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Seed oil bros, hold me, I'm scared for our future.
Sunflower oil is based and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
there is nothing wrong with seed oils
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Cottonseed oil can be problematic because of how toxic it can be when not carefully processed. It's fine if you buy from a source with decent manufacturing standards, but I wouldn't be buying anything with cottonseed oil from oh, say, chiner that's for sure
i'm not buying any food product from china
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should i use butter instead?
How did this meme even start? Was it Elon Musk on Joe Rogan? Or orthodox jews in New York?
sounds like rogan bullshit to me
Yes. Use ghee. You will turn into a poo spewing pajeet within days.
Ketolards from reddit (not even joking)
>Seed oil
>No seeds in the oil
What gives?
>no rape-seed oil
you will not gonna make it
That's canola, chuck
It's called that because you are seeding your own body with oxidized molecules that will sprout into cancer.
It's not a meme, they're really toxic. Here's a neat little experiment you can run at home, even on Shabbat. Put a drop of seed oil on the inside of your forearm, rub it in. You'll instantly get this raised, red welt. Then, try the same thing with olive oil. It will absorb right in and your skin will feel smooth and refreshed, no reaction.

Now if it does that shit to your skin imagine how bad it must be on your insides.
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You don't even need to do all that shit. Just give your seed oils a sniff. They smell terrible. Ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, all smell nice.
If you are against ultra-processed foods, you are against seed oils. Canola was literally a poisonous engine lubricant before modern processes made it "edible".
The process of extracting seed oils turns them rancid, smelling and tasting horrible. They have to chemically clean ("deodorize") it so it doesn't make people gag. Do you really want something like that in your body?
This isn't working, I checked the trend lines. The more you shills squeal about how great seed oils and empty carbs are, the more people avoid them. But you also shilled against Trump too, and look how that turned out.

Sucks to be such a failure, your bosses will connect the dots sooner or later though.
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It's especially retarded to try and tie being anti seed-oil with keto dieters because one of the most well known researchers who has written extensively about the negative effects of seed oils also praises things like cane sugar, and fruit as superfoods.
kek it's true isn't it. this faggot started posting his shit meme when sneed oil posting was niche shit and now our incoming HHS secretary is an active anti-seed oil advocate. Be careful when you post shit memes or it will monkey paw and bite you in the ass.
They're not very smart, all the shills have are scripts and they're not allowed much leeway. Their main job is to associate (insert crazy thing they say is crazy) with (another thing) and try to poison the well, Jewishly.

Shills are butt flustered lately because, by all appearances, /pol/ is now running the US. And shilling is a feminine, lefty gig. You won't find many right wingers or men doing such demeaning, pointless work.
The shills create this headcanon but their problem is, nobody really cares what they say. They expect you to be in their space, with the same silly ideas, but this just means that they don't make actual sense at all.
Hey are going to start diverting these stple crops into creating alternative fuels, for private jets and the like.
I did that with canola oil, nothing happened
Which type of GMO canola™ did you use for your rigorous scientific testing?
Nobody mentioned vegans, ketoschizo
I understand that some people may be against seed oils, but why the hell is pro seed oil? Regardless of the toxicity, seed oils have no flavor like animal fats or even olive oil. Like how poor do you have to be to grab a bottle of canola over olive? Who are these seed oil addicts?
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>muh seed oil
the main problem with seed oils is the
>omega 6 to omega 3 ratio
too much omega 6 causes bad inflammation and is (provable) really bad

pic related
shows that flaxseed and canola oil are basically the only acceptable seed oils

on the grand scheme
it doesn't matter unless you consume goyslop
only add minimal amounts of oil to your food
you won't die (earlier) if you use like 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil every day

>how did seedoil meme start
i know it mostly from /fit/
started in 2014
some anons (mostly tourists) on /fit/ really have the most retarded takes on food / nutrition anyway (but you can also get good advice)
This entire thread is schizos fighting with invisible strawmen. They aren't known to be very smart nor live in reality. Their entire personality is finding something they don't like and then creating contrarianism against it. This is the current flavor of the month thing that made them an incel/fat/KHHV/etc so that they don't have to blame themselves. Notice how they randomly call anyone vegan/pro-seedoil/etc out of thin air.
>seed oils have no flavor
try roasted sesame oil

