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I'm at Din Tai Fung. Basically the Taiwanese Dorsia. You'll never get in, but look on as I post photos.
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I went to the TST location a while back, good stuff
That’s a no from me. Taiwan food sucks. It’s just worse Chinaman food
It's true. I was sad because Taiwan is a beautiful place and the people are lovely but holy crap, their shit is Japan-levels of bland.
>Din Tai Fung
don't use the 2nd stall in the men's room.
the seat is always covered in piss.
I WILL be pissing on it. Thanks for the tip
sounds like there's sum ting wong at din tai fung
I don't know what Dorsia is and I'm so indifferent to knowing I'm not even going to google it.
Nice meme
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It’s a super exclusive gay fetish club in Berlin. Don’t search it unless you want to read graphic descriptions of what goes in gay German fetish clubs and see lots of pictures of leather men.
You should probably go back
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>5 pot stickers for $14
why didn't they just choose a location in queens so they could charge actual prices instead of fake-ass uptown garbage numbers?
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You don't even want to know how much this girly drink costs lol
we need a revolution of rope.
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>wahh I can’t afford a faggot drink at a faggot restaurant
>billions must die
Get fucked commie scum. I hope your landlord evicts you.
this is just bok choy
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This looks like nothing but it's one of the best things I've ever eaten
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It's baby bok choi
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I will try and imagine
Those look a Dark Souls enemy.
Post bill pls
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These Szechuan beef and chili oil chicken wontons stole the show
Elegant and classy, something Americans don’t know. They shud stick to fast food.
There’s one in Taipei 101 that I just wandered into. Nothing special.
Funny, I was thinking they looked like RPG slimes. Sure, I will
Negro, we're talking about a cuisine which removes the green part of a garlic clove for being to strongly flavoured lmao
Japanese food is supremely fucking band
Yeah, they do look like an enemy from a JRPG. I’m thinking mudmen or mushroom men.
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Checked holy fuck i lost my shit
It's Shanghai choy tip.
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They have the chefs in a big tank like fish
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Not the worst honestly
Don't care. I'm leaving this thread and looking for one on American fast food.
How much are you tipping tho?
14 dollar potstickers. You’re eating at Vietnamese Applebees. Enjoy that elegance and class lmao
16 dollars for "Bacardi Light Rum, lychee liqueur, fresh lime juice, and mint" is insane.
Dorsia would have security staff to keep the fat boomer peasants in Great Value blue jeans off their doorstep. You went to a dollar store PF Chang's.
that's about how much shit would cost in my area lmao, and i'm in tacoma
Ordering drinks at any resturant is dogshit, price wise. They all serve bottom shelf swill at top shelf prices and the only saving grace is that they're mostly used for mixed drinks
This comment just reveals that you don't go outside the house
Food looks quite good and the price is not bad at all for a fancy chain restaurant. Nowhere near a star restaurant, but it does look good. I'd drop in for a nice lunch on a weekday.
>suggested tip $41.69
lmao america
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They have a few stars but not at this location. Compared to Michelin restaurants I have eaten at, Nobu and Carbone, I would say this rates very favorably.

Now I'm having a Sam Adams and watching the new Family Guy. 10/10 evening.
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huh? this is pretty cheap for nyc
bro took out his phone and took a picture of his piss stream
grown ass man
boys literally never change
this how imagine it looks
Imagine the smell
There's no Taiwanese people in this Taiwanese restaurant in Taiwan (except the staff)
>in Taiwan
The first picture shows it's clearly New York
>bro took out his phone and took a picture of his piss stream
We can all see that. This kind of stating the obvious comment is all over social media and I don't understand why. Look at any popular youtube video and there are massively upvoted comments that are
>bro really did what he's doing the video im dead
>5k updoots
bro is really complaining about how people write comments on a peruvian alpaca enthusiast forum
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I'm guessing this anon never got trips or even dubs before. Sad!
this, Taiwanese never had to live under a communist government for close to a century or more so their people never had to come up with tasty dishes to cope with their shitty lives.
