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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20940293
tea is gay
You are what you eat
White tea anon here, finally passed my certification exam which is a relief. However, I have not been following /tea/ for the last several months while I was studying. What have I missed? Any hot new /tea/ approved picks or trending vendors? I'm looking to pick up some new teas this black Friday.

P.S. Last I was here a couple of /tea/ anons were looking to start new jobs and another anon was having a mental break. I have unironically been praying for you. Hope all my /tea/ frens are doing OK.

P.S. 2 This new 15 minute post timer sucks.
>Any hot new /tea/ approved picks or trending vendors?
teahome is the trending vendor recently. taiwanese oolong specialist with very good prices, but a site in Chinese
cspuerh also gets more attention

any reccs or top picks for white tea? I've been meaning to get some
>What have I missed? Any hot new /tea/ approved picks or trending vendors?
Embrace taobao and get some cakes straight from the source.
Who knows, maybe you will find some hidden gems. There are hundreds of cakes from big factories that I haven't seen full chea/KTM etc.
Looks good, I will have to try them sometime. I forget didn't someone here visit them in person?
Those sample packs really did a good job at promoting them. Anyone tried the cheap Gan En cakes yet?
>any reccs or top picks for white tea?
Admittedly the "white tea anon" shtick is something of an embellishment. I do like white tea but I am neither an expert on it nor do I exclusively drink it. I'm a sinner and drink puerh like the rest of us.

Sadly my white tea stash is low right now so I don't have many options on hand to recommenced. My favorite white tea is an aged moonlight white cake from a no name brand but it's not available anymore or else I would suggest it.

This white tea from LP is pretty good if you want something unique. Yes, it does actually smell kind of like fruit loops. Consider trying it if you order from LP.
I haven't tired them yet but I think yunnancraft's white tea cakes look compelling. Been meaning to pick some up myself. They will be my next big white tea order.

If you have never tried white tea I would grab a few styles and see what you think. The varieties of white tea can be broadly categorized by what cultivar is used, how tippy vs. leafy the picking is and how fast or slow the tea was it was dried. Slower drying leads to a less green taste, slight oxidation, and maybe better aging potential. Additionally, there are variations such as aged, wild tea, and yabao. There are two main white tea growing regions in China (Yunnan and Fujian). White tea from other countries like India and Japan tends to be distinct because they use different cultivars. Most white tea is sweet and floral, with the greener stuff sometimes being a bit "green" and the browner stuff taking on an "autumnal" character for lack of a better word. Contrary to popular conception white tea is not in fact low caffeine.
>Embrace taobao and get some cakes straight from the source.
It is on my list. Have there been any recent discoveries on there by /tea/ anons?
Does anyone have any experience with purchasing tea from AliExpress? I've been looking through the archives and cant find anyone talking about it, but I've been seeing more and more of these postings on Ali lately.
Prices are decent and shipping is free so I might order one cake regardless, but would appreciate any info anons here might have.
I don't know anything about tea but I do enjoy it.

I don't want to get tea like the stuff in this post but do any of you know of any pretty high quality "normal" tea? Looking for loose leaf preferably organic black and green tea. I would also like some jasmine green tea and bergamont black tea.
I don't know. I've some stuff on the way, who knows when it comes here and if it will be good or not.
Nothing crazy since I already have too much tea. If I will like something I'll post.
Interesting list of related items...
Do you like coins anon?

>high quality
>preferably organic
It is harder to get those two together as most certified organic tea is of lower quality because it is produced to be sold to westerners in supermarkets who expect tea to be cheap. Japanese tea is the easiest to find in both high quality and organic. Some of the Indian plantations also have organic certifications. https://www.arborteas.com/ mostly sells what I would consider mid-grade tea but they specialize in organic teas and the prices on the bulk sizes are generally reasonable for what you get. They don't list production dates for their green teas however so they may not be the freshest. https://www.yuuki-cha.com/ specializes in high quality organic Japanese tea.

>Nothing crazy since I already have too much tea.
Lies, the winner in life is whoever dies with the biggest pumidor.
>Those sample packs really did a good job at promoting them
yeah, the 20$ off coupon and free shipping is a tempty deal too. makes it easy to just grab a cake of their cheap to mid range stuff. they do BF sales too, which do stack with the coupons.

I've had some whites, probably just looking for a good quality moonlight white or something. I've never had a good silver needle, the ones I've had were really bland, so I'll stick with the leafier grades for now
thank you
I bought from the Fullchea store on Ali, but it went down
selling tea is agains Ali terms of service, so there is some sussy shit on there and not many reputable sellers
I agree with the other anon that you should look at Jap green teas
I actually had already found the website the first anon linked already when i was searching for organic gyokuro. I love nip teas.
jap greens are already further from "normal" than the white teas anon peddles. try these out sometime, they're sweet and accessible despite the weird look
Has anyone here ever tried чифи́pь (chifir) tea?
I heard about it from a Russian blogger
I'm curious about it. It's a very strange custom.
Is this still a thing in Russian prisons or is this custom dying out? I was wondering if coffee was taking over now that it is cheaper and more available (I'm guessing in soviet times it was only tea that was available).

No doubt it tastes terrible. Probably very bitter.
I'd like to get some cheap Georgian tea and make some just for my own stupid amusement.

Video about it for those who have never heard of it.
(In Russian, but the youtube autotranslate subs work well)
I'd be interested to know if similar tea drinks exist in other prison systems (China, India, etc...)
I'm guessing they do drugs now
I've heard it called gulag tea. It's just maximally overbrewed, probably to the fullest extent tea can be short of cha gao.

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My friend from China sent me a package of various fancy teas and Chinese snacks. It finally arrived today, I'm so excited to try them.

The left one is mandarin orange pu'er, something I've always wanted to try. They ferment the pu'er inside a mandarin orange so it picks up some complex flavours from the orange. Middle is lapsang souchong, smoked mountain tea. Right is another kind of pu'er, it's so interesting it looks like small pieces of charcoal or something. Finally the top bag is an assortment of 30 different kinds of tea.

I'm going to be drinking good for the next few months, lads!
how do I get into oolongs? the category seems overwhelmingly broad
I've picked up a few samples over the years and sometimes get a soapy note that I really hate so would prefer avoiding that if that's common to a certain substyle

I have a few years of daily tea drinking experience but mostly pu'er (factories, a few western-facing fl/w2t/ys/cl/bl, ended up mostly a william cultist)
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Dang. You've got a good friend there. Now that it's cooled off, those tea stuffed mandarins have really hit the spot in the morning. I have some with sheng, but I prefer shu puerh.

btw when tf are we going to get more than 4 bloody megabytes for uploads
Buy nice wuyi oolongs
I suggest chawangshop for samples or https://oldwaystea.com/
Brew it gongfu style with lots of leaf and short brews.
Yancha is the best oolong by miles, roasted, deep mineral notes, just apex good tea.
If you don't want to go that direction get a few roasted oolongs from teahome. The legend of tung ting is a solid classic 80s style taiwan oolong.
Avoid super green ball oolongs to avoid that note you don't like.
Good old school roasted tyeguanyin is also top tier but it's a pain in the ass to find and the modern style ones aren't that great usually.
I second what >>20965667
said. Yancha is the best but it's expensive.
I really enjoy this old school roasted tieguanyin.
bros why does dry tflz smell so good?? it's like candy, i love sniffing this cake.
After sitting for two weeks at German customs, my Awazon shipment got also rejected :( Why do they hate pu erh so much?
Now hoping to get a resend. I suggested to Awazon to use the same local agent as FL.

Whats some tea with high hopium?
I've never had it, but it sounds quite harsh. Not only in flavor, but in its effects on the body. I believe the auto-translate subs said it's something like twice as potent as "strong tea". Perhaps if you were a tired slavic prisoner, maybe you could benefit from the big hit of energy. If you end up doing it the same way as they show in the video, let us know how it goes.

