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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Paccheri with chard, guanciale, parmiggiano, egg yolk, Calabrian chilis.
Hope you got a doggie bag haha
how has your dog not contracted your aids and died already stewart
he uses a doggy bag
Oh hell yeah! Another fucking Stewart thread! Let's go!
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Really good wine find for under $15.
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This one under $20 is also great but I would recommending spending ten more dollars to get the deep down 2023 sauv blanc.
whats the cram rating?
A burger with sweet potato fries and leftover broccolini. Simple burger with cheddar, 1 egg, grilled onions and jalapeno
Kill yourself you obnoxious attention whore
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Please do this
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rotisserie chicken and rice with white gravy. can't believe how fucking good it is
everyone switched to on!
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Chicken thigh salad
Why do you so often tease your poor dog with food just to stage a pic for retarded poor people who hate richfags like you on /ck/? Do you enjoy the negative responses you always get?
my dog eats well, when I get back from piedmont i'll make a thread dedicated to feeding my dog white truffes and poached eggs.
Man that is top tier sloppa (and masterfully peppered), I’m going to have to make some now.
are you into feeding niggers now?
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I made something similar
Your mutt needs to be euthanized.
what i do is i get a dish sponge. soak it in meatjuices and throw it to the hellbeast. fucks their digestive tract. 100% kill move
>shitbull owner
>can't cook
like clockwork
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made lamb shank for lunch
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I hope you keep posting here after your demon hound eats your dick off, bro
Here’s a dinner I had quite some time ago.
Normal people don't feel compelled to put their "doggo" in every unrelated picture they take. Go back.
damn whats that huge slab of meat
An excellent pork chop.
Disgusting animal.
based stewie thread
your mom is fucking that dog btw
Are you bringing your therapy shitbull for your support?
You know this faggots is one of those insufferable idiots walking around Kroger with his dog on a leash. Absolute breakdown of society.
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Or for $13 you can get this South African SB
Post your mom Stewart
And Stewart too.
I dont shop at kroger
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Sixers going suck again this season, Stewie
don't remind me :(
Has your dog ever eaten your food without permission?
when he was a puppy he ate a chorizo taco while I got up to get something from the fridge, he hasn't done it since.
This happened only once?
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Yes. He licked the outside of this plate during this picture once too.
Good doggo. You ever told us his name?
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Feeding the women yet i go hungry
Why do you tease him with your food for social media photos? He's a living being and not an accessory for getting attention from strangers on the internet. Constantly teasing him with your food is an asshole thing to do to your heckin shitbullerino. It would be funny if he non fatally mauled you for the years of teasing.
Cook your dog!!!

Cook your dog!!!

No dad, dogs should be raw, and living!
He ate almost half a wheel of delice de Bourgogne, he eats fine.
His name is wife. His butthole is all mine..
>he eats fine
That isn't an excuse or justification for being a dickhead and teasing him with your food so you can take pictures to show strangers online. That is exactly the same reasoning abusive parents use to justify beating and mistreating their kids.
>so what if I'm mean and treat him like shit
>he has a roof over his head!
>he has food and clothes and everything he needs!
>he has nothing to complain about!
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I am less hungry now
I find it funny.
That's why you suck.
That looks vile. Are you drunk cooking, Stewie?
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I thought it looked okay im not sure who stewie is though
Do you have any plating tips?
>plating tips
Yeah. Shatter one on the counter and pick the most jagged piece to plunge deep into your jugular.
Plate it like you the plated the women's food, Stewart. Your plate is all sloppy and ugly. And the sauce on your plate is broken.
I like Stewie. kys.
Also in the top right of this pic, what is?
How many meals do you eat per day?
>I like Stewie
Seems like the kind of effeminate male that I could have my way with sexually.
But unlike the posted image you replied to, it appears that you added extra sadness to yours.
This is not similar.
two, sometimes just one and very rarely three.
bumpin for stewie
That's an ugly dog.
Something wrong with your velvet hippo. It's mistaking that plate for a baby ;)
Stewart has abandoned this thread.
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Shrimp scampi, Chablis
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Damn. Stewart fell on hard times.
damn that looks good

I don't see intact chard leaves, is it chard pesto or something?
Imagine the savage beating after that happened lol
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Sable fish, saffron cream sauce, broccolini and parsnip/carrot kakiage tempura
yeah i blanched the chard and then used a hand blender with parsley, egg yolks, pecornio, parmigiano, a splash of white wine and emulsified everything
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this looks fantastic anon
Okay but dogs are not even as smart as a toddler and children grow up to be adults so that's a false equivalency and teasing a dog with food is definitely nothing like beating a kid
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Thanks anon
I needed an excuse to use saffron

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