>go to a nice restaurant
>be an annoying faggot taking photos of everyone
Stay home
>Dat yt boi tooken a pitcha
>muh metacommentary
Man, it ain't no Dorsia. Every chud there is dressed like slop.
me left of the fish tank
That's how high status people dress now. It's a sign that you have a job where the human capital is valuable enough that they can't enforce a dress code like some kind of middle school. Dressing "up" just makes you look like you work in The Office (aka some flyover tier paper pushing bullshit) and/or you are autistic as fuck and larping as someone from the 50s
You don't have to wear an autistic reviewbrah suit, but you shouldn't wear a t-shirt and jeans to a nice restaurant.
that's because it's not an expensive restaurant
How is a franchised brand even remotely similar to Dorsia
People of genuinely high status don't care if you think they're following your preferred antiquated dress standards or not.
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You would've had a point if you said "cookie monster pajamas" but tshirt and jeans at a nice restaurant is unironically a symbol of status, same as wearing a tshirt and shorts in a hypercar
it's really not. noveau riche aren't new and they've always been tasteless slobs, because you can't buy breeding.
Definitely not. You’re right. Anyone who says otherwise is low status. High status people know they should dress better to nice places.
>weeb opinion
fucking cringe. shit is bland and watered down chinese/korean food.
sir that looks like a chilis
>$8 beer
cheaper than my local pub
>Every chud there is dressed like slop.
this but unironically
looks like a typical bar/restaurant in any city.
everyone there is dressed like they make your average 60k/yr job just slightly above min wage
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Right? I spent about that much for dimsum a few weeks ago.
>it's in New York
Whole thread was lies.
You're dumb as fuck, holy shit.
thats cool but I can make all this stuff at home for a mere fraction of the price
How do I into taiwanese food bros?
Take Chinese food and omit all flavour.
Reminder if you tip outside of America you are worse than an American.
It's pretty easy, they put the Burger King menu on the counter so you can just point to what you want.
>-$200 for some appetizers
>my mouth was fried by too much salt and MSG
ok enjoy your spicy szechuan flavor mcdonalds
What are these outfits? It's Horrible i tell you, its full of generics! I would have left immediately!
>Taiwanese Dorsia
>posts pic of slob wearing a baseball cap and hoodie eating there
>those prices
>those people
lol, lmao.
The reason people thought it was in Taiwan is because you wrote that it's the "Taiwanese Dorsia". Now, I don't know what Dorsia is but I assume it is a fancy restaurant in the US which in turn would imply that Din Tai Fung is a fancy restaurant in Taiwan. Of course there is a picture but it is just a picture of the street which is not really interesting enough entice one to open the thumbnail.
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That book was set in the 80s. If you went to Dorsia today, people would wear a baseball cap and hoodie. The elite in NYC simply don't dress like you think anymore.

Look at this photo: Even without recognizing the individuals, you can tell who's beneath who by the outfits. The nonchalant hoodie wearer exudes complete dominance over the suits, signaling with his carefree manner of dress that he is so powerful, he doesn't need to abide their convention.
>you can tell who's beneath who by the outfits
You can certainly tell who's beneath whom, but the outfit isn't the big clue here.
this really isn't that expensive at all
nta but nyc has lots of restaurants with dresscodes, retards on /ck/ talk out their ass more than any other board.
Just realized what I was thinking of, it's the jelly enemy from wind waker
>unfilleted fish
>plain white rice
>no utensils
This is africa tier.
You're so out of touch it's hilarious. There are maybe 3-5 of them left, and they're doing it as a meme. Les Trois Chevaux made national headlines for requiring a dress code in 2022 because it was such a quirky novelty. It was so alien to guests that they had to provide suit jackets for people who didn't have them. Then they dropped this policy after a year because nobody went.
They’re cookie cutters. No tan ten tens in the whole place.
How ironic, considering that sodium is literally the only flavour to Taiwanese cuisine.
Ah, yes. Claiming the person with whom you disagree eats McDonald's, the omnipresent swansong of the /ck/ poster who's got nothing more to say.
The likelihood is that either you've never actually had Taiwanese cuisine or you're a Taiwanese guy who won't admit to the fact that while every other aspect of your culture is neat-o, your cuisine has the flavour depth of common tap water with a bit of added salt. Just bland bland bland.
yeah try getting into Per Se or Le Berneardin wearing sweatpants and lmk how it works out.