On another note, fuck does this video make me want to play Stalker. I want to get drunk, larp as a slav, and drink terrible chifir while in the Zone now.
How are cspuerh's ripes? Thinking of getting the anniversary cakes.
been rationing my tea due to a sudden layoff from my last employer. as soon as i'm employed again i'm buying $500 in hei cha and dying of some rare chinese fungus. it's all i want in life. godspeed in the job hunt to anyone else in the churn, and may we be all be tea rich in 2025.
Yes, I've heard that name too.
I had not heard about cha gao before. Another interest piece of tea history to read up on. Thank you.
Yeah, harsh indeed! Probably very unpleasant for the stomach. It would certainly be interest to at least have a few sips of this horrible brew. Would be an experience. I'm mostly just curious about the cultural aspect of it. I wonder if there's some sort of Indian prison chai drink.
If I make some I will update the general with pics.
This is the first video I learnt about chifir tea. He speaks in English. You'll probably like the vibe of this vid too:
>Right is another kind of pu'er, it's so interesting it looks like small pieces of charcoal or something
it's probably lao cha tou. these are clumps of pu-erh that are created during the fermentation process. they tend to be more long-brewing than normal ripe pu-erh
I agree with anon, stick to darker and roasted oolong if you don't like the soapy florals
Damn that stinks. What would even be the reason to reject it?
What I did / do
Start broad and then narrow it down.
I pick a small sample of each main subtype
Typically, this leads me in one direction or makes me like all or most of them but in different situations
I have 3 tiny 50ml gaiwans that are great for parallel tasting. It's fun.

Doing this I initially settled on Dong Ding as my preferred type.
It wasn't stellar, but consistently good, easy to get, and not very expensive
That became my 'go to' oolong that I drank regularly
I highly recommend that you keep buying and tasting other oolongs though. I did that and stumbled upon the sticky rice oolongs from Thailand. Instant favourite. Aside from being delicious it gives me a major nostalgia hit back to backpacking around south east asia in late 90s / early 00s. I probably drink it more than any other tea now.
Any recommended all metal/glass electric kettles, anons? I've been using a huge 1.7L capacity one for years now, and it's got a slew of problems, so I think I'd like a smaller one, maybe with smart functionalities for fun. All I can think of is a pricey Stagg EKG (the new Studios look fun) or one of those inexpensive Govee smart ones. I hear Hario/Bonavita make good ones too. Couple I've seen while looking around:
I have one of these, all stainless on the inside, no seams, works well. $40 i use this thing constantly and it's lasted fine
I appreciate the rec, but still too big for me, and I'd lack temp adjustment. I'll look into getting a new kettle some time within a month or two and let anons know if I find a decent one or not.
My stagg has been solid for years. Pours a bit slow though so you may want the corvo instead.
This isn't really /tea/-related, but if you're not feeling well and still want to eat, look for some simple fermented food. Miso soup or kefir are easy and relatively inexpensive. They're in liquid form, and not tough to digest, so they're good picks. If you want to have tea, take care to not over-infuse it so it's not loaded in excessive catechins and caffeine, which can bother an already-upset stomach.
In the same boat, my friend. I hope you're staying happy and healthy.
Drink it for the memories, that's what I do with the Crown Royal my dad left me. Sometimes even things which you may not personally like can be good when they bring up a memory or fond feeling.
Sure almost certainly, especially in terms of reselling it.
You should give them a try.
wanna post a photo? we might be able to tell what it is
the tea probably isn't worth any money though
May or may not be to your taste, but it's very likely fine for drinking assuming it isn't affected by excessive moisture.
Different anon, but I can relate a little to this. I have several bottles of wine that I intended to drink with a dear friend who unfortunately passed away around three months ago. Been hard to touch the bottles since, but I've got one in the fridge, and I'm trying to set a good time to have it quietly by myself. It's hard. Yet, I know he'd want me to drink and appreciate them even if he can't join me anymore.

I'm sure you have your reasons, but I'll still encourage you to either drink or sell through some of your collection. Good drinks are made to be savored and enjoyed. Maybe spend a little time in remembrance during it, if it feels right.
open it up and show us the leaves, Satan. if it's roasted oolong or pu-erh, it may have even gotten better over 7 years
How much tea in a day is too much tea?
I'm a man of many interests...
Ah I see, best to avoid it in that case, thanks for the info anon.
Depends on the individual's health and lifestyle aims. Try to go for an amount that doesn't disturb your sleep health or overstimulate you. Otherwise, go nuts.
no such thing. the more tea, the more qi. I recommend 50grams of sheng puerh a day
Do you have a free time?
Do you still not feel like shit from all the tea?
Drink more tea. The amounts vary from person to person, tea to tea.
If you vomit from it, it's too much, unless you want to vomit (strong black tea is good for getting rid of hangover that way).
Precisely 20ml per kg bodyweight per day is the limit one should never surpass.
i wonder how hard you'd have to hit the tea before cocaine becomes the cheaper habit
>At least you can kinda hold onto liquor for a long time unlike tea
Depending on the type of tea, it can be aged and improved. Decades old aged tea (assuming it's quality) is a commodity in the tea world.
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My sister visited Taiwan brought me back some aged dong ding from Wistaria Teahouse. It came in a nice double lid tin.

I think this is the one she got.
Nice, how's it taste?
I'm drinking some dong ding from Beautiful Taiwan Tea co.
It's not bad, but It's not roasted heavily enough for me.
that's cool, looks like it's on the darker / more roasted side
I wonder how it'd compare to the Teahouse dongding, which is like 10x cheaper
No idea. DHL says its one of two options:
Parcel contains illegal goods (not the case).
Seller did not include an invoice or the invoice is fake (Awanzon wrote me that they put the real invoice in a pouch outside of the package).
It now takes 2 weeks for the package to get back to Awazon and then they'll reship hopefully.

I've imported so much shit from China in my life, yet tea seems to be the final boss.
damn, that sucks
awazon is one of the few chinese tea sellers that does actually state the real invoice too, they don't lower the package value

I know kingteamall claims they've found a way to safely ship to germany, you could try them out sometime if they problems persist
Shipping or receiving? Wrong thread either way, but how were they packed?
ESL retard.
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you just know he watches meileaf and only knows yiwu
>only knows yiwu
In the end do you really need more?
All the bulang/lincang bitter leaves can fuck off.
Just made pu erh milk tea.
Nice. The only and best way pu era should be drunk.
>annoying stoner but tea
kek i feel called out
i need to stop talking about tea
People will still ask when they know you're interested in it. It's hard not to unload!
Tea delivery day! I got two Shulloween bags and two Camphornoughts. Got a bonus Camphornought mini and the usual handful of stickers.
nice. how does the camphornought compare to lumber slut? worth the increased price?
I think it's a better tea than Lumber Slut and worth the price on occasion. It's woody-ish but not like a dry 2x4 lumber pile that Lumber Slut is. It's more of a darker, wetter forest sensation. Like a Northern forest after a rain but remove the dead wet leaves. These are probably my fourth and fifth cakes of the stuff.
I drink celestial seasonings lemon zinger with too much honey every morning which category am I in?
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join us teafren, drink some puer
What kind of tea should I get from Amazon? Need to re up
get this shit:
the fuck is this $40 tea slab shit I need tea bags bro
You should have specified that instead of expecting tea snobs to recommend tea bags bro.
Get a brew basket:

Then get one or both of these cakes:


>put basket in mug
>break some leaves off the cake with a screwdriver/icepick/your fingers
>put leaves in basket
>pour boiling water over it
It's another episode of "let's recommend ripe to a newbie"
Why do you guys do this?
Do you find joy in a fact that new person will vomit?
Get some black tea, ignore ripe
well he didn't say he was a newbie who wanted teabags. the asked what tea he should get and he should obviously get taetea ripes. the world would be better if everyone was ripe-pilled
>and he should obviously get taetea ripes. the world would be better if everyone was ripe-pilled
By the power of christ I banish you to oblivion!
Awazon now refunded me, apparently they don't want to reship. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'll have a look in Kingteamall instead.
this seems to be a massive problem across all sellers
Where would you find that in an American grocery store?
Can I get it in tea bags?
i like to eat my green tea leaves sometimes after drinking. or chew rather. they are reasonably tasty.
any cons to this?
Don't think so. Incidentally I recall some anon cooked them into fried rice a while back.
fuck yeah that'd be cool. gonna try that some day
Chawangshop site is borderline unbrowsable, crazy how they still haven't fixed all the pages loading for 5 minutes each
Its funny how anyone can fuck up so badly.
I doubt it's traffic that causes the issue.
Just to explain why it's so bad, every time you click some category, it's does 170 GET requests, that's why it takes 30s to load.
I don't think I've ever seen something like this, even from pajeet/chink devs.
That is shit though the majority of the wait is in that first request. Chawangshop is a seriously terrible example but Magento powered shops often end up super slow. whether that's the fault of jeets or Magento I don't know, but I always see it, to the point that a 5s+ wait on ecommerce = oh it's Magento.
They should just switch to Shopify already.
>They should just switch to Shopify already.
FL uses shopify iirc and I've found so many bugs with prices, items disappearing etc.
I have no idea how can these giant e-commerce platforms can be so bad, when it's THE thing they are supposed to do.
Good point. I dunno how that's fucked up so bad when YS for instance seems quite stable.
>can be so bad, it's THE thing they are supposed to do
Shoddy devs charge these companies an arm and a leg for the privilege too.
I got the shulloween cakes and some Tale Chaser. I'm going to have to ration the latter. High end oolong roasted puerh is magical. Don't bother with the predawn dark, it's not worth it. I've also discovered that my mother drinks about a kilo of Waffles a year.
My grocery store actually has ripe puerh in bags. Numi brand, I think. "Emperor's Puer" I believe it's called. I was surprised to see it.
None. Good to go.
Sounds like you've got Christmas gift shopping figures out. Buy her some Waffles and something that pushes the boundaries a bit.
>Don't bother with the predawn dark, it's not worth it.
Compared to the tale chaser or is it just not any good in general? I was thinking about getting some because charcoal roasted shou does sound interesting.
NTA, i got one sample of that awhile ago with high hopes and it just tasted exactly the same as all the other forgettable cheap shous
So I put green tea leaves in honey back in march. What do now? Just scoop out a bit into hot water?
any bitterleaf reccs
What the other anon said. It's a cheap shou with a hint of roast. Tale Chaser tastes like a true hybrid with strong huigan and oolong dark chocolate notes. I think I got 12 cups out of it vs 6. It's similar to how the "bold" forest floor ones don't compare to Modern Witch; there's higher quality leaf and a more involved processing that goes into it and the cheap shit doesn't have the complexity or depth.

Other than some real gems and the sketchy old stock lottery, you get what you pay for with ripes, especially ones that go for stronger profiles and alternative processing. I'd almost say that all the good shit is paywalled to 35+¢/g. Generic, pleasant shou can be had for less but much like dirtmaxxing immortality with 20 year old liubao, there's an appreciable taste difference
>I'd almost say that all the good shit is paywalled to 35+¢/g.
Yep, all the most exciting and enjoyable ripes ive had have been decent raw $$$.
it's also true though that drinkable ripe is really cheap compared to other teas
>drinkable ripe is really cheap compared to other teas
What other teas?
You can get dirt cheap tgy, Chinese black teas, even some raws and they will taste fine.
Finishing all the random samples I've collected over the year.
This time it's autumn jingmai shengtai cut with miyun.
Better than I remember, but I still don't like it.
you can get pretty enjoyable ripe for 15$ a cake, raw at that price point is usually really, really bad
Anyone tried any of the shulloween cakes yet? I think I'll crack into the cat one
Milk oolong is not half bad. I don't know why people badmouth it. I like to make iced tea out of it.

Any milk oolong naysayers want to defend your shitty opinions here?
Let me know how it is. I pulled out last years gingerbread man and old reliable to drink through while the new ones get a bit of rest.
real milk oolong is fucking great and it's probably my favourite oolong cultivar, i'd guess people who badmouth it got unlucky and bought a shitty flavoured one then never tried it again
oops meant varietal as in the jin xuan oolong not cultivar*
Nice. I grabbed a gingerbread man one with my order, I'm half tempted to have that instead now, it was very good when I sampled it.
Thinking of getting some factory ripes. Currently sipping on some haiwain 9978, great stuff. Dayi 7572 looks interesting, ive heard good things about their ripes. Anyone have any favorites?
Lang He 7599 and Zhong Cha 7581.
Thanks for the recs.
The 7581 looks good, price is right too. I dont see much on the LangHe, havent really heard of them much. Anything you can tell me about it?
OG Jin Xuan is great, good value for money taiwanese oolong. I have some coming in from teahome
it's the flavored stuff that gives milk oolong a bad rep
I liked the 7562 brick I got some time ago
the 6FTM Tuo from Awazon is also great. it has that aged flavor and is even a bit smoky. might have to try some of their other aged ripes at some point
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Unfortunately I don't have much experience with factory ripes to give you any direct comparisons. They seem lightly fermented and very lightly compressed. Good for taking on some age? Had them kicking around for a couple years in the bottom of my pumi. I like them(2016 601 and 2018 801) way more than the xiaguan sweet or any of YS's house ripes I've had. I just broke off 35g so I might have some better thoughts in a few days. Maybe teabookanon can post some more info on the factory?
2024 stagecoach sample review right now:

im getting notes of spalted maple wood chips bruised in a woolen sock against a mossy forest floor, a small hint of singed buckwheat hulls and a scent that lilts back and forth between mexican corn fungus and the smell of compacted earwax gently excavated out of your ear by a strong, caring pediatric medical professional urging you to take better care of yourself, blowing gently in your ear with the sound amplified by his pointy, inner ear viewing scope gently exploring your young ear canal. youre hesitant once he begins lowering his little plastic scoop inside to pry up the condensed ear wax, but you feel comfort washing over you as he sinks the scoop in and pulls out a particularly large, amber colored lump. 'theres your problem'! he says in a calm, and caring manner as his crows feet wrinkle into a satisfied expression.

you walk back into the peaceful waiting room, thickly carpeted with only your mother sitting at the far end, she waves at you and smiles. the nice front desk lady gestures to you and pulls from beneath the counter a small cardboard treasure chest, a cheap graphic stenciled onto a flimsy box, but your eyes go wide with excitement nontheless. the box folds open with a flourish from her kindly elderly hand, and you breath in the scent of slight mildew, little plastic trinkets and a small hint of sugar.

6.5/10 a little unremarkable but tasty nontheless
at this point i've gone from finding you annoying to looking forward to your tasting notes.
Be the first and post results
>the cat, Korean movie
Both good.
It's interesting to see how r/puer is dominated by w2t, while here it's more FL and Chinese factories.
I wonder why that is. What makes already small community so divided.
Maybe get a sample or a cake of a raw puerh from kunlu, the area has a really unique taste that i havent found in other teas yet. I got a sample of their Lincang puerh too and it was pretty good. I think they focus on the Lancang - simao area so their better teas are probably from there.
>2dog from white2tea is the creator and admin of r/puer
>reddit loves cool looking packaging and funny names they can post to get likes
>4chan is cynical, contrarian and distrustful of trendy marketing
>a lot of 4chan hates everything reddit does
this state of things is not surprising
but we do have people buying from white2tea here too, just less of them. the limited releases even get a good deal of hype here (even if I'm not crazy about them myself)
>the area has a really unique taste
I heard someone say it tastes a bit chocolaty? sounds odd in a raw
Contrarianism and a total lack of fear ordering from sketchy websites. w2t specializes in boutique ripes and alternative processing, but you only really see the bandwagon of cheap shit on reddit. Not to mention we have a lot of white, oolong and rock tea drinkers that don't have a specialist sub, and matcha weebs. If you want decent cheap ripe, factory is the way to go. w2's cheap ripe sales are a gamble.