>Who are these seed oil addicts?
no one
people just feel attacked because they consume a lot of oil in general

and olive oil is crazy expensive (comparatively)
cheapest ones around me are ~14€/L whereas canola oil is ~2,50€/L
No, it really started around 2021-22 when the keto/carnivore meme diet fatasses adopted it as gospel.
nice pic, saved

paleo diet is weird anyways
because depending on which location you look into, the diet varied madly from 99% fish in places like greenland to like 5% meat and 95% roots and fruits in equatorial regions
maybe the "discussion" went main stream then

but the schizo seed oil bad threads definitely started somewhere in 2014 on /fit/
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The OP is an autistic schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur and he's easily spottable because he's been doing this for years to try to drive a narrative.
OP here, I have no idea what you're talking about. I only made this thread because RFK JR got nominated as health secretary and wanted to joke about seed oils because apparently he's anti seed oil. This is actually my second post in the thread, I only wanted to watch how the thread would play out, which unfortunately had less RFKposting than I thought. I don't visit /ck/ much so I didn't know there was this much more lore to posting about seed oils, I just wanted to make a joke man. I don't even cook with seed oils, I use cheap vegetable oil from Sam's Club.
yo I'm gonna rank these

>Sunflower oil
>grapeseed oil
>canola oil
>corn oil
>ricebran oil
>>>>>soybean oil

I dunno about the rest I have never tried those :^)
sneed oils lmao
It's just a reactionary kneejerk from libsharts because they fear it's something their boogeymen like Musk or Rogan talked about at some point. >>20971992
I quoted the wrong post >>20971610
no name (the brand), canola oil
So why do they push OO if its omega 6-to-3 ratio is 9:1? Sounds like we should all be using flax or rape oil.
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>I don't even cook with seed oils, I use cheap vegetable oil from Sam's Club
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>I only eat seethe oils
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What's wrong with it?
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Huh I guess I have been using seed oils all this time then.
Calling that shit "vegetable oil" and plastering the label with pictures of salads should be illegal. Obviously that particular brand doesn't do the salad thing, but just calling it "vegetable oil" in itself is misleading.
Why do they do it? Why the outright gaslighting?
Because people would be less likely to buy it if it was accurately labeled as "soybean oil." They get away with the salad pictures because its a "serving suggestion" that you're supposed to put it on a salad, but obviously they just want you to associate their product with actual vegetables.
Unfortunate, I like the way it heats up, so what's an actually good alternative, avocado oil? Is there a decent oil that's still relatively cheap next to seed oils or you pretty much have to fork up a significant amount more in cash if you step away from seed oils?
Nobody's really that concerned with what YOU want to use. People are more concerned about what they themselves want to use.

If you're too poor or thrifty to bother with other oils, well sneed up. It's no skin off our noses.
people who bandwagon on to the latest diet fad always look foolish. seed oil guys would have been carnivore guys in 2021, would have been keto guys in 2015, would have been low-fat guys in 2007, etc. always looking for an authority to tell them what to do.
if you're eating a variety of foods, are hitting your macros, and aren't eating too many sweets or junk, you're probably alright. any health benefit past that is marginal at best. always astounds me how basic /fit/ dietary advice clears basically any fad diet.
The only seed oil I use is peanut oil, I use it to fry potatoes.
>30% meat and 60% roots and fruits in equatorial regions
ftfy. and the low meat now is a result of historical overhunting. in the past all humans were hyper carnivore according to stable isotope studies
Well I don't know about canola oil but olive oil costs 20 times more than sunflower oil in my country. Also olive oil is not seed oil.
>historical overhunting
Do they hunt vegetables now?
In the US, the only oil cheaper than canola is vegetable (soybean).
soybean is a vegetable, dumbass
Avocado oil is good as long as you buy stuff thats not adulterated. The brands of avocado oil they carry at Costco are good to go. I really only use avocado oil for making my own mayonnaise though. My main cooking fats are butter/clarified butter, and EVOO. If you can afford butter, and have 30 minutes of spare time then you can afford clarified butter.
Go suck off megacorp slop producers, and their deceptive marketing schemes someplace else.
Dont buy this megacorp slop, buy the megacorp slop I buy instead!
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>Dont buy this megacorp slop, buy the megacorp slop I buy instead!
It's not a bowl of salad, dipshit.
theyre moved off the lands where they used to hunt and elephant hunting is made illegal in many places
why is nobody talking about Rapeseed oil? It has a extremely nice omega 3 ratio, and has a word rape in it, very based
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>in canada, rape comes in oil
you are going to die
Why do you hate meat eaters so much
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Kys Moxyte the ketoschizo
You've been spamming /fit/ and /ck/ for YEARS but we all know about you and your atrophied vegan brain by now.
You're scared for your future? YOU'RE SCARED? How do you think us corn syrup bros are feeling?
Seed oils only exist because of the Industrial Revolution.
>So why do they push OO if its omega 6-to-3 ratio is 9:1?
because the overall content is low and mono unsaturated fats generally have the same health advantages over saturated fats as poly unsaturated ones, just a bit less
and other advantages like being more stable than poly unsaturated ones (i.e. not getting rancid)

