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Why the fuck is a burger allowed to be 1,400 calories??
This shit is why America has an obesity problem.
If that's all you eat it's not so bad. Calories in calories out!
>Why does food exist that sustains you more! It shouldn't be allowed!
America has an obesity problem because everyone is a screen addicted retard who stay inactive. They are shocked when they vacation to Europe and don't gain weight despite eating a shit ton because they walk a bunch.
You chose the 1400kcal burger
you shit out most of your calories so they dont all count.
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Cheeseburgers are how Americans get their veggies
Who's gonna disallow it? The burger police?
Ketchup was a mistake.
>This shit
That's a picture of food though?
not to mention the 2 allowances of sodium
>Bread-like substance
>Cheese-like substance
>Deep-fired... somethings
>Cheap chuck
>Bacon... mmm, grease
It ain't the 'chup but the fucking high fructose corn syrup companies put in your food.
That's nothing. Last night I made myself a burger with 3 1/3lb patties, 6 slices of cheese and 6 slices of bacon. You can get away with that kind of thing if it's literally the only thing you eat in a 24 hour period.
calorically yes, but nutritionally you are eating death
Where's that webm of that cop with a battering ram with a McDonald's patch on his arm
I haveuuhh za ugry wun poundaa prease
Literally just ate 3, and 2 sodas to go with it.
the burger police are on their way as we speak
Lard ass
>because it's allowed
nigga, no other country has banned high calorie meals. that's not the problem
The bun is the only unhealthy part of that thing. Get rid of the bun and the obesity problem is solved.
okay bootlicker
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Worth all 1500 calories of it.
A cheeseburger is basically the same shit as getting a gyro
"allowed", it wasn't.
it does not exist anymore, you cannot buy it.
Dont worry
The actual burger looks nothing like that, and will only be about half of those calories.
We love false advertising here
The real question is why they are allowed to grossly inflate the reported calories to make fast food appear more nutritious than it is. It's like they are including the oil it is fried in. Burger in OP is 700 calories max.
the bun has a surprisingly high amount of calories
>it does not exist anymore
are you an idiot?
Being in the US is suffering, haven't had a rodeo burger in years and this was what would bring me back to BK. Just checked and we get some weird ass street corn whopper, fried pickle or maple bbq one. I haven't ordered anything MY WAY in almost 20 years because the service is always goddawful.
we've still got fruitopia, too
Order the bacon king and customize it to only have cheese bacon and BBQ, put onion rings on it and it’s the same. They usually have a deal where you can get a bacon king with a side of onion rings for a discount on the app.
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If only you knew how bad things truly are.
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> a 1lb burger
fucking hell.
> 16 fucking dollars for fast food burger, fries, and a $0.25 worth of syrup and carbonated water (and the electricity to run the machine).
>on the app
I never use those, I know I can save money using them but I can never be assed to figure out how and fast food is more spur of the moment once in a while type meal for me.
Might walk into my local BK though and try and get that though.
>[current year]
>thinking $16 for slop is expensive
1400 isn't even bad compared to some, and everyone gets fried with that.

I went to KFC today and my god, the undermeche inbreds waddling around. Today I heard one girl ask another what kind of water she wanted. "Blue" she only drank pump.
12 year old kids getting the same order as their 18 year old siblings, sedentary old people eating a week's calories in one go from a semi inclined position.

We should throw zyclon B in their glucose syrup and see if the drive through window can stop gas.
looks dry
>Hello welcome to McDonald's can I take your order?
Yes I'll have two quarter pounders, a large fry, and a sprite.
halfway to a real man's order
I can eat twenty cheese white castle sliders by myself.
Because the people who sell the burger also write the laws. This is the actual answer, if there are any underage children lurking the thread who don't know yet.
It was a corporation that knowingly paid a team of scientists to invent addictive and poisonous foods, and then paid off lawmakers to prevent them from stopping it.
>Invent addictive foods
Nigger, we NEED food
You don't need food which is scientifically engineered to deliver more flavor and less satiety than your brain evolved to encounter. You evolved to eat fruit, vegetables, unsalted grilled meat, and tubers, and to a lesser extent grain and alcohol. Humans ate that shit for the entirety of their history until 100 years ago. Now they're inventing foods that your ancestors wouldn't recognize, made of ingredients your ancestors wouldn't recognize and in proportions they would find unthinkable, and they have made the population 80% obese and insanely sick. The human lifespan is actually declining for the first time ever because of it. You don't NEED that.
>3 1/3lb patties
Why not just make quarter pounders so you get more meat on there? Third patties are just thinner than quarter burgers.
nice b8, m8. What if they' used 8 1/8th pounders and sold it for $8.88?
>Why the fuck is a burger allowed to be 1,400 calories?
why are you allowed to shitpost and troll constantly.
to be fair, they used to make a third pound burger to compete with the McDonald's quarter pounder and people thought "lower number must mean lower amount". From A&W when they tried it back in the 80s to compete with MCDicks
Yeah, and then McDs made the 1/3lb angus burger that was just too expensive. Thats an old marketing myth, please stop repeating it.
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Tax foods that don't meet stardized levels of salt/fats/sugar and then use those tax dollars to subsidize fresh food.