Delmonico's has always had a dress code
I can file an ADA complaint saying that I've got skin sensitivities and am unable to wear dress trousers or dinner jackets. Then eat there after my ADA lawsuit makes the news. : )
pretty cheap actually
they'll tell you to wear linen.
Those places have high powered lawyers to prevent bullshit like that.
Looks like dooty. I could go to good ol Chang down the street at China jade and he'd make me the same thing for $5.
Sorry, I didn't realize I was communicating with someone too retarded to put on pants.
Good point and maybe a decent compromise, but the lawsuit would still happen. I have a documented skin sensitivity but it, admittedly, send to have stopped being a problem in the last year for some reason. I used to have reactions to all sorts of things but I just don't anymore. Still, I've got enough documentation to make a compelling ADA case against a dress code. : )
Nope. See >>20931103

Mi amigo negrito, I know English is difficult for you, but sweatpants are pants. It's right in the name, Miguel.
sichuan chinese food is good everything else is mid so if they don't have sichuan it's probably gonna be mid
Travis, I know being white trash is hard, but sweatpants aren't real pants.
>You'll never get in
Bruh, there is an Indian standing out front with an untucked collared shirt and sneakers.
Do you the money to drag out a retarded lawsuit? They do. Lawsuits are really expensive.
>out front
I'm sure you'll come out on top after all the time and money spent on nyc legal complaints over your skin issue or whatever thats keeping you from wearing clothes and going to dinner
Cripples always seem to have unlimited money for this bullshit. I don't know who the hell is funding them but it needs to stop.
Nothing says fine dining like serving meals at the bar
If you look closely you will see he is in the process of entering the building
WOW OP you must be so rich! Such a baller move really impressed me right here.
Are you a Cargill heir? Fine dining and shiet.
We've got the crepe de la cream amongus
>time and money spent on nyc legal complaints
You really don't know how ADA lawsuits work, do you? lmao
Do done research before you comment on things you obviously know absolutely nothing about, sport.
>sweatpants aren't real pants
wtf dude no its not its just some stupid app
no I don't know how they work, because I'm not disabled to the point where I need to file complaints about restaurants
I love how I can never tell if OP is super committed to playing the part or if they really are just some moron yokel.
Dress codes are weirdly common in Atlanta, but I think most equate to "don't dress like a black person".
Oh, you really are disabled. Just call the restaurant instead of submitting a lawsuit.
>You'll never get in
>$200 for 3 pers.
is you poor or a nigger?
Did they just make everything look fancy and charge 50% more because it's NYC? Most of their locations in Los Angeles are anchor restaurants in malls.
These niggers are in suits eating food with their hands, kek
Someone post the dress code for Hollywood Hulk Hogan’s old restaurant
Dats dey culchuh. Notice Zuckercuck is following their custom and also dining with his hands. The weirdest part is they swallow the fufu whole. They don’t chew it at all.
do americans really?
No, it doesn't, it's literally never been and never will and communicates "I am a tasteless nouveau riche faggot."
I bet you are the type of motherfucker who leaves the house in sweatpants and thinks that's acceptable.
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I go out all the time in my cucinelli sweatpants, peasant. Being comfy is priceless.
To be fair, I'm >>20931086
and even I don't wear sweatpants/pyjama bottoms outside of the house. Actually, that's technically not true; I don't bother to get dressed to go get the mail/paper or if it's a nice morning and I'm having coffee on my porch. Still, I don't leave my property wearing sweatpants. T-shirt and jeans in fine dining says one of two things to me
1) you're a child or child-minded adult who doesn't even own proper clothing or
2) you're disabled, like in my example
>Oh, you really are disabled
Why yes I am. Physical disability. I'm an amputee with lupus. The lupus gave me sensitive skin for years but it stopped last winter. I still have lupus, I'm just no longer allergic to bandaids, fabric softener, deodorants, most laundry detergents or bleach.
Isn't this a prestigous restourant directly at Broadway? Why do they still try to push you to tipping?
Shouldn't they be able to properly pay their staff?
>I'm an amputee with lupus
lol. What body part did they steal?