>Sounds like we should all be using flax or rape oil.
*and cold pressed (so no chemical extraction)

and i mean yes, these are the two acceptable ones

then again, the health difference between SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs isn't that big
it only gets bad once you start consuming too much fat
if you only eat like <50g of fats/day it almost doesn't matter where it comes from - other food choices have a way bigger impact
You vill fry in lard.
cawn searp ain't going anywhere
seed oils are the margarine of oils. Industrial bullshit treated with all kinds of nonsense to make you think it's edible, when really it's some fucked up shit. Don't know why people are talking about Elon or Rogan, people have been criticizing seed oils since before either of them were famous. Stop being retarded
you have no idea what you're talking about and are simply being contrarian. Go eat your margarine, faggot. You know they dye that shit yellow to trick you into thinking that it's anything like butter? Seed oils are another marketing trick, trying to make you eat garbage.
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>everyone who denounces my homosexual reddit diet and points out my posts is the same person

..Anon margarine IS seed oil...
Isn't that stuff almost pure glucose?

“by cutting seed oils out of MY diet, it gave me the renewed ENERGY to seethe harder than ever on my favorite forums!
$1 CAD has been deposited by Big Rape.
That's right, and people have been tricked into thinking it's just cheap butter. Just as they've been tricked into thinking seed oils are just cheap cooking oils.

Fatass, I guarantee it

This anon is unironically excited to eat bugs because it will make him feel like a good person.
But I like saturated fat.
Just use high-oleic sunflower oil. It's almost identical to olive oil in composition. Only the flavor is different.
Canola, cotton, corn and soy have all been genetically modified to be able to resist pesticides, glyphosate and 2,4-D in particular. They have all spread into the wild and are now near impossible to eradicate. There are only 3 ways to get rid of them: ungodly amounts of pesticides, burning them one at a time or simply ripping them out.