Bing bang boom obesity crisis solved.
>This shit is why America has an obesity problem.
Our government is poisoning us on purpose to keep us weak and immobile, the same way they don't educate kids these days just to keep them dumbed down. Mindless, weak, obedient servants is what they want.
>Tax foods that don't meet stardized levels of salt/fats/sugar
Who sets those standards? How are those standards defined between a 4'11" 90lb woman and a 6'6" athlete? What if I have some self control and eat a handful of potato chips and someone else cannot stop after eating a family-sized bag of them?

You're trying legislate morality which is impossible.
Nutritionists and other professionals. Fact of the matter is that salt, fat, and sugar are added to food to increase their addictiveness, they're at unnecessarily high levels for anyone.
>Nutritionists and other professionals.
Oh, you mean like head of health and human services where he's been an obese man pretending to be a woman? I'll bet he's a fount of health knowledge.
Ah what a shame, I was actually hoping for some constructive criticism.
The constructive criticism is its moronic to legislate health, morality, or anything else that cannot apply to a nation of all 330million people for something like what they eat.
Looks like 400 calories of processed cheese by itself.
Why? Are there not hard facts that high levels of sugar, salt, and fat raise obesity rates? What is the problem with taxing the companies that produce them and using those tax dollars to subsidize nutritious food?
why are you allowed to use the internet you filthy tyrannical retarded fuck retard idiot bitch made idiot
>What is the problem with the government telling you exactly how to live your life?
If you can't figure that out you're beyond salvation.
How is the government telling you how to live your life? The product isn't gone its just more expensive.
>Soda: $10
>want a birthday cake? $100
>That burger has too many calories and grease and sodium, $50
>bottle of Beer? Not under big brother's watch, $40
>You actually want Spaghetti? Too many carbohydrates, $20
>Don't worry, this healthy soy cake and cricket burger has been subsidized with all the fatty's taxes, you can buy one today for $15 and its only 500 calories!

Thats how the government tells you to live your life. Sin taxes are morally bankrupt.
You are unhinged.
I'm struggling to see a problem, you still have the freedom to buy whatever you want. Ultra processed foods add strain to the healthcare system, it makes more economical sense to promote healthy eating which lowers medical costs and lowers taxes as a result. Are you really trying to tell me that cheap vegetables are a bad thing?
Kinda makes you want to just raise/grow your own food and brew beer in your barn, sounds crazy huh?
They’re too busy trying to catch the hamburglar.
Nope, thats ideally what I'd like to do. Farm enough veggies for the wife and I, chimkens for eggs and meat, and hopefully a neighbor ranching cows and pigs. I'd like to detach from most store bought food. But as the statists above will prove, thats totally whacky and crazy for not wanting the government telling me what to eat and how much to eat.
>1500 calories
lol you wish
I was being sarcastic, like you I am trying to move in the direction of locally sourced meats and veggies, homemade everything and cut the stores out all together
A large soda is $1 at Wendy’s
America is insane
1/4lbs ground hamburger - 376.5 calories (x2 = 753)
Half strip of bacon - 21.5 calories (x4 = 86 calories)
BBQ Sauce per tbsp - 29 calories (x5 = 145 calories)
Slice of American Cheese 108 calories (x2 = 216 calories)
Onion ring - 30 calories (x4 = 120 calories)
Sesame Seed bun - 180 calories

Honestly, by my calculations it should be 1,500. Burgers kick ass, but loaded ones like this should be reserved for an occasional treat. Dropping it down to just a quarter pound burger and removing the cheese alone brings it down to 907.5 calories. Knock off one half step of bacon, one onion ring, and one tbsp of BBQ sauce and we're down to 827. Which is all well and good, but you could have a nice chunk of ham, a generously sized salad with spinach and kale mix, shredded carrots, diced tomatoes, a couple tablespoons of vinaigrette, sprinkle of shredded cheese, and a couple pinches of pepper, a small portion of grapes or berries, a small dinner roll, and a glad of milk all for the same number of calories and you would feel a thousand times more full and satisfied on top of it being infinitely healthier.
The rodeo chicken jr and boneless rib sandwich were both better
$16 for slop is always expensive. They've just conditioned you to accept it. It should be less than $1 for each item.
It always annoyed me that the Double Quarter Pounder isn't just called: "The Half Pounder" but I suppose Since Quarter both sounds bigger while not making you stop to think about how much food you're actually ordering.
This is probably easier than it sounds. You would just go off of a man's standards because they would be larger which gives leeway to both the consumer and manufacturer. Only less than 10% of the population would be both 6'6 and an athlete so we would just go with a standard 6'0 White Man of about 175lbs.
It's actually a 6ft tall man who maintains a six pack with a pair of pythons in his 60's. See here >>20979276
The whole family dying of starvation in the cold of winter because we didn't butcher and preserve the meat is not an evolutionarily viable strategy
>Why the fuck is a burger allowed to be 1,400 calories??
I thought the Americans were supposed to be the kings of fat burger shit? I'm Australian and this new burger from Hungry Jack's (our Burger King) is 4753 calories. The Triple Whopper cheese is 5780 calories.
Wait never mind, it's kj, not kcal so it's 1,136 calories. Less than that OP burger. I'm retarded, probably why I'm Australian.
kek, yeh. that much energy in a single burger is disgusting no matter the unit of measurement.
Just eat less, fatty

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