate. It's like the modern version of hating Justin Bieber, just some sad losers hating on guys for being successful.

All this shit is just propaganda too, for months all I heard about Prime was that it's overpriced and shops were giving it away at a reduced price because nobody wants to buy it. Then a month ago I saw an article saying Prime Energy is actually worth billions of dollars.

I'm sure it's the same with this Lunchly shit, a bunch of sad people are spreading hate about how it's mouldy, nobody likes it, whatever. Meanwhile the reality is this will probably become their next billion dollar venture.

Not even defending Logan Paul or KSI, I'm too old to give a shit about any of this YouTube drama. But the guys hating on them are even bigger losers. This is the guy who called Logan Paul a man child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5lO6Qope8. And yes, he built his career on making videos for kids where he screams about Minecraft.
>I'm sure it's the same with this Lunchly shit, a bunch of sad people are spreading hate about how it's mouldy,
It is mouldy. That's literal objective fact. What, we should lie bc it hurts your fave youtubers feelings?
>Not even defending Logan Paul or KSI
Except you are though. That's literally what you're doing.
>I'm too old to give a shit about any of this YouTube drama
Then fuck off out this thread. You gave enough of a shit to come in here and try to dick ride. Mfer wrote a whole paragraph to.
>I'm too old to give a shit about any of this YouTube drama.
>This is the guy who called Logan Paul a man child:<link to youtube drama>
make up your mind bro
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I'm not defending them, I'm just saying I'm sick of the haters who are even more annoying than Logan Paul and KSI. If I criticise one side, it doesn't mean I support the other side, but that's what you're too stupid to understand. If I say Palestinians are subhuman, it doesn't mean I love Jews.

>Mfer wrote a whole paragraph to.
You just had to add that obnoxious zoomer line at the end.

Again, I know way more about this drama than I'd like to, mainly because it's showing up on the first page of every fucking social media site. On Reddit I saw the drama about Tommyinnit calling Logan Paul a manchild, the next day on the front page of NewPipe I saw that fag Tommyinnit made a stupid video so I watched it, and he turned out to be a massive faggot and a manchild. Then I looked through his history and saw him making videos screaming about Minecraft.
Hang yourself in the japanese forest, Paul. You already know a good location there.
You seem really invested in this. Make good on your claims and shut the fuck up or accept the fact you're invested in retarded eceleb drama on a Nepalese fast food forum
How do you people convince yourself to care about this shit?
>Logan Paul is such a douche, how dare he make light of a serious topic like suicide
>By the way, I tell people I don't like to commit suicide
I still don't understand why The Pizza is in quotations. Is it not pizza?
It's an ad for lunchables you midwit
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Rent free
Show tits.
Oh shid
He wrote several paragraphs.... do you mean novel?? Are you 11?
Huh. Thanks, wasn't aware.
Why are there asterisks?
*Some packaging may be more bold than others. Flavorful combos void where prohibited. Big Gestures offer not available in AL, AZ, CA, FL, NM, VT, and WY.
Cheddar-chads stay winning
There are so many masonic numbers on this packaging it's unreal
>an eceleb
>it's a fact because a twitter post and an eceleb said so
Of course, this is the same site that will see a screencap of a flagrantly inspect-element-edited article headline, make no effort to demand a link to the article or verify it even exists, and believe it as gospel.
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>american standards for cheese are lower
meanwhile in europe
'fraid so
>400 mg of electrolytes
So its saying it has 400 mg of salt in it?
That's your lifestyle choice, tranny
What is, pacifically?
How many anons here would give it a go?
if the opportunity arose, yeah
He shouldn't make light of it. It's very serious and a decision that weighs heavily on a great number of people. In his case, the decision is clearly in favor of going for it.
Not even sure what I'm looking at.
>Only made in one region of italy
Great example.

I'd take at least a bite, the whole "eat maggots that came from who knows where" thing kinda irks me though.
>it infuriates me how burgers say "chocolate milk" rather than "chocolated milk".
Do you say milk chocolate or milked chocolate?
no. what the actual fuck is wrong with you people
>make cheese
>go to jail
bravo europe
Potassium actually (which is less useful as an electrolyte from what I've heard)
ive tried it just to make a judgement for myself and not listen to the opinion of some hate mob and my only gripe is that its way too sweet for my liking.
Are you trying to hone in on something?
I'll try almost anything. I'd even eat crickets. I would not make bugs or maggots a staple of my diet thogh.
Good, kids need to eat some mold, toughen them up. But it's important to get a mixed diet, feed them some plastic and preservatives too.
Logan genuinely is a huge cunt though.
so it comes with free penicillin??

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