It's become impossible to get rid of them along roadsides, railways and waterways. As a result transport along these routes has become so costly it's way cheaper to transport products through the air or overseas. Migrants aren't stealing truckers' jobs, GM crops and greedy politicians are.
Are you joking? Do you manufacture canola oil, or simply produce one of its ingredients?
But I'm healthier and stronger than women eating salads drenched in "vegetable" oil.
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>seed oils
>one is a bean
Beans are seeds retard.
beans are fruit, I have decades of whimsical limerick recitation backing me up on this
Saturated fat will not clog arteries by raising LDL cholesterol:
Dude eats 720 eggs in a month and his LDL cholesterol goes DOWN.
720 eggs is a lot of saturated fat and a lot of dietary cholesterol.
Saturated fat is not what causes atherosclerosis. Oxidized PUFAs cause atherosclerosis by raising oxidized LDL.
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There is no robust data suggesting saturated fat causes atherosclerosis:
What causes atherosclerosis is, instead, oxidized LDL cholesterol, which you get by eating oxidized fats, meaning the polyunsaturated fats (especially linoleic acid) found in common vegetable oils such as soybean oil which are literally rancid by the time you purchase them due to the high heat used in the process of making them:
Saturated fat was the primary fat source for humans for thousands of years, yet heart disease was almost unheard of until humans started eating vegetable oils.
>Thus, from 1961 on, the AHA recommended that all men (and subsequently women) decrease their consumption of saturated fat, replacing these fats whenever possible with polyunsaturated vegetable oils, as the most promising measure of protection against heart disease.
>The 1961 American Heart Association advice to limit saturated fat is arguably the single-most influential nutrition policy ever published, as it came to be adopted first by the U.S. government, as official policy for all Americans, in 1980, and then by governments around the world as well as the World Health Organization. It is worth noting that the AHA had a significant conflict of interest, since in 1948, it had received $1.7 million, or about $20 million in today's dollars, from Procter & Gamble (P&G), the makers of Crisco oil. This donation was transformative for the AHA, propelling what was a small group into a national organization.
>OxLDL is thought to play an important role in atherosclerosis formation; however, it is the oxidised linoleic acid contained in LDL that leads to harmful OXLAMs, which induces atherosclerosis and CHD. Thus, reducing the amount of dietary linoleic acid, mainly from industrial vegetable/seed oils, will reduce the amount of linoleic acid in LDL and likely reduce oxLDL as well as the risk for coronary heart disease.
>Generally, polyunsaturated fatty acids favor the oxidation of LDL while monounsaturated fatty acids are less conducive to its formation
Most seed oils are heated to 500F for 30 minutes during the process of making them. This renders them literally rancid, as polyunsaturated fat is very unstable and prone to oxidation. They then undergo a deodorizing process so the consumer cannot tell they are rancid.
Rancid oil is literally, factually and objectively toxic.
>oxLDL/LDL-C ratio was positively associated with severity of coronary atherosclerosis (OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.31–3.14, p < 0.01)
>oxLDL/LDL-C ratio is significantly associated with the severity of coronary atherosclerosis
>At 48 ± 2 d of age, the aorta phospholipid of piglets from porcine fed hydrogenated fat contained a significantly higher concentration of linoleic acid
>These changes in composition in piglets from porcine fed hydrogenated fat indicate that trans fat inhibits the metabolic conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid and to other n-6 PUFA.
So, trans fat causes atherosclerosis by causing linoleic acid to build up in arteries. Linoleic acid is the stuff in stuff like soybean oil which is very easily oxidized.
tl;dr: Linoleic acid = clogged arteries.
Oils high in linoleic acid = soybean, corn, cottonseed, grape seed, hemp seed, non-high-oleic safflower oil, non-high-oleic sunflower oil.
Olive oil is high in oleic acid and low in linoleic acid, so it's fairly healthy.
The most stable oils, meaning the least prone to oxidation, are saturated fats which are solid at room temperature.
Clogged arteries are caused by oxidized LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol levels are associated with clogged arteries only because LDL cholesterol levels are also associated with oxidized LDL cholesterol levels. Saturated fat has been wrongly demonized because it is associated with LDL cholesterol levels, but it is not associated with oxidized LDL cholesterol levels.
Linoleic acid is the main culprit in terms of oxidized LDL cholesterol levels and clogging the west's arteries. Linoleic acid is the reason heart disease rates have increased in lockstep with the use of vegetable oils.
When trans fat+saturated fat is replaced with high omega-6 fat in the human diet, the result is an increase in heart disease mortality.
Greater amounts of linoleic acid oxidation products are found within human atherosclerotic plaques and the degree of oxidation determines the severity of atherosclerosis.
Greater amounts of linoleic acid oxidation products are found in LDL and plasma of human patients with atherosclerosis.
The oxidation of linoleic acid in LDL leads to conjugated dienes (malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal), which covalently bind to apoB altering its structure creating oxidised LDL. oxLDL is no longer recognised by the LDL receptors on the liver but by scavenger receptors on macrophages causing monocyte infiltration into the subendothelium, foam cell formation and eventual atherosclerosis in humans.
Susceptibility to LDL oxidation is associated with severity of coronary atherosclerosis in humans.
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Re: canola oil, it has less linoleic acid than things like soybean oil so it's better than things like soybean oil.
It still has more than double the linoleic acid of things like butter, lard, tallow, chicken fat, etc. That linoleic acid is also exposed to 500 F for 30 minutes during canola oil's manufacturing process, oxidizing it.
Nuseed has GMO canola with high omega 3. I have a test sample of oil and it smells fishy as does the canola
/pol/ddit theory vindicated once again
Vegetal omega-3 (ALA) is virtually useless. The conversion ratio to animal omega-3 (EPA/DHA) is below 10%.
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Then why are so many farmers in Montana growing proprietary Nuseed canola?
>Reddit is full of well adjusted, successful individuals
reddit is where 4chan assholes go when they are banned.
>Reddit is full of well adjusted, successful individuals
Kickbacks? Same reason people grow corn.
Where do you even buy cold-pressed canola or flaxseed?
Unironically joe rogan
I don't want asian fried rice that tastes like olive oil
I can't wait until we move on this latest dumb nutrition freakout and on to the next one.
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Somewhat off topic but is it worth buying one of these for my oil?
Oh no, I might die before I'm 98.
I cook almost entirely with animal fats simply because the dishes I make yield a surplus of those and I don't do much frying, but I don't tremble at the thought of a fucking french fry.
if you cook a lot it's nice. My issue is a use a lot of different kinds of oil depending on what I cook.
most people don't use animal fats because they think it's unhealthy.

this is far from a new thing, it's just that it became popular recently. People have been arguing about this since before margarine was invented. You eat margarine and food dye.
olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, saved duck fat and chicken fat, vegetable/sneed oil
to be clear I don't use them all at once, just depending on what I'm cooking.
Corn Syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup are not the same thing.
which country?

in Germany, every discounter, like Aldi or Lidl, has cheap cold pressed canola and flaxseed oil

you could look for organic one
or small, local oil mill
definitely more expensive but they are usually more likely to cold press the oil as the process is much simpler and can be done on a small scale
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FUCK YES! Olive oil bros, we're taking over!!
Well-adjusted, successful individuals don't chop their cocks and balls off.
Yet they're both cheap sugars grown derived from corn subsidized by the US government and both lead to health problems. That was the hyperbole of my sarcastic post.
Grandma ain't eating the same grain I'm eating.