Red teas can lean a different kind of chocolaty than roasted ones, I've had a white that had a little bit of cacao nib aroma and cocoa butter flavor. Sometimes the pan fry stage will cook the leaf towards other styles.
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We're pretty skeptical of westoid sourcing and marketing and there's only shitty pictures and user reviews to go by. Spending and total autism is also much broader, it seems to be more about the flavor profile and experience of getting ripped on tea.

There was a hair in my cake I was trying to get out but I think I fucked up and threw that chunk in the mug. Found it.
LiquidProust's yearly puerh beginner package deal is live! For $5 + S&H you get ~100 grams of puerh in 6-8 samples. It's a great way to try a lot of puerh if you are new to it or have a tight budget because it is being sold at below cost. LP does this every year as a sort of passion project with the support of donated tea and volunteer time. Do note that the beginner package may a while to ship and ordering multiple sets will at best get maybe get an extra sample or two.
Boy oh boy I can't wait to get unremarkable tea.
do you drink gushu anons? Is the extra price worth it? I'm getting curious about trying some, specifically the lao man e gushu from farmer leaf. All the sheng I've tried so far has been young tree material.

Also, I found this while looking for a review or something on youtube lol. i like it
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I purchased some milk oolong. I've come to realize it tastes very little like the way it smells. Oolong always tastes like water with a bit of lemon dropped in it, just with a good smell.
Is that how it's supposed to be, or am I preparing it incorrectly?
brew it stronger
the fragrance should be floral and the taste more green / creamy
I've done something like 2 tbsp/liter on 200 F for 5:00 and gotten a creamy taste once. I forgot. Are you supposed to go stronger than that?
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I have a fucking problem.
If you're far enough on your tea journey to know what gu shu puerh is and to be curious about it, you absolutely owe it to yourself to enjoy some on occasion. The Lao Man E is a great first one to try. Farmer Leaf had an offering that was gu shu from a sweet varietal that grows on Lao Man E. It blew my mind. A honest to God 10/10 tea.
what did you get other than the four gold coins?
>I have a fucking problem.
Yeah it's called not enough tea.
Jokes aside, buying just one more cake is a dangerous game.
I'm now sitting on 10+ cakes with too many random sample pouches etc.
I'm trying to clean up to make some space but there is still more tea coming in then I can drink.
i have so much tea i had to make a spreadsheet just so i cycle through it. more than once i've pulled out a cake i hadn't even started after owning it for +2 years
I'm just cleaning up and organizing.

The shulloween cakes
2022 secret forest white
Modern Witch
Tale Chaser
EoT Earth
EoT beyond the clouds sheng
2002 Bamboo column liubao
Various samples of random shit that came free with various orders
Brick of tibetan export heicha from 2008

It helps that I know more or less what I like. It doesn't help that EoT sends you primo samples and came out with a roasted version of their beyond the clouds red. I could easily drop a paycheck on double roasted rock tea and still not be satisfied.
Holy shit I'm poor for their catalog.
Maybe the spring wuliang is reasonable for my pockets but other than that...
FL/taoabo will have to do.
It's pretty moderately priced for what you get. I usually don't spend more than 40¢ a gram. Try the beyond the clouds red, it's cheap and makes a good daily. There's a lot of show-off vintage shit and overpriced sheng, but the bulk of their catalog is reasonable enough.
How long can Puerh sit in an airtight jar in a dark, cool cabinet for? Had some from a cake sitting there for a year.
I would say around 30 years. It won't spoil then, but might be getting to liu bao territory.
at least several decades. possibly more if it's dry storage
>have two cakes of the same brand, one sheng and one shou
>realise that the sheng has spent the last six months or so in my shou storage, and vice versa
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I want more of that Zhang Hui Chan but goddamn it's expensive.
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It's been a long time, old friend.
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That's a nice bowl of soup. Less forest floor and more miso broth than I remember, maybe it aged since I forgot I had it for like a year. I'm getting an intense sweat going. Third pot has even more huigan than the first two, at least 2 beers have fallen off of me and been replaced with tea drunk.
This, if it holds up to another session, may be a good way to introduce a friend to gongfu. It has a lot of depth but all the edges have been rounded off.
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go fuck your mother standing, shill. nobody of us 4 that makes the /tea/ great again buys from you. stop the vicious pryamid skeem cycle.

btw, I kan hir de kriking ina kript, nosferatu applies the disCount on the checkout 20% off, not 9% jak te inne, 20% aka the yearly sale in hk. hence the long hanging reciept roll next to those baskets in the photo.

I might be still banned, because of some wanker from my ip pool that always tries to lick the shit through the rubber, it's a sad reality. or something else, what I mean I dindu nofing. I hope you invest your virtual numbers on screen aka bank account money that you acquire somewhere else. I'm smoking an unfiltered cigarette through the glass pipe right now. god help me jesus.
Try using parameters like in the gongfu brewing guide in the rentry
Based tea schizo. We need to Make /tea/ Great Again by kicking out all the shills and puer l******s. MtGA!
Yeah you do
All that tea and no pumidor
Time to buy a cooler and some humidity packs
Best biscuit pairing with green tea?
i got "tea biscuits" at the store i think they're made by jews or something, was in the jewish aisle but they taste good and seem to be a good palate cleanser
Oh no, they got another brave anon
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I think biscuits work better with darker teas
I'd go for breadsticks or those mildly sweet snacks the argentinians eat with yerba mate
I really like green tea with plain salted lays.

I never felt like Gushu warranted the price hike. I'd only go there if you veins-on-fire need something marginally different and don't care about the price.
Got this tea straight from Japan, is this any good?
I’m not a tea enthusiast nor expert.
Appear dark
With tea catechins
Healthy life
Sombody might know, but odds are you'll just have to try it and see.
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I wanna get into drinking gyokuro a little more properly. Can someone recommend me some good teaware for it that would serve two? I believe that would be a tea vessel that holds about 150ml but totally open to it. I have a kyusu that holds more like 350 and my only other teaware is just gaiwans.
I’m ignorant and always had tea in sachets, this is the first time I have leaves in a bag.
It says pour 95ºC water over the leaves in a teapot and brew for 20 seconds then pour in a pot and drink.

Is it correct? Only 20 seconds? With the tea bags I usually wait 4 minutes for the infusion.

The cold brew with cold water indeed asks for 3 minutes infusion.
The reentry has good information about brewing Japanese green tea. Make sure to scroll past the info for other green teas and read the part that's specifically about Japanese greens.
You definitely don't want to brew them like you would with a standard black teabag it would be awful.
Thank you
itoen brand, nothing special but it's a good brand for everyday enjoyment. and yeah don't follow the instructions on the bag, do what the other anon said, but don't be afraid to change up the brewing parameters as you figure out the tea. no one follows a strict standard and each individual tea has its own requirements. start with the "medium steamed"
Best tea for health and nutrient maxxing?
Animal bone tea I guess
Morniga but it tastes like shit and gives me the shits
Matcha is probably the best, followed by other green teas, white, and maybe some fermented teas. Otherwise herbals like moringa (I don't mind the taste!) or jiaogulan. Yerba mate if that counts, it's got a lot going on.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll give it a shot :))
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>5 grams Xiagun pu erh in 450 ml boiling water.
>boil 12 mins, doesn't have to be too hot, but the leaves need to be agitated
>fine mesh filter 4 times
>drink the tea with milk.
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Teaseanon, would you accept a PR diff via rentry or pastebin?
why can't we invent a kettle that boils to 95, 90, etc.
mine does, and there are plenty of other choices that do
I love puerh, it's my favorite type of tea. What's wrong with puerh?
>It's interesting to see how r/puer is dominated by w2t, while here it's more FL and Chinese factories.
>I wonder why that is. What makes already small community so divided.

