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Is it really that good?
it's basically raisin bread
don't be fooled by Big Panettone
well, it's not panetttwo.
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its a extremely high calorie fruit cake made with almost equal parts butter and flour. very heavy and flavourful yet somehow light and delicate. not dense at all. its not like most cakes
>it's basically raisin bread
Yep. I fell for the meme last year, spent over $100 on one. I don't know what I was thinking. /ck/ hyped it up as if it was the best thing ever and totally worth it. But it was just that, just a kind of bread-y muffin-y cake-y loaf with some fruit in it. Really nothing special at all and I felt so dumb when I took the first bite. Enjoyed it, but wouldn't pay more than $10 for one.

looks too dry and chewy to be enjoyable
Like everything out of Italy: No.
>$100 for panettone
Congratulations you got swindled. Only the highest quality artisanal panettone is worth more than $30.
youre gonna get me this year 'tonefags
ive resisted it for teh past two years
im just craving food right now since im on a diet
but i think i might have to buy one tomorrow
theyre about $13 here in australia for an 800g 'tone
fruit cake: =|
fruit cake Italy: =O
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>spent over $100 on one
maybe you should ask in the 4 other panettone threads you goddamned nutsack
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im gonna order it
itll be here in 25 minutes
>Is panettone good?
It's OK, but not worth buying special.
Does make good bread-and-butter pudding.
do it
Fruit cake: =0
Fruit cake, Italy: =0
Fixed that for you
I got 'toned last year and it was nice
Underappcicated post
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sorry bros i had to take my dad to the pub, im ordering it now, will post pics when it gets here but i can only eat a little bit today because im on a diet and im fairly sure ive gone over my TDEE already
no, it just gets shilled here every year by people like you
Pandoro is better
Nigga $10 is already a lot. In shitaly the supermarket ones are like 5€ max
i posted my 'tone here >>20976369
i have to pick my dad and his friend up from the pub, theyll be drunk so its going to be a really tense and annoying drive home :'(
>5€ Max

Do not lie, also if you’re a true Italian and eat 5€ panettone (1 kg panettone) you’re a subhuman and should definitely go posting in fast food threads
What third world shithole are you in?
you spent over 100 bucks on something you didnt know whether you'd like or not?

there really is such a thing as idiot tax isnt there
>Pandoro is better
>Nigga $10 is already a lot. In shitaly the supermarket ones are like 5€ max
this is not accurate and you are a fucking retard.
The taste is a little bland, but often they're beautifully packaged and it makes a good gift for an older relative.
I made panettone on my own for the first time this year. People who claim it's bland, picked a brand or a shop that used low quality ingredients. People who claim it's too expensive or not expensive at all are both wrong in different ways: supermarket 5 euros ones are not actual panettone and are made mostly with shit ingredients, while the ones 50 euros and above have no reason to be that expensive and try to justify the price by attaching a famous shop's or pastry chef name to the product. 25 to 35 euros is a fair price for artisanal panettone considering the time and ingredients involved.

My opinion as a pastry chef is "its ok": it's a traditional item that can't miss from the shop between november and december, it's kind of a pain in the ass to make, it can taste really good (but not incredible) and I can totally see why there are people who are not crazy about it, though the reason is probably that they bought a shitty/mediocre one.
>Pandoro is better
only children like pandoro more.
pandoro is ok only if the alternative is the cheapest supermarket panettone.
But a quality 'tone mogs the shit out of any pandoro
>paying more than $1 for BREAD WITH RAISINS
I hate you faggots with all my heart
Hating faggots is natural thoughever
It’s the best thing since sliced bread.
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What’s the best mid tier panettone and why is it the Baladin beer panettone?

>price 21.90€

It’s perfect
The trick to liking panettone is to only eat it in December.
Friendly reminder: these are the people (mostly Americans) who shit on panettone ITT while not being able to distinguish between a bread knife and a butter spreader (for the pistachio cream) so they end up raping the panettone.

My cringed irl.

>Nooo you didn't cut the bread right that's why it's mid you're supposed to use a bread knife and a bread knife only!!!
Shitalians and their autistic rituals
It's meh, just fluffy bread with raisins in it. It gets a lot better if you prepare it in the traditional Italian way though (pouring a large amount of brandy over it and setting it on fire just before serving).
>made by italian convicts
big 'tone always spams the board around this time of year.
okay, you convinced me, I'm gonna go out to buy a panettone if I find one, I'll post pics as proof.
If it was, you would not have to remake this thread every few days.
>Verification not required.
ate the whole 'tone bros :'(
im never gonna lose this weight
oh well, time to punish myself again with another long walk
was it good though?
not ready, pandolce on the other hand.
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bought one of these things because of you faggots. Gona have it with coffee tomorrow morning and see how fucking shit it is
You're gonna end up eating the whole thing. I specifically avoided the choc chip panettone because I knew I would probably eat it all (I'm on a diet). Even without the chocolate it tasted so good I couldn't help but eat it all in two sittings.

Imagine letting the armpit of the Internet influence your real life in any way,much less spend a hundred dollars on a random thing.
Interesting, are they really that good? I'll let you know tomorrow I guess but I thought it just looks like weird bread with chocolate in it.
Which is kinda like a shitty chocolate croissant?
But Italians haven't lead me astray yet but I'm in bongland, this thing says its made in Italy but fuck me English food can be a little cardboard-y at times
it's great with champagne (or similar sparkling wines), on its own it's too dry. Since you are drinking that on new years anyway, this is the cake to serve with it.
It's just a nice sweet tasting bread. But something about it just made me want to keep having more. I couldn't resist it. I imagine one with chocolate chips in it would be way more addicting.
it's a fluffy sweet bread, kind of airy not really buttery but butter goes good with it. I never had the chocolate one but I had the original kind as a kid. If I was given a panettone, I would get one slice at least just to relive the memories. I always had it with hot chocolate.

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