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1 dead and 10 hospitalized.
How do you get ecoli from freshly cooked beef without cross contamination (which you would think wouldn't affect multiple stores)?
mcdicks will be a thing of the past by 2030, let it be sooner rather than later
Most food contamination cases are from vegetables rather than meat.
I hope he ate a quarter pounder while he was working the fry cooker
You hire indians
The McDEI burger.
That will be 15 dollars plus tip
How do people in developed countries die of getting the shits? You can cure it with simple antibiotics
That said I hate mcdicks for removing the cheerful and happy decor from their outlets and instead making everything grey and depressing. Ronald was a scary fucker but i was glad he existed
I have never seen an Indian doing fast food jobs. Neither dots, nor feathers
I wonder if these recent food poisoning outbreaks have anything to do with the mass of low IQ migrants that make up the employee base of the factories.
bros...you don't think..?
Based. Rolling for more.
they didnt serve anything he made, believe me
This'll get Buffett
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Poor Canadians
God is punishing them for associating with a 34 time convicted felon and rapist.
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sure he cares more about that than the violence being committed in his name
You were there?
lmao trump literally killing poor people
yes, i went through the drive through and they were turning away everyone who wasnt cleared by security beforehand
I've only seen them at Subway
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They own a shitload of Subways, this was in Chicago
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This was in Decatur IL, not sure what it is with Indians and bare feet.
When you’re used to being barefooted, shoes feel very uncomfortable, especially for extended periods of time. It’s not an excuse though, but I’d rather blame the manager for not enforcing the shoes.
unless they touch the food with the feet i dont see how it can be a problem. people wear shoes to protect their feet, not because they're some plague spreader.
>implying retarded teenagers haven't been working fast food for decades
I’d say the “safety” standards of indians, especially if they come from the poorer parts of india is quite different from what you’re used to. They would need a more thorough training so they can met the expected standards.
Let’s just say that their common sense is different.
You will never be a woman
>outbreak affected 10 states at the same time

This was a factory level issue just like the recent listeria outbreaks. It's not my fault you are unable to extrapolate that from the data presented.
lol is that Mike Enoch?
>JIDF on cooking boards
Can't make this shit up
Wasn't there an anon who made a thread predicting this like a week ago?
cool it with the antisemitic remarks buddy
Are the big macs safe?
Yeah, but he said it was mostly in like, Michigan/Wisconsin. I'm seeing 1 person in Wisconsin, that's only one in the area that anon was talking about.
And how do the vegetables get contaminated with organisms found in animal shit?
And how does a critical mass of those organisms manage to be generated?
Plants might be the vector in many cases, but industrial farming and animal agriculture generally are the genesis of every plague in our lifetime and long before.
They never were
All you have to do to get ecoli is touch a raw beef patty then touch lettuce or a bun
The other guy said it..you hire Indians
No shit, prior to agriculture there weren't enough humans to sit in one spot for something to spread
Hiring issue.
Its amazing to watch all the largest companies burn themselves to the ground due to arrogance.

Just spend the time you would have spent discussing a hobby on planning how to exterminate the jews. It's what everyone from /b/ and then /v/ and then /gif/ learned a decade ago. They've done this thousands of years they aren't going to change until humanity wins.
Allowing foreigners free reign around your country and easy access to sabotage your food supply is not caused by your insane idea of what farms are like. You can't even tell the difference between beef and dairy cattle.
It would be fine if everyone who ate mcdonalds died
So around 90% of everyone in any first world country?
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I was going to get one today but I couldn't
I wear shoes more often than I am barefoot, including sleeping, if I could get away with working barefoot I would
So the choices are feed the world regardless of population easily for a reasonable price, or everyone works their asses off to barely scrape by and that's literally all they have time to deal with for their entire life? I'll take the cheap food with time for leisure activities. You can move to the South Pacific and live the "old fashioned way" all you want.