palm oil.
Can't this happen with oxidized HDL as well? Isn't the LDL meme literally just retards from the pre-science era who thought the problem was:
>too much cholesterol literally "clogs" arteries and it's worse for LDL because those go into smaller blood vessels
Really, what one should do is avoid polyunsaturated fats and especially avoid heating them to high temps as that increases oxidation. Unsaturated fats aren't good either for the same reason but polyunsaturated are worse. If either of those are oxidized they result in oxidized cholesterol.
Saturated fats like lard and tallow are the way, just avoid tenderflake cause that shit has absurdly high levels of trans fats for some fucked up reason.
>Can't this happen with oxidized HDL as well?
Haven't seen evidence of this. Would be interested if anyone can find any.
>Really, what one should do is avoid polyunsaturated fats and especially avoid heating them to high temps as that increases oxidation.
Yep. Most of them have already been exposed to high temps by the time you purchase them. Cold pressed oils aren't but the vegetable oils you'll find in your typical slop are NOT cold pressed as cold pressed oils are more expensive.
>Saturated fats like lard and tallow are the way
>Saturated fats are not associated with all cause mortality, CVD, CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 diabetes
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Theres always alot of "people" that get irrationally angry when you badmouth seedoils. Huh, I wonder why that is.
so what's the apparent problem with seed oil?

please don't just post links to youtubers
Clogs arteries because it's usually heavily oxidized by the time you eat it.
>calling it "vegetable oil" in itself is misleading.
Not really. I think making labeling laws that cater to retards who don’t know what words mean is not good over all, even though it would help some people.
>homosexual reddit diet
You will never fit in
>I don't tremble at the thought of a fucking french fry.
Wow, real brave guy over here
LardChads keep winning, enjoy your free radicals
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I consume a broad spectrum or antioxidants anon. Free radicals have no power here
consuming antioxidants isn't what protects you from free radicals
your body makes anti-oxidants to directly address them. it's not antioxidants floating around your bloodstream from your diet
well I think I'll follow the Mayo Clinic's advice over anoninon on a himalayan pencil erasing derby
mayo clinic doesnt say consuming antioxidants protects you from oxidation
I use butter
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the cold pressed stuff is fine

>It's become impossible to get rid of them along roadsides, railways and waterways. As a result transport along these routes has become so costly it's way cheaper to transport products through the air or overseas.
lmao you think some volunteer corn near the railroad tracks makes rail transport more expensive than air freight?
>No flavour
That's a good thing, I don't want to use olive oil and have everything I make taste like gabagool
The study says they didn't find any meaningful differences between old and new wheat and that the environmental conditions produced greater changes than the variety of wheat itself. The study implies that you are, in fact, eating the same grain grandma was eating.
Animal, vegetable, mineral. Which one best describes a soybean?
well they're wrong except in obvious cases like when it's also a vitamin (C, E, carotenoids if not eating real vitamin A)
really the article is talking about the benefits of 'healthy' foods as a whole, though, as summarized by their own statement toward the end:
>Individual antioxidants taken as supplements have less scientific support.

they also basically said what I said in the beginning
>The body's cells can fix or prevent free radical damage, for example, by making antioxidant enzymes. And some antioxidants, such as vitamin C, come from food and drink.

it's just one of those articles for brainlets who don't understand anything and ask them things like "are antioxidants .. LE GOOD? My friend and my Better Housekeeping magazine said they're good, but my scientist friend said it's unproven.. what's the truth?"
the truth is eating whole foods is good for you

eating antioxidants (especially from whole food) isn't necessarily bad, but your body making antioxidants is actually what protects you from free radicals, not molecules with high ORAC like lycopene or astaxanthin. though those aren't necessarily bad for you either.

i feel like this blog post was probably a waste of time though because nuance is probably lost on you
Even if he's an idiot, maybe a third party will get something out of it.
Then the retard is you
I’m retarded because I know what words mean? Clever
Gramma lived to 95 because she had clean air to breath, the food wasn't all GMO'd to shit and full of pesticides and no nutrition due to depleted soils, she didn't have 500 boosters by adulthood, and wasn't economically stressed to where taxes are unpayable and houses are unaffordable.

The food is just a minor detail. Modernity sucks.
You can't cold press seed oils. That's why they only existed with industrial processing. Canola or Rapeseed isn't much different from mustard seed. How much mustard seed do you think you need to grind down to make a liter of oil? How the fuck are you going to do that cold pressed?
You can, it's just that most of them taste like fucking shit when cold pressed.
This amount of blatant samefagging should be a criminal offense in real life. Get help.
Cane sugar as in poorly refined, raw sugar is over all less calorie dense and has other flavor notes so you don't use as much sugar. The term superfood usually refers to foods high in antioxidants and yes fruits like blue berries and strawberries are high in antioxidants.
This guy is clearly retarded. We've been eating the same durum wheat with the same protein (gluten) content since Rome.
Higher in erucic acid, high in omega-6s, both pro-inflammatory. Rates of cardiovascular disease increased with their adoption. There's limited data on it, but there were some compelling studies in the 70s on asylum patients that showed total replacement of dietary fats with vegetable oils led to significant increases in mortality and changes in the composition of neuron and cardiac phospholipids.
A lot less of mess than pouring out of the plastic bottles it comes in..
Soybean best describes soybean.
thought i rolled onto /fit/.

anyways. either side of this debate must do the thing. the thing that ends all debate on /fit/.

