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Do you guys prefer your mac and cheese baked or regular? I made homemade mac earlier today for the first time and I think I actually somewhat preferred it before baking but I’m not sure. It is still very good but it was creamier before I baked it.
Depends on the style of baked and "regular."
I detest Blackmerican mac and cheese with the eggs in it. It's fucking macaroni frittata at that point. Fuck that shit.
baked wins out with breadcrumbs, otherwise i prefer just pasta+cheese sauce
Italybro here. americans are an affront to the culinary arts
Your 'cusine' got beat out by mexican which is the same handful of indrients arranged differently like your food.
wee wee nigga lmao
Do you really think someone from Italy is awake at 1.30am just to shitpost on 4chan? Of course not. He'd be too busy waxing his mum's hairy back and shoulders for her.
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It’s 7:30 here, fuck anywhere else where it’s not 7:30. I hate different people with their gay time zones that aren’t the same as mine.
I don't eat cheese at all. There is no reason to eat it. it's trash.
dude it's fucking /ck/, threads last for days around here

make it properly and it'll still be plenty creamy with a good cheese/bread crumb shell on top
>mama mia, it is not-a-the real gabagool unless-a the pig was from the a farm in Calamello, born on the 2nd Sunday of July and raised on a diet of figs harvested from the northeast shores of Lago d'Averno, harvested on-a-the full moon-a. you bring-a shame to your family
fuck off Luigi
You have to put some shredded cheese or breadcrumbs on top, then have just the top heater on super high heat for a few minutes to brown it. If the inside texture changes you baked it too low for too long.
baking always makes the cheese break even with a roux
Baked but also mix some broccoli in there
Bread crumbs is a cool idea. I might do that next time.

Is it ok to freeze some of this mac? I realize it won’t be as good but it won’t “ruin” the max right? I didn’t realize how much pasta shells expand and I should have only cooked 8oz instead of 16oz. I am the only one eating it since I used Carolina reaper cheese and it is too spicy for my parents.
I always bake it out of habit, honestly never even thought to not bake it. but I like it with breadcrumbs anyway, so I'm probably just gonna keep baking it.
hey hey hey, where's the freakin' gabagool huh? fuggettabouttit
>dude it's fucking /ck/, threads last for days around here
You're just both halves of a whole idiot, ain'tcha there, champ?
>1 Italian post
>Americlapistanis on a lethal amount of copium
I had an italian stallion come over and tickle my intestines an hour ago.
I hope after this election however it swings that some nut comes out of the woodpile and breaks Obamas fingers and jaw.
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Oh hey I just made mac and cheese for the first time yesterday. Improved some stuff but it tasted good in the end.
Looks really good. What’s the recipe?
I mostly used this one
but I used sour cream instead of half and half, edam instead of cheddar, and I didn't bake it in the oven. I also eyeballed a lot of the quantities so I can't give you exact numbers on them unfortunately.
>Pre-shredded store-bought cheese will not melt the same as freshly grated cheese, and grating the cheese helps it melt smoothly and evenly in the sauce.

Is this really true? Also what’s the deal with sour cream in the mac? What’s that for exactly? Not familiar with half and half
wtf is baking even supposed to do other than turn the pasta soggy and make the sauce split? if you want it browned on the top just throw it under the broiler for a minute.
>Is this really true?
Most pre-shredded cheeses are coated in starch to keep it separate. It'll melt, but it'll fuck up your sauce.
Damn next time I’m breaking out the grater then
i like fucking black women yes
Literal 50% chance of getting an std
They're like this too.
I only started making this recently, I think I'll do them in casserole form next time.
I like it baked for the topping but like you said it gets less creamy. You have to either cook the pasta longer or add more liquid to the sauce since it absorbs liquid while baking and that's why it gets less creamy.
>Do you really think someone from Italy is awake at 1.30am just to shitpost on 4chan?
Yes, as all yuropeans they are obsessed with America.
Yeah they coat it with stuff so it doesn't stick together. Same goes for pre sliced cheese, unless they have paper between them.
>Not familiar with half and half
Neither am I which is why I used sour cream lmao
I've mostly fucked Blacks and browns and still no STD.
If it isn't baked it won't have the crust on it
It will if you cum on it
This is the objective truth. Amerifats will seethe at this post and always be fat and ugly and send their taxes to Israel.
LOLOLOLOL! You're a true memester! A real champ. Let me guess, you've spent three weeks on /b/ right?
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It will if you use a little blowtorch and pretend it's a creme brulee.
McFuckingKillYourself reddit tripfag
>tranny buzzword
I'm not sure what that means. I'm just laughing at a loser to take my mind of my own problems.
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How hard is it to just discuss mac and cheese instead of Italians, cum, and trannies?
pretty hard
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try harder
>Texas Pete
Have a little self respect anon, you deserve better.
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But also(same anon)
>A hot sauce enjoyer
Glad to see a fellow member
Tripfaggots deserve death.
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That picture was before I got a bunch of different kinds. The “wing master” kind on the far left is probably my favorite but it’s expensive for how fast I go through it.

I used Carolina reaper cheese when making the OP pic mac and cheese
>le epic tripfag hot sauce collector
go the fuck back
When did this shithole become tiktok? When did tripfaggots start posting webms of their utter faggotry?
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Don’t worry, I’ve got sauce that even you can handle
It'd be really cool if your cabin burned down with you inside, you fat bald blogposting tripfaggot subhuman.
>El yucateo
Your in
The green/brown kind is the classic mouth roaster
Also a habanero bake
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It's 2024 anon, the board is overwhelmed with shit
At least with a tripfaggot, I can put a name to what I like, or hate.
I mean we are pretty much a reddit/x/YouTube comment site at this point
Why don't you put a name on so I know whether I like you and your opines or not in the next thread on this board?
Cause you seem really determined to gatekeep.
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Based. I need to try the green and brown kind sometime, the colors were throwing me off. El Yucateco is easily the best consumer level sauce I’ve tried this year. I love how it has more of a thick salsa taste to it.

I also have this big bag of Taco Bell fire and Diablo sauce
Are you trying to imply gatekeeping is a bad thing?
If we'd done a better job of gatekeeping then this bald retard and the rest of his faggot ilk would be posting their hot sauce on reddit where they belong.
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>Are you trying to imply gatekeeping is a bad thing?
When done by nobodies with zero justification or clout...yeah
You do not get to decide who tries mapo tofu
That's the great thing about an anonymous website like this, there's no such thing as clout.
The "people" who use a trip and post pictures of themselves in an attempt to earn clout here don't belong, and they should fuck off to reddit or twitter where they belong.
>I rape men online dot name tag dot com
You are trolling outside of /b/
Get lost non contributor
congratulations, you're an honorary tripfag
bend over
I'm just an average adult with no fucks given, kid anon...
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green yucateco is probably my favorite, it's a little less spicy than the others
also i tried diablo sauce for the first time and i was surprised, it had really good flavor for a fuckin taco bell sauce. not spicy to me, though
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Does that say “ass” on it?
For the longest time I thought Diablo was supposed to be hotter than fire but I’m pretty sure fire is actually hotter.
Freeze that shit

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