You won't.
We'll just call them the vaxxed.
At that point it would have to be the onions as the quarter pounders are the only items that use whole raw onions. Besides the mcrib. The other burgers just use dehydrated diced onions that have been rehydrated.
>trusting McDonald’s workers to microwave their food properly
Someone called this outbreak last week

>be america
>get killed by burger
based knower
>So the choices are feed the world regardless of population easily for a reasonable price, or everyone works their asses off to barely scrape by and that's literally all they have time to deal with for their entire life?
Only the second is actually happening, people starve and die of malnutrition all the time. That guy is still a retard however
Terrain theory > germ theory
burger on burger violence is no laughing matter
then wtf are the little microbes you can see in a microscope
I think it's from migrant workers shitting in the fields but your non-racist theory sounds good, too.
some anon said this a couple weeks btw
>Secret Service doing their job is a bad thing now
it is when I just wanted drumpf ecoli inside me
>Trump works at Mcdonalds for a single day
It started back in September...
why are americans so unhygienic?
It’s 100% caused by the country having zero fucking food standards and being addicted to shit quality produce.
E coli is largely spread through cross contaminated veggies at the factory level, retard.
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>Company tries to poison him
I can't imagine the veggies and meat being processed at the same facility tho...
>Trump gets poll boost due to McDonald's stunt
>CDC issues statement about the smallest "outbreak" in years for McDonald's
The shadow government totally isn't real guys.
Man, they put in a hitpiece on this company real fucking fast huh
MIGA is here. The news was out last week before trumps stunt
I like how you pretend there’s only 2 political parties. I vote libertarian
What the fuck?
>south asian
>let's get ppl to fear mc donalds so they in turn associate that aversion with trump two weeks before the election
I can't believe it's taking me this long to lurk this board. Holy shit this place is a gold mine.
This is a case of contaminated food sold by a distributor to McDonald's and the preliminary investigation is saying it came from the onions and not the beef. It's not the 90s; US beef is heavily monitored and controlled (McDonalds' supply even more so) and their system makes well-done burgers that should be almost impossible to get sick from. Just like how if you buy meat or fish from the store it doesn't really matter if it's contaminated as long as you cook it thoroughly. The vegetables, not so much. McDumpster's doesn't grill their onions so they're served raw and since they aren't washed at any point at the restaurant if they're contaminated when the distributor sells them they're contaminated on your burger. It's the same reason food safety orgs tell you to wash your spinach/lettuce.
It's usually from mexicans shitting in the vegetable fields they're picking.
Someone in McDonald's leaked the story on /ck/
I miss white America

>trump works at mcdonalds for a photo op
>the satanic elites get mad and deploy an e. coli outbreak
don't care, still voting trump
Filthy vegetable on burger eaters get what they fucking deserve. You want onions how about you just die instead?
Plot twist: this actually happens every week except you don't hear about it
The only reason they're letting it making headlines this time is because it makes Orange Man look bad and McD's is already scheduled for destruction by Globohomo anyway
Fuck yeah, deregulation. This is what happens when you vote Republican.
Is there a way to make my burgers taste like mcdonalds without all the slop? Or is the slop what gives it its flavor?
but then he'll get E.coli every day.
>Yucky plant touches meat
>it's industrialization and capitalism's fault or something
I swear this places is filled with some of the biggest yahoos and goobers.
Let Michigan handle it.
Thee patties are so strange. I want to say they are a bit sausagey?
"shares" are a meme
mcdonalds makes money by selling burgers, not by the whims of shareholders
If by God you mean a partisan CDC weaponized for political purposes, then yes
How we doing, Macbros? Did the shares ever recover?
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>burnt, brown, crunchy, beef tallow-fried french fries
For once, I do NOT want to go back.
Frogposting cancer killed 4chan. Reddit will never take you back I wish Hiroshima would wise up and kick you out too.
Lmao. Stop telling on yourself new fav.
Does anyone know if the onions at Taco Bell are safe? Or should I avoid onions from all fast food places for a while?
If you eat McDonald's you're a pleb anyway and deserve what you get
Slopshit for NPCs
>new fav
? Got what for who why?
you should avoid all fast food places for the rest of your life

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