----post body----
this nigga never took a multiple choice test
>You can't cold press seed oils.
You can. That's what salad oil refers to in old recipes.
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My grocery store has a bunch of coupons for avocado oil (100%, I checked) and I've been using that after getting like a million bottles because I pretended to be buying shit for my elderly neighbors (it was buy some other shit, get other shit free).

I like it. I blast fish on ultra heat with it.
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Canola oil smells nice
>why pro seed oil?
Trolls, liberals who suck Jew dick, shills, and fast food enthusiasts who frequent /ck/. Dems turned pro-corporate in the last few decades once corpo twitters spewed pro-fag shit, so they shill for any cheap filler product because they are good lapdogs. They will use mental gymnastics to say it's resisting right wingers or some shit even though it's origin is from docs and fad dieters (also shills).
It's not pro-seedoil, it's goyslop, get it right. It's unhealthy shit for goys to slurp down, that's the whole point. Leftover cuts, deodorized oil, meat glue, etc. are all corpo cost cutting measures to feed the wagie slaves the worst food possible while sustaining them for their Jew employers to exploit.
>these fucking retards think oil is real
It cracks me up how many of you are saying:

>they must be bad because they taste bad

You are buying cheap, nasty oil. If you bought cheap nasty olive oil it would be just as bad.

Pic related. This is the rapeseed (canola) oil I buy. It is delicious. You can literally eat a spoonful of it because it's so good: nutty and smooth and warming.
>made in the UK

oi m8, i think I hear your faggy king callin'. Hes sayin' hat thar glass bottles a deadly weapon and you need to bin it right away or face legal reprecushions.
>You can't cold press seed oils
wtf!? are you retarded
you can literally cold press any seed
even at home

like I said here >>20976577
most oils you get in German supermarkets are cold pressed, without any chemicals

I have an oil mill like 10km from my home
i can walk in and see how they press canola oil, right in front of my eyes

>posted at 2am
once americans wake up, /ck/ quality really does go down
and I needed like a 1min google search to find out that even walmart has cold pressed canola oil
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>----post body----
No, what you need to do is post arteries. The issue is plaques. Even a healthy looking person can have their arteries full of plaques.
Seed oils became popular for a number of reasons. Though largely it was due to companies shilling them since they were cheap to make and shit and later on there was a retard who made it his life's mission to shill it because he did some really bad studies that claimed saturated fats were unhealthy (and seed oils have more polyunsaturated/unsaturated fats than lard/tallow/etc..) and that influenced the FDA and other other big orgs around the planet.
There was a similar thing with trans fats. Unfortunately, while the world has now turned completely against trans fats and has moved to eradicate and ban them completely from all countries the same hasn't happened to polyunsaturated/saturated fat heavy oils (e.g. seed oils). There are still a ton of articles out there and boomer retards on TV that say saturated fats are "bad fats" and unsaturated are "good fats" even though modern research flat out contradicts this.
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Kek finally some good fucking post
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My wife got me a nice one for my birthday and I really like it
this is just complete bullshit

>Seed oils became popular for a number of reasons
>largely it was due to companies shilling them since they were cheap to make
sesame oil is over 5.000y old

canola became popular because new cultivations breed out erucic acid and it became edible (like thousands of other plants in the last 100y)
Brassica oilseeds themselves are pressed to oil and eaten for 3.000+ years

>while the world has now turned completely against trans fats
yeah, because there are dozens of big meta, cohort and even a few clinical studies that show that high intakes trans fats are really strongly connected with with heightened all cause mortality, total coronary heart disease, and coronary heart disease mortality

>that say saturated fats are "bad fats" and unsaturated are "good fats" even though modern research flat out contradicts this.
ok where?
saturated fats are better than previously thought and generally show low / no increase in (all cause) mortality
but this dismisses positive health effects of unsaturated fats (with SOME - not all - oils)

though where you are right
this is currently a scientific debate and has nothing to to in boomer TV
They've been around forever but generally people used lard for cooking everything back in the day.
It's not a meta, man made trans fats are indefensible in the face of science pointing out they cause heart disease and shit. Seed oils are perceived as natural so people have a different perception of them.
Atherosclerosis outweighs any meme "health effects" of seed oils like reduced bloating or whatever dumb shit people believe.
>seed oil
if you believe any of these are bad you are officially retarded and belong on facebook with those other scientists
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>get really high
>buy 5 gallons of peaonut oil from amazon
>mfw they arrive
actually a very good buy
Since I can’t just pour the little of vegetable oil I just bought down the drain, should I just drink it so as not to waste it?
>They've been around forever but generally people used lard for cooking everything back in the day.
yeah but in what amounts?
daily fat consumption per capita went up like +50% in the last 70y in western countries

and while it was high in middle ages in Europe
they also weren't really a beacon of health