4chan's /tea/ has more autists and NEETs who will want to minmax and experiment whereas Reddit's r/tea has more normies and hipsters who like flashy packaging and a curated shopping experience. Hence we buy from obscure shops that aren't even even in English and they tend towards shops like W2T, YS ,and CLT.

Farmer Leaf does well on /tea/ because the owner comes off as legitimately passionate and sells some very good value sheng and black teas.

>>2dog from white2tea is the creator and admin of r/puer
I don't think he ever really posts there however.

Good luck, a shame you did not see the post sooner. He packs them in the order he receives the orders so It may take a while for him to fill yours. It looks like LP is set to sell out 999 slots within 48 hours.
Newbee here wanting to try ordering from chinese shops to try stuffs out? How long does FL usually takes to deliver in europe? Say france for exemple?
>4chan's /tea/ has more autists and NEETs
Seems well rounded and well mannered to me. I don't disagree, though, but there's a connotation with the terms should you visit /vg/ and other hellscapes.
>I don't think he ever really posts there however.
It's worth noting that 2Dog doesn't misuse his position. Not overtly, anyway. I respect W2Ts operation top to bottom, regardless of my opinion on their marketing.
The lesbians
Looking forward to anon making a vacuum chamber kettle
Wow nearly 1000 beginners this year. Word spreads fast.
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just tried pic related and it's the best tea I've had.
>Seems well rounded and well mannered to me. I don't disagree, though, but there's a connotation with the terms
In this case I meant it in a mostly neutral sense, no worse than the use of "normies" and considering I use 4chan probably better. Agreed though /tea/ is a real treat, it is so hard to find well balanced online communities these days. This is probably my favorite spot on the whole internet.
>visit /vg/ and other hellscapes.
Thanks for the reminder. The admins really should create a contaminant board to hold all the Gatcha and coomer threads so we have a chance of actually getting some more longer form vidya discussion. The good generals with actual game discussion tend to get choked out as it is now.

>Wow nearly 1000 beginners this year. Word spreads fast.
I am sure many of them are repeat buyers or people who bought multiple slots, but still a lot of them are noobs. LP has been doing it for 9 years now so it has built up a following at this point.
What is it?
Looks like this to me
It better be good at that price.
I got gifted this so I'm not exactly sure, but the label says it's feizixiao
Sort of related: I've wondered before if you could make certain teas (like those that get boiled, such as liubao and fu bricks) better by brewing them in a pressurized vessel with water >100°C.
Two to three weeks is typical for any chinese shipment, but going into christmas season it can take quite a bit longer.
Zhengshantang is fancy prestigious brand. That was a nice gift. Do you do business with Chinese nationals/immigrants or was this a gift from a friend/family?
Ooo I like Jin Jun Mei for milk tea.
Yeah, people buy good teas for each other. I have quite a few bricks I received as gifts 20 years ago that I have not opened yet.
was tea better back in 16th century Japan or better now
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unironically get one of these, it's good for one or two people. You can find them as 'kungfu tea set' online.
I got one set after some anon shilled it here and it is better than expected.
The ball valve does nor drip, splash or clog (theres a fine mesh filter above). The lower pot is also sweet. They advertise the nozzle as drip free and it actually is.
This became my preferred gong fu equipment.
>Is this still a thing in Russian prisons or is this custom dying out?
I doubt it, a-pvp and other bath salts are too easily available for anyone to bother with tea.
>I wonder if there's some sort of Indian prison chai drink.
Idk if they actually drink this in India, but I've found this.
"Take a glass, pour milk into it, and pour it into a saucepan of the ladle type. Add half a glass of water, toss in a cube of sugar, and put it on the stove, bringing it to a boil. Once the milk boils, add 8-10 heaping teaspoons of tea, preferably large-leaf or granulated. Reduce the heat to a minimum, add a small piece of butter, and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. After that, strain the liquid; if everything is done correctly, you'll get exactly one glass of light-brown brew. Drink it hot.

Unlike other varieties, this *chifir* is easy to drink, does not induce nausea, and doesn’t cause a strong 'buzz.' It helps keep a clear head and stay productive all day after a sleepless night. If you drink 3-4 glasses in the evening, you'll have to engage your brain to come up with things to do to stay active all night.

This kind of brew is commonly consumed by truck drivers to stay awake behind the wheel. The tradition originates from India, which is why it's also called 'Indian tea.' Depending on the amount of tea used, there are variations known as '200 km tea,' '500 km tea,' and '1000 km tea.' They don't bother with fancy versions featuring ginger, cardamom, or other spices, as they don’t have extra money for that. The recipe was found on the FIDO network at the end of the last millennium and has been tested repeatedly with consistently excellent results. Interestingly, the recipe resembles what’s known as Kalmyk tea."
that's really fucking gay
I prefer the term "engaged enthusiasts", but that's mostly autists who take whatever they do seriously and bring as much knowledge as they can to the discussion. The NEETs are cheapmaxxing tea as a luxury, which is why there are so many reccs for more obscure cheap sources like sketchy factory ripes, regional styles, and border teas. It's a very healthy mix compared to reddit's appeal to the lowest common denominator.
If you're following a very niche tea shop selling through etsy, you're not a beginner.
LP has a normal store page too, and he gets recommended a lot on reddit
for someone who sells shit like this, he seems to attract a good deal of newer puerhfags
Then go back to pReddit
If you're actively seeking out recs and participating in niche tea subreddits, you're not a beginner. It's the yearly recycling of shit LP discord didn't want to drink.
Any FL insiders know what's he up to on BF?
Kinda done with the current inventory, but if he releases this again, I might get it, last year it was sold out in a day.
He will release some new raws, one from Mohei near Kunlu, possibly one from Banpen too
I would expect the usual autumn suspects too like LME and Jingmai ofc

I'm not expecting ripes, but we could see some white tea.

Did you try that ao ne me already? Is it really strong in body feel? I'm always dubious as that can be so subjective
>Did you try that ao ne me already?
Sadly no, it was gone too fast.
>1350 ml boiling water on stovetop
>add 15 grams 7572
>boil 10 mins
>drink with milk
shu with milk? I'm skeptical but I'll go do it right now.
It's not bad actually. Reminded me of butter tea so I added a pinch of salt, I did something like that before with butter and xg ripe.
Imagine paying $20 for 2 cups of some chink concoction when you can get a 15 pack of Monster for the same price. LOLing at you fucking retards.
>pays to drink literal poison instead of tasty leaf juice
couldn't be me
Anon, you are literally drinking Chinese produce. It doesn't get more poisonous than that.
I would indeed. Funny timing, I just started working on some small updates yesterday.
>Imagine paying $20 for 2 cups
you can get amazing quality tea for 0.2$ per cup
or you can get nasty aspartame water with caffeine mix marked up to 1.5$ a can
you have to be literally retarded to prefer the latter, a feat you have managed to accomplish
Does that update include some settings or configuration?
Imagine drinking literal goyslop and having the audacity to be laughing at literally anyone else
Not yet. is there something you've got in mind?
That stuff will kill you sooner than my chink pesticides
Three decimal places on the price/g
what's this?
Sure, I'll add it.

It's an extension I made for showing cost per gram on various tea shops.
Can you add Essence of Tea as well? Unless you did and I haven't updated in a long time.
Can we get w2t's prices working again?
Sure, I have a new strategy for shopify stuff that should make adding anything that runs on shopify pretty easy.