He obviously had his dick chopped off.
>chain restaurant street food is considered fine dining on /ck/
wait until you hear of pf changs
that's not a fancy restaurant either you fucking idiot. it's some random african shit
what the fuck, its just normal dim sum but upcharged 250%
well at least the atmosphere is good?
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That's Barcadia
I have a kid, you cretin.
Parts of my right leg. Lupus caused my body to be allergic to my own blood, a rare condition called catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome. This caused the blood to stop flowing to my right leg, making parts of it literally die and needing several fasciotomies and an amputation to remove the dead, rotting flesh.
The vast majority of diagnosed patients die with a year because CAPS can cause sudden organ failure. I've been going strong for fifteen years since diagnosis.
Nice of you to treat your entire family like that
I actually ate at a different Din Tai Fung last week.
It clearly says "guest count: 3"
>Parts of my right leg
What? Did they cut off your calf and glue your foot to your knee? If they carved out some necrotic tissue but you still have a whole leg, then you’re not an amputee.
Did your escort enjoy the meal?
Ok, dickless
The fasciotomies are not the amputations. Lower part of the leg, below the knee, near the ankle, but my calves were also largely removed (fasciotomy) as was the inner thigh.
I, perhaps weirdly, have a rather thick, girthy dick, actually.
Bold of you to assume I can read.
What was the reason for the ban? And I thought only mods could ban. Janitors just clean up.
>posting MrBeast as a win
I can't tell if trolling or genuinely retarded, probably a mix of both.
mods/jannies here are nitwits but so are evolutionary sociologists and anyone who naturalizes society claiming what human history has brought about is somehow all dictated by biology. only a little less dumb than believing it was all done by god.
as a new yorker, this isn't that bad, $50 per person for 4 people plus tip ;) is pretty reasonable. I've spent $100 per person at korean barbecue and it was pretty worth it desu. $16 for a cocktail is standard in nyc but they usually make them pretty strong so it's worth it compared to just ordering a beer which would be like $9 or $10 at a place like this.
I've been told by my techfag friends on the west coast that eating at restaurants in the bay area is like 3x as expensive for the same level of quality you'd get in nyc. I firmly believe california is way fucking gayer than us.
They stole your foot? Do you have a wooden foot now lolol?
The moderation on this board is just despicable. This is actually a lively thread with interesting discussion that's more than tangential to food and cooking. What's the point of coming in to an original thread and cherrypicking posts to randomly hand out bans, when that interrupts actual discussion, meanwhile 90% of the threads on this entire board are low effort slop that nobody even wants to reply to. Nobody is asking for this level of heavy handed intervention in the browsing experience.

Meta posts are on topic.
You aren't entitled to eat in the dining room either. you can eat in the closet or in the kitchen with a chair we'll pull up for you, or maybe just put a table and chair there for you to check all the boxes
looks like almost certainly could get a table
>i got banned for replying to you
So you're posting about how you're ban evading right now?
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Of course and I'm gonna keep posting too and there's NOTHING janny can do A HAH HAH HAH HAH
mine came from the covid vaccine, literally no symptoms, other than a weird annual eye exam, then straight to my mitral valve, I have a metal valve now for being so young, and a pacemaker. I have lupus antibodies too, but no diagnosis on that yet. 1 year later, they claim I am the only one living with this history now.
Have you tried
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>Honoring traditions
>Truffle pork buns
no thanks lmao
File deleted.
Definitely not that anon but here's the deleted post, for context.
Nigger nobody cares
Reported for announcing a report
but anon...
Im so fucking hungry right now. This place looks so good.
Is this real Taiwanese food or what? I've had real Taiwanese and it's perfectly fine but kind of bland.
Those street signs aren't in Chinese. You're at a knockoff place.
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my nearest Din Tai Fung has robot servers and it's a fucking nightmare.

They blast loud chinese cartoon music but they aren't in syn with each other at all, so like 4 robots driving all around this crowded chaotic restaurant all blasting hellish music. and of course because the place is full of bingbongs nobody pushes their chairs in or keeps the walkways clear of their bags and shit, so these robots get stuck spinning in circles unable to get around. at one points I had three of them all around me and they were just idling in place, blasting music, because nobody would push their chair in or pick up their bags to let them pass through.