>Atherosclerosis outweighs any meme "health effects"
which is caused mainly by big surplus Omega6...
and not unsaturated fats in general
Omega 9 is fine and Omega 3 is which mainly causes the health benefits
>of seed oils
that's why I wrote "SOME"

canola or flax seed oil (both high in Omega 3 and low in Omega 6) are provably way more healthy than lard

the only healthier option here would be eating fish (or the seeds directly) as added fat / oil is always worse than consuming it as part of a whole food

this discussion in a /fit/ or /ck/ context is useless anyway
as long as you cook yourself, eat balanced, avoid deep frying, don't consume goyslop and of course don't eat much added fat
there is probably not even a noticeable difference in health outcomes whether you use a tablespoon of canola oil, olive oil or lard when cooking
That's fine for canola, but what about the rest? Sunflower oil just requires you grind it up and squeeze (you know, like olives?)
How about peanut oil? That comes in grind process and solvent process?

Is the issue the seed oil part, or the extraction process part (solvent vs grind 'n press)? Why say "seed oils bad" but then the coconut is fine? Corn oil is bad but corn is fine?
99.99% of people that are anti seed oil have read exactly 0 research and got the idea from a short form video of a guy standing in a grocery store
I'd advise going for one with tinted or colored glass.
Not just because it subjectively looks nicer (if colored), because light exposure helps oil (of all types) go stale.
No downside to doing so.
Marginally related: Dont add uncooked garlic to yer oil as an infusion attempt. Can give you botulism.
Can I see a picture of the oil along with a timestamp that has a hand-drawn happy face on it please and thank you
>70y in western countries
bruh, we're talking early 1900s here. It was as popular as butter. It's not until the later 20th century that it started being regarded as unhealthy specifically due to its high amount of saturated fat.
The idea that saturated fat is bad was perpetuated by Ancel Keys who did some (bad in retrospect) studies on coronary heart disease and then traveled all over the world shilling his (flawed) results. The general consensus based on his studies was that people should stop using saturated fats (including shit like Butter) and switch to stuff like vegetable oils.
>which is caused mainly by big surplus Omega6...
No, it is caused by oxidized LDL which is created from oxidized (poly)unsaturated fatty acids (i.e. lipid radicals). Note polyunsaturated fat is more susceptible to becoming a lipid radical due to the presence of a methylene bridge which makes the molecule more unstable. I posted an image depicting how Atherosclerosis develops in >>20978724 and another anon linked some papers on it.
This omega 9/3 stuff is just memes by health retards who don't actually read research.
swallow a shotgun
It's useful, just get a stopper with a thicker tube or you'll have trouble getting it to flow out without shaking it.
>canola or flax seed oil (both high in Omega 3
the omega 3 in seeds and nuts isn't really that useful to us. we don't convert it that well.

a better source is actually algae oil if you want to supplement it without fish.
>avocado oil for high high cooking
>olive oil for everything else
this is my strategy, works quite well.
All modern seed oils use the same ultra-processed extraction methods. Cold-pressed seed oils are fine, but you can't get those in NA supermarkets.
>the omega 3 in seeds and nuts isn't really that useful to us
that's highly individual
some convert it well, others don't
though supplementing should be from algae oil

but nevertheless
even not converted Omega 3 has none of adversary health affects of Omega 6
So if there are rapeseed cultivars already low in erucic acid why do we even make canola oil?
>What about the erucic acid? Humans literally can't eat rapeseed oil without removing it.
which erucic acid???
there is like <0.1% erucic acid in todays common rapeseeds