Yep, it's already done in my working copy in fact.
Ty based teaser.
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What's the better herbal for a good night's sleep, lavender or chamomile?
Valerian root but it's not pleasant. Throw in lavender and chamomile and maybe some milk and honey too if it'll help get it down.
The new version should be live now. You can edit a couple settings by clicking the extension's icon. Hopefully it works alright for you guys.
Absolutely killed it. Good work, anon.
More fucking caffeine if you have a serious problem. Chamomile otherwise. Honestly, develop a mild caffeine issue on top of your sleep problem and stay the fuck away from tea after noon and when you do the chamomile.

I'll check it, I like your work.
It's all pretty mild now, I may have to. I'm going to have to order more modern witch and send it out for Christmas to make that point or something.
Can someone redpill on puer? I'm getting mixed signals. Seems like it's the craft IPA of tea autists atm. Meaning an unpalatable brew people pretend to like so they can impress other tea autists and prove they're not casuals.
That's raw puer, but don't knock it even though I hate it for the same reasons and it being too hard to chase. Ripes are more like "an fucking beer" until you spend wuyi rock tea prices. Basically >>20972721 is true in this sphere. Good raws just taste good, bad raws are wild and bitter. Good raws are wild and bitter in a different way, you have to play to talk. It's an experience issue and it's not fun if you don't like it.

You want good tea, it's cheaper than bag shit. You want good puer or obscure shit? It's still cheaper in some ways, you aren't drinking colonial niggerjeet tea. Other tea regions are superior, like Vietnam.
So, raws are green leaf from bumfuck random backwoods mountains in Yunan Appalachia and some are better than others, and it has nothing to do with the name and you can't know where it came from because the whole system is corrupt as shit.pay and pray. Ripes are fermented on a concrete floor and watered regularly for hopefully a year and pressed into cakes.If you pay out the ass for fresh raw a few times and like it, you like the taste of raw. If you pay more than the bottom dollar ripe price for any reason, you're clearly looking for something dogshit cheap ripe doesn't provide. I'd give you my recs but I'd prefer to see yours, I'll hd off on responding until tomorrow, I'm drinking an 80 frogskin cake of shou to cure being drunk.
Rambling explanations like this about the process is what makes me believe puer enthusiasts are just like craft beer autists. Desperately trying to convince each other some moldy tea left on a floor for a year is a superior sip. I had ripe puer from an Asian owned tea shop and it tasted like the smell of wet leaves in fall with a slight fishy funk. I didn't like it.
>had ripe puer from an Asian owned tea shop and it tasted like the smell of wet leaves in fall with a slight fishy funk. I didn't like it.
You had shit and got ripped off, although half decent shit also tastes like that. If you got a rambling explanation instead of a frank description of the process out of that, just leave.
>You had shit and got ripped off, although half decent shit also tastes like that
Wow. That the exact same cope IPA fags use to defend their shit beer.
The ripe puerh test is whether it cures being shitfaced drunk and all the greasy food you tried to soak it up with. The cheap shit doesn't step up, tea drunk should be like when you hit a joint and a beer falls off and life comes back together. But also less seriously, if you don't like wet leaves and smoked fish, it ain't for you. The high end shit is pure rotten stump and loam with a sweet huigan of dashi stock and miso with extra mushrooms. Or something approaching backwoods gin made with local ditchweed if you're into raw. People like that, I know I do. Stick to oolongs and maybe some cheap heicha, but reds are alright too.its a pleasant/interesting spectrum and you have neither the experience nor the personality for it at this time, the interesting side has a lot of bad hits, especially when you have no frame of reference for them.
>Meaning an unpalatable brew people pretend to like so they can impress other tea autists and prove they're not casuals.
The number of people who (on a regular and continuing basis) spend their money on and pretend to like something that they actually find unpalatable is pretty much zero.
Is it seriously so difficult to understand that different people have differing tastes and opinions?
Is the concept of "aquired taste" that hard to grasp? (Not every puer/ipa is an acquired taste to everybody, but some of them can be)
Why should anybody bother putting any effort into "redpilling" you on something you're already deriding?

Try a variety of puers. If you like one, then try others that are similar.
Does GABA green tea actually help with neurosis or is it a meme
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>That the exact same cope IPA fags use to defend their shit beer.
nah he's right desu. i had some cheap xiaguan tuo the other day and it actually tasted like picrel. poisonous. toxic. absolutely undrinkable. I never want to put that in my mouth again. It was technically an aged raw rather than ripe, but it just tasted like really crappy ripe. I quite like the jingu ripe I got on farmer leaf though, I ended up buying a cake of that one.
GABA tea affecting your brain is probably a meme, but the process to make a tea GABA objectively has an effect on the taste.
Likely a meme, because it won't cross the Blood Brain Barrier like that. Though, I agree with the other anon that it has its own flavor/aroma. You can argue that having tea itself is therapeutic if nothing else. Does contain L-theanine, even if small amounts compared to direct supplements.
Ripes are wet piled for 20-60 days, max of 90 in extreme cases.
I shame you for dismissing craft beer enthusiasts so quickly.

Puerh tea is an acquired taste, my friends. Much like fine art or religion, if you could simply take a sip, appreciate, and understand it all at once, it wouldn't be worthy of the exaltation it has earned. Instead, your first session with puerh merely lets you look through a crack in the door. You have a long way to go before you can step through and see what the world has to offer. There's good and bad, expensive and cheap, rare and common, but all of it is worth exploring. Only a small handful of other genre of tea can come close.