absolute fucking nightmare, never again.
Based. I'm imagining the crying soyjak surrounded by cute robots playing happy music.
good news anon! this just in
Anyone have the pic of dude pissing through the "ok" hand jestures?
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>new yorkers think din tai fung is some sort of exclusive restaurant
Try the Sum Yung Guy you’ll love it it’s the house special
> The long nose tribe genuinely believes this
yeah but tacoma has better asian food
>t. flyover
Tsingtao should be $1 and even they would get 3x mark-up. Anyway...
Where do you have a bar that sells beer for $1?
Boohoo, your depressed. Don't care. Didn't ask. Kill yourself.
Japan is the England of Asia, in terms of food.
kek there's always at least one person that sees and is looking at the camera
>You'll never get in, but look on as I post photos.
LMAO, I ate at the original Din Tai Fung in Taipei.
It was good, but nothing incredible. You can get xiaolongbao just as good at other places.
Raises the questions: Did OP have a date with him? If so did he really pause whatever conversation they were having to take pictures for 4chan.org?
>You'll never get in,
While in NYC, I prefer to enjoy Ktown choices. I'm always disappointed by the mass produced soup dumplings. I want my ban chan pickles, more varied textures and herbs, excellent service, and just the higher class of korean crowds.
>korean food
And which herbs would those be? To my knowledge, they don't use many herbs or spices at all.
>if you went to Dorsia today
Surely you know that Dorsia is only a fictional restaurant, and you're just larping for comedic effect?
That's crazy for such a nice place
My local fancy schmancy is 2x per person
>nice place
>fancy schmancy
It's a chain. Do you think Ruth's Chris and Morton's are fAnCy, too? lmao
Nobody keeps tracks of these shitty places the way you do
Nobody appreciates the artist
And nobody thinks >>20929866 is "fancy schmancy" like you do, trailer trash.
Once, my ex's country cousin came to visit us in tHe BiG CiTy and we took him to a local brunch spot. He verbatim said
>I ain't never been no place this fancy!
And I had to hold in my laughter and mockery because the spot wasn't even remotely "fancy." I guess houseplants and sunlight = fancy to country folk lmao
Din Tai Fung NYC has an impressive presence when you go downstairs. It's huge, and definitely nice. You don't seem extra cultured when you pretend not to think nice things are nice, you just seem like you're lying
> t. Kike
Or, and stay with me on this, you're just easily impressed because compared to Pappy Cletus's Mudpit and Foodtrough, anything would seem "nice."
Missus and I took a friend and his wife visiting from NYC to a restaurant we liked when we lived in Philly. Nothing fancy, just an Indonesian spot we enjoy. His reaction was that not that we're in our thirties, we should go to nicer places like that one. After they left, missus and I talked shit like wtf, bro. That place was nothing special and I have no idea how the fuck it passes for nice. Oh, wow. Decent tile. Matching silverware. Proper tablecloths. Glassware. Cloth napkins. Courteous service. If that's what's nice, then sure, Down To Fuck is nice. I'm just not remotely impressed with what's just fucking standard to me.
You'd probably lose your goddamn mind at Chinese restaurants in Italy because they have aquarium floors or coffee houses that have marble counters lmao
Oh, and when we visited them in Queens, they took us to
• Unidentified Frying Chickens or whatever the fuck it was called
• some cart with the worst momo I've ever had
• the absolute worst dimsum we've ever had in our lives (the missus and I; friend and his wife were bigging the place up like it was the best shit ever)
He grew up horrifically poor. I grew up what I thought was middle class but I've since learned, through conversations like these, might have been upper. I think that's why he's easily impressed with shit like tablecloths and I'm not.
Are you the same retard in that other thread that said that guy is rich because he uses Mrs Meyers cleaning products?
did you get cream of sum yung gai?
Why is it that Russians and Slavs lived under similar conditions yet their food sucks to this day
Bro you sound insufferable, I'm shocked you have friends that take you anywhere
He sounds like a coastal elite from money who hates poor people. Many such cases.
Imagine writing all this shit to prove to 4chan how high class you are
Didnt read b t w

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