and that's hardly news, these varieties are grown since the 80s

and humans can eat erucic acid it's not toxic... just unhealthy
below ~2% you can't even measure / find negative health effects
again, remember, modern rapeseed oil has far below <0.1% of erucic acid, so this is an absolute non issue
Erucic acid is indirectly healthy for humans, since it's quite toxic to parasitic worms.
Lay's were better when they were fried in LARD. Not only that, they were FULL of spices, not shit like today.
I'm not about to let some schizoprhenic high school dropouts tell me what to eat just because they're gullible enough to listen to barefoot boomer droppers
It's cleaned with bleach and solvents. It's extremely sensitive to heat and light so it goes rancid faster than butter, olive oil, etc. It has a fat profile that's balanced to fatty acids we already receive too much of in our diet.
Even just speaking of natural nuts and seeds, they're associated with inducing more weight gain behavior (animals stuff themselves with nuts and seeds before cold winter to gain weight and insulate during the winter), so it's more naturally fattening.
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It's not.
All the faggots defending seed oils are shills and bots. That stuff is garbage no matter what any fat lardass here says.
>But muh e celeb said
Don't care, still not consuming seed oils.
Its something you dont need, but is nice and convenient to have
>all these fatties in their cope bubble
Don’t care, don’t eat seed oil, 18% BFI without trying and feel good.
Deal with it.
Any large amount of sugars is going to cause health issues. The issue isn't the type of sugar, it's the amount we're consuming. But to change anything would be against freedom of choice. If our leaders were smart, they would inspire our citizens to want to get healthy. Offer free exercise programs.
Which unsaturated oils have positive health effects?
People should have the right to make decisions that you think are poor. That's all that I have to say on this matter.
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Viral tik toks of brain dead liberals drinking seed oils to 'own' the right have started appearing en masse.

Absolutely beautiful.
Yeah I'm looking forward to TDS^2.
>The issue isn't the type of sugar
Something a corn syrup lobbyist would say...
I love how they always frame it as "being afraid" of things like seed oils. These people are so brain damaged that they have completely lobotomized the part of their brains that recognizes disgust.
It's a gambit, you don't wanna be a pussy do you? Well then just poison yourself.
Coconut oil is fairly cheap and has a high smoke point. Good for frying.
Most of it's rancid before it hits the shelves though.
The issue isn't corn syrup. It's fructose.
Most of the body can't do shit with fructose other than the liver. So when you eat it mostly ends up in the liver or turned into farts. Fruit juice is literally as bad for your liver as alcohol and will lead to fatty liver/cirrhosis/etc.. It's not as bad to eat actual fruit because all the fiber slows down digestion and lets more of it turn into farts.

Sucrose is 50% fructose, 50% glucose.
HFCS is 55% fructose, 45% glucose.

Glucose is entirely different, every cell in your body eats that shit and your pancreas produces insulin and shit to manage blood-glucose levels.

The "HFCS is bad" or "corn is bad" shit is just a mirage. We don't really use dextrose (left-glucose which is easy to manufacture) in cooking very much because it has a less popular milder taste, but it's probably what most people should switch to unless they have some form of diabetes and have to worry about things with a high glycemic index (since fructose is basically a fake trash sugar that the body can't use then you can eat it and not have it impact blood-glucose levels, which is why sometimes diabetics prefer it alongside all the other fake sugars).
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>seed oil
>soyBEAN oil
So what do you do when you get plaque buildup in your arteries? Can anything get rid of it or are you just screwed?
Lecithin + vitamin c blasts it out.
Nobel Prize winning doctor Linus Pauling. But don't do it - he's a crank. Just drink more cottonseed oil OK? You'll do fine.
linus pauling said lecithin + vitamin C reverses plaque?
can you link to anything? don't remember that one
i remember people making liposomal vitamin C being a thing for a while, and that was lecithin + vitamin C, but I don't remember claims of plaque reversal
Sorry I don't have a link to everything I've ever read. I'm sure you can easily find this though.
Damn that's interesting, going to try this periodically to see if it works.
A lot of the shills have no choice about what they eat, they live in mass housing and don't even have private toilets. Stacked like sardines, every action regulated and watched.

Most shills don't even have access to unfiltered Internet.
>they live in mass housing and don't even have private toilets. Stacked like sardines, every action regulated and watched.
It's called prison, man.
Nope, you are wrong, progressives genuinely hav become pro-seedoil in the last 2 years in addition to their previous junk food apologia.
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Atherosclerosis is NOT reversible. However, it is a slow process that takes years to get really bad and some level of atherosclerosis is common. For the most part the only thing you can do is do shit to mitigate it over the years and this is what "treatment" generally consists of.
When it gets really bad you're talking stuff like heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, and a ton of other horrible stuff.
Don't listen to this schizo advice. That's not how any of this works.
midwit moron
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Linus Pauling started believing that Vitamin C was the cure for everything and started writing books shilling it and stuff even after further studies concluded that it was all retarded bullshit.
replace "shill" with "grifter" and you have the pro seed oil zealots
Early stage is reversible. Late stage not so much.
hold strong brother, I just made fried breaded pork chops today in 1000% canola oil and it was amazing.
Historically lard was most popular because they get so much of it when slaughtering pigs. Cheap. Waygu beef tallow though is not a meme.
>further studies
Maybe the studies were funded by people who stood to lose a lot of money if vitamin C therapy was more widespread? It's sure possible.

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