It is puerh at the top of the tea food chain in all regards. It's the superior green tea and the superior black tea. It's everything tea wants to be. My sincerest sympathies to anyone who has traveled down this road and still can't bring themselves to appreciate it. You may stick to your Japanese greens, chicken tenders, and velcro shoes. Meanwhile, adventurous spirits will continue to appreciate the gamut of flavors the earth has to offer in her tenderest gift from the Orient, puerh tea.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: puerh is the bloody KING of teas.
are you a white man? you should be ashamed of yourself for such a display
>just gaslight yourself into liking the swamp leaf juice
nah i'll stick with black and white tea thanks
So how was it?
I just finished another cup of ceylon tea with evaporated milk too.
Is the /tea/ cope for puerh tasting like wet fish leaves "acquired taste"? Them fermented cakes smell like shit too btw. It isn't just when you brew it.
eating gaba brown rice does make me more relaxed, even without thinking about potential effects so there's likely no placebo effect. ironically i just had a lot and reading this made me notice the feeling. but it takes me eating quite a lot of it, 3/4 cup (uncooked measurement), in order to feel it. the feeling also doesn't last long enough to be worth deliberately seeking out, and i'm unsure if the amount of gaba in those teas is comparative. i'd say it's worth a try if it's a decent amount of gaba, but don't expect to be able to rely on it
Nothing you can buy without prescription has any effect on sleep beyond placebo
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>stuffy nose because sick
>can't smell tea, less enjoyable
>drink a good sheng
>aroma comes up from the throat, bypassing stuffy nose
just discovered a lifehack
I discovered something similar.
When you have hard water, the fancy fragrant stuff is affected much more and loses the wow factor so I just drink sheng.
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I think some of the teas on cspuerh have fake reviews now lmao. Bizzare stuff.
Still China, after all.
So what exactly do these indian con artists mean when a 2nd flush darjeeling has muscatel flavour? I've got a bunch of fresh muscatel grapes to go along with it and I don't recognize any notes of the grapes in the tea.
>So what exactly do these indian con artists mean when a 2nd flush darjeeling has muscatel flavour?
Some Indian pissed on your tea
peel one and chew the skin. also most plantations probably use insecticides these days so the plants aren't going to develop the flavour compounds from being bitten by jassids
Literally a pyrex measuring cup. Yeah, you could get a mini teapot for small and fast infusions, or you can say fuck it. This is my setup for gyokuro and kabusecha
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I'd try it, but since I don't go out that much, I don't think I'd benefit from it so much. You'd still have to prepare hot water if you want it hot in your thermos anyway. Maybe convenient for camping.
literally ordered this 2 days ago after watching his yt vid on how its made, got the 4 pack. a few years back i saw some tea resin on yunnansourcing but didn't bite the bullet. im betting its not going to be as good as gongfu-ing but im a sucker for weird teas
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got drunk last night and slammed a bitterleaf order.
i've never tried white tea before, i'll report back when it shows up.
I genuinely don't get it. All puerh tastes like rotting fish leaves. I have a friend who is a gay tea enthusiast and she makes me try her nasty ass autisticly sourced and brewed puerh. It fucking sucks. They're deluding themselves just like the craft beer fags who drink super bitter IPAs and tell you it's great while their mouths pucker up.
i just randomly came in here for the first time and these look pretty cool. are they available in the US? guessing there's a hefty markup
Teaseanon. Did I happen to check the one tea on YS that the extension breaks for? Seems like everything else defaults to no weight, then when you select a weight it works fine. But this one defaults to a whole cake and won't report the ppg? (fwiw the tea sucks. maybe I just don't like bulang)
What do you mean by "still China?"
Does "still America" refer to black cum and piss then?
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>mfw my black friday wishlist is nearing $500
same bro
i really need to stop. hopefully the deals are good
Their Naka is one of the last things that needs fake reviews lol I don't get PRCe
>All puerh tastes like rotting fish leaves.
You just know the Americans are seething at this post lol
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The only tea I have ever had in my life is Lipton Green Tea and Gold Peak, but my cousin gave me a box of these pods earlier. Any tea advice?
>artisan tea
>stupid names
yeah this is gonna be trash
Well its a gift so I haven't lost anything.
>>artisan tea
Also what does it mean and why is it apparently bad
not that anon, but those'll be mixes of bottom-of-the-barrel leaf dust too shit to sell independently, possibly with added artificial flavors. basically the tea equivalent of sawdust. they'll be drinkable in the morning for a caffeine hit but it's like instant folger's from a packet versus freshly-roasted beans ground 5 minutes prior to being steeped to make your coffee. they're both beanwater but one is a lot more pleasant to drink down. (there's also the matter that proper tea leaves can be re-steeped multiple times, which makes them a lot more economical than those pods, but as they're a gift that's less of a factor.)
>instant folgers
Not a big coffee guy but I tried that once and man do I remember the stomach pain lol.
Thanks anon. So are tea pods or whatever they're called inherently shit?
>tea pods
This is so fucking stupid. VC tier stupid.
I bet they want to be the "Netflix" of tea drinking.
>. So are tea pods or whatever they're called inherently shit?
true, it's great. weird to see a good fancy vendor have fake reviews, but maybe this shit is the norm in China or something
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>"tea pods"
>intelligent blends (TM)
>trademarked tryhard quirky blend names, even for fucking earl grey
>take a product that doesn't normally generate plastic, add a shitton of plastic to it and market it as "recyclable"
Jesus, this is cursed. Looks almost like a parody of other low effort start up grift products like the Juicero.
>So are tea pods or whatever they're called inherently shit?
probably not, but your chances of finding good ones are low. and why bother when many great teas brew perfectly well straight in the cup, no teaware or effort needed?
most tea is really easy to make compared to coffee. you just need to buy the good ones and maybe not have absolutely shit-tier water
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taking a break from sheng pu-erh to drink this yerba mate with chamomile and a bunch of other random herbs
the chamomile-yerba combo works well on a taste level, I like this more than the blends with mint
does it make you shit
is yerba mate a drug? seems like these third world countries are consuming a new psychoactive plant each week and i'd rather not blindly fall into some addiction like the chinese did during that Opium crisis thing

im ok with regular tea and coffee but whenever someone talks about some other plant being a 'mild stimulant' i moonwalk away thinking it's gonna cause me cancer and mental illness
It does actually, caffeine can do that
I recommend the normal Colon mate to anyone who likes smoke btw, it's pretty smokey
Nah, it's just caffeine and a few mildly relaxing compounds like l-theanine. Nothing beyond what's in tea or coffee. It's not like kratom or something where it's just drugs but "natural" (still makes you an opioid addict).
I think any ranting about yerba mate's effects just comes from the fact that the traditional way to brew it is really strong and can get you very caffeinated
Cspuerh Black Friday sale will start in two days.
-15% on all tea (except LBZ which is -10%) and supposedly a "free gift" with purchase (not sure what exactly, maybe samples or merch)
nice. gonna hop on that naka everyone's hyping
>i've never tried white tea before
worst case, you're a little disappointed. No one hates white tea.

>yerba mate with chamomile
>stimulant and sedative
When do you drink this, and what does it feel like?

>is yerba mate a drug?
No more than coffee is; it's got a long history of use and is quite safe. It's got a lot of different compounds that are potentially psychoactive but they're all pretty tame.
Lots of different opinions on the yerba-cancer connection; most of the positive correlations involve people who drink it very hot, which you really don't have to do. It's traditionally smoked which probably introduces some low-level carcinogens, no more than smoked meats realistically. It's readily available unsmoked if you don't want to risk it.
pretty sure Jesse's Teahouse is usa based and yunnansourcing has them on their usa site
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i got drunk a spent £220 last sunday, this isn't the first time its happened
Nice catch. The Chinese clobbered my regex. It's fixed now, whenever the update propagates.
>When do you drink this, and what does it feel like?
I don't see a different effect compared to normal yerba mate. the flavor balance is very good though. I find in mint mixes the mint often overpowers the mate, but in this one it's just right
mixing yerba mate with various herbs is really popular in Paraguay AFAIK, people often add fresh ones bought in markets
It won't be the last time either. This is a support group, we're here to help you buy more tea. You ever done wuyi double dark roast 9 grams at a time? You should.
bros i fucking love ripe puerh
>hongcha for $1.20 a gram
The fuck did I buy?
>wild grown Qi Zhong Wu Di Wuyi
I've come a long way.
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Argentinian reporting in, I decided to browse /ck/ out of curiosity and I feel I'm more than capable to explain what yerba mate is.
Yerba mate is a type of plant coming from the holly variety that contains a little bit of caffeine and is used to prepare a hot infusion type of drink, with processed and dried yerba mate leaves. The drink is called mate. It has pretty much zero effects on the brain aside of maybe relaxing you or giving you a bit of energy, similarly to tea. It's a bit bitter but it's extremely good for digestion; as the argentinian cowboys or gauchos for example had hyperproteic diets consisting mostly of meat and fat, and thanks to the slightly diuretic capacity of yerba, they could eliminate a lot of salt from their digestion by peeing all the time. It's like drinking a gallon of tea a day but it's good for your kidneys.
Old folks, kids, teens, everyone even capybaras and other animals can consume yerba mate, it can be drank cold or hot, with juice, you can add mint and tea or even coffee to it... It's considered a really safe drink, even if you overdose on it lol.
Like this anon says, the biggest risk of drinking mate is drinking it too hot, it can damage your mouth or your pharynx and esophagus, but it's like that with all hot drinks. Drink it while it's warm-hot, not while it's boiling.
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'ate is for 'bara
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A man of culture you are. Yerba mate is fucking amazing, delicious, and it's a good alternative for example if you have smoking cessation, due to the constant sipping on the metal straw of the mate. Also the process of making it is really de-stressing!
Can the cat also have some?
yeah I've been drinking the stuff for 10 years now. makes a great daily drink to wake you up, very functional.
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Any Argie brands you want to recommend? I've shilled Rosamonte a few times but there are tons of brands, I bet some are even better.
Also, do women drink yerba too? Feels like I've never seen one with a gourd (bottled, sweetened "mate" like is semi-popular here in the US is another story). The robust smokey profile always struck me as overwhelmingly masculine in its appeal.
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I remember I couldn't drink it as a kid cause I burned my tongue too much, but now I've gained some kind of resistance to drinking it. Some old folks will drink it while it's still boiling though, hahah.
Hmm... I'm from Córdoba so our yerba mate might be a tad different from what must be selled around Buenos Aires. I would recommend if you want a strong flavored yerba to drink Yerba with Hierbas Serranas mixed in, the ones I've drank the most are the CBSé yerba mate, and Más Sabor yerba. Rosamonte is a decent brand, although if I'm being honest, the main difference between a cheap yerba brand and the most expensive ones is how intense the flavor is.
And... You might not believe me, but I'm a woman and I freaking love yerba mate. A lot of women in my country are used to drinking mate during their job or even at hangouts with girlfriends. My mom is a retired policewoman and she used to drink mate all the time with her coworkers lol.
If anything I imagine seeing other people with mates out of Argentina or South America must be hard or uncommon.
>goofy matero
basado el gufi
Not the argie, women do drink it but you don't see them outside with it and they aren't cloutposting very often. It's like hardcore tea sperging or espresso meth labs, women aren't as performative or competitive with it and the real players aren't so visible.
Two concerns with yerba matte.
Traditional smoked yerba matte contains some minute amount of carcinogens just like any other smoked food. It's not enough to be worth worrying about unless you are the kind of person who cuts the char off of grilled meat because you think it will give you cancer.
The other concern is that drinking extremely hot liquids regularly increases your risk of throat cancer. This applies to any hot liquids and isn't worth worrying about unless you drink your yerba with boiling hot water like and old Argentinian man. Basically just make sure it's not so hot that it's painful to drink, it takes effort to get used to drinking liquids hot enough to pose a risk, like you need to train your body to tolerate the heat so just don't do that. Yerba tastes better brewed with 140-155°f water anywaya.
Yerba mate has a distinctly different buzz then coffee or tea. All of these plants contain half a dozen or more stimulant compounds not just caffeine and the different quantities and combinations effects how they make you feel. But i agree, there are no weird drugs in yerba mate that anyone needs to worry about it just feels a little more relaxing then coffee while also being pretty stimulating.
>it just feels a little more relaxing then coffee while also being pretty stimulating
exactly how I would describe it
interestingly, I get way more relaxation and less stimulation when I cold brew it, it becomes very relaxing
>I would recommend if you want a strong flavored yerba to drink Yerba with Hierbas Serranas mixed in
I'll check those out; gracias.
>You might not believe me, but I'm a woman and I freaking love yerba mate. A lot of women in my country are used to drinking mate during their job or even at hangouts with girlfriends. My mom is a retired policewoman and she used to drink mate all the time with her coworkers lol
All right, cool. With how casual it is and how little space it takes up, I'm sure it's great for offices and such, at least in a culture where people are used to the slurping and don't mind it.
>If anything I imagine seeing other people with mates out of Argentina or South America must be hard or uncommon
Here it's mostly just tea nerds like me, and for some reason eccentric rich people, who use the gourd (not counting South American immigrants, but there aren't that many of those in most parts of this country). It doesn't seem like yerba is going to get huge in America and that's fine with me, I hope it stays affordable and humble.
>Here it's mostly just tea nerds like me, and for some reason eccentric rich people
where I'm at it's gotten fairly big, definitely more so than gong fu. a certain celebrity popularized it and it also caught on with hipsters and hippy types
Anyone remember if KTM do anything for black friday?
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No hay problema bro, I hope you'll manage to like 'em. If you want to test out new flavors with mate, I'd definitely try mixing in different tea flavors with it, kinda like adding more spices or flavor to the og yerba.
>I'm sure it's great for offices and such, at least in a culture where people are used to the slurping and don't mind it.
Absolutely, yeah! It's very rare finding an argentinian that doesn't drink mate or that doesn't drink any type of hot drink throughout the day. Some people will call you an insane sicko for drinking mate or coffee when it's like 30-35°C outside but people from the countryside drink mate regardless of weather, hour, occassion, and in folklore dances and festivities it's a must for everyone. Together with wine, hahah.
>eccentric rich people, who use the gourd
I can't help but wonder how expensive yerba mate and the mate vase and straw can be out of Argentina. I feel I'd go insane if I couldn't drink mate on the regular, or at least once per week lol.
Yerba mate is meant to be a humble, safe, warm drink that anyone can drink regardless of context, it's overall very affordable around these parts, and Uruguay and Paraguay also are big fans of yerba mate.

If you're also interested, there's a different way to drink mate, and that's called tereré. Instead of using boiling water to prepare the mate, you can use fruit juice! And it's a cold, sweet drink that goes perfectly with hot summer days.
What's a gong fu? Please excuse my ignorance.
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I think so. they definitely do sales, and they haven't had one in a while
my cart looks something like this right now. might throw in some other shit, maybe a sample of that Tailian 2002 cake that seems well-liked
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>What's a gong fu
autistic chinese tea ceremony with small teapot and many infusions. associated with premium chinese tea culture in general, many people in this thread do it in some form
Nice cart, had the bottom three and they were all enjoyable. I'm sippin the xi zi right now. Time to start collecting some stuff up myself.
Wonder how this shou mei is, looks the part.
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Dianxi Xiaoge posted one of her videos, this time about pu'er


thought some ppl here might like it, her channel is great
the Xi Zi would be a rebuy for me, it's the best out of the semiaged xiaguan and tulin tuos I've had
but I want to get some slightly fancier stuff too because these can get samey. I hope that ChanTai Yiwu is at least fairly different
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Woah, that looks really fancy and pretty. I've always been interested in how High Tea ceremonies are carried, and what kind of teas people drink around the world. We have one particular fruit called maracuyá here that can be found as a tea flavor. Never drank it though.
Now I'm thinking and wondering if I've ever saw an ASMR of brewing tea. I think I remember Valoulette made something with tea once.
It's a fair bit different to the tuos I'd say. You'll probably find it interesting at least.
I think I'm gonna end up buying something with similar kind of age on it if I can make a decision.
I think no one here aside from me tried that cheapo 2006 Dayi Spring of Menghai raw from Awazon. it was good if you ever order from them
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You won't be disappointed with that Liu Bao, but it is a little pricey for what it is. There are other liu bao offerings on KTM that I think are just as good at a better price point. No worries either way. You'll be set.
Consider this cake instead. I find it absolutely excellent. I purchased a tong last year.
The steps actually have some reasoning behind them, not that it makes them less autistic
>washing the tea
It's to carry away the dust and volatile compounds that affect flavor
>having multiple pots
one is for steeping, one is for holding the steeped tea, and the small cups are for enjoying. You have multiple of these is to "pipeline" the process and also so that you don't have to worry about soaking the leaves for too long while you drink the tea in your cup
>autistic pouring method
it ensures that you don't get leaves in your drinking cup
Women compete to see who can hit the wall the hardest.
Not a bad call. Man I love awazon.

How could I forget I already bought that cake. It got lost at the back of the pumi. How nice, I'll brew some up.
After my jerk off/shower sesh, I will brew a milk tea pu erh.
>There are other liu bao offerings on KTM that I think are just as good at a better price point
Which ones?
Solid looking cart
Would recommend trying that 2002 it's solid
If you like cheap smokey raw one of those cheap early -mid 2000s changtai bricks might be fun.
You should also grab like 40-100g of one of their wuyi oolongs. Maybe this one if you like a good deep roast
I know the Down the Rabbit Hole guy did some gong-fu sessions on one of his other channels (maybe twitch?) during lockdown that were fairly pleasant, if not exactly ASMR.
It feels wrong skipping BF sales, but I think I have enough tea for once.
It's exhausting chasing the tail of the dragon. I've found inner peace.
I've had this one. I liked it, but I'm far from an expert on yancha. I'll say that I liked the other ones from KTM too, a Rou Gui and Shui Xian
nice anon, good on you

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